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Posts posted by LocalGovt

  1. 7 hours ago, Honey said:


    Babs does not give great pep talks does she?  "I've always had a man, there are some who can do that, and some who can't"  WTF?

    I thought it was flirting at work! LOL@me!

    ETA: Oh. Now that I've read ALL the posts, I guess it IS flirting at work.  :) LOL!

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  2. On 1/29/2017 at 7:45 PM, OneWouldHope said:

    Gee, I think Bobo looks great! He obviously lost weight - it's a shame that when overweight people lose a good deal of weight, they appear "gaunt" to others. I would imagine that's discouraging and demoralizing (my father once lost a lot of weight, and he was told that he looked gaunt by a number of people - I believe that was a contributing factor to his regaining it). Also, I think Bobo looks terrific with the hair cut. It was scraggly and unflattering before...The old "aging hippie holding onto his long hair" thing. 

    In all, I think Bobo looks way healthier now than he has in quite a while.

    I think it was because we knew he'd had health issues, combined with his weight loss, and his lack of hair that make us all wonder.

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  3. 21 hours ago, DayGlorious said:

    Never understood the point of that question. No one gets to 600+ pounds by eating healthy foods and practicing portion control.

    Another drinking-game moment: the bath scene. Take a shot if the censors slip up and blur the wrong body part; drink two if some kind of infection or abnormality is involved. 

    I'm thinking he asks that question as a way to lead into him saying, "So, you eat too much, I'm going to put you on  a 1200 calorie a day diet, no carbs.

  4. 19 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

    I'm thinking she is on maternity leave. And he gets SSI. The house was probably hers when they got together since he can't work. 

    It's shocking that she doesn't give him hell   about what he eats considering she has been there.

    I'm thinking, and I could be mistaken, that they are one of ultra conservative religious types  -- the ones where the wife is a helpmeet, and defers to her husband almost blindly. 

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  5. 8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I actually liked last night's episode.  I do think that Whitney AT SOME POINT thought she was pregnant.  From what I surmise, the show takes creative license and uses previous events that are RE-ENACTED on camera.  At least that's how it seems to me. I did think that Lenny's reactions were genuine and I don't think he's that great of an actor.  So, I was pleased with their decision to work together, he didn't storm out and they were kind with each other.  That's a good start.  We'll just have to see how this pans out.  Of major concern is Whit's health.  Though she puts her head in the sand with her risks, a pregnancy puts her at a more higher risk, so, I suspect that is one reason she was so stressed. Plus, she is immature.  No doubt about that.  She'll have to make some huge adjustments and make some sacrifices.  I don't think she does much of that, but, I believe she would do it for a child. 

    No doubt the radio scene was a set up.  Nothing is that coincidental.

    Buddy seems off. I'm not sure what is going on with him, but, he seemed disoriented.  I hope he gets a check up.  They should have had Buddy get a physical before beginning an exercise program.  PLUS, the Yoga studio should have inquired about medical conditions before going into HOT Yoga.  Not smart.  That made Tau look foolish.  No need for that.  I don't think Tau is that reckless.  I just wish they could get more authentic with the happenings.  That is what could be so special about the show....not all that manipulation.  

    In Re: Buddy being "off"...maybe he's just sick of the show, and sick of what he's "forced" to do and endure, but he can't say "no" to the money, so he's acting passive-aggressively about it all....I don't know.

    • Love 2
  6. 8 hours ago, aliya said:

    OK, my little pumpkin will be 40 in a couple of months, so it's been awhile since I've dealt with this stuff, but is it normal for it to take a week to see the doc? Don't they want to put you on pre-natal vitamins and test for gestational diabetes or whatever? I realize that being pregnant is a normally a healthy part of healthy young women, but wouldn't a doc want to see someone like Whit right away? That's if she really were pregnant. Wink wink nudge nudge.

    Yeah, unfortunately, I think it is (although, maybe someone with Whitney's obvious handicaps should go sooner).  My DIL just told us she is expecting...she's only a few weeks along, like Whitney. And her first dr's appt was like 2 weeks away.

    • Love 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, notyrmomma said:

    I'm more inclined to believe that she was neither gay nor bi, but TLC had to cater to current events. 

    The only "-sexual" she seems to me is "self-sexual".  It's all about her, and making her feel good, through sensual body massage, or foot rubs, or compliments, or make believe crushes, or whatever.

    • Love 20
  8. 9 hours ago, Runnergirl said:

    I don't think those people understand where the dislike originates from. It's not because she is fat--it's because there's a large percentage of women with the same problems thinking, "What the hell?" in reference to her crying, excuses and antics. 

    Kerryn Feehan spoke some truth to Whitney when she said the odds were stacked against her and that it wasn't fair, but it is what it is. The struggle will be harder for Whitney. At this point, Whitney isn't ready to embrace that struggle even though many women do, every day. And that is why she is disliked. 

    (above bbm)

    But better to be a 32 year old with PCOS than a 40-something with PCOS, in terms of the metabolism.  Yeah, I know PCOS hinders metabolism to some extent (my dr suspects I have had it for years).  But I sure would like to have what would be left of my 32 year old metabolism be fighting it, rather than my 50 year old metabolism.

    • Love 4
  9. 3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    It's tax season.  We are two elderly people living within their means on less money than Twit is making from TLC.  We pay for everything with a credit card which we pay off every month (no interest charges).  As we looked at our summary for last year, we realized we had spent over $2,300 in restaurants.  To be fair, we were both working until we retired in April, and this includes meals while we were on vacations.  The $2,300 does not include grocery store purchases.

    Now that we are retired and living on less, we saw that $2,300 number and realized it was an easy place to cut spending.  I suspect that it's about equal to Whitney's bills from the four pizza places whose apps she uses to order deliveries.  That's where the TLC money is going.  

    AZ -- I always pictured you as under 30 -- just that young and hip vibe you give off!

    • Love 8
  10. 12 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

    They probably know they're up a creek on this one - many people will not be amused.  I'm guessing the video was there just long enough for a few to catch it & tell others, but then pull it down really quick to 'kind of' continue the cliffhanger.

    I remembered the scene when she was going to test - she started pulling her pants down with the camera right there. What did she pee on camera? Thankfully they cut it.

    I know. For a brief second, I thought I was watching That Other Show.

    • Love 1
  11. 16 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    We have talked a lot about Donna on here. Look under the "friends" thread. Donna has lived with her for the past few years, she just wasnt filmed for whatever reason.

    Doesn't Donna kick in for the rent? Let's see...that's Whit...Donna...and BooBoo Bear...and she STILL can't make the rent? That must be some rent.

    • Love 2
  12. In Re: BooBoo Bear (or whatever her pet name is for him) needing to kick in for the rent....What? Do we all really think that with her TLC check, she can't cover the rent?  More fabricated drama.  These people are laughing (at the viewers) all the way to the bank.

    • Love 7
  13. 4 hours ago, silverspoons said:

    I paused the ultrasound picture, and doesn't the sac look empty? I'm not claiming to be an expert but I had a hard time staying pregnant and had daily ultrasounds for 7 pregnancies (only 2 were successful). The empty sac would show up as a positive pregnancy test but there would be no baby. 

    I realize this show is scripted or very storyline driven but I hope as others have stated they are not going to be dishonest at all when it comes to pregnancy since it seems like so many Whitney followers with pcos seem excited about a possible pregnancy. 

    Just such an odd start to a season , is she gay or pregnant and the whole rent situation. They could have easily made 3 episodes out of tonight's storylines so why did they jam it into 1? 

    Yes, I had the whole "empty sac" thing a few pregnancies ago. I can't remember the medical term for it.  And you're right, it would show up as a positive test. 

    • Love 3
  14. 7 hours ago, what said:

    Who the hell hangs out with their best friend in bed, topless, receiving a massage? That's not hanging out that's foreplay. Ugh she's such an attention whore. 

    That whole scene was just....bizarre.  And the friend is just...sitting there, with this sort of bemused look on her face. Not getting dressed...not covering up....not moving. Just...sitting there.  Like...she'd been told to just...sit there by the director.

    And tromping out there to speak to her parents in that sheet?  Does this woman have no shame?

    Her pregnancy....I'm reserving comment on this. It just seems too .....weird, the way it's being portrayed.

    • Love 8
  15. 6 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    Can anyone provide a picture of Bobo now?  I haven't had a chance to see the show, but Googling is not providing anything.  TIA.

    I'm sorry. I tried to do it, but don't know how.  One thing I found interesting, though, is in the very first episode of this season, Bobo has his long hair, although he looks thinner. Don't know where, or when he cut the hair.  I'd rather have it be because wanted a change, or had an unfortunate run in with headlice, or something. I'd rather have it be that, than he is seriously ill and maybe going through treatment of some type.

    • Love 1
  16. 5 hours ago, OSM Mom said:

    Cliff said he lost a lot of weight, and they were proud of him.  But shaving his head was odd I thought.  I hope it's nothing serious.  On another note, I will pay someone to shave Moneymakers head.. I'm sick of his long nasty hair. 

    Me too! He looked the best that one season (or two? I don't remember) that his hair was short...and then he just started growing it out. Looks horrible!

  17. 4 hours ago, leighroda said:

    I just read on the Whitney thread that Babs had a stroke and is recovering... hopefully she can get some much needed rest and isn't forced to watch the premier with Whitney cackling in her ear.

    Poor lady. Hopefully it will provide the kick in the pants that Whitney so desperately needs to get herself on track.  I know it's not easy.

    • Love 1
  18. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

    OMG, girl, the snark for that show. Check out the forum for that show, and just read maybe the last few pages of the Whitney thread. We are all truly horrified, as you are.

    Horrified by the fact that Whitney glorifies her state, or horrified by the snark, or both?

    • Love 3
  19. 8 hours ago, Pers said:

    I assumed that the bio mother has been blocked by restraining orders (or the like), maybe she ultimately died? No clue.


    2 minutes ago, LeeAnn said:

    Is anyone else bothered that TLC promotes the show "My Big Fat Fabulous Life," or whatever it's called, during 600 LB Life?   I am.  Being morbidly obese is not anything to celebrate.   I haven't watched Fat Fabulous Life, so someone can correct me if maybe she's on a weight loss journey herself.  She looks though to be the same weight in the commercial as last year, that is, morbidly obese.

    I opened an account here just to make that comment.  That's how bothered I am by it. 

    Yeah. We've talked about that a little....

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