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Posts posted by LocalGovt

  1. 10 hours ago, millennium said:

    Yes, that kind of prostitute.  Anfisa is living on Jorge's dime, with an understanding that she will act in a certain way if she is properly remunerated.

    The "just a red-blooded American boy" line of reasoning doesn't work.   He's a pig.   He cheapens the whole idea of love.  Love comes from knowing a person, sharing experiences with him or her, both good times and bad.   It happens over time, not just because you lay down X-amount of dollars or pop a boner whenever Miss Red Square 2016 trots out the Fredericks of Hollywood get-up. 

    To label Anfisa a "cold hearted B" is a convenient way to excuse Jorge -- and all men, really -- of responsibility.   He's just doing what comes natural!   She's the bitch."   Baloney.   What next?   He paid for dinner so she should put out?   You also try to excuse Jorge by saying he's stupid, or thought she would change -- in other words, he's of diminished mental capacity so none of this is his fault, she's the bitch.

    Poor stupid Jorge.  All he did was rule out all possibility of trying to meet a nice, ordinary woman who might love him for himself and instead sought out and shelled out for the fake affections of a big-titted, soul-sucking foreigner who doesn't care whether he lives or dies as long as the money keeps flowing.   And because he finds himself unable to live up to the phony, overblown promises he made her -- all lies, apparently --  he's the victim?

    I have to say, I'm not feeling it.

    Well, there's the rub, then.  Jorge has no $$ (or at least, not as much as she wants  him to have) and she is not putting out.  She is devoid of any warmth -- it's all coldness with her.  We can agree to disagree on whether or not we like her, and whether or not we feel sorry for Jorge.  He's an idiot.  I guess I always feel sorry for the idiots.

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  2. 11 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    Is she?  Anfisa has been completely honest about what she expects.  Jorge wanted a relationship with a woman he could easily exploit and control.  Why do men like Matt, Jorge, Mike (S1), and Mark (S3) seek out these type of relationships?  Power and control imbalance.  They want to have something they can fuck when then they want without it having the means to leave.  Jorge is what is wrong with society.  

    Yes, I believe she is. She encapsulates everything that is a money-hungry, cold hearted person, who thinks that just because they're honest and up front, they can treat someone like dirt.  Jorge is not financially taking advantage of her, she is financially taking advantage of him.  I cringed at the way she treated him. And if he likes that sort of stuff...he probably needs mental health counseling, not ridicule or disdain.  I sense, underneath it all, Jorge is all bluster, and was really hurt by Anfisa. And she knows it, and could not care less.  She shouldn't be praised for that.  Heck, we don't praise Trump for being blunt, do we? No...he is vilified. But not Anfisa.

    • Love 3
  3. 12 hours ago, millennium said:

    Whoa.  Let's not forget that Jorge's a lying, self-indulgent pig who leveraged a green card -- a key to our nation -- as a means to score a woman way out of his league.    And if he finds himself in a pickle now, it's his own fault.   Jorge whining that Anfisa doesn't love him elicits the same sympathy I'd have for someone who gets robbed by a prostitute -- in other words, none.

    A prostitute that you invite into your house to live with you?  To share your food, sleep in your bed, and plan to build a life with? That kind of prostitute?  Yeah, George wanted someone hot looking. Most men under a certain age and maturity level do.    Anfisa is just a cold hearted B.  I think that George thought she would change, or is incredibly stupid. Or both.  For that alone, I feel sorry for him.  But not her.

    • Love 3
  4. 14 minutes ago, SuzyLee said:

    ??  I didn't mention the whole "Mommy and Daddy" versus "Mom and Dad" thing.  I don't think it's that weird.  Every family is different. 

    He (River) mentioned, "Mommy and Daddy" when referring to their  parents, like my family does.  I thought that's what you were saying was odd.  Sorry if I misunderstood you!  Did I quote the wrong person??

  5. 6 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    I don't know if River is younger than Chantel (probably) he seems like he may have grown up in her shadow and now that she's the one screwing up, he's piling it on.

    I missed the first episode so I don't know Alla's background in Ukraine, but she might have a completely unrealistic idea of American life, like a lot of non Americans - like we're all Kardashians who can just throw our families on a private plane and jet off to a destination wedding. She also may not get that by your 4th wedding most of your family & friends don't really give a crap so you'd be lucky if they showed up for cake & a quickee church ceremony. As far as Matt's Mom - I wonder how many of Matt's previous marriages she strangled to death with her apron strings.

    Azan - I think he genuinely cares for Nicole, and if he had his druthers he'd move her to Morocco. A little off topic - but it's a really bad idea for any very Caucasian woman (red/blonde hair) to walk around in the streets of a Muslim country with their hair uncovered and their shoulders bare. The men will spit on and throw rocks at you. I can't imagine the producers (who paid for this trip) didn't give her a primer on how to behave while there. No way she couldn't have known the mosque was off limits.

    Anfisa is ridiculous but she's right. Jorge knows he can't get a better looking girlfriend if it weren't for his bank account, and he never would have swiped right on Anfisa if she weighed 50 lbs more. If your dating strategy revolves around using wads of cash and expensive gifts to lure women, you can't turn around later and complain that you hooked a gold-digger. Jorge got exaaaaactly what he wished for.

    I kind of think that the way Nicole throws side glances toward the camera, that she's taking cues from them, or something.

  6. 19 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

    I feel deeply sorry for Alla.  Matt is beyond schmucky.  I don't what sort of act he put on before she arrived in America that convinced her that he was a fully-realized grown man worth marrying.  Her comment last week about this country being a source of opportunities for her and her son was a bit of a red flag, but at this point, I don't blame her.  Get what you can, girlfriend.

    Jorge deserves everything that's coming to him if he doesn't send Madame Moneybags back home on the next plane.  Anfisa-who-is-absolutely-not-20 is so bold and plain-spoken in her disdain for Jorge that it's hard to dislike her, quite frankly.  He is either a glutton for punishment or he truly can't find any other girl whatsoever in this country.  Like, no one.

    I don't care one bit about Azan or Nicole.  The only person who matters in that absurd scenario is her tiny child who was left at home with relatives for more than a month.  Nicole needs to get her ass home to handle her responsibilities.  I still can't get my mind around the fact that she willingly left that baby for five weeks.  That's a long time in the development of a child that young and you don't get those days back, not that Nicole gives a crap.

    As for Chantal, Kid of 1990's Kid 'n Play fame seriously needs to back down on the scorned lover act.  That's how he comes across.  I totally understand that he's pissed off at the notion of his sister marrying a guy who fits the stereotypical mold of someone who's only interested in her to gain citizenship, but seriously.  It's her life and she's a grown woman.  Half my life ago, when I turned 21, I eloped with (well, let's call him what he was/is) an opportunistic, jobless, druggie manwhore.  My parents were beyond upset, but at a certain point, my family took a hands-off approach and hoped I would eventually come to my senses (three years later, I did).  They basically chose to keep the peace in the interest of maintaining a relationship with my immature ass, something I'm deeply grateful for 20 years later because I know how difficult it was.  As for my brother, he was disappointed that I was making such a terrible decision, but he didn't act like I was cheating on him.  Kid needs to get a grip.  Chantal is the one who should be blamed.  I love the preview clip for next week where Pedro says, "They don't trust Pedro because of you."  Preach it, Pedro.

    At this point, I'm doubtful that any of these yahoos will actually get married.

    I grew up in a Czech Catholic close knit family. We always referred to our parents as Mommy and Daddy, even as adults.  Not in a creepy way....when we would talk to them directly, it was "Mom" and "Dad", but for some reason, when referring "to" them in talks with sibs, it was always "Mommy" and "Daddy".   We're all pretty sane.

    • Love 4
  7. On 10/19/2016 at 11:29 AM, louannems said:

    In next week's preview, I saw Anna in a bright yellow maternity top.  To me, she most definitely appears pregnant.

    So in each episode, JB delights us in a different neon colored Habitat shirt.

    At the airport, JB and Michelle didn't match (gasp), but they both made sure to stand out on camera.  He wore bright, metallic purple, she in marigold yellow.

    Why can't just one person or couple pick up people at the airport?  Why does the whole damn family need to travel in a half dozen vans?

    .........and "sold at an auction" jail house prisoner vans, at that!

    • Love 1
  8. Has Jessa always had such a fake, hollow laugh?

    Jim Bob, stuffing his face....DH said he looks like he's pregnant.

    Derick -- get rid of the slicked back hair and man bun. It is not attractive on you.

    Jana...she looks old and tired. I feel badly for her.  I just notice a shift in her attitude. Her countenance looks like she's turning into a cranky older woman.

    • Love 1
  9. So, something struck me today as I was watching Monday's episode.....Gabi is sitting there, talking to Chad, and has Arianna on her lap.   And she's talking about "all hell breaking loose".  Isn't it funny that they don't even think twice about using cuss words (yeah, some may dispute "hell") with a child on your lap?  And, as far as real life goes...the real-life parents of this child aren't concerned with this?  I would have been.  

    • Love 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    In the previous episode Chantal was trying wedding dress (they all looked beautiful on her) but knowing full well she had about a week till she absolutely had to get married how did she think the wedding dress was going to happen?  It takes months to order a dress then there are fittings so I call BS on that, producers wanted to make Chantal a little emotional because she knew it was not going to be that kind of wedding.  Honestly, why didn't she look at dresses during the time she was waiting for Pedro to come to the states, a city hall wedding in a wedding dress is not all the crazy.

    OMG...that part where she was all weepy, 'cause...."When you get married, you get these big rings!  And I can't even afford rings!"  Yeah, that's what it's all about....big rings.

    She is nauseating.

    • Love 15
  11. Am I posting in the right place??? This is in regards to the "where are they now" whatever it's called -- the 2nd half of the Season 4 shows that deals with people from Season 3.

    I am baffled by Devar's older sisters. Do they live together?  Is the masseusse also a paid escort?  Even Melanie was intrigued as to how they could afford such a nice house.

    Why didn't Melanie ask them why they were not financially supporting Punkisha?

  12. 10 hours ago, lovesnark said:

    That's exactly what I said to my TV! I guess Anfisa doesn't watch Project Runway while she's laying around the house watching Jorge clean the litterbox.

    I felt really bad for Alla when she was talking to her sister. I believe the only reason she came to the US and is going to go through with marrying that insecure, controlling idiot is to get her sister and nephew over here. I hope it happens and they all have a happy life (without Matt).

    I thought the same thing, and I wouldn't be surprised if (initially, anyway) Patrick was the groom they picked out for her sister.  I know someone who married his wife from the Philippines -- he had the same mindset as Jorge -- that American women are too independent and bossy for him.  Anyway, I've seen the tight knit little group they all hang out with...all American men married to women from the Philippines.  I live in a very small, very rural town, and am really surprised at the network of like minded men/couples there are here.

    • Love 1
  13. 13 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    They let Chantel/CeAir off easy. On tv at least. I would love to have a been  a fly on the wall after the camera crew left.

    Regarding Anfisa and Jorge, the two of them clearly have no freaking clue what it takes to be a model. They've done no research. It would be so entertaining to have the camera crew follow as she goes from agency to agency, with her sparkling personality and charming ways.

    So Azan is one of those geniuses who subscribes to the theory that you can scold/insult someone into losing weight.  Good for him. That approach almost always works. Calling her lazy over and over is particularly effective. I have no love for Nicole, but he was being a real ass.

    I was wondering if that whole, "C'mon, Lazy....ect." part was dubbed in there afterwards...because I can't believe Nicole just took it.  You know, she's not a sit down and shut up kind of girl.

    • Love 15
  14. 14 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    Are you kidding me? This idiot thought she'd get PEDRO do to the explaining? In his broken English? Wow. So cowardly. Way to throw him to the wolves for HER lie.

    I wonder why her brother doesn't like Pedro? If I had to pick one of them to save me from a burning building, it would be Pedro, not Chantal.

    • Love 14
  15. Not digging the teen scene.  They need to make two shows...one with adults, one with teens. Joey -- wish he'd just get lost for good.

    What's up with Andre? Now he's a good guy?

    I'm liking the Hope/Aiden storyline.  But then, I've never really liked Hope of the Quirky Eyebrow. She's so sanctimonious.

    Chad...change the bloody shirt already.  And once he did....he was all bloody underneath,and didn't bother to clean himself off.

    I said it before, I didn't like the whole "bombs going off, and the town panicking".  Too true to current events. Bad taste on the writers part.

    • Love 3
  16. On 10/5/2016 at 0:13 PM, Apprentice79 said:

    Theresa and Brady as a couple, has never made any sense to me...They have no spark, no excitement, they don't bring the best out of each other...I don't understand why they are even together. Ejamie had more reasons to be together than Thrady. This relationship highlights Brady's idiocy. If Dena wants to break them up, she should go ahead and do it..Theresa had a nice spark with JJ, once upon a time..The show no longer creates couples naturally anymore...Couples are so random and nonsensical.....

    Theresa and JJ?  Isn't there (supposed to be) like a 10 year age difference between them, with her being the elder?

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