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Everything posted by AntFTW

  1. I'm not sure if I missed something. I'm a little confused with the application of the 5 minute penalties when the goal is just to solve the problem first. I guess I am just to assume that either (1) the teams would have to wait 5 minutes before they can go out to get their next piece, which seems impractical to me; or (2) the "losing" team would get additional time equal to the total amount of the penalties to get their pieces and figure out the answer.
  2. KellyAnne seems to have less body fat than she did on Rivals 3.... and not in a good way.
  3. Kyle is an annoyance because he can't get anyone to cause chaos with him. As far as I can remember, the only other person that was willing to cause chaos was Devin. He wants to cause chaos when there's no risk to him or when he has nothing to lose. When he has power, his partners being Aneesa and Kam weren't willing to fuck shit up with him because their games were sitting pretty at the time. When he has nothing to lose, he can't get anyone to help him burn everything to the ground. If he can get people to trust him a little more, maybe he can get people to fuck shit up with him, but until then, he's gonna have to be a half-assed agent of chaos 🤣
  4. I feel the same way about Jemmye. Yes! The same applies to Jemmye. I read that somewhere that Cohutta was an alternate and he would have been a better fit for this over Jemmye... HOWEVER, Jemmye tends bring the drama and producers know we like drama.
  5. I thought the challenge that they did was better than the challenges they've been doing in the regular season. This is a challenge I would have liked to see in the regular season.
  6. By the way, I just noticed that they have an aftershow for the episodes also hosted by Devyn.
  7. I'll join your shallow and brutal island for a visit: I remember watching the trailer and being surprised to see Jonna there because: (1) not an OG in any sense; and (2) she looks... different 🤔. Then I snapped back and said "ok fine. She's had a baby in the last few years... and man or woman, just like cameras, having children tend to add pounds on you." I feel like... we saw Kellyanne about 5 years ago from Rivals 3. I still think Kellyanne is a beautiful woman but she does looks like she's aged 10 years just from Rivals 3. Katie has not aged AT ALL. WOW! Smoking and aggression apparently does wonders. I watched Gauntlet 2 for the first time recently. For whatever reason, I just don't remember Jisela at all. I'm wondering did I blink at the wrong time and missed her? This episode was my first real introduction to Jisela... and I LOVE HER! I was laughing my ass off too at both teams racking up all those 5 minute penalties. LMAO! Teck was like "Welcome to the Challenge: Senior Edition. Today looks like recess at the old folks home" LMAO I thought they were gonna mix it up the type of games. I thought they were gonna have those grade school field day type challenges that they used to have and some hardcore games like they have now in the new age Challenge. They started out the gate with a pretty hardcore challenge. Darrell cracks me up. He reminds me of my dad. Ace called them monsters and they cut Darrell's interview and he's like "Ace! Ace! Ace! Callin us monsters and shit. It's the fuckin game. What are you talking about? Take yo ass in elimination" LMAO GREAT first episode! I loved it!
  8. I agree. I said that on a previous episode (I think when Cory stole Kam). Out of all the people that were left, I thought surprisingly that CT and Nany would make a good pair. They complement each other. I think she can keep up with him. CT is less of a selfish partner than Fessy. Nany would let CT take the reins when she doesn't know what to do. CT is a garbage disposal for food challenges.
  9. I think that's right. I think that Nany had strong Leroy protection before the events of this episode. But assuming that Kaycee and Leroy win again, he would only have two teams to pick, Nany/Nany's Partner and Kam and Cory. If Kaycee and Leroy win the next challenge, I can see Fessy and Amber now being the house vote because they are outnumbered. I think this applies even if Nany chose CT. Nany, Kam, CT, and Kyle will vote for Fessy and Amber. For the first time, they have no incentive of working together now that Amber has Fessy. Leroy would have to make the choice between Kam and Nany, and he would send Nany down over Kam. In this scenario, Nany would be in the same position that Aneesa found herself in.
  10. So was I. I was hoping for an upset because the deck was stacked against them. I thought the dynamic of the daily challenge was stupid, 3 on offense and 2 on defense. However, Kyle and Amber did pretty well still. I thought maybe they would have come out with a win. I went back and forth on scenarios if Nany chose CT. For a moment, I thought she would choose CT. Nany has some amount of "protection." Leroy and Kam won't say her name and Kaycee says she wouldn't say Nany's name. If Nany chose CT, if would split alliances down the middle, putting the team BB in one corner and the Challenge 401k team in the other corner, with the only split team being Leroy and Kaycee. That eye-roll that he gave when Amber picked him made me want to punch him in the face. I was like "wow! he's having a little bitch-fit. You guys didn't really give her much of a choice." She'd be in the same boat if she chose CT or Cory. They would leave her out to dry.
  11. Leroy's situation is complicated. Leroy is playing a good game this season. He's avoiding eliminations after getting his skull. As far as numbers go, he's good because he has a Kam and Kaycee (and Kaycee's numbers). The good gameplay no longer matters when they get to the finals. The thing about Leroy is that... he gets to finals. I think he's been to 4 finals. He gets to finals and fumbles every time. I get the feeling that is gonna happen again. I remember the last two finals freshly and he just has bad luck in these finals. As much as I hate saying this, I think Fessy can beat Leroy in a final because Fessy is better at the puzzles and the math. On top of that, Leroy doesn't have a partner that can balance that out. Leroy and Kaycee are good at the same things and also are terrible at the same things. Kaycee sucks at puzzles and math. She was the only one to time out on math checkpoint in the last final, which caused her to be the absolute last one to cross the finish line out of everyone (even though her only competition was Jenny). All of this is assuming that the final will ultimately be a paired event. I hope Leroy had been practicing in the off season because I'm really rooting for the guy. If this is truly his last season, I want him to leave with a win.
  12. The politics gets really interesting now that Amber has decided to anticlimactically shake things up. If Kaycee and Leroy win, Leroy won't pick Kam and Cory or Nany and Kyle, and Kaycee won't pick Fessy and Amber. I wonder how that would go. Who would they compromise on? If Kam and Cory win, Kam won't pick Leroy and Kaycee or Nany and Kyle, and Cory won't pick Fessy (maybe). If Nany and Kyle win, Nany won't pick Leroy and Kaycee or Kam and Cory, leaving Fessy and Amber. If Fessy and Amber win, Fessy won't pick Leroy and Kaycee or Cory and Kam, leaving Nany and Kyle. I can't even picture what a house vote would look like. That's up in the air.
  13. I actually think Nany truly wants him as a partner, at least out of the options she had. She prefers Kyle (and CT, I assume) to Fessy, and prefers Kyle over CT, perhaps because she has seen how CT has treated Big T this season.
  14. I don't think he did it or at least it doesn't seem like it. Nany chose who she wanted.
  15. Tell me about it! BUT, Amber realizing she's at the bottom of her BB alliance is priceless considering that she dumped all of her other alliances for BB.
  16. 1) A women's elimination? I didn't see that coming. 2) Amber did what Big T should have been after her elimination win, choose Fessy as a partner. However, this is making Fessy's head big(ger than it already is). He's thinking people are choosing him because he's good, which I believe he said on the Challenge podcast. They are picking him as a shield. 3) Kyle bitching about CT betraying him is rich, considering how he dumped his last partner. 4) You know they have boring people with no drama if the episode is less than 90 minutes.
  17. I always find my way back to season 23 BotS. It's the first season of the Challenge I ever watched after flipping through channels and noticing Zach's face as I was flipping past MTV and also noticing it wasn't Real World, which Zach's season of Real World: San Diego was the first season of RW I ever watched. Every once in a while, I go back and watch season 23. One moment that really make me crack up was during the season's trivia challenge. TJ asks Nany who won season 17's Duel 2. They cut to Nany's interview and she's like "The Duel? I don't even remember the Duel. Was I alive when the Duel aired?" in super smug and sarcastic way and it just cracks me up every time I watch it.
  18. I get the feeling you're referring to Fresh Meat 2. That's the only season I can think of where Kenny was "alone" and Evelyn and Wes had an alliance together. This was also Laurel's first season where she was partnered with Kenny.
  19. I’ll give Cory credit for the math checkpoint. He shockingly did not time out. He was slower than all the guys and Jenny, and took more time to figure it out but somebody somewhere said a prayer and he did figure it out.
  20. So is Amber not white? I thought she was 🤔
  21. Yes, also last season. In last season’s final, it was on a mountain and in snow. The snow was about knee deep, more or less, and they wore snow shoes. Fessy basically says in this episode that without 3-feet snow, it would be an even playing field and he would beat CT. In this final on a mountain with deep snow, Fessy took the lead on the last leg after completing the final checkpoint faster than everyone else. Fessy had one job now, make it to the finish line before anyone else. He was lapped by Johnny, Kyle and then Cory. They walked right past his slow walking ass. Therefore, he came in fourth.
  22. Completely agree! Also, I can see how pole dancing helps in an elimination like the one Big T won.
  23. I think you’re right for this season that if she didn’t come in the game with numbers she would have amassed them. I also think it was good timing during her rookie season. She came into the game at a time where it’s a requirement to go into elimination. If it was a normal ‘skate to a final’ season, I think she would have a harder time. I don’t watch BB but as I understand it, the contestants are usually all strangers whereas the Challenge brings back the same people with built in relationships along with introducing new people. The ‘name of the game’ before was throw in the rookies and then rivals, never go into elimination and skate to a final, if you can help it. That “traditional” rookie season is something she didn’t go through because the dynamic of the game changed. Last season, Jay went from being thrown in because he’s a rookie to being thrown in because he’s an “easy skull” after finding out about the twist. Rookies were thrown in no matter how intimidating they looked. Kaycee is definitely more athletic than most of the girls so the other girls have to ensure that Kaycee stays out of the elimination when they go down (which I’m sure Kaycee appreciates). That’s how they started the game off last season in the first episode, rookie against rookie, because they didn’t know about the skull requirement until after the elimination was over.
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