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  1. It didn't really occur to me until I read this post, but yeah, this would be the perfect sort of episode for Ducky to appear in. I get the impression the actor is pretty much retired and only shows up for like 5 minutes a season because he's contractually obligated to.
  2. "We need to get the Harlans into protective custody." You mean, the woman had a severed head and a bomb delivered to her yet and her husband weren't in protective custody already? Bones made going over the top with body reveals a thing, and ever since then other similar shows have been going more extreme with body reveals and autopsies. I was just glad that the actress shadowing them treated everything seriously rather than be the stereotype of every successful actress ever. She didn't spend the whole episode doing things like whining "the sea air is messing up my hair!", didn't constantly go out of her way to irritate everybody around her just because she's famous or anything like that. I took one look at that woman in her overly big sunglasses and the big white coat and had this horrifying vision that at some point she would point at Torres and go "Cabanna Boy! Get me a Pina Colata! Chop chop!" but that thankfully didn't happen. She took a look at what what was happening and all the bodies and freaked the hell out after a bit of trying to fake being together.
  3. In the cane's case it's a matter of personal preference. Sometimes depending on the injury having it on the same side is more comfortable than having it on the opposite side. In an emergency situation like with Palmer though? He really should know better.
  4. Getting caught up, but honestly if I were Peter's family I would've just shrugged, left the real Peter for dead, and stuck with holoPeter. It's clear that the actual Peter hates his entire family and wants nothing to do with them considering how many episodes of the show involve Peter reluctantly going along with what his family wants to do at best and outright ditching them at worst only to end up "missing" them and realizing he wants to spend time with them after all. In fact... Get Stewie two episodes later had the exact same plotline between Peter and Chris! They're recycling plots not just from the same season but not even 5 episodes from each other! Also yes, holoPeter trying to kill realPeter to replace him was utterly predictable. Going nuts and subsequently trying to kill the rest of the family was less obvious. Hell, Lois didn't even care about the trip, she spent the whole time trying to one up Bonnie posting pics on some... social media site I can't remember the name of. I spent the the whole time with Peter and Lois in Vermont thinking "You know, if you wanted to make a post that killed Bonnie's so badly Lois heading to freaking PARIS and doing it there would probably do the trick." If Quagmire had actually spent 2 minutes thinking he could've narrowed down where Stewie had gone and found him easily enough or at least had some clue where to look. Hint: Check the subway routes. Yet another episode where Stewie acts like a baby in this case being overexcited about hide and seek and then somehow getting hopelessly lost in Paris despite being intelligent enough to build time machines. Which is in real life how nearly all of these incidences start. A person makes a harmless joke or just tries to make a nice comment as you said only to be ostracized when someone takes offense to it and raises a big stink that gets lots of other people riled up. At least when Brian did it he was old enough to have a clue that what he was doing could be offensive. This was a post by a 1 year old infant that wasn't even offensive anyway. The only thing I had to say about Peter's "get thin" plotline that nobody has already said is when Peter took a few steps and apparently was so out of shape he collapsed to the ground on the spot was "Long time no Chicken fight eh Peter?"
  5. Lucy Lucy Lucy... on the one hand, she didn't take too long to fess up to Whistler about what was wrong. On the other, Lucy didn't just walk up the Whistler and tell her the second she heard about the agent afloat position like she should have. Lucy/Whistler are SO annoying as a couple, not helped by the fact that not an episode goes by without having to deal with their drama.
  6. Animals tend to be able to tell the difference between recordings and the real thing, so long as they've heard the real thing before.
  7. This makes 4 votes. It's not like Cleveland's job as a mailman actually came up all that much (this is the only episode I can remember it's actually been a plot point) so it would've been a good chance to have things happen at the brewery more. I know if I were Cleveland I would've taken that job and just reinstated Peter. Well, if I were Cleveland I wouldn't have Peter for a friend anyway so there's that.
  8. Jesse's dialog this episode: "Hey everybody! Did you know Fentanyl was bad? Yes? Well I'm going to keep saying it's bad over and over anyway until you want to bash your own TV in just to shut me up!" Drug PSA disguised as a NCIS episode, they couldn't just have stopped the drug dealers without Jesse having to monologue about it like they've done a million times before on episodes with drug dealers just like this? I am so looking forward to when it turns out Cass is just playing with Alex and he goes running back to Mommy after she drains his bank account and cheats on him. The woman had "flakey" written on her from day one so I'm all but certain something like that will happen. I don't know why Ernie didn't just take 5 seconds to say "my Dad was a jackass and that's why I don't want to talk about it." Like usual on these shows when someone has a personal problem someone like Lucy had to keep badgering the about it until they finally talked just to get them to stop. Exactly. Jesse should be trained to know better than that. Always make sure you yourself are safe before lending aid to anyone else. That's one of the first things they teach anyone when they're trained to help people.
  9. If this was Hawaii 5-0, literally every supposed good guy who wasn't on the team would turn out to be a bad guy, especially if they were a love interest. Whistler would turn out to be a Russian drug lord or something, Alex's girlfriend would be in the mob and dating Tennant's son to fish for info, and Captain Milius would be a deep cover spy for the KGB. And all of them would somehow end up working for a bad guy that's been a constant thorn in the team's side that should've gotten shot dead several seasons ago. Because it's impossible to have healthy romantic and even familial relationships on that show. Ever. Just wait until he starts to become popular specifically because he's a bit of lightness every once in a while, then the writers notice and start shoehorning him into every last episode they can possibly justify it in an attempt to boost ratings, missing that the man is interesting because he's used sparingly and so just becomes extremely annoying. Honestly I think it was Criminal Minds they were making fun of there. The fact that their profiling criminals works all the time on their own show but is extremely ineffective and just a bunch of guesswork in real life.
  10. I was fully expecting to hear a gunshot while the commercial guy was explaining what bridge was.
  11. They did the actual killer the way I wish shows like this would every time. In NCIS and similar shows it's always one of the first 2 people the cops interrogate, because the writers are hoping you'll have forgotten who they are by the time they reach the last 5-10 minutes of the episode when they actually reveal who the killer is. This was much better. Instead of it being someone the team interrogates at all, it's some random guy we see in the background that the audience probably doesn't even notice. This is the first time in a long time I haven't predicted who it was immediately.
  12. I kept wondering why the doctor guy didn't just sabotage the liver before they even left the hospital. He would have had both the know how and the opportunity to do that. Well, I guess then we wouldn't have had a running gun battle through the woods. Knight could've kept those guys running in cycles for hours. If she didn't try to ambush them she wouldn't have been caught. DUCKY!!! His appearances are so rare these days and really it just makes me miss him more, but I understand that the actor just can't do this work anymore as his age. It was almost like the old days with Ducky taking over as medical examiner for the time being and talking to the corpse. It just makes me realize as good as Jimmy is, he'll never come close to filling Ducky's shoes on this show. Yeah. Kasie is much much more irritating, childish, and unprofessional than Abby ever was. At least Abby's quirks never got in the way of her actually doing her job. Just giving Kasie a gambling addiction came completely out of left field.
  13. Catching up on NCIS lately. Kayla... I thought she was supposed to be a trained agent? She not only got ambushed by the mobster guy, but made no attempt to get free as he kidnapped her. If it was any of the main cast they would've broken out some Judo moves or something and laid that guy's ass out. Then she just sits in a chair and makes no attempt to escape at any point. Kayla's only contribution was talking down her other captor once she got held hostage... again. You would think that FLETC would've trained her for this exact sort of situation.
  14. Finally actually watching these episodes, but yeah. Honestly it would have been much better for the show as a whole not to mention Kara's life had Kara quit Catco years ago. One of the consistent issues with the show had been for the longest time holding onto this old relic of an idea long past it's usefulness. The show had, after the first couple seasons at the most, diminished Catco's presence in the show greatly to the point that it wasn't long before Kara was spending 5 minutes there tops in the course of several episodes. Even Kara's life as Kara Danvers has had almost nothing to do with Catco, so she's not even sacrificing her civilian life by quitting. Even if she was, it's not like she couldn't build up a much more flexible social life outside of Catco. The vast majority of the people Kara knows work with her as Supergirl anyway. Catco was an artifact passed down from Superman working at the Daily Planet, and even there it hung on long after it had any actual importance to Superman's stories. The actual comics Supergirl had no need for anything like Catco and was a vastly different character in general, as opposed to this Supergirl who is nothing more than a female Superman. Supergirl probably would've been a lot more interesting and distinctive to her cousin had she had the personality she did in the comics, which was more prone to aggression.
  15. Didn't Cleveland buy the Petercopter and turn it into the Clevelandcopter only to crash it because of the mustache? And this is from a woman who, upon seeing her family could actually get along without her on Christmas instead of ended up in a huge disaster decided to steal everything to ruin their Christmas Grinch style out of sheer spite, only to blame it all on some neighbors I think and get them arrested for the crime. At least this time she had the excuse of being high out of her mind. Anybody should've recognized the Superman 2 reference. There's behind the times and then there's being born blind and deaf and only the latter wouldn't know that reference.
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