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Posts posted by LocalGovt

  1. What a snoozefest! I now know even more than I ever wanted about the Duggar boys' dating preferences.

    Derick looks scary.  All  that hair...and grease...or whatever that is.

    JimBob is such a boob.  The way he draws out his response to the courting requests from the guys.  Oh, to be a thought-bubble above Jeremy's head while he was waiting....

    • Love 3
  2. 8 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

    Ys, I assume she could go out dancing and socializing while he is asleep. Nothing wrong with that, IMO, as long as it's not all the time. Parents deserve to have lives too.

    You're right, they do. My only problem with that is that they just arrived in this country, and Max is still probably getting used  to his surroundings.  Or had they been there for like 3-4 months when she went out? It seemed like it was more like 2 weeks.

    • Love 3
  3. 7 hours ago, Lion18 said:

    And openly drinking a beer " with" him. Maybe it's me but I didn't like that scene

    There are men drinking beer while home alone with their sons all across the US.  I'd be more worried if he gave him a drink of it.  The kid does seem to have a penchant for grabbing for alcoholic drinks.  I was surprised at his lack of manners (yes, even at his age) when they were at the family dinner, and he's just lunging  across the table, trying to grab someone's drink, like a feral child.  Seemed like something maybe a 2 year old would do.

    • Love 6
  4. I have to wonder at what we see on the show vs. reality.  Of course the producers are only going to show us the juiciest things, designed to build drama.   Like when Anfisa said that she and Jorge had been dating for a year.  Or if you look at Matt's FB page...he has a picture of him and Allah that was put up over a year ago.  So I kind of have to remind myself that although it looks like they all don't know each other very well, with the exception of Nicole and Azan, they've all already met (and continued talking, hopefully) long before this show brought them on.

    • Love 3
  5. 39 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:


    I don't think Anfisa is poor but the way she is acting like this is some vacation and she can go back to Russia if she doesn't like what Jorge is trying to sell her and her life is on par with what Jorge is giving her now (e.g. her apt with grandma is equivalent/better than the one he just found) - don't believe that for a minute. 


    Obese people are still deserving of love and affection -- as they say, they are the last group that is openly mocked, ridiculed, and discriminated against, and no one bats an eye.  We don't know that this isn't a romantic match (yeah, I know how it looks), but how rude of that person to even take a video like this! 

    Having said that, I think the culture in Jamaica is VERY different -- just look at the couple from last season Melanie and Devar --  his sister absolutely refuses to work and go to school, and has no problem asking them to financially support her. And Devar has absolutely no problem sending her money. It must be a Jamaican thing.

    Just now, biakbiak said:

    We have no idea how he is acclimated because he is barely on the show, I find this notion that she cannot go out for a drink with a new frenemy (because that woman and her passive agressive nonsense about her boyfriends cappy behavior isn't a friend) for a few hours troubling. He wasn't left alone he was left with his future stepfather who even though we have seen little of him he seems entirely comfortable with Matt.

    I'm not pro-Matt. But as a parent of small kids, if we moved to a foreign land where they knew virtually no one, and had barely a grasp of the language being spoken, I wouldn't leave them for the evening while I went out for a drink. Have your drink at home. Invite your friends over. Tell Matt to get lost for a few hours.  What if the kid wakes up from a nightmare, terrified, and his mom is no where to be found, only Matt?

    • Love 11
  6. 1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

    Eight year olds should be in bed during the hours when people go out dancing, that said she didn't even go clubbing she went out for a glass of champagne with another person 4 weeks after she arrived in the US at a sad and empty bar wearing an outfit that wouldn't have been out of place at a PTA meeting.

    Maybe then an 8 year old who barely speaks English and is in a foreign land should expect his mom to be there as he's sleeping for the night -- he's hardly acclimated.

    • Love 5
  7. On 9/27/2016 at 3:03 AM, Matias130 said:

    Pretty cool! How old was your daughter when she started her homeschool year of kindergarten? I think nowadays the preschools have pre-K right before kindergarten but im not sure. 

    She was 5 :) She turned 5 at the beginning of August.  She had Pre-K at 4, at a regular preschool.  I would recommend homeschooling (for at least a year) to anyone who can do it.  I think it really gives you a lot of insight as a parent.

    9 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    Nicole posted something on Twitter about at one point she & Azan were laughing & having a great time, but that 'they' didn't show that & 'hmm'.  She also seems to have started a health regimen with good foods, veggies & exercise.

    Makes me wonder if they still have a relationship & he's been influencing her that way, or, she was rejected so is now 'self improving'.

    Well, up until  August of this year, she was calling him her Starbucks Man on FB....so, there  you go!

    • Love 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

    Does Azan speak French?  Il y a beaucoup de français sur cette page!

    To answer my own question, yes, he does! LOL!  I saw upthread everyone's facebook links....So...Azan isn't really named Azan, if it's the same person...and Nicole posted on that page recently (August).  Salan Tefou=Azan.  Huh.

    23 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    I belive she works at Starbucks.

    Hard for me to picture her as a barrista...but....stranger things have happened.

    • Love 2
  9. 11 hours ago, Grammy said:

    Looking at Narkiya and her friends having lunch...all I could concentrate on was how many flies they had to swat away!

    I'll be the one to say it. I was fascinated by her cousin. The hairdo, the nose ring, etc.  I also really liked the way she didn't sugarcoat anything.

    • Love 4
  10. On 9/30/2016 at 4:56 PM, ginger90 said:

    Pink Cadillac was used as a metaphor for sex by Springsteen,  that's all I know about that!

    Never knew that. I wonder what else I'm missing out on?

    On 9/28/2016 at 9:14 PM, Absolom said:

    I wonder what the percentage of fundies is who use some form of birth control.  I'm sure some of them are because there are quite a few two and three child families at our local fundie church.  They obviously don't all subscribe to quiverful. 

    No, there's quite a lot of hypocrisy in FundieLand.  It's common to read the Bible and pick and choose that which suits you.

    • Love 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Lawyerbelle said:

    Aaaahhh...but could you spoon cold spaghetti sauce directly from the jar onto pasta? That takes MAD culinary skills.

    My dh said she warmed it up in the microwave - that he saw her. I'm beginning to think he's yanking my chain.

    • Love 2
  12. I may be in the minority here, but I want something to wipe that smug, cold hearted, b!tch smirk off of Anfisa's face.  True, like many, I think Jorge is a boob...but I don't think Anfisa should be rewarded simply for being an honest b!tch.

    • Love 21
  13. On 12/24/2015 at 8:45 AM, auntl said:

    Zoey's farm birthday had over 75 guests, live animals, and required a 14 page instruction list to prepare for it. We see in the previews that this year's party is at a 5 star hotel. Zoey's picture is displayed, as big as life, outside on the marquis of the hotel. I don't think that either Will's zoo party or science party are in the same league with these two major events.

    Needing a 14 page instruction booklet to prepare was purely Jen being a control freak, and perhaps more than a little anal.  She even admitted this.

    • Love 1
  14. Nicole - "You can't show me off....."

    She's either developmentally disabled, or that was Azan's hook to get her ...."Oh, my beautiful American princess....I cannot wait to get you here, to show you all to all my countrymen! They will think I am the luckiest man, to have a beautiful blonde American bride!"

    • Love 13
  15. 10 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

    Chantel's pastor saying "whatever you say here to me today stays between us" is a fricking joke. The guy is an actor or lost all credibilty with his church with this episode. 

    It looks like he was holding church in his house.

    • Love 3
  16. 16 hours ago, steff13 said:

    RE: the new couple, I am embarrassed to admit that I had to see the preview several times before I realized she was saying he told her he was a Nigerian prince.  The way she draws out the "aaaa," I thought she was saying he told her he was gay.  That might have been an interesting twist.

    Me too!  I said to my husband last night, "Did she just say he was a gay prince?"

    He was half asleep so was no good as far as an answer goes....

    • Love 1
  17. 11 hours ago, Matias130 said:

    Pretty cool! How old was your daughter when she started her homeschool year of kindergarten? I think nowadays the preschools have pre-K right before kindergarten but im not sure. 

    She was 5....she'd just turned 5 at the beginning of August (but not August 1st), and the cutoff was August 1st. The school psychologist tried to talk me into keeping her at home until she was 6...but I was an August baby with a birthday later than hers and went to Kindergarten at 5, so I didn't see any reason why she couldn't.   She's an average student, with above average grades when she doesn't rush through her work.

    • Love 3
  18. Just now, CoachWristletJen said:

    Chantel had no business grinding on other men and then justifying it, that's for sure.

    My issue with Pedro is that he seemed to have no trouble with the clubbing before he came to this country. (Of course he would always have issues with the grinding. What man wouldn't?)

    Anyway, if Pedro really did used to go clubbing with her and now he wants to stop, it made me think that he was being overly agreeable with Chantel to make the relationship work at all costs. And, now that she's brought him here, he feels like he has her, more or less, so he can start to be himself.

    Pedro likes Chantel but he's really in it for the green card. And if his diligent pursuit of the English language is any indication of how hard he'll work at a job, then Chantel is in for a lot of trouble! Seriously, he knew he was going to have to speak with her family, and he didn't even really bother to learn. Even when he got off the plane he was still speaking to her in Spanish.

    Heck, it's free sex. What's not to like, as far as Pedro is concerned?? (Well, except for the man-grinding). And excessive drinking {according to him.}

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