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Everything posted by AntFTW

  1. I'm guessing that Melissa wouldn't wanna come back. Now that she knows what's like... she might not want to come back. I probably would have made the same calculation. She loses nothing if she quits and she's most likely not gonna win so her decision was understandable.
  2. Well they've never had 90-minute episodes so I guess they figured they can fit it enough into a 90 minute episode. I'm glad Jenny won. I love Jenny and I've been rooting for her the entire season. I'm glad to see her take home the top prize. I always liked the climate-brutal finals, the ones where you have to climb mountains and shit in the snow. I just wish there were more checkpoints, more math, more puzzles and so on.
  3. I'd watch it! Although I would cut the "middle school" team off at around season 25 or 26.
  4. Those editors are gonna miss that overtime pay for editing out Dee now that she's eliminated 😂
  5. BTW, I thought out of all the girls left that Dee was Jenny's biggest competition. I thought Dee and Jenny had the biggest potential to win out of all the girls.
  6. Did Nelson play a sport? I would assume he did and I'd also assume he wasn't a swimmer lol Also, I wanna add that Dee had no strategy. Her "strategy" was to face Jenny head on and try push her back, essentially trying to outmuscle Jenny, rather than trying to get around her somehow. Additionally, I have to admit that production fooled me. I think it was a second round between Rogan and Nelson and they showed Rogan stumbling first and I got out of my seat, took a gasp and thought "OMG! Nelson's about to pull out the win". I would love to see the GoPro footage from this elimination. I hope they post it on Youtube,
  7. It seems that the plan was for everyone in the alliance (plus Bayleigh) to vote for Dee, which production provided nothing leading up to that. They showed no one rallying votes for Dee. That threw me off when I watched the first time. That house vote made no sense to me whatsoever because production threw away all the context to cut Dee out. I couldn't understand why the girls seemed like they were burning votes on each other. It seemed like there was no plan and they were winging it on the girls vote. The plan was for everyone to vote for Dee, which explains how and why Fessy ends up voting for Dee, breaking with his "Team Old Buck" alliance who voted for Jenny. In exchange for Johnny and Kyle not nominating him into interrogation, Fessy votes for Dee and Rogan. The tribunal was on board with this plan. Bayleigh, Melissa, Jenny, and Fessy were supposed to vote for Dee. Dee gets voted in by the house, and maybe the Tribunal picks Bayleigh. This is what I believe the plan was ultimately supposed to be. It is also my understanding that Dee, at this point, knows that she was outed to Jenny about targeting her. Jenny mentions them having "problems" in the house vote.
  8. I also wanna bring up Cory bitching about these favors. Didn’t Jenny choose Cory to be in the very first tribunal on the first daily challenge when she owed him NOTHING?
  9. BTW, when did this rift between Jenny and Rogan start? She said to Nelson that she doesn’t trust Rogan but they’ve been working together. Rogan warned her about Dee targeting her. In her interview, Jenny also said she doesn’t like Rogan. I have no context at all for how that happened.
  10. Size is a factor but I think Rogan and Nelson are close enough in size to where it would be a close match. I thought their size isn’t that significant of a difference to be a deciding factor here (which we saw that was the case). Rogan and Nelson (or even Rogan and Cory) are close enough in size to where brute strength and strategy makes a difference. Nelson and Rogan are close enough in size to the point where Rogan can’t just run through Nelson. Nelson could have won. Nelson had openings to come out with a win. However, he was so wrapped up in trying to stop Rogan from advancing that he missed his openings. Nelson spent too much time trying to stop Rogan rather than trying to get to the bell first. Think of Tori and Jenny last season. Jenny is bigger than Tori and has way more strength. However, Jenny’s strategy is why she lost to Tori, moreso than her strength or size. Jenny is strong enough where she could mow down any woman she goes against but her form in her hall brawl against Tori was terrible. The way she ran was terrible and the way she prepared for the collision between her and Tori was terrible. I’ll also mention CJ vs Zach in BOTS 23. There is a significant size difference between CJ vs Zach’s big ass. CJ initially beat Zach, 2 to nothing. CJ won against Zach because of strategy rather than size. CJ knew Zach was too big to just push back so his strategy was to avoid collision and be faster, which worked for him. CJ’s partner (little Jasmine from RW: Cancun) lost so that meant CJ had to go against Zach again for a tiebreaker. Zach, who almost lost again to CJ, didn’t win because of size. Zach won because of strategy. Zach smartened up and used CJ’s strategy against him. Zach stopped focusing on trying to run CJ over and focused on avoiding collision and getting to the bell faster.
  11. Yes! Absolutely! Always and forever! Everybody has gotten grown this season! Johnny's an asshole, but not as much as before. He's matured JUST compared to season 34. Same for Cory and Nelson, they've matured also. That elimination with Dee and Jenny was AWESOME! I bouncing out of chair and pacing, while screaming "RUN THROUGH HER!" and "MOW HER DOWN!" and "BODY HER!" (as a shout-out to Leroy on Vendettas yelling that out to Kam). If Kyle wasn't in the Tribunal, Kyle was going into elimination. I have no doubt about that... and also, Kaycee also got her side of the deal too by them agreeing not to put his Fessy and following through with that.
  12. I think Johnny thinks he can beat Fessy. I believe that Johnny thinks Rogan is tougher competition than Fessy and that Rogan is a more well-rounded competitor. Additionally, I also think Johnny doesn't really care as much about rest of the guys left as he thinks he can beat them all. Nelson is redeeming himself with me. He just needs to keep that going. I don't wanna see him come back next season, whenever the next season happens to take place, and be on that same BS that he pulled with Aneesa and Kailah.
  13. No because I thought no matter which guy went in, it wasn't gonna be an easy one for Rogan. I thought all of the guys left would have given Rogan a run for his money. I don't expect Cory or Nelson to be slouches in a hall brawl. If anything, I imagine that both of them were somewhat nervous about possibly losing.
  14. That house vote has to be the stupidest thing I've seen all season. It made no sense. However, that elimination between Jenny and Dee has to be the greatest thing I've seen all season.
  15. I don’t consider Aneesa’s elimination against Jenna to be a free pass because Jenna actually did pretty good. Jenna looked like she actually tried. Jenna was actually pretty close to Aneesa in that elimination. Now, Kaycee on the other hand... Kaycee’s elimination against Kailah was a free pass. ...but also I wanna bring it back to the fact that Aneesa made a good point, which I’m sure we all can agree with because we’ve time and time again. The final is never ONLY endurance. You won’t win a final having endurance and nothing else... and I really wish she would have pushed that point harder to everyone.
  16. That reminds me of what I thought was the best hall brawl on Battle of the Seasons, with Zach vs CJ from RW: Cancun. I think Zach has lost some muscle mass. He doesn't appear to be as large as he once was.
  17. It's impossible for me to like Nelson for the reason that he keeps saying "theirselves."
  18. Yes! I didn't know if I was misremembering the swimming portion of the Invasions final... and it was a pretty weird final. I only remember Ashley on the beach yelling for Nelson to hurry up... if I'm remembering that right. One thing I do remember that I thought was funny was the producer explaining how to solve the triangle-puzzle-math part to Cory.
  19. They better keep that same energy going. Cory has to go because he sucks at math and puzzles, Nelson has to go because he sucks at swimming, math, puzzles and he's a fuckin' idiot. Although, it's good that he gave Aneesa that heads up about possibly going in. Cory came in second place on Bloodlines. Cory's cousin was good at puzzles and math, not Cory. Cory came in third place on Invasions because he was bad at puzzles. Same goes for Nelson. Nelson came in second on Invasions because he was also bad at puzzles. Lastly, correct me if I'm wrong, the pairs on final challenges only took place when there were both a male winner and a female winner. Have there been pairs on individual final challenges where a sole winner takes the top prize?
  20. The funny thing is... the same thing Josh said about Aneesa is what people think about him.
  21. I have nothing to say about the plot. The acting was amazing!
  22. I thought Aneesa had great points during the Tribunal interrogation and that they would actually take her positions into consideration. Let's say they would be paired at some point during the final, what about the people that can't swim? What about the people that can't do math or a puzzle? Generally, from my view, you can have all the endurance and strength in the world but if you can't do a puzzle, you're going to lose unless you're paired with someone that can do puzzles. On your last point about the amount of people... they have participated on this show long enough to know there's too many of them, yet it still doesn't click. Agreed! I was thinking that while they were talking. Why was Dee not an option? She's an easy person to nominate and an easy person to throw down there and not feel bad about it. It's possible they discussed her but they cut that out.
  23. DANG IT! Why'd it have to be Aneesa?
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