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Posts posted by LocalGovt

  1. 4 hours ago, lucy711 said:

    I agree with you to a point.  It is scientific fact that women's chances of becoming pregnant decrease with age, especially after 35, although certainly it can still happen.  But pretty much every woman in my family hits menopause by her early 40s, so there would be no way I'd be having a kid at 46.    It is important for women to be aware of the science behind it because there are women who think they have plenty of time and when they settle down in their late 30s suddenly can't get pregnant and are devastated, understandably.  Many of my friends are going through that, and in vitro doesn't always work and is expensive.  Having kids later in life works for many women, but it also doesn't work for many women.  Aika probably still could have a kid, but she shouldn't be wasting her time with a guy who has zero interest in it!

    Only using your post as a jumping off point -- anyone considering parenthood later in life shouldn't be scared by the statistics, either. I've always hated how they make it sound like older moms are at higher risk of having kids with Down syndrome, etc.  Statistically, if you look at the numbers,  there are more babies born to younger women with this condition.  It just looks worse for older women because after 40, the rate of  women having children declines sharply, so, yeah, of course it's going to look like there's a higher chance of something like that. 

    • Love 5
  2. 11 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    Why should she give up on it? She isn't even 40 yet and has several years' worth of good reproductive years left. 20 years ago, she would have been 16. I don't think having a child as a teenager is ideal to having one as an adult in her 30s. Perhaps she didn't meet anyone that she wanted to have children with. My mom was 41 when she had me.

    I had my last at 41 (she was born in May, I turned 42 in August that year).  It can be done. :)

    • Love 8
  3. 1 minute ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    Luis is bored, and he enjoys making Molly spin out.

    That little half smile, and his eyes light up like a Christmas tree when she gets upset. Molly, don't you get it? 

    He doesn't just not like your girls. He doesn't like you.

    I don't know what was weirder, his accusing her of not having enough Christian relics, or her whirling off to find some to show him.

    Molly's emotions are Luis's personal fidget spinner.

    Am I the only one who imagines the wierd dynamic their sex life probably has?

    • Love 5
  4. 1 minute ago, PityFree said:

     Aika! Make him do it now! if you let him wait till after the wedding, it’s never going to happen!

    .....except that he doesn't have 2 nickles to rub together for the surgery......

    • Love 11
  5. Molly - that red outfit with an exposed white bra band in the back, and wild red leggings? Yuck. Molly is Cray Cray. LUIS IS SO checked out.


    Libby 's posse - bullies. What were those inflatable things? Makeup applicators or penises?

    Nicole - teen drama. May looked like she was pushing Azan away.

    • Love 12
  6. 16 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

    Evelyn is so very 18. Can't entirely blame her for not being fully mature, but damn does she grate. I'm closer to David's age, and no way would I ever get with an 18 year old for the selfishness and tunnel vision alone. I also simply cannot imagine letting my spouse leave his country and refuse to give anything in return. I'd worry he'd be downright resentful at every single family event and milestone. I would at the very least consider moving to the nearest metropolis.

    What bothers me most about her singing voice is her total lack of enunciation. I had no idea what she was saying. Ariana Grande may be able to get away with it, but not you, Evelyn. In the immortal words of Rihanna to Ciara: "Good luck booking that stage you speak of."

    I was in Antonio's corner the entire time, until he went into the kitchen. He went totally off the deep end. David was totally out of line with his comment, but Antonio acted like he stabbed his sister right in front of him. No need to resort to threats of violence. And the person Antonio was trying to help - Annie - was clearly distraught and yelling at her to make better choices was not helping. It's true, but could have been said more kindly. What's his name - the friend hosting David - should have put his foot down a lot earlier than he did. His wife clearly dislikes having Annie and David (moreso the latter) in their home. David must know where every single one of the bodies are buried to justify all this generosity.

    In the words of the immortal Bard....."methinks the lady doth protest too much...."

    OK, I'll let myself out. :)

    • Love 3
  7. 16 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    What do women do at bachelorette parties that they are so thankful for? New dick? What the hell are they talking about? 

    "....trust me, you'll be glad you let us take you on this trip in a  few years. Trust me...."

    I don't even know what that means. And I'm over 50.

    16 hours ago, zoemom said:

    Even more frightening is that they both own guns.  However, it looks like Aika's no slouch at the target range.  The more I see of Aika, the more like her.  If she's smart, she really just needs to leave Dumb and Dumber at the target range to fend for themselves.

    I know, right? I was thinking, "Are you sure you want to hold this little get together at a shooting range...with live ammo???"

    • Love 3
  8. 17 hours ago, PityFree said:

     All of Evil-lyn’s gross apple chomping made me dry heave. 

    Annie talking about the sex shop was adorable. 

    Yes, another case of "her mouth should have it's own show". Maybe she thinks it's sexy.

    17 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    WTF is Molly wearing?

    Are you talking about her sunset top w/unmatching beige bra straps at the sides ensemble?

    • Love 3
  9. On 11/20/2017 at 4:52 PM, mamadrama said:

    I am a BIG fan of a lot of the Eastern European countries. I've spent quite a bit of time in Moldova, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Hungary, Czech. Slovakia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, etc. I actually really appreciate the quality of life that still exists there and I have yet to find friendlier, more spirited, people than I have found in Bosnia. (I hate to generalize like that, and Bosnia has its fair share of assholes as well, but as a whole it's the most welcoming country I've visited.) If Libby could create an online business that wasn't location important, and generate a fair amount of income from it, they could have a good life in Moldova. My husband and I would love to spend a few years in Bulgaria or Hungary. It used to be Czech but it's becoming more "Americanized" by the day. So yay to Libby for saying she'd go. I dig it. 

    I believe he is really 48. Sometimes when overweight people lose a LOT of weight like that, it ages them drastically. My mom had gastric bypass surgery and she aged about 15 years in a matter of months, as the weight dropped off. You can see that in his "bigger" pictures, he looks younger. 

    I think you're right -- I've seen lots of pictures of people who've lost a lot of weight (like, 75+ lbs) and in every instance, except one, they all looked older, and haggard.

    • Love 3
  10. On 11/20/2017 at 9:55 AM, PityFree said:

     I am giving Kensley a break about being a “brat” because I was very uncomfortable with the way Louis delayed letting her out of the swing just to mess with her. Also, I was very uncomfortable with where his hands were on the front of that swing - low and near her lower abdomen.  He had to be an ass and swing from the side just to piss her off. If I were Kensley, I would be just as much of a “brat.”

    My  instincts tell me that Louis should not be left alone with Kensley. Not because I think he’ll molest her, but because  he’ll spend the day taunting her and poking at her just to make her mad. some people like to mess with people like that and Louis seems to be one of those people. 

    The things you say about Luis may be true.  

    As far as Kensley goes, you don't learn to be a brat that like that 5 seconds (even if Luis did deserve it).   She's been a brat for probably most of her life.   That is most probably due to her mom. I'm sure her mom tells her that her attitude is cute.  (Again, take the interactions with Luis out of it).  I have young kids -- girls.  I would be embarrassed if they acted like that child (attitude wise).  

    • Love 10
  11. I hate to say this...but Nicole is just totally worthless.  What kind of lazy-a$$ mother of a toddler sleeps until 3 or 4 in the afternoon?  I mean, unless she's dealing with some undisclosed illness that would make her sleep alot.  I've read some posts that suggest she has low self esteem.  I think her self esteem is pretty high. In fact, I think she's delusional.  And immature.  Again, that poor little girl (May).   That's not to say that she (Nicole) couldn't mature.  She probably will, in time.  But what an absolute slob.

    • Love 22
  12. On 11/19/2017 at 10:45 PM, Nowhere said:

    Wow. That little brat Kensly is disrespectful as hell. And now we know why Luis told her he was going to be her father. Molly is telling him her kids need a dad! We can't blame Luis for telling the kid he would be her father if he thought that's what she wanted and needed. THAT is all Molly's fault. 

    Olivia is acting kind of jealous now. I do understand the weirdness of him moving in without knowing him. Don't get me wrong. She has every right to be hurt and she can't help her feelings. Molly obviously loves the kids but she has a right to find love with a man as well. We moms are human too. 

    And then Molly said, "I'm a wild and crazy girl", in her best Bobby Hill voice. I hate it when women refer to themselves as girls. Bitch, you own a business and pay bills. You've raised children. You're not a wild and crazy girl. You're a grown ass woman. Act like it.

    Azan is very nice and supportive at the gym. There's nothing wrong with wanting your wife to be healthy. The only rude thing he says is that she's lazy. Besides the threat to not go to America. But overall he seems very nice about it. And Nicole is working hard so good for her. She will thank him later. 

    "But are you attracted to me no matter what?" Once again Azan fails at lying. "Yeah, exactly," he says as he stares off wishing he was a bird so he could fly far. Far far away from here. 

    Thanks for saying this. I've thought Kensley was a brat from the beginning (she has absolutely  no manners and is probably babied because her mom feels guilty that she's not home with her, which is how she can get away with her brattiness). Note: I work, so I'm not bashing working moms. Just Molly.

    • Love 11
  13. On 11/19/2017 at 10:19 PM, ALittleShelfish said:

    What is with the Dinyell and Nicole not being able to pronounce words?  So Nicole is "fusstrated".  Good gravy.  (NO NICOLE, THERE IS NO ACTUAL GRAVY HERE.  I agree, gravy IS good but it's not about that right now)

    I can't STAND when people say that! And there are a lot of them out there that have no idea that there is an "R" in fRustrated!

    • Love 3
  14. On 11/6/2017 at 0:54 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

    So it's okay for him to leech off of his friends and be kind of a MIA dad, but gay people, noooooo!!!!!


    That really burns me up, too!

    I'm going to kind of take a Devil's Advocate position for a moment. Say a person with a Bible Belt brain like David Poor believes that living a homosexual lifestyle is a sin. (Even the Pope says it's not a sin to be gay, just to, well, do what gay people do.) Again, kind of Devil's Advocate, bear with me. Say they believe that. What gives them the right to hate on someone because they don't agree with what they're doing? What's next? Throwing stones at divorced people? "I'm not going to bake a cake for your wedding because it's your third wedding and you people are idiots." Or, "I'm not going to bake a cake for your wedding because it's a Muslim wedding." "I'm not letting you into my restaurant because you gamble."  "I just tossed my latte at you because you're not a virgin." It's ABSURD.

    The same book that mentions homosexuality 4 or 5 times tells us to LOVE PEOPLE AND NOT JUDGE THEM hundreds of times! It also mentions gluttony like, 80 times. (So if Evelyn were really fundamentalist, she wouldn't invite auntie to the wedding. Disgusting, but true.)

    Again, that was all kind of Devil's Advocate. I'm not saying Evelyn's auntie is sinning. 

    I'm getting down off of my soapbox now, but not before throwing out another verse for David Poor. "A man who doesn't work shouldn't eat."

    Sadly, something tells me he won't.

    Annie actually seems to have ambition and a work ethic. She will find herself a good job and kick him to the curb, eventually.

    She'll probably find herself another Sugar Daddy, too! And, I'll bet this one has his own house with an above ground pool! They'll sit around it in the summer drinking Nestea. 

    And, he will go lumbering back to his friend's basement.

    Please don't judge all Christians, or people who read the Bible by a few fanatics.  The fact that he is such a fanatic is exactly why he's on the show. Or Evelyn or her family.  I remember the days when it was "ok" to be a Christian, and not akin to being a leper.

    • Love 7
  15. Who was it that said (in the last episode's thread) that Elizabeth's mouth deserved a show of its own?  Pure gold! It kept playing, like a mantra in my head, the whole time she was on camera.   

    Oh, until I saw her very wet underarm stains while waiting for Andrrrrrrrei to come back from his interview.  She must have really been nervous.

    • Love 7
  16. 8 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    If Luis would speak that way to Olivia in front of her uncle (and the cameras), I can only imagine what he might say in private.  

    You know Luis wants Olivia for himself.

    • Love 2
  17. 19 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

    I think Josh and Luis would both be in first place after tonight, if it was a pervert contest. 

    The way Josh looks at Aika (every single scene) is like he was watching porn. He's one sick puppy. 

    I think Luis might be closer in age to Olivia than David and Evelyn are? Either way, he is going to be in the very least checking her out. But more likely, much more. Talking to her so openly about sex, and the constant reminders that she is basically grown made it obvious. 

    Josh just looks weird to me....like a 40 something teenager, who would be more comfortable wearing baggy "down to your a$$" jeans, a baseball hat worn bakcwards, and a skateboard under his arm. It's like he never grew up.

    • Love 15
  18. I've noticed something in the way that these folks eat *before* having the surgery -- but Doug eats that way *after*, too...not a good sign...

    They shovel the food in their mouth, as fast as they can, without even taking the time to taste what they're eating.

    When Doug's wife said to him, "I can't believe how fast you're eating that [referring to the bananna pudding]!", he actually took it as a positive -- like a compliment.  Poor guy didn't even realize she was thoroughly disgusted with watching him shovel the pudding in his mouth, as fast as he could.

    • Love 2
  19. 11 hours ago, ALittleShelfish said:

    Circling back to Children Molly.  What are the chances that Molly is SO wrapped up in Luis' arrival and presence that, sure, she's leaving Kensley home with her brand-new-straight-off-the-lot Dominican StepDad-to-be... but also A TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE CAMERA CREW who will MOST CERTAINLY have her (family's) best interests at heart?  Do we think she's that careless and/or senseless?  

    I caught myself channel surfing (always) during Broke Ass David's scenes, but good lord what a sad sack of SAD that dude is.  Listening to him talk about money and how much Family Annie wants, he has almost that nervous voice shake and I half expect him to either pass out or see when the camera pans out - there's a gun to his head.  

    Dudebro & Aika.. I kind of like her.  Putting aside her tiny clothes and weird choice of eye makeup/lenses... I like that she's very upfront about what she's there for.  She has zero fucks to give and doesn't want to waste time on the foreplay part of the relationship.  She's ready to go now and start living the American Dream. Dudebro's friend who was given the role of this couple's Asshole Friend didn't seem to rattle her.  Others have likened her to Anfisa and I'm right there with that. I am NOT down with the previews for them on next week's epi. Look, Dudebro, she's not a prop, she's not your new toy, she's an actual human being. 

    Whatever, i hate all of these people.  LOL

    You post (the way you worded things) made me realize something in a blinding flash or clarity: I don't like people who think that, just because they're up front about something, it's perfectly OK to be materialistic/mercenary/out to get whatever you can.  (However, if both parties were OK with this.....no --- I don't like the other party, and how they "buy" sex, either.) Thank you! Now  maybe I can focus on other things! :)

    • Love 4
  20. 14 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    I haven't found it yet, but there has got to be a passage of Scripture barring pastors from wearing those lime green glasses that Pastor Tim has on. :)

    I thought it was just me...

    14 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

    Why does Nicole squeeze her fat ass into the middle between May and Azan?! God, that drives me. May should be in the middle.

    Molly is all kinds of stupid for leaving her child with some dude she doesn't know. I'm hoping at least the uncle was there.

    Elizabeth doesn't need the make-up. She looks good without it as evidenced by her in the airport and the video she recorded in the terminal. She seems to have chemistry with Andrrrrei. Ge genuinely looks smitten with her, and they make an attractive couple.

    Poor David. Gosh, he's such a sad sack. The dancing was beautiful. Why does everything seem like it's a money grab? I just don't remember that when Kyle and Noon were on here. I don't recall them showing him paying a dowry or anything like that. I know it's customary, but all the bahts being given to enter the home and to the parents and the water buffalos...geez.

    Aika...well, that be.

    Spanish David is a dick. I'm sorry but making someone cry is rude. He started the rude line of questioning by saying I heard you didn't like me or whatever. Dude, that wasn't the place. Mikayla doesn't need a friend like Evil-lyn.

    She couldn't even fit on the seat.

    • Love 6
  21. 1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    I believe its characterized as "ethnicity". It is perfectly possible for someone to be bigoted/prejudiced against Hispanic people. There's a new viral video every day of someone hurling insults and invective against a person who has the audacity to speak Spanish.

    Not trying to get bogged down in semantics here (and probably failing miserably) -- you are right -- it's an ethnicity. I don't know why I called it a culture.  So he wouldn't be a racist towards Luis, based purely on Luis being Hispanic -- unless Luis was biracial.   But he would be prejudiced against the culture.

  22. 47 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    So wait, 5 pages of posts and not ONE person has anything to say about Josh's friend's Hitler Youth haircut? Never mind his piss poor attitude. Jesus, what a dick. And unless I miss my guess, he wants Josh for himself and is bitter.


    Oh, she's a kittenish, sexy little vixen, isn't she? I keep thinking that she thinks she is absolutely adorable with that middle school shit.

    Yes, 100%. He will hide his bigotry behind "concern" for Molly. And Luis may not be too bright, but he recognizes it. His ever present smile slipped there.


    I would cheerfully walk for 10 miles on Lego for a chance to do that very thing. What a nasty self centered little twit.

    Fun fact, Nicole! Just because it is acceptable to some people in their own homes, that most emphatically does not mean that its a rule unilaterally in all of Morocco. God she's thick.

    Yes, this. He knew what he was doing and he meant to wound. And not even sophisticated--just a bludgeon to the face. "you don't have a boyfriend? well, I can fucking see why!" Douche.


    Yes, I thought the same. Evelyn and her family are some sort of weird Stepford family, I guess? It didn't seem to occur to anyone that Evelyn would have to be doing that "cleaving to her husband" thing that they're so big on in their religion, or so I'm told? "Whither thou goest, I will go"? Not only did Evelyn not consult David about any wedding arrangements, but her parents seem to think he'll just live in Claremont, allow Evelyn to continue her, ahem, singing, and not have any wants or desires of his own? What is his profession? Besides virgin soon to be husband to their perfect angel daughter, that it?

    ......but Molly's dad has two granddaugther's that are bi-racial.   I guess I don't understand what a racist is.  He seems to love them. :(

    And....being Latino or Hispanic is a cultural thing....not a race. I don't get it.

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