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  1. I don't know either, but I thought it was really funny.
  2. I wish they'd stop bringing on guests who aren't on the show!
  3. I hated him at the beginning, and for a long time into the show. He's still by far one of my least favorites, but man, Kate makes it so hard to be on her side.
  4. I believe Katina too. He had her phone on the bus. If she was worried about him seeing something, she wouldn't have let him have it. Then when he demanded to see it at home, she handed it right over. She wasn't acting the least bit like she had something to hide. My phone was getting full and wanted me to clean it up, so I went through my apps. There were some there that I hadn't used in years and had forgotten about completely. I think it happens to a lot of us. Olajuwan is a hot-head with abusive tendencies. Why did he have to go straight to yelling at her? He wouldn't even let her talk. She needs to run, not walk away.
  5. He probably gives her one after she passes one of his "tests". I've been watching it online. It's the usual shit-storm. I'm loving it! haha
  6. This is where I'm watching it. https://southhemitv.com/2021/12/30/season-9/
  7. I hadn't watched the most recent episode when I posted before. I just watched it! Olivia is diabolical. She paid to get that photo, you don't just google and someone's only fans photos come up. She was digging deep to find info on Domenica. And the way the rest of the women behaved was rotten too. Why didn't anyone go to Dom and tell her what was going on? Dom has never been a favorite of mine, but nobody deserves to be humiliated like that.
  8. Her demeanor sure has changed since the beginning of the show! I loved her at first, she seemed so sweet, but wow, she's shown a really ugly side. Jackson is going to be done with her. And why as she telling his friends how petty she is? That's nothing to brag about. "I still hate girls from pre-school". So immature.
  9. Yeah, he had to get a jab in there. In between all the over-enthusiastic bs, he said, "you actually listened!" I hate this dude.
  10. Tarek said at the end that it sold, but later the price had to be lowered after inspection and all the shoddy work came to light.
  11. He was also tweaking at his wedding and at the Reunion. No thanks.
  12. Exactly! Why does he not see her as an adult with life skills? She has a job, a place to live, keeps herself clothed and fed. How exactly is she lacking in life skills? Because she doesn't cook and clean to HIS standards? The whole *his* housewarming argument was a joke. He thinks she has to be taught because she had some friends pick up some food on their way over? He's ridiculous. Why didn't *he* go pick up the damn food? Why was the whole party on her? If he expects her to cook every night, is he going to do the dishes? If he wants her to do all the work at home, he needs to earn enough to let her stay home and do it all. I'm quite sure that's not what she wants, however.
  13. Not necessarily. OCD is more having to do certain actions repeatedly ie handwashing, checking the stove to make sure it's turned off, locking the door repeatedly. I have a friend with anxiety and she can't go to bed with a dirty house. It's a matter of feeling in control of her life. My sister is the same way. Her house is immaculate. She says it's because it's the one thing in life she can control.
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