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734 Excellent-
So I’m very late on seeing this- I’m ashamed to say I bought this book when it came out and still have not read it yet- but I will i quite liked this, however my love/hate with SC and her writing stems with the fact she cannot do romance, she screwed up Katniss’s relationships and she does it again with snow and Lucy Gray…she set a perfect opportunity to come up with something great to cause a rift or cause snow to go evil, but that’s what she comes up with??? sometimes I don’t get how she got published I did really like seeing the capitol in early years after the war, I was quite shocked how old school their technology was!!! They came a long way in those 65 years 😆
I saw this a couple of weeks ago as well. I too thought it was decent but not the best Godzilla movie of all time. I did appreciate the old school movie feel to it, but I thought the acting was actually pretty good
Ok I have to respectfully disagree with the post above. I went to see this movie yesterday - I went solo because 1. I wanted to see if the hype was worth it and 2. I didn’t want to go with my mom or friends if this really was bordering on pornographic Well- I was expecting this to be weird (it’s Yorgos L) it was hands down one of the best films of 2023 it is soooo Oscar worthy and I think it’s going to win big….emma stone deserves an award sweep for this and I personally didn’t think she deserved that Oscar for la la land, but for this, she totally does. it has a great feminist message so this movie for me was better than Barbie in the messaging though it was an adult message as for the sex scenes- I’m totally not getting all the backlash 🤷🏽♀️ it was no worse than some of those trash shows on Netflix, these people saying it should have been nc17 I don’t think really watch the shows they claim to review otherwise they wouldn’t be saying this granted the movie is not for everyone, especially if one is not a fan if the directors work, but if one appreciates a different kind of film I think one will really love it i give Emma stone credit you see ALL of her and when I did some further research it looks like they filmed it not long after she had her baby 😳 But yeah, if anyone is on the fence, go see it! People seem to be falling into the love or hate category.
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Thanks for the info, I was pretty certain it was never mentioned, I get it had only been maybe 2-3 days, but parents still talk to their kids, even if they don’t have custody 🤷🏽♀️ And did you put Steve in boarding Tai? Such sloppy writing 😐 He is? Lol - I seriously don’t remember this, I remember him saying he didn’t work because of the head injury and he received millions in the settlement , but I don’t remember him saying his actual employment before 😆 For what it’s worth, still a big fan of the show, was just let down by this season compared to last
As others have said, Walter just can’t fabricate legit bank records, plus the autopsy if he had staged it to look like Kevyn committed suicide, I think that’s more believable if what Walter did succeeds, and those storylines truly are dropped, that’s bad writing, but I don’t think they will be because what else are they gonna fill 3 more seasons with?
Do we know for sure Sammy is with Simone’s parents? I should re-watch, but at this point I’m only interested in rewatching season 1 at least it’s confirmed the cabin daddy storyline hasn’t been dropped, they better show us how he fits into all of this I have a feeling the Jessica Roberts/Adam Martin stuff is not dropped, I think another detective will come in and start looking at the YJs but be more discreet, like someone mentioned autopsies, and when both the Roberts and Tan ones come back, the cases will be reopened I never understood the point of the Adam storyline, even in season 1, I couldn’t believe Shauna killed him, and I refuse to believe the citizen detective can outsmart the cops, if the writers go down that path it just gives that movement a platform i am hoping for season 3, the writers go back to dropped storylines, Sammy/Simone/Steve the dog/cabin daddy/crystals body/the man with no eyes/and Tai and her vision of wolves back in season 1 But I did call it on Jeff trying to take the fall for Shauna, I knew he’d do that and to be honest, that would have been a more compelling storyline, to have him on trail and have Walter/misty either plant evidence or give fake evidence to give to Jeff’s court appointed attorney (unless Tai paid for one) to use in court to plant doubt to the jury and have jeff be found not guilty! That would have been way better. I do wonder when this show finally winds down, if misty will finally confess about the black box, I think when that happens, one the YJs will kill her- kudos to those who said coach Ben would bounce back, but I think for sure next season he either dies or has to share the cave because you know they are gonna take that cave maybe next season the group finally splits up, one takes the cave/another finds some other type of shelter
Ok if it comes about that these sacrifices are “for the forest gods” then yes, I agree plot wise only a few people are needed as sacrifices….I think that opening scene of the pilot is still a big clue and yes, that scene did look very “sacrificial” followed by the cannibalism bonfire I say those now 3 established extras including Misty’s new BFF for sure will be those sacrifices, I”m just curious to see how it’s determined who’s dying… we will see what happens to coach, he seemed better this episode I think after the seance Lottie became possessed by hunter guy or cabin daddy….I’m thinking he’s our French speaker or maybe it’s the unestablished forest gods? the problem with this show/fandom is sooo many wild theories out there….but I’m curious to see reactions when who knows how many years from now we (hopefully) get the answers of what the symbol/darkness/visions are all about
^totally agree with this….I always thought from season 1 some of them are still there, I originally thought Lottie was one of them, but whose to say Javi isn’t? Mari isn’t ? Javi does seem possessed, I don’t think he’s going to be the same person, might be easier for Travis as the seasons progress to let him go… witchcraft makes the most sense based on what we’ve seen, but I know there’s talk about forest gods…which….I have feeling won’t go over as well with the fandom if that ends up happening Another reason I think other people come into this is because so far it seems we have quite a few survivors ….7 that we know of….I’m counting what, 7-8 people still unaccounted for? Just doesn’t seem like enough people left to eat plus they have at least one more winter but I’m thinking they might have another half of a winter as well until they are rescued…also the show creators said it was about warring clans right? Maybe that didn’t mean with each other- because if they really go “to war” then somebody’s leaving the cabin, what shelter will they have? unless there really is some underground shelter for them to go to, but to me the underground shelter mysteriously there is silly though it was in the vision as for the moose, I’m thinking it was the one Nat saw, she shot it right? I think it slowly succumbed to its injury and fell through the ice…maybe it had an internal wound and didn’t bleed out I think it’s been established they are in the Canadian Rockies which is west? maybe hunter guy was just visiting from Quebec😉 Exactly what the hubby said as we watched….no way they could of pulled a moose out, I just wondered how they planned to bring it back?
Man it’s been soooo long since I’ve seen the ice storm … I need to rewatch but I remember I liked it I know he wasn’t in this episode but I forgot to mention… I’m 💯 a cat person, and I always said if I ever owned a dog I wanted a big dog, but Steve the puppy has changed my mind… he’s too precious 😆is he a yorkie ? I want, I want but I don’t think my cats will take too well to a small dog 🤣
Exactly ^ this episode to me felt more like the show I loved back in season 1 Travis is still disappointing I think, how can someone be so clueless? It’s clear Ben is slowly wasting away but he’s just…..”okay man” I have a feeling his skin is who adult Shauna was referring to I liked how last episode they sprinkled the Tai mirror stuff and tonight full blown showed us- so who is the other “she”? I’m thinking possibly the grandmother Hard to say who is more dangerous - Tai or Shauna But my prediction is once Kevyn and the police have what they need to arrest Shauna, Jeff will do a false confession to save her, unless Misty and her BFF somehow plant fake evidence pointing it to someone else-
I’ve been meaning to post in this tread since last week- While this show is still one of my top 3 shows to watch right now, there is something about the first two episodes that seem off to me, I’m hoping I don’t feel this way about the whole season If anyone cares or plans to rewatch this episode, pay close attention to the scene with Tai right before “ Sammy” shows up when she’s sitting in front of the mirror I wonder how the story will unfold if/when Shauna gets arrested, one thing I do like about this season is that it has shown us how unstable she is That last scene sure was…..gross
I powered through this as well, so wish I hadn’t 🤬 By theory 3 I was like, “I think I’m done with these Netflix documentaries” though that pornhub one looks interesting 🤔 For real though, Netflix needs to stop giving a platform to the conspiracy theorists. As for the lady that saw the debris on the satellite image, could that have been plastic? They say it just floats out there in big clumps…. I always felt the pilot suicide theory made the most sense, for those people to say, “it wasnt his character, he was happy” obviously these “ experts” don’t know the first thing about depression/ mental illness I do feel for the families, hard to get closure when you don’t know and will never know what truly happened though theory 1 is probably what happened 😭
I was talking about wolves too, but I agree, those kinds of attacks are rare…..but….the Revenant 😉 If you are talking about the soldiers specifically in the film, ok, but to give the general statement that humans are not innocent in war is incredibly offensive, I mean, let’s not go there with WW2…. They didn’t seem like the brightest of the bunch-
I take it you never been to Alaska? Montana? the Dakotas? People from around there carry guns for a reason.... I find this comment offensive, and I quite liked the movie War Horse plus I don't want to speak for Speilberg, but I don't think that was entirely his intention when he did the movie, plus the play is bit different than the movie, I personally think the intent of the movie was to bring awareness and appreciation to the what horses did and the role they played in all wars from WWI and before, but yes, seeing those horses getting worked to death lugging that heavy equipment around was brutal. But humans dying in a world war, I would say, yeah, more tragic. Getting on topic... I shouldn't be surprised more people seemed outraged about the horse dying compared to what David tried to do to Ellie 🤷🏽♀️ For me the telltale sign was his "confessions" along with the touch he tried to do when he placed his hand on the bars. BUT, i didn't see the signs of the cannibalism....even when I was like, "wait, they didn't have the venison yet, do they?" I should have seen that coming.... I'm surprised more weren't disturbed by the Ellie attempted rape/violence at the end. I mean, I think everyone agrees she had to do it, but I'm surprised people were not turned off by that scene (as much as they were by the horse shooting scene 😶). I can't believe next week is the finale, I thought we had 10 episodes 😄