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Posts posted by LocalGovt

  1. On 10/9/2017 at 8:48 PM, CofCinci said:

    Did you see that gleefully-defiant smugface Nicole made when her mother said that she actually gained more weight since her last trip to visit Azan?  She has no interest in becoming healthier.  Also, to say that you're jealous of your daughter getting attention from Azan really shows how demented you are, Nicole.  Yikes.

    Does the Stroke Guy in Thailand realize he is being used?  Thousands expected in gold.  Thousands expected as a dowry to parents.  He is broke. 

    I'm sure 18-year-old Christian musician's boyfriend is a virgin too.  ;p

    And Thai-girl's face when they are discussing money...she is so disgusted by him. 

    • Love 11
  2. 25 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

    My husband lost his job in a similar fashion.  He was doing fine until his manager got fired, and they brought in someone new.  He didn't want anyone there that he didn't hire, and he set about firing off everyone one by one, mostly for bogus reasons.  My husband managed to hang in a few years because there was no valid reason to get rid of him.  Then he had some mental health issues - mostly because of his boss verbally berating him on a daily basis, etc, and was given some medical leave.  When he returned, the first month or two were good, then when corporate stopped paying attention, the boss went right back at it.  Unsure what to do, my husband asked if he could be given a different job, because he felt his depression returning.  They said yes, and the boss waited until he had his replacement trained, and then fired him for completely bogus reasons.  He was not given any specifics.  Just "various incidents" and "I was told you said.....".  I filed for unemployment immediately, and Labor & Industry asked the company for proof, and of course they had none, so he won unemployment payments.  But it's sucking massively trying to find a new job.  Two applications asked for specific reasons why he was fired.  I didn't know what to put, so I put "Dept Of Labor & Industry determined I was let go without cause", hoping that I'm not tanking his chances at another job.  If he at least gets an interview, he can say that things were great until they got a new manger, who wanted to replace current employers with people he hired, and he was unexpectedly let go.

    Twice, I've recommended people for jobs - once as a favor to their parents (at my prior job), and once as a favor to a friend.  I will NEVER do it again.  The one was the worst worker ever ( the one I promised her parents I would recommend her), going so far as to tell the manager I did NOT refer her in (the manager who was there when I recommended her got fired), so I lost out on a bonus, and she tried to get me in trouble several times for things I didn't do.  In the end, she called in sick, but got busted walking around at the mall by an employee who went down there to pick something up.  The other one is at my current job, and everyone complains about her, so I will just never do it again.  Period.

    I hope your husband find a job soon, with a company that will treat him well.

    48 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

    Wow sounds like you're being railroaded. Good thing you got an attorney. Be sure to keep us posted. I'm praying for you!

    I feel that way, as well. I left a lot out of my OP, frankly because I just didnt' feel like typing it all. But I got called out for having a bad attitude (that has NEVER happened to me before, and frankly, I don't think I have any worse attitude than anyone else there -- I don't think it's bad).  So, this guy is sitting across from the Mayor (who can see his face, fully), and I'm sitting at my desk.  And everything I'm saying to defend myself, this guy is very visibly rolling his eyes, and heaving these great big sighs to be dramatic, and speaking to me in this terse, angry voice. And I looked at the mayor, and I said, "he's been doing this the whole meeting, and you see him doing this. And you are telling me I have a bad attitude, yet you've said nothing to him???" 

    Yes, railroaded.

    • Love 4
  3. Can I ask everyone's opinion on something (just want to make sure I'm not overlooking anything).

    I work for a small municipality. Aside from a female officer who works 1 day every two weeks (if that), I am the only woman of around a 14 member staff.

    Everything was fine, until we hired this guy at the end of April.  At first, everything was fine with him, as well.  I know his wife, socially. We're PTO moms.  We work together on school projects. In fact, it was ME who told this guy about the job, and ME who spoke up for him when the board didn't want to hire him, because he is very large, and truthfully, incapable of doing the job he was hired for.  I did ask him, before he was hired if he could carry out the duties of the job, and he said yes.  Then I gave my support. Big mistake.

    Anyway, for the past few months, this guy has been badmouthing me (in emails and God knows how else) to imply that I am not doing my job.  It got so bad that yesterday, my boss (and his) the Mayor, sat down with us, to try to work through things. It was an unbalanced and unfair meeting from the get go.  But I let it go. I determined to come in today, and we would have a bright new day.  Until I read his email this morning. He's at it again.  Making it seem like I'm the problem, and I'm not doing my job. (he's not my boss -- we are co workers, but he reports to a different board than I do, and apparently, they've got this guy's back). And then, the Mayor comes in to talk to me alone (I have NEVER, EVER, EVER had an issue at work before).  And the Mayor hands me this piece of paper, saying that I need to take two days off without pay, maybe I should "talk to someone to get me through this difficult time".  I said, "OK. What's going to happen to this guy? Is he getting the same letter?" He is not.  

    So, I came home from work and called an Employment attorney.

    • Love 6
  4. On 10/8/2017 at 10:59 PM, Meowwww said:

    Larry says he doesn’t eat meat.  That’s fine.  But share it with her family before getting there. His awkward bro hugs for the win  

    Miryam is making up the “boyfriend”. 


    Hubby and I noticed Karine and her phone that was supposedly stolen. 

    I didn't hear Larry say he didn't eat meat. Didn't he have a hotdog with his kids before he left the US?

    • Love 2
  5. 20 hours ago, NinaH said:

    Omg Nicole is such a selfish, sorry piece of shit!!!!!  Her dad & stepmom, who are partially responsible for that, are idiots for caving in to her. 

    I'm torn. What could they (the step-mom and dad) do?  They were afraid she was going to take Mae over there and never come back if they didn't help her.  I thought the stepmom was very articulate.  I really feel for them.

    • Love 3
  6. 3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    Oh my gosh, every time I see John McAfee on TV or in a photo... I don't care what he invented I'll just have the thought of him wide mouthed and waiting underneath the hammock. Ugh.

    OK, I don't know what you guys are describing, and I'm not going to google it!

    • Love 3
  7. I am going to go out on a limb here with the following statement:  I think Darcey was fully aware of Jesse's controlling nature.  I think it turns her on, in a "he's so totally male" sort of way - it makes her feel oh-so-feminine, in response.  I said it before, and I'll say it again -- I think they're into the dominant/submissive role thing.  There are varying degrees of it.  You don't have to be a 50-shades of gray type couple.

    • Love 9
  8. 8 hours ago, Northernlights said:

    What is with Abby and these creepy old dudes?  Yuck!  They both give me the willy's!  She seems to have it all together - it doesn't make sense.

    Abby is looking for a sugar daddy. Or two.

    8 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

    Wise advice from Jesse's mom, Marian.  Translation: "Back off my son, bitch."

    I could actually see  the tide turn all  over Darcey's face.  She didn't like what Jesse's mom was saying...not one bit.  She looked ever bit her 50+ years the next day.  (I'm over 50 myself, and although I'm not vain, think I look better than Darcey.)

    • Love 14
  9. I felt bad for Patrick.  And slightly bad for Courtney.  I wonder if there is  alot we (as the viewing public) are not seeing -- things that wind up on the cutting room floor, that would otherwise help put the pieces together?

      I wonder if Courtney thinks Antonio likes the helpless female.  We haven't been privvy to their months of text messages.  I'd love to read those. Then again there are those people who hide  behind an 'oh, I didn't know that" facade....because then they are not accountable for anything because...they didn't know!

    • Love 1
  10. On 9/21/2017 at 2:39 AM, HappyDancex2 said:

    I took one for the team and went back to at least look at their first meeting again and nowhere does she exactly say he said he was going to meet her/pick her up at the airport.  She said "you texted me yesterday and said how excited you were to see me/meet me...."  so it seemed like it was more of a Can't wait to meet you tomorrow type thing.   She gave him her flight information but she didn't explicitly say (even when she was mad at him) YOU SAID YOU WERE PICKING ME UP.   She said "i was disappointed to get your text that you weren't coming."  So there's that.   Edited however you want.   And yes she lead with it and hammered it home.

    What I also noticed is that she is an uptalker.  So nothing she says is declarative, even when she is mad.  Couple that with the fact that she is also a smile talker, this is a bad combination for communication.  Even I couldn't tell "how mad" she was because her voice inflection said everything was a question.....plus she was smiling.  And English is my native language.   Note for any young or not so young people who are picking up this bad speech habit.....it's hard to listen to but even worse to try to understand what you are saying. 

    And he kissed her hello.   Then he went in for more and she pushed him off.  Then he went in for another and she pushed him off.   Then he called her cold....version 1.   LOL

    I do wish they showed more of their interaction before hand so we know what was said.   She did say he said that he loved her and wanted to marry her....maybe ol Corny is a literalist instead of translating that into Spanish as "i like you, i think you are hot, i like your clear eyes, you could be my number 3 girl,  i'd love to have sex with you every Tuesday."

    Oh and they showed Jenny's pictures again.....YEAH THAT"S NOT JENNY IN THOSE PICTURES.   That's not even a filter, photoshop or anything.....straight up someone else.  Someone else's daughter?  How can he think that's the same person?  Poor Larry.   They had to have talked or exchanged other real pictures....he would have had no way of even recognizing her based on those anime photos!!!!  What.  Ever.

    You've got Courtney down to a science!  I do wonder, though, about all those emoji's they were swapping early on....I think they were both sending them.  There was a picture of a bride and groom, and a picture of adults and baby emojis.  Those are things that stretch across language barriers.

    14 hours ago, Matias130 said:

    I think Myriam is pretty, in an interesting, exotic, natural sort of way, like you couldnt exactly tell what is her background from looking at her. 

    Yes, I guess if a twig of fake cotton at Hobby Lobby could be considered racist, anything goes.  I'm wondering why no one is as offended as I am, every time I pass the saltines in the grocery store..... :)

    (ETA: the above sentence reflects the absurdity of the situation.  I just thought I should add that, in case it offended anyone.)

    • Love 9
  11. On 9/20/2017 at 6:29 PM, seacliffsal said:

    Regarding Cortney and her being upset that Antonio didn't meet her at the airport, if I had to work and someone I was 'friendly' with over the internet was coming to visit, I would honor my work commitment and expect that person to find their own transportation.  Now, if I offered to meet them it would be different.  This is someone Antonio really doesn't know and apparently doesn't intent to have as a life partner, yet his bills need to be paid, so work it is.  Especially if he is trying to work as a model he probably doesn't have the luxury to say no to any jobs that come along (based upon his living situation, age, etc.).  I think it's almost a bit presumptuous for Cortney to expect him to rearrange work, etc., when it was clear when they were communicating with each other that he wouldn't adjust his schedule to face-time with her or Skype with her.  It seems like he is consistent with the behaviors he demonstrated during the 2 months or so they were texting.  I also think it was presumptuous of Cortney to expect to stay at his apartment.  His surprise that she wanted to stay with him rather than a hotel seemed genuine so she probably never communicated that before going to Spain.  It could have been a case of 'I'll be in Spain for three weeks and I want to meet you and hang out with you' rather than a clear communication of what her relationship expectations were with him.  

    I thought he was surprised she wanted to stay at his apartment because she had been acting so '"coldly" towards him, and she was so angry with him. 

    • Love 1
  12. I was sad to see Will sucking his thumb, as well. I was hoping he was just doing it because now he's got this gap in there, where his front teeth used to be, and it's a neat thing to be able to do, all of a sudden.  I hope it's not due to needing to self soothe, because kids can be mean, and I see a lot more name calling (by other kids) in his future, if that's the case.

    • Love 2
  13. While the kids are generally kind in the things they say, they have no manners, or maybe I should say, social skills - no. I think it's manners.   Yes, I know they're young.   But the constant interrupting when others are trying to speak (I'm talking, interrupting adults, not your sibling), talking over others (again, adults, not your sibling), and ignoring your elders just smacks of, "I am doted on, and everything I say and do is solid gold".   Now, maybe it's because the cameras are there, and they don't want to discipline their kids in front of them.  But not once do they say, "Zoe, William, you are interrupting so-and-so - please let them finish," etc.  I think Bill takes on the role of giant playmate, and Jen is more of the disciplinarian, as some have said.  It was so nice to see the smiles and hear the shrieks of pure delight, though, on their faces, when they were doing the zip line -- I loved it!

    18 minutes ago, awaywego said:

    Most of what happens on a "reality" show is producer driven and is therefore staged to a great extent.  Jen and Bill are intelligent, well-educated people and to think that they don't discipline their children based on what you see on TV is an unfair assumption.  It's much more entertaining to see adorable Zoe 'act up" than to see Bill or Jen give her a  time out. Will is sometimes "fresh" or "disrespectful" but how do you know he isn't fed those lines.

    My point is give this family and particularly the parents  a break.  With all the obstacles and challenges they have faced and will face, Bill and Jen are incredible people and outstanding parents and the kids are a joy to watch and witness the remarkable progress they have all made.  I think they should be admired and realize what you see is not always their real lives.....it's TV show everyone!

    You may be right. However, I don't find it adorable in the least.

    • Love 17
  14. 12 hours ago, Sprockets said:

    Ditto.  So many of them do this.  I was thinking last night that the correct pronunciation of this word should be a prerequisite for appearance on the show.  And oh yes, I am that strict.  

    Thank you. A thousand times, thank you!!  Have we become so lazy as a society that we just roll over letters that are in words, and create our own words? Prolly.

    15 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

    It was in reply to Patrick saying, "Whassup????!!!!" or some such thing.  I got the impression it was how they greeted each other on facetime.

    You're right, Teddybear -- I watched it again lat night, and she's the one with the 'whassup' fixation....he only says it once in reply!

    • Love 5
  15. 15 minutes ago, Kelly said:

    Yes...his clothing is nightmarish (even as a "DJ" IMO...he had a yellow Jansport backpack...maybe he borrowed it from his mom).  He has a very juvenile way of speaking...too fast, too much use of the word 'like'. :/  I don't find him attractive at all...but to each their own.

    You mean you didn't like the "whassup, whassup, whassup?????" airport greeting??

    • Love 10
  16. 12 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

    I have very little sympathy for any of these people ( which is of course why we all watch). I can't believe that a beautiful girl like Karine would put up with Paul & all his bullshit ( she even described him as neurotic!) He must totally stink by now ,so being with him at all would be hard but the fact that he's talking about trust when he is a convicted felon is the height of irony.  Patrick is a player who got played "ala francais" and I loved it!  I'm sure there are a cadre of women (including Baby Mama) who are enjoying the hell out of this.  Courtney, you are making me feel uncomfortable with your stupidity and inability to read a room. Antonio isn't as much of a prize as he thinks he is but at least he's playing a part for TLC.  Oh, Larry, poor Larry. He seems like such a nervous doofus. Actually, I think Jenny was pretty kind to him but maybe he's the closest to a Green Card she's gotten on Phillipino Cupid.

    Karine is no angel. She's a prostitute, selling herself and her body for ____________ (whatever it is worth to her, I'll let her fill in the blanks).  I can't stand her little innocent virgin act.

    • Love 7
  17. 12 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    I think Jenny calls Larry "Love" because that's what she calls all her "friends" from the Filipino match site.  Then she won't have to worry about confusing their names.

    And why does she sound like a drunken, grizzled, old woman on the other end of the phone?

    • Love 17
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