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Everything posted by parrotfeathers

  1. Well as my mom would say "I'm lost as a he haint in hell." Whatever that may mean.
  2. Well my lightbulb must be really dim. I never was good at Clue.
  3. I don't think Toya had a snowball's chance of moving forward with that hair. Food "stars" need for the audience to be focused on their food, not their hair, and it was just too much. I felt the same about that Aorta girl with the flower on her head. I think she finally has ditched that decoration and she seems to be more viewer friendly. Jason--I don't know--I am from the south and have a southern accent too. But I don't think I would watch his show. I have to agree with some of the others. Probably I would tune in to Matthew over any of the others. Whatever happened to that horrid Fleek girl.
  4. I'd like for CMT to show all the TCCs called in order it is really done if there is time.
  5. Toya got the door Sunday night. No more worry about her hair (which I realize now was probably not her real hair). Giada has colored her hair. I think it looked much better dark. It has lost its richness. But that's just what I think. I think the Martha Stewart lady has a chance.
  6. How long does it take one's crotch to recover from fruit expulsion? I never had children and always wondered.
  7. That hair on Toya just is not good for me. I would never eat anything she prepared. And it took someone a long time to get it that way. I like Bobby on his Brunch show and on Beat Bobby Flay or whatever it is. For some reason I don't think he or Giada are being forced into this show. They have way too much seniority and power. I miss Susan Fogle what's her name and Bob Tuschman. I sort of think I would watch Danushka in a show whether she cooked well or not.
  8. I watched the old Poldark from the 70s on Netflix a few years ago. Haven't tried the new one but may have to. If ya'll like girlie stuff try out Offspring on Netflix.
  9. I think she took my place in line when boobs were allocated. And you can tell hers are very real. I don't care if Kelsey can dance. I just like her attitude and looks. She can laugh at herself. Hopefully her bacon will be crispy this year.
  10. Speaking of romance authors--does anyone remember Kathleen Woodiwiss? She had the most amazing words and innuendos (his member). I hid those books from my Mom along with the True Romance mags. She died in 2007.
  11. I love Milan! She has the most effervescent smile and always seems so humble and happy to be a DCC! Maybe Jenna is just attempting to ditch that cute "little girl" look now that she is older? I love watching her dance during training camp--she really is good. I remember her first year. She looked like a little girl and that was/is part of her charm. Being a foot taller would help. To the lady who judges "dance mom" style teams--Is Maddie Ziegler really that good or was it the series' focus on her? I liked Chloe much more and I think it was her demeanor. I loved Maddie's little sister. The moms really ruined that show.
  12. Please send Hugh Grant. I know I will send him back eventually but there's just something about him.
  13. She sewed her lady garden together in the process!
  14. Photoshop? That cannot possibly be her hand!! Or either the hand IS her and the body is not. Not sure which! (enlarge the photo to see).
  15. Great. I was watching reruns yesterday and she seemed to have some struggles. Kelli seemed very supportive of her.
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