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Everything posted by booboopbedoo

  1. Me too! And threw pepper in my eyes! You guys! lol
  2. Yes!!! Shady character and he will never marry her
  3. Plus Elena is/has been going to anger management and is now on medication. She no longer seems to fly into rages.
  4. "she loves the rings I get her." It keeps her hanging on and we get to be on TV without me actually propsoing
  5. Hundreds of thousands of Philippine women leave their families and children for years to come and work as Nannys or household workers in Canada. They send most of their wages back. Sometimes they get lucky and are able to bring their kids back. The ideal situation is that they have a good family to work for and maybe find a man to marry them. Sometimes that is the man they work for.
  6. He doesnt work so he can be with her A:WAYS! Plus Mommy will help him watch her while she makes stuffed animals out of MOm's hair
  7. I think that is as fixed as she gets. Man she must have stunk after that plane ride. At least her sweat stain was heart shaped. Macy's Menopause Woman she kept grabbing his Nigerian Anaconda so I am sure she could make it crispy
  8. I think there is some mental delays with him. He stops talking and stares off to ask the wall for advise. But we all know this charade is for the viewers.
  9. maybe he went standby There should be direct flights from DC or other major cities-2 flights the most
  10. I find Tinsley incredibly childish and dresses too young at times MeeMaws need to bake and have comfortable Boobies to snuggle up to. Not skin and bones and angles and shitty attitude
  11. I will bring Tequila,limes and paper towels. Panti liners as well cause I pee when I laugh hard.
  12. and annoying everyone sitting behind her. she has become a joke and the Maven comment is laughable or renaming all her pets with better names and then having a clip on hunk of hair sticking out the entire show. The preview of the Tell All was hilarious- WTF was she wearing? A Muskrat on her head and horribly done boobs
  13. I really dislike Megan now. She just bugs me. This living on her own is just for the show. When her Mom tried to teach(last season?) her basic things like grocery shopping and how to count money-she freaked out. Sean looks so bad!
  14. I think these people all have issues of some sort. Maui girl may be visiting Daddy in the slammer or the Mexican drug Cartel now knows where to find him. I do not think there are camera men. There was another show that had robotic cameras all over the place to capture every move people made. Maybe I am wrong.
  15. me thinks TLC is playing us for a fool with these two
  16. Guarantee she is going to get preggers Use a Condom girl!!
  17. me too and he is a bully. Form of mental abuse-tear them down and make them cry for you. Makes the loser feel more of a man. She will never be 25 again no matter how much she diets or gets done to herself. What was with that bit of hair hanging down from her ponytail? Dress like an elegant lady and not a street walker
  18. I feel an Ido is when you are just not ready to commit to a dildo and are still into veggies
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