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Everything posted by Marley

  1. Chyna is super crazy. Like not even fun crazy. I can see now why she got with Rob. Besides being set for life..she probably scares away anyone else she dates.
  2. Was I supposed to feel bad for Vicki? Cause I didn't at all..that's Karma bitch. Faking cancer is disgusting and Vicki is disgusting. Bitch deserves what she gets. David's Brooks comment was awesome.
  3. Not a Kim fan but honestly I see nothing wrong with that picture. I don't know if it's photoshopped or not but I think she looks good. I've seen pics too where her butt seemed deformed but not this pic.
  4. I woukd like the future stuff if it actually showed the future and not some concert. His rapping in the concert is so literal and lame too which makes it worse. Mylene meh.
  5. Mylene really bugs me. So much so that I sometimes find myself hoping she fails, and I don't like that. She's a bitch to Zeke and bossy and annoying lol. They use such random stupid sounds sometimes. Like the Kung fu shit can go at anytime. I like the show but I do feel it could be better.
  6. Lamar is a joke and I don't like Khloe but I don't get how she can just hang out with him. Malika sucks. I cant even remember what else happened to be honest but this show is a joke. I'm watching it tho so what can I say. My excuse is I'm pretty drunk.
  7. Jacqueline is totally fucked. Everything about her is the worst. Dolores seems nice but it's weird with her ex. Like how could she date someone it'd be too awkward. I ff Siggy's scenes. She's so loud and annoying.
  8. Oh my god I am not a Teresa fan but Jacqueline was ridiculous tonight. Jacqueline is so obsessed with getting a storyline it's pathetic.
  9. I am not a huge fan of him as a person, but I am a fan of his music. Some of his songs lately haven't been the best but he is super talented. JMO.
  10. Everything about Jacqueline and Chris is pathetic and fake. Sell your house and figure it the fuck out. Also why would I want my popcorn to be smaller? That is stupid lol. Joe Go is a serious loser and annoying. Nothing he ever says is funny or cute. I could've smacked his kids too. The rest was boring I guess cause I can't really remember anything else lol.
  11. Khloe is the worst as per usual. I have to ff thru most of her scenes cause everything about her is annoying and fake. Also Malika can go away. I don't give a fuck about Khloe and Lsmar either. It's weird and has been dragging on forever. They were acting really stupid about Cuba too. Fucking morons. Also what is with how Kaynes video diary or whatever looks like ? Looks so grainy and 90sish ...so weird lol.
  12. This show kind of sucks now. I pretty much don't like any of them. Vince is such a loser too with his running at Devin. Grow the fuck up. Sarah is the worst too. She is so pathetic. I also used to like Jenna, but this episode changed that.
  13. The video for Famous is the worst. There is like 5 mins of the ppl snoring. He will totally win tho.
  14. Kelly and Michael were so high it's not even funny ..plus shitfaced. Also, Kelly is all about that screen time which is why she's obsessed with Vicki. As for the rest I honestly don't even know lol. What a shit show. Vicki is such a joke too.
  15. Kanye is a douche and always has been..even before Taylor Swift. Taylor is a fake bitch. This episode didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. This episode did confirm again how much I dislike Khloe. She is so off putting.
  16. Ugh Sarah and Johnny. This episode made me really I dislike Sarah. Vince is such a tool. I hope the rumours are false of him and Jenna hooking up. Next weeks preview looks brutal for Jenna with that call with douche Zach.
  17. Was Lamar living with Khloe? I find it so odd him being there and having food made for him. He seems like an overgrown child in the last scene. Also he looked like a pimp when he met up with Rob when he had that hat and gold chain on. Why can't Khloe have dinner with Rob and BC? Why must her and Rob have this epic talk alone. It's so weird like just move on. Iceland looks beautiful and I have always wanted to visit there. I rather never go tho then go on an all expense paid trip if it meant having to go with Jonathan. That guy is seriously the worst.
  18. Tia seems crazy lol. Or she is trying hard for camera time. Why would Autumn and Sasha like Tia? Seems the type they would not like at all. Are Marcedes and Olivia really together? Seems so forced at times.
  19. Dario wins once and thinks he's the shit. Also he is seriously so dumb lol his nominations were the worst. I'm not even sure why he was so mad at Cory...because he made a deal with someone else? Lol who cares. Now everyone hates him so good job there.
  20. Larry just seems like he's not that into Nicole. Autumn is pretty pathetic. She just tries so hard to make it seem like her marriage is perfect. It's too much. Their talk at the gym made me feel uncomfortable lol.
  21. I think Khoe is a total bitch and it's creepy as fuck how she is acting to Rob. BUT I don't think Lamar is some victim. He's a loser drug addict who does ignore his kids and nobody tricked him into marrying Khloe and nobody tricked him into being a willing participant into everything that is still going on. He's a grown man. They both are fucked and both got what they wanted out of their joke marriage. Khloe being a martyr bitch and Lamar being a druggie loser who can't take care of himself or his life.
  22. I didn't even know grills were still a thing. They are so lame and idiotic.
  23. I totally don't care about Mark or Cary because I find them both fake as fuck but I totally believe what Leanne said about how they got together. Mark didn't even really deny it. Plus why is Mark even there? I find him ridiculous. Leanne is crazy but she was looking better. Brandi's kids getting kicked out of school is so dumb. I don't see how Jesus juice is offensive in any way. I found the reunion more entertaining then most of the season. That's the first time I've seen Andy wear glasses I think too.
  24. Not a fan of Khloe at all but I find it hilarious that ppl think it's the Kardashians that are making Lamar look bad. He's a loser drug addict who had a stroke in a brothel ..not exactly some great guy. I don't feel bad for him.
  25. I don't understand what Khloe and Kourtney thought was so hilarious about face timing ppl and asking them what colour is their pussy..that was one of the most annoying scenes I've watched on this show in a while.
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