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  1. I kind of doubt Jen's daughter tells Jen to wear lingerie for Bill in order to improve their relationship. Oh I think that kid does tell her mother to wear lingerie, that kid is odd. Im sorry but Olivia drives me insane. Jennifer should set some parents vs children boundries. There is no way my kids would make a comment like that!
  2. I think Carnie Wilson would be great on the show!!
  3. Ok. No one has mentioned that horrible salad Melissa made. All it was, was cut up lettuce..line up for some lettuce!
  4. I must have missed something ! Can someone please tell me what happened with the sisters and Erin? or can you point me in the direction where I can read about it? Thanks!
  5. Can somebody please remind me what Brandon does for a living
  6. She's crying because she a liar liar pants on fire...whose is going to JAIL..
  7. ...And she probably pays him big $$$ to do such things!
  8. I love Tiffany, but i understand why she wouldn't come back. She needs to think of her professional reputation, and needs to get out before the others rub off on her and she starts to talk about butt lube etc. Take you class and RUN Tiffany!
  9. I'm beginning to think Delores is a cover for the real relationship..David and Frank! David and Frank get along alot better and have more chemistry than Delores and David!
  10. Unpopular opinion, but I thought Elizabeth looked great. Full-on, shame-free body. I wish I had that confidence Totally agree! Love that she doesn't give a ratts ass! Tired of seeing the Tamaras and Heathers of the world!!
  11. Now i know why Sean had a panic sticken look on his face & started pacifying Brauwyn when she went off about not being able to talk..he was afraid of her..theres more to this than a slap here and there..
  12. Looks like Tom and Erika could be a couple of real scumbags Ya think???
  13. You know, we hear sooo much about Braunwyns family structure or, lack of, while growing up, I'd really like to hear about Seans..Where did he grow up? What was his family like to make a such a great enabler..
  14. ON 12/3/2020 AT 4:35 PM, CHATTY CAKE SAID: What is Sean getting from the relationship? The BILL!
  15. Angenette seems terrified of Royal...and why is Chantal all up in their business? Asking Angenette those questions, calling Uncle Ronson..what a train wreck! Run Angenette! RUN..
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