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Everything posted by J.D.

  1. Paul and Victor keep saying they would take each other to the final 2, but that would be a stupid move for both of them. Why take an equal to the end? I do think Victor would honor that decision and actually take Paul out of friendship. (See what I did there?) On the other hand, I think Paul would cut Victor and take the person he thinks he could beat: Corey???? Paul has hinted several times (most recently to Michelle) that he respects good game play and that he would have respected her nominating him if she had given him a legitimate reason as opposed to simply calling him a manipulator and a liar. He even gave an example that went something like this, "Paul, you're very good at this game and that makes you a threat to me." He's hinted variations of that verbiage on multiple occasions . That leads me to believe he's planning on cutting Victor, and that he's already planning his speech. If it's up to Paul to make the choice for final 2, I could easily see him saying, "Victor, I have mad respect for you, bro. You're a beast in the comps. You've survived against all odds. And even though I would love to hang out with you after the show and continue with our friendship, it wouldn't be in my best interest to take you to final 2. I know that I can't beat you. This may cost me your vote, but I hope someday you come to understand my decision. I love you, bro. I'm sorry." -- I could SO see Paul saying that, then taking Corey to the end.
  2. Tatianna was the only HG's I wasn't familiar with. I've never seen/heard of her before this season, and so I was hoping she'd stay a little longer so I could get to know her better. Maybe she'll get to be the one who returns, so there's that. I liked PhiPhi her first season (snarkiness and all), but I'm not so sure about her this season. The snarkiness doesn't bother me, but I'm just not impressed with her drag nor her singing. That duck / swimsuit ensemble was -- meh. I hope she stays long enough to up her game. Right now my favorite is Katya.
  3. For me it's a shallow thing. Shallow on MY part. Her voice. It's grates on my nerves. I cannot stand the whining, "Cooorrreeeeeeeyyyyyy" stuff. I couldn't care less if Nicole wants to side with the guys. If she had sided with the girls, I'd feel the very same about her because that VOICE sends shivers up my spine. Ultimate torture: Me having to listen to a conversation between Nicole, Bridgette and Bronte. UGGGHHH...... I'd be searching for the sweet release of death. Irony: Paul's loud, obnoxious, grandiose, overbearing, atrocious, bellowing voice doesn't bother me one iota. Go figure. <---- But, truthfully, I think that's just because so many others are bothered so much by Paul. I find that humorous and so his voice is just the icing on the cake. LOL
  4. To me that alone is blaring evidence and TPTB saw that too otherwise they wouldn't have made Nicole and James recant. A person doesn't have to specifically state, "If you take me to the final 2, I'll promise to give you $10,000 should I happen to win against you" in order for there to be evidence of a side deal. Implication goes a long way. Nobody is going to just hand over $10,000 to someone else and expect nothing for their generosity. It's no different than someone 'donating' money to a presidential candidate. They expect something in return. I wonder how the monetary promise would have played out if one person would have said to the other, "Thank you so much for the $10,000. I really appreciate it, but if you're offering me this money so that I'll take you to the final 2 -- I just can't do that. I already decided who I'm taking. But still, thanks for the money."
  5. Back then it was even MORE unusual for 2 gay men to openly have a relationship. That was virtually unheard of. I'm not condoning the affair, but I do have empathy for Robert and Sol's situation. Also, ... when did they show that Robert didn't care what Grace did and long as she kept out of his way, or that he didn't give a damn...etc.?
  6. I don't understand Nat's passive-aggressiveness. She 'campaigned' to Paul and Vic saying she wanted to be evicted, but when she's not around Paul and Vic she's still saying things like, "...if I stay...," "....if I get HOH...." Which is it? ????? I don't understand why Nat doesn't understand why Victor put her and James on the block when she put him and Paul on the block when she was HOH. ?????? I don't agree that she's being shunned. The guys are hanging out together like they always do. If she comes around to talk with them, they talk. They don't ignore her. They don't get up and walk away. They don't hide up in the HOH room with the door locked. So how is she being shunned? ??????
  7. The BB feeds are just painful (and pitiful) to watch today. Can't wait till Survivor. :)
  8. August 19th - 7:52 pm to about 8:00 pm / Camera 1: It happened shortly after Nat and Meech nominated Victor and Paul. Paul wanted to know why he was being targeted. It's kind of complicated and I'm probably not going to do it justice here, but basically what happened is that someone (Nicole) told Natalie that Paul told Paulie that James was planning to target Corey and Nicole. This bothered Natalie because she felt that Paul was 'planting a seed' in an attempt to later throw James under the bus should Paulie return to the game if he had the Round Trip ticket. And so -- Nat wanted Paul out of the house before he had a chance to come after James. That's the story in a nutshell, but it actually goes on for the remainder of that evening, then Paul confronts Nicole in the kitchen shortly after midnight. Crazy day, for sure!!!!
  9. I don't understand why Nicole so desperately wants to be the last woman standing. It's not like there's a prize for that. Sheesh!!!
  10. There is nothing that would make Corey use the Veto. He knows Vic would not put up Paul and so that would leave only Nicole as a replacement nomination, and that ain't gonna happen. So the noms are set.
  11. I miss Adore already. :( Gotta find a way to regroup to get re-interested in this season. I had placed all my hopes on Adore.
  12. Oh God, yes! I completely forgot about Paulie being on the jury. He will most definitely be bitter.
  13. I can see Michelle making it personal and maybe Bridgette and Day, but I think Bridgette and Day would use the platform mostly just to get their comments "out of their system," and then I think they'd vote for who they felt was most deserving. At least I hope they would. I don't want to think of anybody being petty till the bitter end.... except for Michelle, but that's a given.
  14. And the male checklist includes: must be a real 'bro's' bro ... or maybe gay.
  15. If Paul wins, we'll never see him again. After all, he wasn't a fan prior to the show. He didn't even know what a "POV" was. He didn't go through the usual application process. He was recruited. If Paul wins, he'll focus on his band and his clothing line -- which he should from his perspective. If Vic wins, I think we'll see him again as a mentor. Maybe not right away, but eventually. I can see Vic as a returning vet. If Production intervenes as much as people theorize, then Production could have easily prevented Vic from coming back multiple times. But since Production didn't, methinks they love him. If Natalie wins? Hmmm.... not sure. I can't read her future BB potential. If James wins? Yep. We would definitely see him again. UGGH. If Nicole wins? Ditto from James. If Corey wins? Who cares!?
  16. If James wins POV and uses it on Natalie, that'll be about the dumbest move since Marcellas. Nat shouldn't use it on him either. And she wouldn't....no matter what she might say.
  17. Nat told James she would vote for Vic or Paul to win even if she leaves this week. I wonder if she realizes she's telling this to JAMES. I mean, why wouldn't she vote for James? She obviously doesn't think he has what it takes to make it to final two.
  18. Meanwhile, on camera 3 at 10:12: Nicole's talking with Corey in the kitchen. She thinks Natalie's flirting with Vic and Paul right now because Natalie's in the HOH room with them while James is asleep in London. She thinks it's awful that Natalie's in the HOH bedroom without James. What is wrong with that woman? Why does she think FLIRTING is the only way to further yourself in the game? And what does she think is going on in that HOH bedroom with the 3 of them? I hope Nat goes this week because she the only real threat left to Vic/Paul's game .... besides each other. Still, I gotta hand it to her for at least trying to make amends. James is going to sleep till Thursday ala Meech and hope for the best. UGGHH.
  19. I mean, even if you don't follow football, there are some teams that everybody should know the color of: 49er's, Dolphins, Broncos.
  20. Paul has never been to a football game or a baseball game. Unreal! OMG -- Paul just asked what color the Broncos wear? I'm dying.
  21. This conversation between Nat / Vic / Paul is so difficult to watch. Awkward.
  22. Yes, considering Nicole didn't even want to KISS Hayden during their season, it does seem a little risque what she's willing to do with Corey. And you're right about it staying on the internet forever. Someone elsewhere kept bringing up two former HG's named Ollie and April. I'd never seen their season, but since their 'story' kept getting mentioned I had to Google it. LOL. They both must have died a thousand deaths over the years knowing that video's still out there.
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