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Posts posted by LocalGovt

  1. 14 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

    Something that I haven't seen mentioned here:

    I wonder what fundies say/think about wet dreams?  Guys and gals have them, so how are they explained?  Do they think wet dreams are from Satan and/or indicative of not being Godly enough?

    Pray it away. (That's what I think they say, not what I say!) :)

  2. 48 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    Late watching this episode and I did some fast forwarding as well as falling asleep. I have only skimmed the 7 pages of posts here as of yet and I saw a couple of mentions of the word Babe. It is now a word that will no longer be allowed to be said in my home. I'm cringed-out.

    You and me both!  Ugh!  I don't know why I find it so irritating, but I do. I guess it's the delivery. Or the gush-factor, or something....

    • Love 5
  3. On 9/15/2016 at 11:07 AM, toodles said:

    Next week on Counting On-Jinger makes very special matching macaroni necklaces for herself and Jeremy.  It's their 16 day anniversary! It will be awesome!  Like totally.  Don't miss this very special celebration.

    You had me goin' there..... :)

    • Love 6
  4. 58 minutes ago, fuzzylollipop said:

    Just finished the episode, all I think is...Daaaaamn Cringe needs a nice cold shower, like freezing cold. I can't even imagine what it feels like to be as horny as she's coming off on screen. 

    Also, at one point Jeremy said the goal of courtships is to "be intentional about getting to know someone." Huh?! Color me confused about this whole mess. 

    "Intentional" as in: intentionally getting to know someone with the ultimate goal being marriage between you and that person  [considering them as a life-partner] vs. just getting to know someone, hanging out, having a good time over and over again, only with a different person, each time.  Hope that helps :)

    • Love 1
  5. 3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    I'm going to go ahead and say it: John David is a catch.  Let me count the ways:

    He obviously has a brain - one does not fly planes without a strong sense for math.  He does construction - again, math.  According to Joy he is also a police officer, and a fireman...whatever, the guy definitely has a strong work ethic.  He also had to step into the role of de facto oldest son when Josh went off the rails.  He likely feels a sense of now having to be a role model for his brothers and a protector of his sisters.  During his talking heads, I sense a weary young man, growing old before his time, who would make a steadfast and reliable husband.  Being married might take the enormous burden of being a Duggar 24/7 off his shoulders, and give him a sense of real purpose as well as lightening his life.  I wish him well.  #free JD


    He probably did.  I'm thinking he sat on the edge, bounced up and down, and made a comment so smarmy that even TLC was embarrassed to air it.  The fact that he went inside Jerm's closet was such a disgustingly "alpha male" display that I still can't believe Jerm's mom didn't haul off and smack Boob upside the head, as I would've done in her place.  Then, I would've physically dragged my son out of there and brought him somewhere quiet where I could de-program him ASAP.  Jerm's mom looks less than thrilled to have Cringe's parents as "family."  Jerm's dad seems to have drunk from the well of Duggar Kool-Aid, however.


    I can't even with this paragraph, because every single word is perfect and necessary. ++++++1.


    *weeps softly whilst unraveling my "New York to Michigan" string art.........*

    My DIL (aged ~24 at the time) made my son an Alabama/Ohio string art like that, when he was stationed at LRAFB and she was here.  I thought it was sweet, and creative. :)

    • Love 2
    • Observations from this episode:
    • Did you guys see JimBo snooping in Jer's closet?  What did he expect to find in there?
    • JimBob's snarky comment to Jer, when he was talking about bartering:  "We get married next month, or I'm gone."  JimBob: "See ya, Jer!"
    • When Ginger was going up the escalator to catch her flight home...did you guys see the sneer JimBob threw over his shoulder to him?
    • JimBob dragging them all to the pawn shop....Jeremy's parents looked uncomfortable.
    • When JimBob was grilling Jeremy at the Mexican restaurant...Jeremy's mom looked displeased.

    I don't think JimBob likes Jeremy.

    Excuse the bullet points. I don't know how they got there, or how to get rid of them.

    • Love 8
  6. 12 hours ago, greekmom said:

    Is Dani’s friend the one that had married a Muslim as well and Mo ran to her when he left Dani’s house? Mo’s “friend” Tom who he happened to meet at Wal mart is TLC paid actor and gay.  Ohhh and we see a picture of the Florida Floozie!! 

    There is no pity for either of them.  They both were using each other.  What I lol'd was the fact that in a commercial Mo says to Dani something along the lines of she doesn't hold the keys to America. Well ummm yes she does big boy. She was the one who brought you over.

    Was there a news story that showed Tom was TLC paid and gay?  Not disputing this -- we certainly know this from other TLC shows.  Just wondering  where it came from. :)

    • Love 1
  7. 15 hours ago, autumnh said:

    Why does Jorge remind me of a woman once named Georgia? I hope I am wrong....but I watched it twice.....he seems trans....and I have no issue with that since I have trans family. But I think that is his " secret"?

    As someone mentioned earlier, and I do agree, he looks like Chaz Bono.

    • Love 1
  8. 17 hours ago, liammaam said:

    So. SO. awkward with Nicole and her man.  You could see his soul die in his eyes when he was with her.  

    But seriously?  I hope she crashes and burns in this relationship, because WHO THE HELL leaves their tiny child for five weeks to be with a man across the world?  

    Someone who is very young and immature.  For those reasons alone, I would give her another  chance to grow up and become responsible.

    • Love 5
  9. 1 minute ago, nlkm9 said:

    she is a nurse who works for a homecare company in some type of administrative capacity--I only know this because im somewhat involved in the homecare business.

    Well, that makes me feel better!  Although, not necessarily better for any home health patients whose records or treatment she may affect in one way or another.

  10. Did anyone else catch when Azan and his BFF re-met-up at the airport with Nicole that Azan kind of gestured with his hand toward Nicole, the BFF said something, and Azan said, "Yeah." And not a very enthusiastic "yeah", either. Like Azan said, "Well.....here she is. Would you get a load of that?" And the BFF said, "Oh man....you're up the creek now!" and Azan said, "Yeah. I know."Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

    • Love 6
  11. 2 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

    No, her uncle Eric, who was her father Shawn's favorite brother...Sami's twin Eric was named after him..He was beloved by the whole family...Like most victims of abuse,Kim kept quiet and suffered in silence....She left Salem and became a prostitute....She came back to Salem and she formed a friendship with Shane..Uncle Eric started to groom Carrie as his next victim, Kim saw that and had the courage to confront him about his depravity..He denied it and mocked Kim..Kim later told Shane about her abuse and even Shane was skeptical at first because Eric seemed to be a good person....He was a wolf in sheep clothing...It was a wonderful story and it cemented my eternal love for Kim..

    Uncle Eric was later arrested for abusing a child and the whole family stuck by him and defended him, until Kim spoke out and told them about who he really was....Even then Kim was afraid of hurting her family, especially her dad, with the awful truth because they loved him so much....With Shane's encouragement, she found the strength to expose that monster...Shane was and is Kim's knight in shining armor....

    Whew! Thank you for taking the time to explain that! I thought I was in the Twilight Zone thinking it was Father Eric.   I didn't watch the show way back then, and even have trouble recalling the history from 10 years ago!

    • Love 2
  12. On 9/7/2016 at 10:04 PM, Apprentice79 said:

    Theresa was flirting with him to make Brady jealous...They were about to have sex and Brady walked in and she cried rape...He went to jail for attempted rape...I hate that storyline with a passion, Theresa has to know that her mother Kim was sexually abused by her great-uncle Eric for years.....Xander has a right to hate Theresa, unlike Ericole.....

    Kim was sexually abused by Eric the priest???

  13. 1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

    Yeah, it would be one thing if Jeremy and Jinger were both sheltered 19 year-olds with no dating experience, but Jeremy is damn near 30. He's been to college and lived in the real world. He knows what's considered age appropriate behavior and what isn't. By the time the survival episode was filmed, they'd been courting for a year. So he's perfectly aware that Jinger is clingy, immature and desperate, yet he's STILL all in. The red flags are definitely waving. 

    Did you notice how bitter she sounded when she said that? I seriously think Jill was expecting to be loaned a permanent Sister-Mom when she and Derick began their Missioncation. 

    Maybe she was hinting that they wouldn't turn a way a "gifting" of free childcare....or a live in au pair.

    • Love 2
  14. On 8/20/2016 at 11:25 PM, mamadrama said:

    I actually liked Buddy in the beginning. He was like a big, old, cuddly teddy bear. (I have a thing for the John Goodman types.) But after his behavior with Kerryn, both in the first episode and in the reunion, I now have him on the same level as Whitney. 

    Someone asked if it was natural or normal for people to still be friends with their high school friends. Todd, Buddy, and Heather all went to high school with Whitney. I am wondering if she has trouble making and maintaining friendships. Considering her level of maturity, which looks like it never reached beyond 16, it seems right on that she would continue to remain friends with those who she hung out with at that age. 

    Donna Lee is apparently her roommate. I guess she just doesn't want to be filmed. Kind of weird though, huh? And it makes me a little mad. Oh yeah, we're seeing her "real" life...

    I don't know what Todd's deal is. He supposedly lives in NYC but, as others have pointed out, he's in Greensboro a LOT. And he's meant to be a "dancer" as well? I Googled him and can't find anything on him that says "dancer" so perhaps he is a dancer in the same way that Whitney is. 

    Heather's FB pages are full of MBFFL advertisements. She's earning her paycheck. I think they're all just playing parts now, going in for their money, and have lost sight of what their REAL lives are. Whitney herself now even seems to think of her life in terms of seasons. So weird. 

    Donna Lee is whose roommate??? Not Whit's...her roommate is Buddy, right???

    Todd....I used to like him,as a goofy sort of guy, until he showed his mean b!tch colors with the C You comment.  That was such a nasty thing to say to women, everywhere.

    Buddy...he needs to get that wheezing-mouth-breathing malady of his fixed.  He's like a "hanger-on'er. "  He's just there for the $$. He has no real b@lls,  and will never stand up to Whit, but he will be her bully when someone is "abusing" her verbally.

    Heather -- she's just a body, collecting a paycheck.

    Tal - I think he means well, but his actions are so unprofessional in this show. He will be hard pressed to find a "real" counseling job in the "real" world.

    Glenn and Babs....I used to like them, but after this season, I think they're not the poor little misinformed parents they appear to be.  I think they're great actors. 

    Whit's brother...what's his name? He wants no part of this circus.

    Lennie -- he's a creeper. Or just plain creepy.  He must have been high on something to prepare himself to even pretend to be intimate with Whitney (as in, their sleeping in the same bed scenes, and the few paltry kisses they exchanged).

    Thanks for letting me tag on your post, Mamadrama!

    • Love 6
  15. On 7/25/2016 at 1:31 AM, Apprentice79 said:

    Nicole is sterile, she cannot have children...I think that Chloe will sleep with Philip as well...She already did the deed with Deimos..

    How can she be sterile?  Didn't she have a baby a few years ago that was  stillborn (or portrayed to be), but who knows? Or am I confusing her with someone else? I thought she had trouble carrying a pregnancy to term, not that she couldn't get pregnant, period. 

    • Love 2
  16. I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I cannot stand the way that Claire sings.  Today she was singing "Amazing Grace," and I don't know what the technique is called that she's using to present her voice, but she sounds like she's singing with a mouth full of marbles.....Instead of "wretch," in the song, it comes out as "wetch".....That whole, whiney-folksy-nasally-marbles-in-your-mouth voice is horrible.

    • Love 4
  17. On 8/20/2016 at 7:02 AM, TotoGirl said:

    This whole Twit & Buddy thing is just weird. The "Boo Bear" pet name (said a bazillion times);  the vast number of "crossed the flesh-hold" comments, being in the hot tub with the man she 'used to be in love with'/man she's 'currently in love with', the juvenile pursed-lips 'kiss me Lennie' 'love you Lennie' gropey-stuff whenever Buddy was around, giving Heather all those side-eyed death stares, trying to get Buddy's undivided attention when Heather's around...I just assumed Twit and Buddy had had a hot & heavy romance, it ended & they remained good friends. NOW we find out there never was a romance between the two and Buddy says he's never thought of Twit romantically and he's never been physically attracted to her

    Was this all some long-running delusion of Twit's? An outright lie to make her seem super-desirable? A load of crap just for good TV fodder? Or is she hoping all these stories & hints will make Buddy realize his one true love has been right in front of him all this time?

    I don't get the whole, "we crossed the flesh-hold" references either.  I don't want to be graphic, but since we know that Buddy is/was never into her (that it was one sided)....oh, where my mind is going.  Anyway, I'm sure you can imagine: a lovelorn person, coming on to someone who's not that into them, but wouldn't turn down a quickie (not necessarily intercourse). There. I've said it. Is that what she means  by the whole "flesh-hold" statement?

    I'm almost caught up with the thread. :) Bear with my multiple posts, please. :)

    • Love 3
  18. On 8/10/2016 at 6:54 PM, MissCurmudgeonly said:

    So elsewhere someone posted this clip about Whitney's infamous skiing scene:


    ...and while I saw the original clip on the show, either this is more footage or I wasn't paying that much attention to her whining at the time. But, HOLY SHIT. This is terrible. It's freaking painful to WATCH; i can't imagine going through it, from the perspective of how embarrassing that would be.

    How does whitney not see this as a HUGE wake-up call?? Maybe she can rationalize the ski problem as "Oh, lots of people wouldn't have enough core or leg strength to pull themselves up when their legs start spreading apart like that on the snow." Okay, maybe.  But she COULDN'T BE HELPED UP. For MOST people, a friend could come along and haul them back up to standing. Not with Whitney. How does she not get this???? I get that she has a disordered eating problem, but wouldn't this spur action on a person's part, SOMETHING?

    Because, well....snow.

    • Love 3
  19. On 8/6/2016 at 1:28 PM, mamapajama said:

    I like the blonde!  She is a gorgeous woman-child.  I wish she was as pretty on the inside.  The way she treats friends and family is awful.

    "Woman-child" at age 32 is something reserved for those suffering from mental impairments (not attacking your post, though! :) )

    She acts like that because it's gotten her what she's wanted in the past (either attention, approval or a free pass), so why bother changing? 

    She's pretty sly, I think.  She's managed to amass a small fortune (I'm guessing) from her TLC paychecks, and she gets to live her hedonistic life to it's fullest.  All she has to do is very conveniently turn away from the truths pointed out to her left and right.

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