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Everything posted by parrotfeathers

  1. Didn't Moni say she would be off the boards for a while?
  2. What happened to leaving something to the imagination? Some of these suits do not look good on these girls because frankly they simply do not have the body to wear something so tiny. Jenna does not look good in that suit. I did like Holly's suit and maybe a couple of others. I guess after all the airbrushing of the skin it will look different. Tasha's and Chantel's implants are not pretty.
  3. For the vets who have retired--are they officially released or do they have to show up for anything now that it is March? In other words, are they just "regular" people now?
  4. I haven't watched The Crown but will. I gotta get through the OA first. Very weird indeed but intriguing. For the ladies, Offspring is quirky and funny. No cursing or lurid sex.
  5. Photoshop and air brushing can make anyone's photo shoot look good. There is nothing sexy or actually attractive about the real Jenna to me when she is in her DCC photos with the other girls.
  6. Her belly has really changed in the last 24 hours. I'm taking breaks from farm work I never took before!!!! I woke up in the middle of the night just to check. It's ridiculous! I think they should call Dr. Pol.
  7. ShellyB I sure hope you are up to another season of questions from all of us! Thank you so much for your patience and honesty. I never danced a day in my life but really enjoy the show. Have never missed an episode. Where did the years go??
  8. Anyone else waiting on that dad blasted giraffe to give birth? For those who don't know, there has been a live cam for about 3 days now. I check in every now and then. A couple days ago about 79,000 people were watching. It's best to access it on youtube rather than FB.
  9. Maybe it's the photo angle, but some of those girls' legs look awfully short. And not DCC fit.
  10. As to those retiring, how do they let Judy and Kelli know? Do they go to the office and do it in person or does word just get to them? Perhaps there is a year end form to fill out and turn back in? Or an interview with each DCC at the end of the year?
  11. The girl who is ready for marriage. It was an interesting episode at least not drug related. I don't watch the episodes with the druggies.
  12. Anyone watched the episode where the guy's mom didn't want him to marry the girl who already was divorced 4 times? So now she has stomach cancer? Hmmmm.
  13. Holly seems to have dropped a couple of pounds.
  14. For some reason I have decided Jenna is not one of my favorites anymore. I liked her in her rookie and second year. She just seems hard now.
  15. This really was an interesting episode. The executor of a will has a duty to get a will probated. Obviously this will was a fake and even if it had been real would never have held up in court. An attorney would have asked for a copy of it and told him it was not valid. He was entitled to property and money he was bequeathed. I worked for a tax attorney for years and it is important that wills are done properly. But of course this was all a scam. She is one strange lady. The baby Jesus lady--I hope never to hear about her again. If I were her Mom and she yelled in my face like that I just don't know what I would do. Maybe pack up one day and leave with no forwarding address.
  16. I watch with the sound off. Very interesting that way.
  17. All it takes is one bad apple to upset the apple cart--whatever that person may be doing to cause whatever unrest that appeared to be there. Like Barney Fife said--you gotta nip it in the bud.
  18. I had this notion that ancestry.com withheld information until you just kept paying. Now I don't know why I would think that at all. I'm scared to even think what my ancestors were like or from where the came.
  19. Well we all know some ladies that age don't even know who the president is! One would think in an interview the president's name would be known!
  20. I friggin have DISH with CMT and I can't access anything.
  21. I think that is a very fair question. Perhaps she just wants her life back? A cheeseburger, french fries, hamburger steak with onions and gravy, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy with bacon--things like that.
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