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Posts posted by LocalGovt

  1. Cannot. Stand. Chantal.

    That girl just thinks she's the cat's meow, or something.  She is so immature -- her life is nothing but partying.  Even Pedro is sick of it.   She's so in love with herself...maybe that's what bothers me.  Can't stand self-absorbed people.

    • Love 13
  2. 14 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    Agreed! She should have respected Azan and his country even if she lived by a different value system. He was clearly embarrassed by her.

    It costs nothing for her to cover up her arms! If all she brought was a suitcase full of tank tops showcasing those arms of hers, I'm sure his mother would have loaned her something 

    Or the landlord would have....

    • Love 2
  3. 4 hours ago, flyingdi said:

    I totally agree that Jessa and Ben are totally living on her fAther's dime.  However, if a guest on the show pointed this out to them, no amount of distaste I have for the Duggars would ever convince me that wasn't the rudest guest in the world.

    Well, they wouldn't have to rudely point it out.  I would have just appreciated some raised eyebrows from Mrs. Flame when Jessa was explaining how Ben only works part time, she doesn't work, and they have $$ to buy them nice gifts.

    • Love 7
  4. 3 hours ago, Evagirl said:

    Ben & Jessa do not have a house note or pay rent because the house they're living in is owned by JimBob.  It's Josh & Anna's old house.  I believe it was Grandma/Grandpa Dugger's before it was Josh & Anna, but not sure.  But I am sure that it is indeed Josh and Anna's old house.  Speaking of Grandma Dugger - I haven't seen her in any of these shows.  Hope all is well.

    Jinger's voice suddenly gets very high-pitched when she's around Jeremy.  I don't know what that's about.  Jeremy is growing on me.  He laughs easily and he refers to Jinger as "the woman" he wants to marry, not the girl.  He also clarified that they've know each other for over a year and that this isn't a sudden as it looks on TV.

    I think calling his mom to ask her opinion on the ring was sweet and before he hung he told her he loved her.  Yep, the kid is certainly growing on me.

    I thought I saw Grandma D. in one of the last few Counting On episodes.  Now I can't recall which one. Oh, wait...I think  it was the last one. She was at the graduation party.

  5. Just now, Lemur said:

    I'd hate to speculate and besides, I have tabloids to do it for me.   And quite frankly, I'd given myself a shiner in more ways than I can count (walking into door frames both drunk and sober, hand slipping off a tool and punching myself in the face, walking into a car door, hit by various flying objects both intentionally aimed and me and not).  Maybe it is the lighting.  Maybe Josh really is a goddamned monster.  Also, the term "Tammy Wynette Playbook" is now in my vernacular.

    I just gave myself my first ever black eye two weeks ago when I knocked my head into the doorframe of my car door! :)

    • Love 1
  6. Does no one wonder (or question) how Jessa and Ben can afford to live in a house when she doesn't work, and he only works part time?  Their friends from St. Louis (Flame and Mrs. Flame) just took it in stride when Jessa was talking about how Ben has finals, and works part time, so he can still spend time with his family.

    • Love 9
  7. OK, so I see what's happening here. One 60-minute episode is 15 minutes of the Counting On Couple of the Night (COCON), and the other 45 minutes is easing us back into Life With The Duggar Clan, as a Whole (minus, of course, Josh).

    • Love 7
  8. Ben and Jessa don't have a toaster? Really?

    Ben:  "I thought he was just coming to check out the cuts of different diamonds...."

    Really,  Ben?  He was just there two days ago, and now he's back, just to check out the cuts of different diamonds? Couldn't he have done that in Texas? Are you really as dimwitted as you want us all to believe?

    • Love 11
  9. 1 hour ago, booboopbedoo said:

    Is Matt maybe slow mentally? He has a stunned look and slow to react.

    He didn't have the brains to at least get some milk and cereal for the boy.

    Nicole is such a petulant child! She must have been such a delight to have sex with after a 14 hour flight.

    Azan has a problem looking in her squinty eyes when he says I Love you.


    Dd you notice when Russ said goodbye to Paola that there was a lock box on the door?

    I'm kind of tempted to give Matt a pass here. He doesn't have any small children, and probably had no idea what the kid ate.  After the way Alla got all up in his face about the apples, maybe they'd had this discussion before, and he didn't want to see her go off the rails if he had something there she wouldn't like.  He had crackers and peanut butter.  Not the best breakfast, but not the worst, either.   Having said all that, I am kind of surprised that his mom didn't stock his fridge with food.  Matt just seems like a bumbling dolt to me. 

    • Love 5
  10. 38 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

    I don't have an opinion one way or the other, (I just haven't had enough experience with these situations) but I understand what you're saying.  

    On a recent trip to the UK to visit family, I was told of the joke there if you're overweight - "Go on a diet or go to America."

    That's kind of odd, since the UK has tons of reality shows depicting morbidly obese UK people who show little motivation to get thin.

    • Love 12
  11. On 9/19/2016 at 7:22 AM, becca3891 said:

    I'm more in the camp of thinking it's just good old fashioned lust. As someone who grew up homeschooled and repressed, the first time I held hands, I was VERY aroused! 

    Disgusting, misogynistic Boob is falling back on the old putdown of suggesting a man is womanly, as if that's the worst thing imaginable.

    I thought there was an entertainment center on the opposite side of the room to the (only) couch, but maybe not.

    What I hated about the flying is that Joy felt the need to act as dumb as possible. I think they subscribe to the notion that that's a desirable trait among women.

    I seriously doubt she has any desire to get a job. She'll think texting Babe 500 times a day and putting a frozen lasagna in the oven is a full time job.

    Um... receding hairlines are genetic, not caused by weight.

    I wish the focus wasn't always on Jana dating! Maybe she doesn't want to. What she deserves for sure are friends, a job and a normal life.

    I think the weight/receding hairline post meant that now that his face was thinner (due to weight loss), his receding hairline looked smaller -- not as "stretched out". :)

    • Love 5
  12. On 9/11/2016 at 7:10 AM, CofCinci said:

    Ohio has a great online academic program for homeschooling. 

    They do! I homeschooled my daughter one year, because she missed the age cut off for Kindergarten by two days.  Her birthday is Aug 3, cutoff was Aug 1.  She'd just gone through a year of preschool, and her preschool teacher felt she was ready for Kindergarten. So I had a choice...have her languish at home for a year and get out of the academic groove, or homeschool her.  I went the homeschool route, and have never regretted it.  It gave me a chance to work on her one on one, something she wouldn't have gotten in mainstream school.  I got to know her academic strengths and weaknesses, and how she learns best.  That knowledge still serves me today, when I'm helping her with homework.

    • Love 5
  13. 7 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

    Well, how classy of Nicole. I'm sure her little daughter will appreciate her having said stuff like this about her on Twitter as she gets older.

    Sounds like she already is eating nice and healthy food from Mickey D's ( just like her mom.)


    Wow...Nicole  looks much thinner in that picture. If that was the picture Azan saw, no wonder he was surprised by Nicole in real life -- even seeing neck up facetime video.

    • Love 13
  14. 2 minutes ago, EverybodyIsACritic said:

    God help me, but I don't think it's her hook she wants in his mouth ....


    1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

    I am so glad I was home when I read that be cause I am 12. Dani wishes she could have gotten his hook on her mouth.

    I'm confused.

  15. 15 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

    It's always fun to point and laugh at idiots. And this bunch? Whoo doggie!

    .........Jed Clampett :)

    8 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    It reminded me of the story of Dani and Mo in Doha.  Didn't he only have sex with her once in order to put the hook in her mouth? Could that have been what Azan was doing?

    Of course, it appeared that when the police showed up there were truly unanticipated circumstances beyond his control. It's not so easy to find hookups in Morocco.  I think he would have been happy to have another night or two.

    Still, she's GOT to quit glomming onto him in public.  Why can't she get that through her thick head?

    And, as far as the negative backlash, nothing seems to embarrass that Nicole girl.  She's got a Mama June thing going on.

    I didn't think Dani and Mo ever did it. :)

  16. Another cringworthy moment: Chantal grinding/twerking whatever she was doing in that ridiculously tight and tiny skirt in the previews for next week. Cover your eyes, if you're sensitive that way: she's like a dog in heat.  Someone turn on the water hose.

    • Love 2
  17. 13 hours ago, okerry said:

    dear gods, Nicole, you are SUCH an embarrassment - I can only hope you watch this like the rest of us and see how cringeworthy you really are. And stop. Just stop.

    I am fascinated by Nicole. She's such a contradiction.  She makes these very juvenile comments and demands, but then when she doesn't get what she wants (or is trying to pressure Anza - whatever his name is), she looks decidedly like a  much older woman, and poof! The soft, timid little girl is gone, replaced by a woman with hard eyes and a hard mouth -- hard look, period.  Funny, that.

    I could barely watch her. I'm sure I looked away from the screen more than once.  Cringeworthy is certainly the right description here.

    • Love 12
  18. 47 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

    Why was she so worried about Ben and Jessa holding hands in a holding-hands prayer circle in which each of them was also holding hands with someone else?!!!

    Why was Boob so worried about Derick and Jill walking next to each other on a public street in Kathmandu in the middle of the afternoon?!!!!

    Because they are insane. Seriously. There's no other adequate explanation.

    Insane, or control freaks who think the only way to make sure your kids grow up the way you think they should is to control their every waking (and nonwaking) moments.  I had friends who did that with their daughter.  Boy,did it blow up in their faces.  She did one year of college, and then threw it all away to move to the boonies with a semi-employed guy who promptly got her pregnant.  She is now living the kind of life her parents so desperately tried to keep her from.  Funny how that worked out.

    • Love 9
  19. 10 minutes ago, louannems said:

    Their is also a whole TLC webcast dedicated to Cringe's use of BAAAABE!

     JB also throws a punch at Jeremy when he announces, at the Mexican doodad store, that they don't have a dress in Jeremy's size.  WTF?

    Typical, juvenile-type comment.  It's because Jeremy was going through the dresses, trying to find one for Jing.

    • Love 2
  20. 3 minutes ago, louannems said:

    Besides the horrible, HIGH-PITCHED Baaaaaaabeeee!, I also could not stand to watch Cringe's constant WIDE, open mouthed shocked expression.  See Babe, mouth opens wide!  See his AMAZING apartment, mouth opens wide!  See the flowers, mouth opens wide!  See the magnificent chapel, mouth opens wide!  The bestest wide-mouthed Cringe is on the sneak preview where Babe serves her meal.

    I wonder if she and Michelle had "mouth wide open/shocked surprise" lessons in front of the  mirror...

    • Love 4
  21. 15 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    We should probably move that discussion to the religion thread so we don't get in trouble with the mods. :)

    eta: My DVR picked up the Sneak Peek for next week. Just shoot me now. Jinge and Babe, chaperoned by the three "graduates" go to some lame park with activities meant for 12 year olds. It looked like TLC rented out the place for their exclusive use. Babe babbles on about the boys testing his "competitive nature." The sneak peek cuts off with a shot of Ben and Babe at a jewelry store looking at rings, but my DVR didn't catch anything (inane) that they might have said. 

    Really, TLC? 

    Right. And now we can piece together the Mexican restaurant picture that was floating around on here a month or so ago....(the one with Ging noticeably hiding her hand, and questions about a pregnant Jessa -- before she made her "double the love" announcement).

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