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Everything posted by AntFTW

  1. I wonder if TJ's trivia button actually works or if its just a prop button 😆
  2. Not only is she not an "OG", Cheyenne wasn't even a teen mom. Cheyenne is none of the things described in the title of the show 😂
  3. Watching them pretend to want whoppers forever was hilarious!
  4. Agreed! I'm happy Theresa came back. I hope we see her again. Hopefully, she'll change up her game play next time. Seeing her gives me nostalgia for those older Challenge seasons that I love.
  5. I think she said something to the effect of Nany being a more offensive synonym of 'promiscuous.'
  6. This part about the trivia sort of stuck out for me. I don't know if I'm being nitpicky or not... but if the one of goals of the game is to answer the most questions right, that is a little out of your control... because assuming you get every question right, the amount of questions you get completely depends on how long other people hang onto the rig. You get questions until you're the last one standing in your heat. I kept thinking what if Nam didn't have the opportunity to answer as many questions as Darrell did because everybody in Nam's heat fell into the water sooner.
  7. I’ve been pondering the idea of people without skulls getting to choose whose skull they will steal in the event that they win elimination against someone without a skull... kinda like The Island where if you win the challenge, you get to take a key from anyone you choose.
  8. It would have been much more entertaining if Theresa won.
  9. 1) What a Gabby-heavy episode... 2) I was a little conflicted. I'm not much of a Theresa fan but I'm also not a BB alliance fan. I wanted Theresa gone but I also wanted the BB alliance blown up. I wanted Theresa gone less than I wanted the BB alliance blown up. 3) That has to be my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE trivia rig they've ever had. I loved it... much better than the "rocket" "floaty" thing they had last season. 4) BIG T SCREAMING IN TERROR BEFORE SHE EVEN GETS A QUESTION... HILARIOUS! 5) I thought Lolo might have threw her hat in to ask Amber to put her in or ask the house to be voted in.
  10. My thoughts exactly. Almost every elimination, she chokes and panics... and no, she hasn't won any individual elimination in all of her 10 seasons.
  11. Maybe... if they don't start the 2.0 versions of these eliminations with a puzzle. I actually think Gabby could beat Nany. On Big T, I would have thought that before seeing Big T tackle Nany 😂 I'm thinking the over the top reaction was to seeing who voted for them. I don't know if they posted the video showing the votes yet but if I had to guess, it was a reaction to seeing Amber M's "allies" voting for her.
  12. Who would Nany have a decent chance of winning against? Amber M is off limits next elimination.
  13. I think CT gave up as well. I also assumed that the win would come down to time if each team got 1 win. CT would have probably spent more time wrestling with Kyle and winning than Big T wrestling with Kam and losing. CT has definitely matured. All of the old school guys have. CT has come to recognize when he's lashing out too harshly or when he's wrong compared to the stubborn dickhead he used to be.
  14. I take that back. Big T tackling Nany, and Nany throwing the relic because Big T tackled her may be up there for me.
  15. Once they found out it was Mechie and Amber, I think it made sense to put that feud aside. If it was a women’s elimination, it would be giving someone an easy skull. Everyone would have bet against Mechie for the guys elimination, which they did this time... and it was Josh 🤮 Kyle’s Josh imitation was the funniest part of the episode for me. That was priceless.
  16. Am I misremembering? Did TJ not say that the slide puzzle mapped out the targets that they had to break? Then Josh proceeds to hit the unbreakable targets constantly and completely disregarding the puzzle with the breakable pieces mapped out? Did that happen? Is that correct? 🤔
  17. At this point, it gets tricky... because the guys with skulls don’t wanna go in. All the skulls for guys have been allocated. Since the guys with skulls don’t wanna go in, how exactly would they keep the rest of them out? Instead of keeping them out, you conspire with the ones you think would win, like Darrell or CT, and get them to steal someone else’s skull.
  18. That elimination was hilarious! Layup vs layup
  19. Completely agreed! Basically, she's like Kam shouldn't be mad for going down because Kam beat Ashley like she "planned." It's like shooting someone and saying they shouldn't be mad because they didn't die.
  20. If I recall correctly, the thing with Laurel was in Free Agents. I think she had rallied votes for Laurel, and when the time came, she left everybody high and dry, and did not vote for Laurel. She took the shot, which was what she was supposed to do. However, that left her with less allies and no political capital to target Laurel again in the event that Laurel won the elimination (which Laurel did win). ...and that’s the part about Theresa’s game I never liked. She makes a move and leaves herself vulnerable with no one to run to. Did the same thing this season.
  21. Theresa: “Jay, just coast. Lay low. People will forget...” Also Theresa: *spends entire episode not coasting*
  22. They weren’t. At least, to me they weren’t. Theresa was always a skinny girl but she managed to get more skinny after popping out babies.
  23. This was probably the best episode of the season thus far for me. 1) I dislike when they repeat the same elimination games even when there is a minor change. Leroy did this same elimination in season 26 when he was partnered with Nia and he completely smoked Nany and Johnny. You blinked and you missed half of Leroy's round at the time. Nice to see he can still pull it off. 2) Jay... you got stuck with a person that think she's good at the game when she isn't. 3) LOL @ Aneesa still stuffing her face while trying to prevent the fights right behind her.
  24. I think Theresa would have pissed people off either way because she still plays in the middle. She never chooses a side. I think she's a floater. She hops to the people that will "save her" in the moment... and for now, I think that's the "rookie" girls. It doesn't help that I'm not much of a fan of Theresa. I've never liked the way she plays and I've always thought she played in the middle. I don't fault her for taking a shot at Ashley. I'm always for taking the shot but I thought targeting Ashley was not fully thought out because Ashley was in a weak position. I also thought the move was sloppy. Nobody's mad at Theresa, specifically, for targeting Ashley. The "rookie" girls would love to get Ashley out. The reason Cory was mad is because he's packaged with Ashley and it could've been him in elimination. Kyle was mad because he's packaged with Kam and it could've been him in elimination. Leroy's mad because Theresa sent Kam down. Basically, she pulled the same move that Big T did. Big T didn't catch any flack for that. Big T targeted a pair of women that are clearly not on her side, and want her and her "rookie" alliance gone. Big T has chosen a side and people that she's gonna play the game with. People are willing to align with Theresa and play the game with her... but when they need her, she doesn't show up. Theresa stays ambiguously in the middle. This is the part about Theresa's game I never liked and is what I believe is a scared game.
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