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Everything posted by AntFTW

  1. So now I’m thinking that this is a critical point in the game for people with red skulls. Now, we have enough people to throw people into eliminations that both have red skulls. People with red skulls could start targeting people they don’t want in the final. 1) Get people with red skulls that you don’t want in a final voted in by the house 2) Win tribunal and nominate at least one person with a red skull and choose that person. 3) Keep people that you don’t want in a final, and who also don’t have red skulls, out of eliminations. I would love to see that.
  2. Before I start on any other part of the episode, is it me or are the elimination challenges really sucking this season? I just feel like they're anticlimactic and basic. Who came up with the elimination challenges this season?
  3. I’m guessing it’s winner takes most rather than winner takes all. Speaking of puzzles, this has really been a season of puzzles. Just about every challenge has been puzzles.
  4. I feel like Dee is assuming that the final will be gender-specific, meaning it will be men against men and women against women as they used to have it. The final challenges since season 31 have been gender neutral, any individual that comes in first place wins the top prize. Dee says she has to think strategically if she wants to give her the best chance of winning but that should include everyone, and not only Jenny.
  5. If I recall, Wes and Evelyn’s alliance was way too big. It only took like 2 or 3 eliminations into the season (I think) to get to the point where had to start sacrificing their own.
  6. The first season of RW I ever watched was RW: San Diego with Zach, Frank, Ashley, Sam and other people who I do not remember. The first Challenge I ever watched was Battle of the Season, which the San Diego cast won. After watching Battle of the Season, I went back and watched every Challenge season I could find, which was only back to maybe Fresh Meat 2 at the time. That was my introduction to Wes, and he just seemed like a total dick. What stuck out to me was how he bullied Cara on Rivals. Now, I like Wes. He's matured and doesn't do the same kind of fuckery he did then.
  7. I also want to address the concept of "putting a target on someone's back." I don't know if I'm over-analyzing this but I think no one this season seems to understand the idea of "putting a target on someone's back." We've heard this constantly through out the season when the cast members choose not to vote someone into an elimination. All of these people, with the exception of Wes and Johnny, seem to lack the skill of building a coalition or a voting bloc. In the older seasons, people often built these overwhelming alliances that actually could put a target on someone. Think of Paulie building his alliance last season; Johnny, Evan, Kenny, Dunbar, and Paula on just about any season they appeared on together; the UK alliance on season 33. Nobody this season, again with the exception of Wes and Johnny, seem to have the ability to put a target on anyone. Nobody seems to have built any sort of political capital to put a target on anyone. Every week, someone says "if you vote me in and I come back..." and my response is "so what? You can't do anything! You don't have enough people to back you up." Every week, someone says "I'm not voting for this person because they are likely to come back and I don't want a target on my back" and my response is "take the risk. Throw them in. That ONE lone individual doesn't have enough influence to put a target on you." Not one "alliance" this season seems to go beyond three people.
  8. This is the only reason I'm holding onto rooting for Josh but it's getting harder lol. I've thankfully given up on rooting for Swaggy and Bayleigh since they're up Wes' ass. Agreed! I like that Josh isn't up Wes' ass. My problem with Josh is that he doesn't use that anger and frustration to play the fucking game. He bitches and complains. He doesn't strategize; he doesn't play politics; he just doesn't play hard enough. If Wes is his enemy, hatch a plan, take the shot and try not to miss. Don't just talk about taking the shot.
  9. Also, one thing I forgot to mention... when Melissa was dropping down the tunnel, her hands were sliding on the walls of the tunnel as if she was trying to stop herself from going down the tunnel. In that moment, she reminded me of a cat that's desperately trying to avoid a bathtub full of water. It was hilarious.
  10. The whole "Josh and Wes" thing is so annoying. I don't see Josh having the political capital to pull of any moves against Wes, or anybody else for that matter. Josh can't do shit! The "if you're with Wes, then you're against me" thing is ridiculous! Nobody is paying him any attention. I loved it... because I want Dee to go home. She won season 34 but in my opinion, she was carried to the win. She said she learned the game from Wes... but does Wes try to backstab his closest alliance members?
  11. So... 1) I couldn't help but feel like Nany was being a shitty friend. Her entire Unholy Trinity went home. 2) I love Jenna but I'm glad Aneesa won. I wish it didn't have to be Jenna that went in against her. On the other hand, I'm glad the Jenna-Zach soap opera is over. 3) I REALLY want Dee to go home. 4) Nany said that she's not throwing herself into an elimination that she's not 100% confident in. My response to that was "well then, you're never gonna throw yourself in." You can never be 100% confident about any elimination. No matter how good you are, eliminations are chancy. 5) I really didn't like how they were coming down on Jenny how she got her red skull. She went in against a player everyone thought was weak... AND. SO. WHAT? Jenny's not doing anything that all of them aren't trying to do, which is go into an elimination against someone you think you can beat. Don't hate the player.
  12. Too much filler, yet they delete the good filler like the Big T scene.
  13. Someone mentioned it, it looks like there are a pair of white lights, one white light on each side of the lights with the colors. The white lights flashes three times (I think) and then the color sequence begins. When the color sequence is over, the white will flash again before the color sequence starts again.
  14. I'm confused at why Josh feels like he needed to know in the first place; why does he even care? How exactly does Bear being blindsided affect him? LOL! Johnny had the answer key and still wasn't the fastest. WOW!
  15. I blame that on the producers since it was not "technically" against the rules. I'm curious at how exactly Johnny figures out that he doesn't have to go through the task of actually remembering the color pattern, which is a significant time-saver, and still doesn't win. It's like having the answer key to a test, and still not getting the highest score. The thing about Jordan is that he doesn't mind going into an elimination. He thinks he can take on anyone and win. I'm sure he didn't expect the one time he'd get thrown in, the elimination challenge would be Pole Wrestle, a challenge in which having one hand is a severe disadvantage no matter how good you are. The thing about Fessy is that he doesn't have any alliances other than Cory and Nelson, two people who are also vulnerable. They are easy names to throw in without many people targeting you. With the exception of this season where you have to go int an elimination to have a shot at winning the game, the game is all about politics. Being intimidating in challenges is not enough, and that's all Fessy has for now. Fessy issues a warning that he's likely to come back, but it's not backed up by much. I don't see Fessy having the political capital to put a target on someone. I think any guy would give Fessy a run for his money, with the exception of Bear, Kyle, Josh, and maybe Wes. Although Fessy is a formidable opponent in Pole Wrestle, I think Rogan, Cory or Nelson would have a good shot against him.
  16. 1) I'm gonna start off with our good friend Nelson... he's getting voted in again. This isn't gonna be his last elimination. He's going to keep giving people reasons to vote him in. 2) Josh and his Wes rivalry LOL. Josh: I'm SOOOO SHOCKED THAT MY NAME ISN'T UP THERE because EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT WES IS AFTER ME! 3) The eliminations were not very climactic. I completely thought they were gonna choose Cory instead of Bear. I would have rather seen Nelson and Fessy duke it out (assuming only one of the two were voted in by the house); or Fessy and Cory; or Nelson and Cory.
  17. Agreed! Denise was playing from the bottom along with Kim. That’s why they switched sides and went with the numbers. I think the idea of Denise joining Natalie and Michele was DOA. Denise would have never blended in with Natalie and Michele’s gameplay. Denise would have never voted for Ben, and Natalie’s first target was Ben. With that, Sarah also had the same opportunity and I’m a little surprised that nobody took it. It’s kinda like they all chose to sit back and do nothing.
  18. I didn’t interpret that as Rob saying Natalie’s “perfect game” is beating Tony in the fire making challenge, but just getting him out of the game by any means necessary. Rob didn’t specifically say she should have beat him in fire making, but just be the one to take him out. I took that to also mean rallying people to vote Tony out.
  19. If I recall correctly, Jenna was the jobless one, and Jenna's dad was in jail and Brianna's dad owns a bakery. I think Jenna yelled to Brianna something to the effect of "the only reason you have a job is because your dad owns a bakery." ...and I agree, that has to be the most hilarious Challenge fight ever! It was ridiculously stupid. It kills me every time I watch it. Nany and Aneesa's noodle fight may be there as far as most hilarious though.
  20. I thought Natalie was gonna blow it. She kept fucking up. How exactly to do you buy a challenge damn near-complete and still lose? I was asking myself that during the battle back challenge watching Natalie fumble.
  21. I don't disagree at all. Natalie made moves. It got the job done as far as getting her to the end. I was rooting for Natalie once she came back in. They just weren't "flashy" like Tony's moves tend to be perceived. Tony's moves made everyone chaotic and scramble at TC. That's a "splash." That's the kind of splash I believed she needed because she hadn't been in the game. In the short amount of time she had to build a resume, she just needed some more "pizazz" for the jury.
  22. Forgive me but this particular title of two time winner is just not as "prestitgious" (lack of better words) because it was a season of winners. By default, that was gonna happen with the exception of Sandra of course.
  23. How is it that Michele got ZERO votes? She has the ultimate underdog story. Playing from the bottom the ENTIRE TIME and survived to the end! Tony winning? I mean.. duh! I love Natalie but she needed to make a bigger splash when she came back. She basically needed to blow up camp and cause all types of chaos to throw off the Tony-Sarah-Ben-Denise alliance but she didn't really do that, even though she made it to the end.
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