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Everything posted by J.D.

  1. Exactly! I don't LOVE every single one of my friends' significant others, but I certainly wouldn't shun anyone because I didn't like their choice.
  2. I feel bad for James having a rough childhood, but that shouldn't factor in one iota on whether he should win the game. I don't care if someone's rich, poor, male, female, shy, loud-mouthed, .......yadda, yadda, yadda. All that matters to me is how well they played the game. James floated all season and Nicole only start playing these last few weeks. I do believe she will win, however. Both James and Paul want to take her to the end. James I can see, but Paul? Your boy's not thinking clearly there. If given the chance to choose, Paul should take James. And just the simple fact that Nicole kept asking him after he won Round 1 if he was going to coach James for Round 2 should give Paul a hint at what she's thinking. Why would that worry her unless she's lying to Paul about wanting to take him to final two?
  3. LOL. So true. I can't remember yesterday.
  4. UGGGHHH.... so happy Paul won but he'd be stupid to keep Nicole. Yes, Corey has been playing good these past couple of weeks but the jury doesn't know that. As far as anyone in the jury can remember, Corey's just a doofus who's been laying in bed all summer AND Corey's not a very good communicator, so if he makes it to final 2 against Paul, Paul could campaign for votes much better than Corey. Plus, taking Nicole would be a mistake for Paul because -- even though HE thinks in 'strategic game-mode,' -- he needs to realize that there are going to be jurors who don't think the same as him. There are going to be jurors who would vote for Nicole because they actually thought she played the game well, -- BUT -- there would also be jurors who would vote for Nicole for no other reason than she is female and they would love to see a female win the game. Voting for OR against someone based upon their gender is just plain juvenile. But it happens. Wake up, Paul--!!!!! Leaving Nicole in the house is the worst thing for your game. He should hope to take floater James to the end and if that is not an option, shoot for semi-floater Corey.
  5. This^^^^^ exactly. I watched that conversation too. Sorry, I don't have a time stamp and I don't care enough to look for it. But, if anyone wants to go on a scavenger hunt, I can narrow it down for you. The conversation took place in the London room. Vic was laying in the bed Meech used to always lay in. James was standing next to the bed telling all this to Vic. That's the scene you'd have to look for.
  6. Yes, along with "Who can brush their hair the longest?" and "How many adorable adjectives can you use to describe Corey?"
  7. Okay Wil Heuser may have lost his edge and his parodies aren't as good as they used to be, but I still love the memory wall.
  8. Then she better hope he doesn't win. He's already said he doesn't want a relationship with her outside of the house. If he wins 500K and fan girls start throwing their panties at him, Nicole will be history.
  9. Nicole is whining again........ So many emoticons I want to post right now.
  10. Well, for once I'm not thinking in game-mode. Usually, my posts here center away from human personal interactions and like-minded bonding, and center more toward strategy and how to move your chess pieces (read: fellow house guest) to better your game. In this instance, I set that ideology aside and channeled Nat for just a second. I don't think she would appreciate James breaking a confidence. He promised not to tell anyone. He didn't promise not to tell anyone until after it no longer mattered game-wise. For me it's a matter of principle. It doesn't matter what the 'secret' is. What matters is the promise.
  11. Instead of having 2 cameras on 1 room and 2 cameras on another, I wish BB would let us choose whether we want to watch what's going on in the BB house OR toggle over to the jury house. And if it's a privacy thing -- (meaning that once you reach the jury house you shouldn't have to worry about camera's in your face 24/7), -- I'd be fine if there was just a designated couple of places in the jury house where the jurors can 'visit' if they want to vent to America. Anything's better than watching the final few weeks of the BB house. After Paul and Vic are gone, my choices will be (1) watch the BB house or (2) watch paint dry. Decisions.....decisions........
  12. Last night about 11:30 James told Paul, Victor, Nicole and Corey about Natalie being an NFL Cheerleader. He reminded himself that Nat didn't want anyone to know 'her secret,' but he told them anyway.
  13. I'm getting so sick of James talking like he's some kind of sexual beast with the ladies. P.U. If you gotta talk like you're all that, you're not.
  14. That's my concern as well. Since I already have All Access I'll give the online BB a chance but if the feeds keep dropping or changing cameras becomes an issue, I will cancel it.
  15. James has the worst table manners. He attacks his food like a wild animal attacking its prey.
  16. Vic called to the DR. They want his commentary while he's still agitated.
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