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Posts posted by LocalGovt

  1. 22 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    I think she just wanted to make it clear to the girlfriend that Buddy is hers, so she asks him to help her get out of the shower and then rub her down. It didn't seem like she needed too much help since he was lightly holding her hand. She stepped out of the shower by herself. He was basically just there to see her naked. Too bad for her, he didn't want to look. Is she trying to piss off his girlfriend? I wonder how she felt about that scene when she watched it.

    I know, right!!???!!!  I was thinking along the same lines...her whiny, "Buuuddddyyyyyyyyyy......!!! Come help me!!!!"  And then the part about, "....will you rub it??"  ugh. Blech. She has the maturity of a 12 year old boy.

    • Love 10
  2. 23 hours ago, greekmom said:

    It looked to me like a Pokemon hat. Maybe I'm wrong. Hipster idiots.

    It looked like some kind of animal hat to me....you know, like, the whole tail movement thing?  I don't know what it's called, but where people wear animal tails and sometimes don animal head hats....

    • Love 4
  3. 2 minutes ago, aliya said:

    I had to look that up. I couldn't even wait until I left work, I was so curious. Fortunately, working on a campus, I can look at almost anything at work and call it research. : )  Jebus H.

    I know, right?  Don't ask me how I came upon it.  I think I was in a "let's spice up our lovelife" phase, and visited a website. :) And then I couldn't stop looking at things. Like when you pass an accident scene. I left the website empty-carted. :)

    • Love 3
  4. On 6/30/2016 at 4:36 PM, RCharter said:

    I just can't....how is sex every spontaneous and fun when you have to break out your "sex furniture" from the local storage facility.

    The girl is in her early 30's....its the time to enjoy sex without having to pre-plan for it.

    Although, at this point I don't understand how she enjoys sex, because I'm sure her body is hurting, and I don't know, and I don't want to know what positions she can do that alleviate pain and.....well....work logistically. 

    Sex Furniture....

    I'm very sorry I brought it up; I didn't mean to permanently fry anyone's eyeballs, imagination, or brain. :) 

    • Love 4
  5. On 6/30/2016 at 3:19 PM, Brooklynista said:

    I don't know you, but I really dislike you.  My brain is burnt from the immediate visual of Whitney using said chair.  I'm thinking you should make it up to me with some tuna, pasta and mayo.

    LOL!!!  Sorry, Charlie! (Get it, Charlie Tuna?) :)

    On 7/3/2016 at 2:05 AM, Snarklepuss said:

    Oh wow, you are excellent - I plugged his last name into Intelius last night and when it didn't turn up anyone in the entire country with that name I knew it was totally made up, but you just figured out the entire ruse. 

    My goodness...those are dreadful!

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

    Since Whitney is always making sure we all know she has sex, I think its ok to ask if this is where the crane (she brought up) comes in handy?

    Speaking of such things....I've seen (online) a device that larger women can use to facilitate sex.  It's like a chair type thing that you would place over the man, and the woman would sit (with knees bent at her sides) on top of it to...um...position herself. 

    • Love 2
  7. You've all pretty much hit on everything!  I think in the "I can't get in Lennie's truck" scene, she was saying it would have been much easier for her if he had a little step stool there for her.

    All that screeching as she was riding the bike....screaming and yelling out her frustration...how embarrassing.  She should have just channeled that energy into peddling.

    Can't believe she called her mom a B.  How is that ok? 

    She actually looked hurt when her dad said he was disappointed in her.  Good.  He's not the only one, Whit.

    • Love 5
  8. 10 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

    Whitney introduces Lennie to Will at the gym. Will asks a simple getting to know you question aND Lonnie tells Will that he and Whitney are "dancing partners between the sheets". It was a very umm....OK? Kinda moment. That joke might have flown with Whitney's friends, but with her trainer that Lennie just met? It was off and weird.

    I'm convinced Lennie is the only one that showed up at the casting call.

    Thank you! :)

    • Love 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

    I think Lennie missed his cue and delivered his line at the wrong time. Can't be cost effective to TLC to keep doing takes waiting for him to look convincing about this relationship. 

    I totally missed this part, because my 9 year old walked in the room, and I didn't want her to see/hear the show....can you fill me in on what was said, please?? :)

    • Love 1
  10. 6 hours ago, DixonVixen2359 said:

    Whitney has become such a vile bitch! Her braying laugh really grinds my gears. What exactly is so "fabulous" about her life? The first season of this crap fest, she kept prattling on about how she wanted to prove it was possible to be "fit and fat"... now we hear her piss and moan about changing her diet. She is so delusional.                                                                                                                                    I feel like such a witch, but I laughed so hard  at Whitney struggling to pull her massive ass up into Lennie's truck.  I had less trouble climbing up into my husband's souped up Jeep Wrangler  while I was 9 months pregnant.                                                                                                                                                       Buddy is the reason I tolerate this show. He looked adorkable on his bike.                                                                                                                                         

    I hate that laugh of hers.  It's so forced; so fake.  Unless she's laughing at someone else's misfortune, or making fun of "their" fat.

    • Love 3
  11. 8 hours ago, Katydid said:

    Why is this 32 year old woman consulting with her parents for permission to move in with her boyfriend? I mean, I agree with them 100% with their concerns about Lenny, but she's old enough to make her own mistakes. 

    Surprise! She got the internahip at the radio station. I can't wait to see how long a daily early morning commute from Greensboro to Charlotte lasts. By the way, whatever happened to her job with the baseball team?

    I think I heard her mention that her job with the baseball team was seasonal -- that it would resume again (supposedly) when it was baseball season.

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, notyrmomma said:

    I thought the Duggar's built that themselves, using child labor of course.

    I wonder if TLC has Twit on their health insurance plan?  She's way too old to be on daddy's plan and she doesn't have a real job otherwise.  I think who's paying what is relevant...my theory is that the only thing that is "fabulous" in her life are the things that this show gives her...ski vacations, a nice car, a custom bicycle, wardrobe, visits to cardiologists, etc etc

    The Duggars were unable to finish the job, for whatever reason. TLC stepped in and took care of getting it done.

    • Love 3
  13. On 6/24/2016 at 0:01 PM, Madding crowd said:

    I have a bit of different point of view and pretty much know I will be alone here-so maybe don't throw stones for my bravery alone (lol). I don't think you should give an overweight person diet food or diet materials unless they ask you for it. I would be offended if someone showed up at my house with weight loss stuff. He shouldn't be bringing her toilet paper either. I have a suspicion Whitney's parents are very controlling and I also suspect they have been trying to get her to diet for a long time. It is the individual's responsibility to diet, no one else can or should make that choice for them. No one every lost weight through another person pushing; you have to do it yourself.

    I agree with the basic message of no body shaming; but agree Whitney is not doing a good job of it. All people fat or thin are human beings and have a right to care about themselves and not be made fun of. People think a fat person will lose more weight if they hate themselves or if they receive messages of hate but it is just the opposite. I just read a diet book with the statement "Losing weight won't make you happy, but being happy will make you lose weight" and I believe in that 100%. If you can love yourself and find the happiest life you can, you will lose weight because you won't need food as a way to stuff your emotions. I also don't see any point in hating or ridiculing someone because of their weight. If you are at a good weight, than keep it up and realize everyone else is different. 

    I think it would be good for Whitney to spend less time with her parents. They seem to treat her like a little girl and she responds to that treatment. I think if she could find a career she is passionate about and forget about the reality star stuff, she would be happier and maybe spend less time thinking about food. As for her class, I can kind of understand. I teach classes and if I can't be there I hire a substitute. If I had to cancel a class though, I wouldn't want someone else just taking over without contacting me. Just think about your own job; if you are out sick for a day do you want your co-worker taking over you job? The woman could have contacted Whitney. 

    I agree she isn't living a fabulous life, but how many people are? Everyone has problems and issues. I do think the show should be cancelled because I don't believe fat people should be ridiculed and it seems people are not interested in just watching her everyday life, so what's left? 

    I agree with what you said (see bolded), EXCEPT...Whitney acts like a child who needs to be taken care of.  So....she and her parents have kind of developed this parent/child relationship where the parents take care of the child long past the usual age, and the child acts helpless and in need of that help.

    • Love 4
  14. I was really discouraged with her talk with Glenn.  It's obvious she has absolutely no intention of modifying her eating habits. She was like a drug addict faced with the prospect of having her drug taken away from her, forever.

    She doesn't want to change. It is going to take an actual heart attack or stroke, and then she'll only want  to change until she gets used to her new "normal".

    • Love 7
  15. On 6/19/2016 at 6:35 PM, Tosia said:

    Dr. Shil would love Whitney-- they are both fame whores--made for each other.  

    He doesn't help people, imho. He uses them to line his pockets.

      Whit needs real help from several experts--not on tv.

    I'm not a fan of Dr. Phil, either. But I thought his book, Life Code, was an excellent resource.  Quite possibly because it gave me a lot of validation. :)

    • Love 1
  16. I just had a thought: Whitney is so into this no "body shaming" thing.  BTW, body shaming is defined as making inappropriate comments about someone's body/appearance.

    Will she use being the "face" of body shaming as a way to continue eating, and maintain her size? 

    In looking up a definition for body shaming, I came across her blog, which showed other large women, and how she was praising them, but it seemed like she was praising them more for their size, and any other accomplishments were an added bonus.

    • Love 2
  17. On 6/3/2016 at 0:02 PM, Defrauder said:

    I can totally relate to the Duggar girls/women - always having to be in full makeup and looking their best.  Starting when I was 12, my parents expected the girls to wear full makeup - in and out of the house at all times (except when sleeping of course).  We could wear whatever we wanted - jeans, t-shirts, short skirts, bikini's, whatever - but we were always expected to wear makeup.  And stay very thin.  Decades later, I find it very awkward to be without makeup, in or out of the house.  Fortunately, after so much practice I can put on my foundation, blush, lipstick, mascara and eyeshadow in 5 minutes flat.  I think my parents prided themselves on having the best looking children possible.  I'm not from the south and just thought of it as a generational thing.  

    That's really sad; I'm sorry you have to endure that. What prompted your parents to want you to be all made up?

  18. 1 hour ago, riverblue22 said:

    Doesn't Whitney live in North Carolina?  Duke University has a well-known weight loss program that people come from all over to attend.  It's not cheap but I think Whitney's parents could afford to send her there.  They do work on behavioral issues but I think Whitney would be a challenge in any case.  When is she ever going to sit down and consider her situation?  It's more likely that she will just keep heading toward the 600-lb. crowd and continually delude herself into thinking she is A-OK.

    But thanks to you, Whitney, I just enjoyed cottage cheese for lunch.  And it was plenty satisfying!

    I'm doing the eating plan that was devised by the Duke doctor who is also the president of bariatric surgeons in the US...Dr. Eric Westman.  There were so many people interested in it, and such a waiting list, he put the program on line. Not sure if it's the same one you are talking about. 

    • Love 2
  19. 4 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    I've stopped watching this alternately maddening and sad show, but I couldn't avoid the trailer for this episode, showing Whitney on skis. Yes, it was great physical comedy, watching her feet about to go sideways out from under her as she screeched for Lenny-Honey to come and help her. What was the poor guy supposed to do, Whitney? He can barely get his arms around your middle, let alone hoist your nearly four hundred pound body back to your feet while gravity and inertia combine to pull you down!  And then I started wondering why Whitney-The-Fabulous-Dancer didn't have enough strength and flexibility to do a controlled side split, something many of my dancer friends do as a joke to freak out the people they are skiing with. And then I began to feel mean and un-compassionate, which is why I stopped watching this awful show in the first place.  Ugh.

    Do not feel badly for pointing out the truth.  Her life is what she makes it.

    • Love 1
  20. Re: Her job

    Does she still have the job with the minor league BB team, does anyone know?   It seemed obvious to everyone that she was unable to complete the duties of the job (in the one episode that showed it)...plus she seemed to really have an attitude with her boss ("Oh, I'm guessing I'm not supposed to be sitting on a training table...."). I figured that job was long gone.

    • Love 1
  21. 20 hours ago, Tosia said:

    Whit scoffs at "being at death's door", but she will end up in a wheel chair cuz she's killing her knees,  hips, and fèet with 378 lbs.

     Or she could stroke out and then who will take care of her?  No one can lift her.

    Or she could get seriously hurt and end up paralyzed  in a car accident since she doesn't wear a seat belt! 

    IMHO, there are things worse than death. 

    Her parents deserve better. Whit is an ungrateful bee-otch to them also.  And which of her friends would be willing to personally care for her 24/7 (as in wipe her butt, wash her, feed her, and listen to her B.S.)  ??????

    Hope Whit has good insurance cuz she is going to need it. Unless the insurance company contests  her obesity  using the show as proof that she was aware of and ignored  medical issues and advice. 

    Wouldn't she have to work to have insurance? Or does she have the Marketplace stuff?

  22. 14 hours ago, Stripper Glitter said:

    So, I was just reading the most recent comments. I'm a big girl too. I have been on diet after diet after diet since my teen years. Lose gain lose gain. On 5/16/16 I was at my peak of 353; I'm 5'10. That same day I also embarked on a ketogenic way of eating. As of this morning I'm 339.4 and I fully intend to keep that downward trend going :-) My calorie goal each day is 1857. I aim for 35g of carbs (from veggies mostly), 130g of protein, and 133g of fat. Most days I come in under calories. My knees stopped aching the first week. My acid reflux, which I've had for 20 years, is essentially non-existent. All that to say I think Whit could do great eating this way. But I doubt she would :-/ She's going down a road to more aches and pains and who knows what else. She's youngish now so maybe it won't be that bad for awhile but eventually it will. I'm pushing 47 and this is the first time in awhile that my knees haven't hurt from the moment I get out of bed. I don't like being fat. It's easier to be lazy for sure, but I bet it will be more rewarding to be skinnier :-)

    It's funny that  you bring this up....just today, I signed up on the Adapt website.  But they don't answer a lot of questions there (on the site).  Did your doctor recommend this?  My brain hears what they're saying, about sugar and carbs being bad for you...I can even understand it.  But I think I've had the "fat is bad for you" mantra drummed into me so long, I worry about all that fat.   Even. Though.I.Know.Carbs.Are.Not.My.Friend. Ugh!

    Ooopps! And I meant to add, good for  you! Good luck!!!

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