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Everything posted by J.D.

  1. James and Vic are in the kitchen talking about making taco meat. Nothing interesting to report there, and I don't dare change camera's or I might lose the feeds.
  2. I would have guessed Paul would have been the more heated of the two, but it's Vic. Paul's talking Vic down off the ledge, saying things like "They did what they had to do.... don't go up there (HOH room) hot headed.....etc." Vic seems to know he's the target. He needs to breathe. Ut oh... Paul's headed up to the HOH room. James just came into safari.
  3. Paul/Victor are talking about next week's HOH and if Corey will get to play since it's close to the end. If Corey doesn't get to play, the remainder of Paul/Vic only has to beat Nicole and James. They like those odds, but I'm thinking this late in the game Corey will get to play the next HOH.
  4. Try Google Chrome. It's the only browser working for me at the moment. I couldn't get it through Firefox or IE.
  5. Paul and Victor are praising themselves for how far they made it in the game. Vic is saying he's not mad that he's on the block....he's just mad that it was Corey and Nicole who put them up. Vic's saying if James had been the one who'd done it --- never cared! Anybody got feeds yet, or is it just me?
  6. Corey's asking if his nomination speech was too harsh. Nicole and James reassure him that it wasn't. Corey and James seem more worried about Victor than Paul... makes me wonder if Victor back lashed after nomination. Now they're patting each other on the back about how one of them are going to win the money. James just said he heard the safari room door just slam. ( I didn't hear it). Ooops, .... feeds just went to the safari room. BRB.
  7. Corey's saying Victor lied to his face. (He seems to be having doubts). He's talking himself through all this. James and Nicole are both reassuring them. Paul and Victor are in the kitchen but I can't switch to their camera.
  8. Corey, Nicole and James are in the HOH room talking about how Paul and Victor shouldn't be surprised, that they should have seen it coming. They're talking about how they're screwed if BB has some surprise buyback waiting in the wings. Nicole's praising Corey for being a stand up guy. She's also saying she's going to hide until eviction. Oh, Nicole, no one else has feeds so I guess it's up to me to say, "Fuck you, Nicole."
  9. Grace & Frankie is also Netflix only and Previously has lots of threads for it. Great show, btw.... <3
  10. Paul is all kinds of wrong, I admit. He's loud, obnoxious, abrasive and gross, -- yesssss, gross in many ways. He's worn those same shorts for about a week now. I don't know if he's been showering during that time or not (ew) and I especially can't stand anything that has to do with his nose ring 'maintenance.' Still, I think he's the best player second to Victor and he's made me laugh so much over the season with his Secret Service stuff and Baldwin impressions. So it's no surprise, I'd like to see him win. Still, I'm deliberately staying out of all the negative Natalie/James banter here and elsewhere.... "Yay, she's leaving..." or "Boo, I wish it was him instead..." because there's really no reason to celebrate since next week and the week after it'll be Paul and Victor's turn. I'm not optimistic enough to think either one of them will make it to end. .....especially with all the Production interference. And so what happens happens.
  11. That's why I'm hoping Paul wins. (Insert evil wringing of the hands). There would be MacGyver-like explosions all over the World Wide Web. :D
  12. I agree. Plus, I think if James TRULY was fine with just being Natalie's friend, he would have split his time a little more evenly among the others. Until recently, James never hung out with just the 'bros' and I would think that in 80+ days, a 'friend only' would want a little variety,..... would want to find other means of socializing and communication. Plus too, he was very offended by Natalie wanting some space and wanting to sleep alone at times. A 'friend only' wouldn't be bothered by either of those things.
  13. Here's where Paul touched Natalie's thigh. You be the judge, but to me it was no big deal: Sorry, the audio is so crappy. I was trying to find the one that isn't in quad screen. :(
  14. I'm right there with you. I really don't like this comp. If they want to make them go back-n-forth filling a barrel full of water spoon by spoon, fine. They should just leave out the slippery aspect. I mean, after all, we never get to watch the comps anyway, so why risk injuries when only BB gets to watch?
  15. As usual, I'm pages and pages behind..... will have to go back and read. Just popping in to say that someone wanted to know the time stamp on James venting to Vic/Paul/Corey/Nicole about Natalie. That was this morning on Camera 1 from 12:52 AM for about 10 minutes with a brief interruption of fish before continuing. Now.... I got a whole lot of catch up reading to do.
  16. If it wasn't for my daughter being sick, I wouldn't be up at this hour. Anyway, I posted the timestamp 2 pages ago, but nobody seemed to care. Here it is again: Flashback to August 10 / 5:44 AM (or earlier if you want the full affect) / Camera 2.
  17. This ^^^^ got me to thinking. I know - SHOCKER. From what little I know about the HG's, who do I think I would most likely be friends with in real life, and who would I least likely be friends with? Hmmm..... Least first: Jozea. Not because he's gay, obviously, but because he seems like an entitled diva. I don't gravitate towards that. Mostly likely: Tiffany. We didn't get to know her very well, but I think she would be a kind and decent person.
  18. Natalie was liked by Meech and Bridgette, so she would definitely have their vote. Natalie wasn't necessarily LIKED by the remaining jurors but she wasn't DISLIKED either -- except for Paulie. That said, if Victor and Paul know how to read the room, there's no way they'd want to take Natalie to the end. She would have a guaranteed 3 votes in Meech, Bridgette and James. Meech and Bridgette would work on persuading Day to vote for Nat. I would think Paul would want to take someone the jury would definitely see as a floater, Corey, or someone the majority of the jury (read: women) wouldn't vote for, Nicole, because she did everything she could to work against them. I think Vic would take Paul regardless. I think Nicole/Corey would take each other. In that case, Corey would win. JMHO.
  19. Flashback to August 10 / 5:44 AM (or earlier if you want the full affect) / Camera 2.
  20. Oh, I see now you were referencing a flashback. I thought you were talking about something live, and when I toggled over to my Live Feeds all I saw was fish. When I backed time up a bit, all I saw was people sleeping. That's why I said .... ???????
  21. Oh most definitely!!!! If he can avoid clipping Victor so the blood isn't on his own hands, -- most def! But, if it comes down to HIM having to make that crucial decision, I would be shocked if he chose to keep Victor.
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