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Posts posted by LocalGovt

  1. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    Wait - what? On August 5, she posted a selfie with shorter, mostly blonde hair and talked about the color as "the first time for everything."  Now, on August 10 she has shoulder-length dark hair with six inches of blonde on the ends?  Maybe her big announcement is that she's discovered how to make hair grow much faster than normal, even with PCOS.

    Maybe she's going to have wls.

    Wait...no....it's that her exercise DVD's will now be available on QVC.

    • Love 7
  2. On 8/8/2016 at 9:49 AM, ClareWalks said:

    Excellent! I will add a few things and make us a "workout game" (not a drinking game) for the reunion.

    Guffaw: 10 squats

    Excuses/"I lost 100 pounds!!!": 10 situps

    Variation of "fat pride": 10 jumping jacks

    Any mention of the word "spandex": 10 pushups

    Inappropriate sexual comments/questions: 5 burpees

    Product placements: 10 jump-rope hops

    Whitney body-shames someone else: 10 bicycle crunches

    Babs/Glenn look vaguely embarrassed: 10 lunges

    Someone drops a truth bomb that annoys Whit: 10 tricep dips

    References to Whit's "dance career": Up and down stairs two times, OR 10 high-knee march steps in place

    Anything else I should add? Give me more strong possibilities and I will edit this post :)

    Everytime PCOS is mentioned.....______________________.

    • Love 4
  3. 4 hours ago, RealityCowgirl said:

    Good heavens, that's insane. This crapola show doesn't need two "reunion" hours.

    Well, you know those loud, drawn out, guffaws use a lot of air time.  Not to mention the steely eyed stares when she doesn't like what someone is saying or implying.

    • Love 7
  4. 8 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    No. He didn't seem upset in the least. Not even when he was driving away. So, he either doesn't care and is possibly an actor or the breakup was a fake to prove how far Whitney has come in loving herself and being fabulous, or both. It's all in prep for her redemption season. 

    I need to re-watch!

    • Love 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Cherrio said:

    It was actually funny that Whitney sets up this serious conversation, soft sad voice, breaking it to Lennie ever so gently.   He says, ok, gets up and leaves. LOL

    Did he rev his engine and squeal away from his parking space, or was I hallucinating?

    • Love 12
  6. 5 hours ago, John M said:

    Seriously, I mean that is even more out of control than weight and PCOS, guys do not have any control over how firm their nipples are, what the hell Whit?

    To be fair, neither do women, but still some feel motivated to use pads to cover up the fact. :)

    • Love 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Did they never do a dry run of all the dances in their costumes? Why are her pantyhose around her ankles? And she thinks they'll fail on presentation because of her size, not because she's sloppy. Ha!

    (I think those are her leggings.)

    • Love 4
  8. Spoiler

    There is no spoiler. I have no idea what button I even pressed.


    This whole thing is just too bizarre for me.  Who (in their right mind) puts themselves, their family, their private life, their boyfriend, and their friends  out there for public consumption, and then has episodes where they a) collapse; b) fly down a hill on a very, very small innertube; c) have a meltdown or two; d) get called out by their trainer; e) get in a fight with a comedianne; oh, I could go on and on.  I wonder if she reads each week's script with bated breath, to see what is going to happen to her *this* week???!!!!  And now, we get to witness The Breakup.

    • Love 9
  9. On 7/30/2016 at 11:11 AM, Cinnamini11 said:

    I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding your analogy, but we shouldn't shame people with acne and full health coverage for not going to a dermatologist? I mean why would someone do that? (It also implies that going to a dermatologist for help would "cure" their acne and it doesn't necessarily work like that). Also, maybe I'm the outlier here but I still don't think anyone should be "shaming" Whitney for her body? Call out her excuses, point out the deterioration of her ability to function on her own, stop enabling her, sure. But "shaming" i.e. trying to humiliate her because of how her body looks isn't something I agree with.

    Also, obviously in this case we are seeing a lot of Whitney's life, but in general you shouldn't shame people for any of their physicality (weight, skin, height etc) because you aren't privy to any of the background information (or as a stranger it's just not your business).  

    Let's just call it what it is: Whitney wants to have her cake (be morbidly obese) and eat it too (get even more morbidly obese while crying and whining about how hard it is for her to lose weight).   If I find any shame, it is in her hypocritical lifestyle of whining about how she's so active, and doing everything right, but still can't lose weight, when deep down, she knows she's not doing 1/10th of what she should be. But don't you call her on it, or you're fat shaming her.  Her behavior mirrors those of Penny and others on My 600 Pound Life ("where's my yellow brick road? I'm doing everything I should be, Dr.  Now!").

    • Love 14
  10. 4 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Ok I apologize seriously I do. But let's go back to the sex chair. If she's already at the point that she can't put on shoes, shave her legs, sleep w/o breathing help...how can she use a chair? Who goes where on the chair? How long can the chair be in use if she can't cross a street w/o hugging and puffing? 

    I know she told the folks at the station her sex number was a 7 and Lovin Lennie was a 3, but did she consider that it was because it takes so much to get to the goods?  Maybe he doesn't want to use the chair every time.

    To be accurate, I'm not sure she ever said she had, or used,  such a chair.  I only mentioned that there "was" such a chair for couples who needed it. :)  From the looks of it, it's more of an aid to make sure the person on the bottom is not impacted by the weight of the person using the chair; the frame of the chair takes the bulk of the weight, if that makes sense. It looks, size wise, like a beach chair -- not with long, regular sized legs.  I've only seen pictures on the web. I do  not own such a chair. :)

    • Love 3
  11. 4 hours ago, M.F. Luder said:

    I felt Todd's pain when he had to buckle and unbuckle Whitney's shoes for her. He definitely did not seem happy to be doing it. I thought it was weird how Whitney explained that she can't do it because she can't lift her leg up on the seat because of the wall behind it, then when Todd walked away, she immediately put her leg on the seat so that she could put her flats on. I guess she mustered up the strength to do the leg lift after all.

    I also loved Todd's face when Whitney made the video chat for Roy. He looked mortified on her behalf.

    Yeah, I noticed how she was able to lift her leg, too. Maybe it was the other one she couldn't lift? (Giving her a HUGE benefit of the doubt here).  Todd has far more patience with her than I would.

    One thing she does that most 600 lb patients don't is visit the gym.  She doesn't do it often, but she does do it.  I was watching a marathon yesterday of the 600 show, and was amazed at how many of them refused to even get up out of bed, so there's that, too. She's still mobile. She can't buckle up her own shoes, but she can still walk.  She takes baby, mincing steps, but she can still walk.

    • Love 6
  12. You know what's odd?  She keeps bringing up the fact that she lost 100 lbs once....as if it's a good thing.  I mean, yes, it's a good thing, but anyone she says that to has to be thinking in their thought bubble, "But why aren't you doing it now?"   Right now in her life, the fact that she lost 100lbs 5 years ago is hurting, more than helping, her image.

    • Love 7
  13. Big Clothes:

    OK. Here's something I don't get.  What size clothes do you think Whitney wears?  4x, 5x maybe? I don't know.  I was watching reruns of My 600lb Life yesterday, and noticed that after the people on there had lost a significant amount of weight and were around the 300lb mark (smaller than Whitney), they were wearing a size 3x.

    Are there different sizes of the "x's" in stores designed for larger people? Cause I gotta tell you, when I weighed 210 lbs, I was in a 2x when I bought my clothes at Kohl's.  Now I'm under 200lbs, and I'm in a size 16, or what is considered a "0x". 

    I don't understand how at 210 lbs, I was wearing a 2x, but at 100lbs heavier, these people are wearing a 3x.  The only thing I can think of is that the labels are different for mainstream stores vs. a store  that caters to larger sizes.  Thoughts?

  14. 14 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

    Just now watching Will fire Whitney.  The excuses....this girl is beyond a mess.  I wonder how she would do in a residential program with supervision, therapy, and strictly limited food choices.  I suppose at this point she would walk out and blame her failure on everyone else.

    How would she do in that situation? Picture the head spinning scene of The Exorcist.

    • Love 1
  15. 15 hours ago, Pdxblonde said:

    Most likely, the cookie came from a coffee place, like Starbucks. I get tired of people on my 600 lb life saying they have no choice but to eat fast food while on the road. Bullshi*! Whenever we road trip, I always fill up a cooler with fruit, veggie sticks, string cheese, sandwiches, etc. You don't HAVE to eat fast food! But, that would take a little effort. I wonder if Buddy does all the grocery shopping at home or if Whit just eats all her meals out and goes over to Bab's and Glen's occasionally for dinner.

    Even if you go the fast food route, there ARE perfectly healthy salads to be had.

    • Love 6
  16. 5 minutes ago, okerry said:

    Isn't this another strong symptom of food addiction? I've noticed that, too - the person doesn't eat for the enjoyment or savoring of the food (which you might think they would) - no, it's just to throw down and fill up as fast as possible. There's not even time for the stomach to send an "I'm full" signal to the brain, which takes a few minutes. 

    I just hope the show ends with a food addiction specialist getting hold of Whitney and taking her in for serious treatment. It would no doubt save her life and might help a lot of other people, too.

    I made the mistake  of watching this episode again last night.  The cake tasting segment......she was shoveling (there's really no other word for it) large portions of that cake in her mouth with wild abandon. I don't think it was a trick of the editing, either, because there was no breakaway from her shoveling, and the last piece was still sitting in her mouth, not even chewed.   I can't believe I watched it again.

    • Love 2
  17. 1 minute ago, ClareWalks said:

    Oh, yeah, "I ran out of bars" was the most epic excuse I've ever heard. I think Whitney would probably just stop washing her hands entirely if she "ran out of" soap. Has she even heard of these things called "stores?"

    Parents of young children, take note: this is what happens when you don't set limits for your children, never say "no" to them (I have a niece who refuses to do that), and give them NO responsibility.   They grow up to be Whitney.  Obviously, Whitney expected someone (certainly not her) to know she was out of bars, and then go get them for her. Maybe Glenn refuses to do that, since she dissed his little serving sized containers.  I hope he did.

    • Love 9
  18. That little power trip during the auditions showed Whitney's true colors. 

    And Caitie? She seemed to seriously be puzzled as to why she didn't get picked, when she "helped out" so much by taking over the class that one time.  Something smells rotten in the state of Denmark. They must do some great editing, if Caitie wasn't able to pick up on the fact that Whitney was seething over that.  Or else, Whitney really wasn't seething over it, but it makes for good ratings to edit it that way.  Personally, I think she was seething, but I thought I'd type out the alternative, just to see how it felt.  I am just puzzled over Caitie's apparent mis-read of that whole situation.

    And you could tell Whitney was living it up, or lapping it up, seeing Caitie's utter shock.  Especially after she said, "I got this in the bag," or whatever it was she (Caitie) said about her chance of getting picked.

    • Love 9
  19. 3 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    Todd hates Whitney lol.

    Of all those awesome ass dancers, why the hell would Whitney pick Maddie?? Just because she's trans doesn't mean that she's a better dancer. I think Whit thinks it's cool to have a trans friend for her no body shame campaign, and that may be true, but that doesn't mean she was deserving of the position. Caitie at least would have been professional and actually shown up for the appointment and like Todd said, they would have gotten the video done in the first few takes rather than wasting everyone's time and money on a woman who can't tell her left from her right.

    I hated how she sat behind the table acting like big shit when she knew who she would pick for the video anyway. The audition was pointless. 

    Whitney wants to bang Roy so bad, she's fixin to dump Lenny. That may backfire.

    My thoughts on why she picked Maddie?  1. Because Maddie went to the pool with her and hung out -- they're besties.  And 2. Because Maddie poses absolutely no threat to her.  She can't be compared, and found lacking,  to Maddie.

    • Love 16
  20. 9 hours ago, Eldemarge said:

    I don't understand why Whit is harping on Maddie when it's pretty clear there was no preparation (rehearsals, script) for this dance video.  Got damn, she is unprofessional!

    I know, right? She gives them a video to practice at HOME.

    That really backfired on her, didn't it?  Her jealousy of Caitie (However you spell her name!) was so immature. I was really surprised the dance partner, whose name escapes me,didn't call her on it.  Is EVERYONE (except Will) afraid to confront her??

    • Love 12
  21. On 7/15/2016 at 6:45 PM, Lady Edith said:

    I was searching online for info (there seems to be a drought these days) and found an article on the Syracuse.com website.  Here is the link:


    the funniest thing was this little blurb...sometimes typos are the best part of a story.


    My gosh, she's already perfected that sickeningly sweet, adoring gaze, neck cramping tilt.

    On the up side, that picture of him looks much  better than the red and white striped, buttoned up to his neck number that's been floating around. Very emasculating.

    • Love 1
  22. On 7/23/2016 at 0:12 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

    She looks like an owl with those big eyes. They look pretty cozy for all the Duggar dating rules. What is it with those wonky lopsided photos? They only work when you've got no obvious horizontal and vertical lines like doorways...

    Derick better kiss than man bun goodbye. Jeremy is sporting a short do, and likely gets the dubious honor of man bun shaming and removal.

    I don't know what I detest more: man buns, or the proverbial, "my bad..."

    Carry on.

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