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Everything posted by Zonk

  1. Shaun was kind with what he said to Park. I would have gone with something like "How dare you put me in this position, you fucking asshole! A friend wouldn't do that. The rules are there for a reason." Also it's increadibly irresponsible for these writers to write such a storyline. Fear of doctors not giving it their all and giving up before they usually would, if they have other patients who could live, if they'd get your organs, is a major reason why people won't fill out organ doner cards. Fuck these writers, seriously.
  2. It has been winter for a while, it seems, right? So, does Dexter have a jackhammer or how did he dig a hole under the fire pit? Because that ground would be frozen solid, quite a ways down. Two serial killers, even. Dogs aren't magic. It's unlikely that they would have found little drops in the snow or dexter's sent after such a long time. They wouldn't even have found the body with a fire above it. I'm not doing this often, but I think the writers made the right call. It's unlikely that such a small police force would have dogs that are trained to find people. They only have dogs that are trained to make noise when their handler wants reasonable cause to search a car. Yeah, that was dumb and I rolled my eyes. Dexter should have at least walked down the highway for a bit before doubling back. But not, it's tracks out of the woods, no tracks to the highway, tracks back into the woods. He had gloves on. She took it with bare hands, which made me wince. Now granted, you are not going to find any DNA or fingerprints on a slug, but still. I think Harrison being a killer would be really boring, in a way. It would be way more fun if he is just a smart, conniving boy with some criminal knowledge he picked up when he was on the streets.
  3. I would assume it's Holo-Hari. As far as we know there is no teleportation in this universe, but there is FTL-cummication. So the Hologram-Data could have been sent from Helicon to Terminus. But I've been wrong multiple times before, so I might be here as well. I just can't predict what the weird brains of the writers come up with. Sadly, not in a good way. I'm not sure this counts as science fiction. I fail to see any science in it...
  4. Zonk

    Dune (2021)

    Why? Just saying "it can't" is a cheap copout. If wroms can produce it, so can a chemical plant, unless the worms are magic. While that is just one of my many questions, it's not that important that these questions be answered. My main problem remains. I think the prophecy stuff (although it's partly made up, it seems to have a true core, with the bloodline breeding and Paul having vision) is just boring and kinda stupid. And I still don't get why it was such a dealbreaker in nBSG for people but it doesn't seem to be in Dune, where it's far worse. I don't want to be down on people for enjoying something. The more joy in the world the better. But I just don't get it. Maybe if there was anything else to grasp onto. But there isn't. The characters are underdeveloped and the story has a million holes. Like I said, the acting is great and so are the visuals, but that's not enough to not be bored out of my mind during the movie. There has to be some good story there.
  5. I once read an article or a post somehwere, where somebody did the math and Cabot Cove came out as about the same as the national murder rate. Maybe a bit high for a small town, since there are usually more murders in the city, but not astronomically high. What would be astronomically high would be their solve rate, since Jessica solved every murder there. Of course the more fun theory is that Jessica Fletcher is a serial killer who frames other people for her kills. The german title of the show even is "murder is her hobby", when translated back to english. I think those translators had some inside info. 😉
  6. Zonk

    Dune (2021)

    I was just really bored through all of this. The political intrigue is Kindergarten-level. Probably couldn't even hold a candle to later seasons of game of thrones, let alone the first ones The characters are kinda interesting, a little and the acting was top notch. But I'm just not at all into all this prophecy nonsense and that seems to be 90% of what Dune is. I don't understand why all the scifi nerds were so down on the ending of New Battlestar Galactica (which I was fine with), but love Dune so much. Dune has like ten times the religious bullshit that show had. I've given dune a chance in a few medias, and the only one that did it for me was the game Dune 2000. Westwood in its heyday. I guess I have to conclude that the main story of Dune just isn't for me. But like I said above, I really don't understand how it is for any scifi fan. Is there an explaination? What do other people see in it that I can't? Being bored during the movie makes my mind wonder and I get questions into my head, like: If interstellar travel is only possible with spice, like the movie tells us, how did humans get to Arakis in the first place? How come they can't just synthesize spice? Can't be that hard for humans who've mastered interstellar travel. How does Arakis's ecosystem work? What do those giant sandworm eat? The occasional human or desert mouse can't be enough to sustain them? How do they shit out so much spice without ever eating anything? How is there free oxygen on this planet without plants? Do the worms make that, too? With what energy? Why are their shields stupid and let slow objects through? What could possibly be the reason for that other than that sword fights look way cooler on screen than gun fights? Why didn't witch-mom use her voice on the Fremen? Did I miss something where they established it doesn't work on them? How can one guy kill all the guards, disable the shields, etc., etc.? Does that seem reasonable with a milatary stationed there that is on high alert? Not to me. What are those big space tubes? Are those jump gates? I thought the only way to interstellar travel was with spice and folding space with it? How do jump gates factor into that and how can you see through to the other side?
  7. And my point was that there is no indication that time travel was involved. There aren't any people from the future, afterall. But to your point: You wouldn't look for lead. Well not in america, people are still being poisoned with that today. The protection of your citizens from poisons really sucks. There are very clear indicators in the blood that would tell from when they came. That's alsmost impossible to fake. Especially on this scale. Also all the stuff that @Sakura12 said. In conclusion, these people don't seem to be familiar with Arthur Conan Doyle: “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” I think they mentioned something in episode one. Also it's impossible to have 4400 people in the lobby of a hotel all at once, without us seeing them, unless 4350 of them are invisible. So either it's the worst writing I've ever seen in any show, or there are other sites. I'm not sure if I should give the writers the benefit of the doubt here, they seem to be hacks, but I'm going to until specifically told otherwise, because even somebody totally incompent couldn't write something this bad.
  8. I don't remember much about the original show, but it wasn't this bad, was it? I was just bored most of the time. All the characters are unrealistic. Everybody we know seems to be from the US. Couldn't get a bit more diversity in there? That might have made it a bit interesting. And didn't they take some blood or something? That could tell you when/and or where they were from, by all the shitty stuff we used to pump into the air. There are scientific methos for this kind of stuff. You don't have to take it on faith. Yeah, all of this. I doubt it. I mean the aliens must have altered them to give them powers, so it wasn't an immediate suck-off (shoutouts to Ghosts) and dump on the island. The more likely explaination is that the aliens had them in stasis, altered them and then dumped them off at the same time. Well at this hotel. But I gather there are other sites they were brought to. At first they were held in that one room all together and how many were there? Maybe 50? That seems reasonable to handle and interview these people. On the other hand, we should really see the command center and what's going on there. This micro-approach just doesn't suit this show.
  9. Well, I certainly didn't see the betrayel of the love interest coming. Partly because I didn't think these writers had it in them to do something interesting (but they aborted that right away, with killing all of them, so really, they don't), partly because it relied on a few too many coincidences. I mean was she just standing in front of Dawns room every day in hopes he might try to commit suicide and fail, because "he kinda forgot" to take off his empirial aura? At least it explains how these very specific genetic mutations came to be in Dawn. But since it was done with Nanobots after he was born, that should also mean, that it can be undone with nanobots, right? So really no need to kill him. But also, shouldn't his empirial nanobots protect him against such attacks? If not, what are they good for? Protection against attacks would be the main reason to have them. And did the writers really have to make love interest cartoonishly evil after the reveal? Her being all snarky, stradeling other Cleon's lap, etc. That's like bad 90s-writing. Why not make her a freedom fighter with genuine compassion, who just thinks the ends justify the means? She could have apologised to Dawn, told him this was the only way she could see to free society. But noooo, she has to be EVIL. Around terminus, the woman that ship was bound to must have been braindead. Phara shoots her co-pilot and tells her to give over control over the ship and she does it?! How stupid can you be? As long as you had control over the ship she neded you, now she doesn't and of course kills you immediately. I guess the vault wasn't sent back in time. Hari just sent something with unknown technology, with a field that can encompass a planet, there, before the colonists arrived. Sure. How did he even know there would be somebody there who could withstand the null field and open it? he said he didn't know about Gaal. Are we back to Psychohistory being magic? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined! Yes.
  10. This was mostly good and interesting. But: "You are a cop who believes in the system over peoples humanity" I mean, come on, heavy handed much? It's not like we didn't get the jist from the whole conflict there. Did you have to spell it out? I don't have anything against a black show. There are a bunch of good ones around. But it doesn't quite work with the premise. Just because the original show was bad about it, doesn't mean this one is better. It's just as bad.
  11. Guess I forgot like 90% of her kills. I only remembered her two husbands. My brain probably tried to make sense of the fact that Dexter would leave harrison with a serial killer.
  12. I think only like two people. She wasn't a serial killer, just your regular murderer.
  13. That's not Harry's code. Harry's code is a killer who got away with it and that the douchebag fits like a glove. Otherwise we would have never had 8 seasons of this. With your code Dexter would have run out of victims after 5 episodes. Wasn't that a staple of the original show? I guess Dexter just has one of those faces people want to confess deep dark secrets to. 🤪 Would it have been better if he had conveniently overheard an argument where the guy who was covering wanted more money? Yes. But that's just not this show. We just have to live with that. Eh, deer are stupid and jump in front of cars all the time and those are really loud and vibrate a lot. While running after it is probably not the best hunting tactic, it doesn't seem like Dexter wanted to kill the deer. That's just because we only remember the big ones. Dexter had a lot of less flashy kills. This guy killed 5 people. That's a lot more than most of the basic kills. Not sure how this crime would be considered under NY or Ohio law, but under german law it would be murder. Some things are hard to translate, but there is the "Eventualvorsatz", where he accepted the death of these people as a possibility of his actions and base reasons for the crime, like pumping up his ego.
  14. Which probably means that Clancy Brown is the red Hering and oil baron who gave out cocoa is the real serial killer, who killed all those missing girls. Unless they are throwing a real curveball here and it's gay dogowner, which would be fun, but I kinda doubt it.
  15. I for one loved it. Had the old Dexter feel, from before the new chucklefuck ruined it. "I may be a monster, but I'm an eveolving monster." - Dexter is a Pokémon, confirmed! I don't think that was supposed to be a twist. It was just a dramatic pause. We knew she was dead and only in Dexter's imagination from the start.
  16. I'd very much recommend it. For the first two seasons it's very hard scifi except for the fact that the ships have extremely efficient drives. Afterwards it gets a little softer, but still not that much. Communications delays, G-Forces and all the other things you'd have to contend with during space exploration aren't ignored, but rather play an integral part in the story. But at the same time it's not dry when it comes to the characters at all. In fact it's very much a character driven show. In that aspect it's a lot closer to nBSG than most other shows out there. I'm saddened that the next season will be the last, despite there still being a lot of books left, but I'm told (I've so far held off on reading the books to not get spoiled for show) that it's a natural stoping point before a big time jump, so there should be a satisfying finale. I guess once the final season has aired there is nothing stoping me form reading the books, so that's one positive side to this.
  17. In episode three we learned that Cleon I only lived 400 years ago (which seems really short for the timescales of this story). So it only took her 4 centuries to become really annoyed with Empire. :D For somebody who has lived at least 11.000 years, actually not that long. Considering she is probably Gaal's daughter, with them having their future-sight in common, and Gaal being able to survive a jump while being awake, I'm willing to accept her surviving it. However, if anybody else survives, I'm going to call bullshit. I think the ship will get fried a bit, but Gaal alluded to the fact that Hari is probably going to survive. I know you had hoped for another BSG, I really had hoped for another Expanse (since as far as I understand Asimov's books are pretty hard scifi). Looks like none of us are getting what we hoped for. :( But this is a pretty fun show to hate-watch. While the plot is just stupid all around, there are a few great performances, that keep the whole thing interesting. So I'll stick with this, as well.
  18. My girl Demerzel, mistress of throwing shade. That was the most passive agressive speach I ever heard in my life. Of course I think the concept of a soul is silly superstition and I don't see how a robot would have a vision, let alone every pilgrim, but whatever. That flower remained pristine in something where it can be hit by light and UV radiation for 11.000 years? Yeah, sure show, sure. So Gaal smashing a screen kills the heat exchange system? Man these ships are shoddily designed. And where are the nanobots that usually fix the ship when it has sustained damage? I assume these writers also think that when you smash your computer screen, you've destroyed the computer... That cryo pod is impressive. To get to another star system with an inhabitable planet, in only 138 years, it has to fly at least near light speed. Maybe even faster than light. That with basically no engines and fuel. Almost like it was magic. It also seems that it has no problems flying through a debris field a massive ship had problems with. The wizard who contructed it must be grand, indeed.
  19. After thinking about it, I think it's the same thing as with game of thrones. After Dumb and Dumber had bullied GRRM out of the writers room the dumbed down the show because they wanted it to be accessable to soccer moms and football players. Which soccer moms and football players found really insulting, as would I. I think this might be the same thing. Where the writers think that the average viewer doesn't understand that a black hole, can be seen as a hole in spacetime, certainly, consindering how much it warps spacetime, but at it's core is just an increadibly dense ball of matter, that can of course have planets orbiting around it. The supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies have all the planets and stars in the galaxy orbiting around them, afterall. Alternative theory: Helicon is orbiting around a dark star in the books and these writers have no idea what a dark star actually is. Yeah that's all pretty bad. Not that it would directly contradict things that we've been told so far, but it destroys a few themes. To the last one I have to say though, I don't think Gaal swimming was predicted by psychohistory. She was just really boring and predictable. She swam every evening at the same time. Yeah, this one and What we do in the Shadows (for other reasons). Every time. Bear McCreary is a once a generation talent and even though it might be blasphemous, I have to say, I like his version of All along the Watchtower better than the original. From what I gather: A lot of people die walking the spiral and you surviving shows that the triple godesses approve of you. Which would pretty much solve all of his problems. The force fields are similar to the fence on terminus. Why she knows so much about everything else about this old ship remains a mistery that can only be answered with "plot contrivance".
  20. It is not an open forum. You submit your review and nobody can see it. Lea can see it because she is hospital IT. For something to be social media, it has to actually be "social". That means people have to be able to interact with each other.
  21. It's a review system Salen established to evaluate hispotal personal, not social media.
  22. Or the new big boss on House. Only there it was season 1. I assume that happened in all medical shows at some point. It's cheap drama and drama makes for interesting TV, at least in theory.
  23. So why didn't Hero go with Yorik? Are we really supposed to believe that she is that brainwashed? I mean she killed one of the other Amazons for him. That doesn't make sense. But what even more doesn't make sense is that the prison gang just let the Amazons they murdered a bunch of their friends without provocation. What in the hell? Also how do all these people keep finding each other in the middle of sowhere on a massive continent? Incorrect. That's not how antibodies work. Short of an alien Y-chromosmo-destruction-ray nothing would hit everywhere at once. We got to just accept the premise as given. That doesn't however mean that we have to accept all other bullshit that is in conflict with the world they set up. That's still not how genetics work.
  24. What asshole gives such a review after a doctor just saved your father's life from brain cancer and with very little limits to his quality of life? I could see the score not being great, since those are very specific questions about if you felt heard or things were explained well to you, etc. but the written portion? That's just cringe. For the record if you saved my mother's life you could call me a stupid little piggy instead of my actual name every time you talk to me and I'd leave a good review. And on top of that, she knows Shaun has ASD, it's on a 10 meter high billboard. So she knows he didn't behave that way because he didn't like her or was just a dick. House got better reviews than this and he was just an asshole. That's pretty much what Lea was saying... I think. But Salen wants repeat high paying customers. So people who have money to burn, but not anything actually wrong with them. To those people being pampared is more important than great doctors fixing complicated medical problems. So from her perspective, these metrics make sense.
  25. I find myself sucked out of this show because of it's lack of believable characters. Nobody is as dumb as these characters are over and over and over again. I haven't watched the rest of the season yet. Probably will do so eventually. But after this episode I just couldn't go on. It was just too dumb.
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