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Everything posted by DudeLeaveMeAlone

  1. I'm not! Honestly, the questions don't pop up on my timeline very often. Randy did answer a question I asked early on about molars in little kids (which was cool!).
  2. That's assuming she's even their lives at that point. I don't see it happening.
  3. A two hour premier generated 18 comments? This show is DONE. I removed it (and TM2) from my DVR after the dog killing incident. Clearly I'm not missing anything.
  4. I'm part of this group. When it was first started, there were a handful of TM2 questions. Now it's almost exclusively Dentistry questions.
  5. I think he meant to clarify Los Angeles, instead of Columbia, SC, home of the University of South Carolina (USC). It's a popular university here 🙂
  6. You can see Amber's spanx lines. And Cate, those shoes are too tight for your feet. How does she even maintain her balance in heels when she's so top (and forward) heavy?
  7. I don't think the swamp monsters are considered "two yutes"
  8. Who the hell gets their nails (ahem, nells) done like that for an adventure vacation?
  9. I am done with this show. I haven't watched the last two episodes. The boards are enough. If MTV so desperately wants to keep this vile filth on their programming, there's no need for me to continue to support them.
  10. I can totally tell by this picture that she FLOVES the dentist. Come on, that's the best picture? She's holding onto the hygienist's hand for cripes sake.
  11. Good god she looks like she's over 40. Smoking is bad, y'all. And the brown lip liner with nude lipstick is so 1999.
  12. She looks so odd!! She's got thin legs and scrawny arms, yet a huge, disfigured ass and what looks like a beer gut.
  13. Convenient. Bristol did a bunch of instagram stories about her stalker yesterday.
  14. Sorry, I have one more thing to add and I don't want to edit my post again. Her nails (nells- ugh) are hideous.
  15. I had one for my second (Owlet baby monitor). Absolutely worth the money.
  16. She also could see a cosmetic dentist and get her jacked up teeth fixed. I cringed watching her talk through here segment.
  17. Yes, that's what she said. She only got Tylenol after her first nose job because the mom took the stronger meds.
  18. I was really impressed with the nose job Dr. Nasif performed. I was surprised he didn't suggest the flap to have more skin to use to add to the projection. The Milian sister turned out really nice too. Her story was really sad, but I'm glad she's happy with the results. The wacko is the second person now on this show to what to look like a "Karik-chur".
  19. I know generally you're never supposed to compare kids because they all develop at different rates. However, my son is 4 months older than Watson and Ensley. He and Watson are pretty well matched developmentally - talking, personality, expressions. Ensley is not. She is delayed. Something is just not right with her. And it will never be addressed by the swamp things. See how they handled her unfortunate head - UBT will never believe he created a child that needs intervention.
  20. That really narrows it down!! 🤣
  21. I have a set of Parachute sheets that I LOVE.
  22. Jenelle to Kaiser: We don't say no bad stuff to nobody. Did Jenelle go to the same unwell schools as Leah?
  23. Brandon and Teresa live in my metro area. They're in an affluent part of town. While their tax returns may or may not be more than Cate and Tyler, they're certainly more stable with their income and lifestyle than Cate and Tyler will ever be.
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