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Everything posted by Guildford

  1. You know, I've being trying to figure out the problem I have with this show & I think this is it. So thank you. Poor writing, awful characters & every story line driven by emotionally stunted, narcissistic, idiotic, unlikable characters & their toxic relationships with each other.
  2. And watch, next season she'll have a run in with someone far more experienced than her and go running to Severide/Casey/Boden and whine and cry how unfair it all is.
  3. I agree, I think it's multifactorial.... They got rid of patrol so they had to fill the entire episode with the A plot of Intelligence and they pad out the story and it meanders all over the place. When they had the patrol aspect they had two threads going, now it's just one. Some of them are so convoluted I tend to just give up and wait for the last few minutes to see it tied up in a nice neat bow. It is also due to EId's obsession with writing these tunnel vision episodes were only two characters get the majority of the focus so that creates even more of a vacuum because nothing else is even mentioned, no threads from previous episodes are maintained and it makes for very boring viewing particularly if it's an episode of a character you don't like. There is no relief which doesn't help the overall appearance of the show in general and it's slow and just drags through cases to fill up a lot of dead space. It needs to go back to each character have one or two 'big' episodes a season & the rest is showcasing the ensemble cast & continuing threads of stories & backgrounds throughout each episode. It's ridiculous that they had Kim take home a kid & then did nothing with it for 7 episodes. And the complete radio silence from Atwater since his episode with Ruzek mid season. What he said 3 or 4 lines this week & stuck 2 pictures on the board. Oh...and Eid is a shit showrunner.
  4. https://deadline.com/2021/05/chicago-med-yaya-dacosta-torrey-devitto-exit-nbc-drama-april-sexton-natalie-manning-original-cast-members-s-epatha-merkerson-return-1234753741/
  5. I actually don't think they could make her more unlikeable if they tried. So being a dirty cop is the only thing that makes her feel 'safe? What a sad fucking witch she is. If they had caught that guy rather than shot him then it would've been thrown out in 3 seconds flat. So she wants to switch partners so she can keep being dirty with impunity, so poor feckless Jay doesn't get dragged down with her, doesn't care if anyone else goes down and didn't occur to her that maybe she should not be such a fucking asshole cop? The two actors are obviously friends off-screen and that's exactly what it looks like on screen, almost brother/sister-ish. I cringed the entire way through that first scene. Blowing off a 'guest' lecturer job at the academy so you can get plastered with your 'brother'....what was the class "How to get away with murder?"...where have I seen a drunk/hungover Jay partner before...oh let me think, that's right, the original Erin. And what's with the slagging off Ruzek, like it was some big joke. Fair enough if they ever showed Ruzek not turning up for his job, but they never had. And then because the writer is so fucking obsessed with this character everyone else has to prop her up. She has never once shown any concern for any other character on this show but they all fall over themselves to prop up this clusterfuck. She either needs to be packed off for therapy or a bullet...either way, she's awful and needs to go. Like yesterday.
  6. Oh damn, my hate watching just got a little boring. I guess there is still Will.
  7. Sadly PD was better when he was writing for them. Both shows are in freefall.
  8. Jay & Kim haven't interacted for a good 4 seasons now, so it isn't just because she has Makayla (also Kim, until this episode hasn't done much with the kid either so that doesn't wash). Jay has been sidelined as a secondary character who is only there to prop up Upton. He doesn't actually have anything going on except Upton. He doesn't work or interact with any other character. It's ridiculous.
  9. I was a little ridiculous that they bought up all these issues of how insecure Makayla feels, Kim's dangerous job and all the reasons why this is a bad idea, that she has no one to support her and then Kim runs out of that conversation because of her job & they still think she's the best person to look after this child? And her support person....a guy who does the exact same job that she does? Surely Makayla would be better off with a stable family who can give her the love, attention and care she needs. Not saying that Kim doesn't love her but the rest is up for debate considering her job. This story is just stupid.
  10. So really, what this show is telling us is that if it doesn't involve someone from Intelligence, then CPD is non-existent or totally useless? I mean they called Ruzek to sort out the muffin man, but this they decide they can totally handle themselves. Glad Stella can just scale a tree, no harness or safety gear, if she fell that would be on Casey. It was just cringeworthy and pointless, but I guess they chose this shite to again beat us over the head with how spectacular Stella is. You know when she turned up she was a bloody good character and firefighter, they have devolved her character into a weird mix of st Gabby of the flame & a Wife from the Handmaid's Tale. I know they need to take some dramatic license but damn if this show hasn't totally jumped the shark. They need to put it out of it's misery or find new writers and get back to focussing on actual fire and rescue. If you don't have the budget to do the show properly, then don't do it at all. I understand that they are probably hampered by COVID this year, but this FireCop shit has been going on long before that became an issue.
  11. Okay, Marina did a great job with this episode, I will give her that and I did like the case....however, I fucking hate, with a passion this kid storyline. It is abysmal. So, 6 epsiodes ago, Kim takes in this random kid on a whim, this poor traumatised child and for the past 6 episodes she has happily worked late at night, turned up on time, never skipped out on work, never mentioned the child was struggling, having nightmares, never talked about the adoption and then we get this....FFS. What's the bet the kid is mysteriously ignored now until season 9. She bolts out of an interrogation mid interview, when she's the only one there. She skips out to talk to DCF, then bolts out of the DCF meeting while they are talking to her about this poor traumatised child and is barely holding it together. Come on...this was heavy handed, this show does not know how to do subtlety or continuity. Could they not even have her yawning once and add a throw away line that Makayla is having nightmares? Or Voight questioning why she is late? Anything? And they are talking about her job, how dangerous it is, that Makayla is worried that she'll die and Kim is like okay, this is cool, I'll buy her some dolls for under her pillow. She's doing this for herself, not the kid. Dumbest fucking storyline this show has done, and that's saying a lot. Now, I am a Burzek fan, not sure why, but hey, you like what you like.....the way she treats him though is appalling. After the shooting she tells him he HAS to let her back in....girl, you accused him of murder....you need to do the work and talk to him, not demand he forgives you. And then, he turns up because you say it's urgent and you don't ask him to be a guardian, you tell him and then pile it on saying "I need you to do this" because if you don't I can't be a Mom and a Cop, you didn't give him a choice. When is she going to ever ask Adam what he needs? They really do write these women as selfish bitches at times. And the love sick idiot that he is just looked so bloody happy at the end. And we still end with this nothingness to Burzek again. The will they, wont' they continues because the writers know that's the power of keeping Burzek fans watching. This limbo shit is tired. As for next week, I give that a miss. Let's hope Voight points out to Bender Barbie (because she always looks like she's four days deep into a bender) what a clusterfuck her dating Ruzek was and her inability to seperate the two, what makes her think she can do it this time. End of rant 😂
  12. Still can't afford to buy a car seat that the kid actually fits into though.
  13. I was waiting for the Nun to be seen running across the road full tilt the next morning as they left shift....I'm actually shocked they didn't go there. It seems to be the level this show is pitched at lately.
  14. But we know they will be whacked with a limp lettuce leaf and left to continue on their merry way ruining other people's professional careers while they insipidly make come fuck me eyes at each other. Gah...
  15. Great to get a case focused episode again. With everyone actually doing something for a change. Still not enough Atwater or Platt but a vast improvement. I would like to see more of the Voight/Miller dynamic (in a totally non-shippy way). So I hope Jay added another red flag to his notebook about Felony Barbie, she facilitates murder, plants evidence, dismisses Atwater's concerns over race, lies constantly and now openly condones Police Misconduct. It beggars belief that people actually like this character. She's awful. It makes me laugh the 'fans' on twitter mainly who dismiss every one of her faults yet are all over other characters like ants on a picnic. Talk about blind obsession. Also why did she look like she'd been on a three week bender the entire episode? Apparently she was a 'leader' and Atwater & Burgess are just 'sheep' following her when she told them to leave the scene. Ahhhh she wasn't leaving because she was being a leader or following orders, she was leaving because she wanted Voight to do her bidding. She's no better than Voight and Halstead, with his sliding morals (I mean he did beat the shit out of an abusive husband last season to appease his smug girlfriend) needs to grow a set. Right now, nobody in that team is even close to be a leader. Putting Jay in charge would be the death of this show. I read the comments on twitter before seeing the episode and was expecting that Ruzek went rogue. So I was kinda surprised in that scene when he stood back, both him and Voight obviously struggled to stay on the right side of the line and to be honest I would prefer to see them actually fight their instincts and learned behaviours than suddenly become all preachy & the a shining example of Policing, considering where this show has come from. I find that struggle far more interesting to watch. As for the preview for the next episode....just no. (And I am a burzek fan).
  16. Perhaps this ship would seem less like a 2nd hand watered downed version of Linstead if they had focussed Jay & his PTSD & the impact of the failure of his past relationship at work rather than trot out the old tropey 'white knight' man coming in to save his mentally unstable, tragic childhood, woe is me partner....again. But that would require Eid doing more than grabbing old scripts and replacing Erin's name with Upton's. I assuming Jay's PTSD has magically disappeared now. Such a wasted opportunity to delve into Jay's past.
  17. Well that's a disturbing thing to wake up to. What also confuses me it the way Eid seems to be escalating & changing her story. First she joined the police force because of how Platt helped her Dad when he was robbed, then she was scarred because of an Undercover Op that her partner (another co-worker she obviously doesn'd date) was killed & she was almost raped....then it was her Mom being abused by Daddy, now it's Daddy abused her constantly & that's why she became a cop, what's next, we find out her whole family was murdered by Daddy & is buried under the floorboards? It's almost like he sits there and realises that half the audience don't like her so he's trying to dial up the suffering to get sympathy for her. It's not working because it just makes you wonder how much of it is true? For me it makes me trust her even less because she changes her story to garner sympathy & to avoid taking responsibility for her shitty decisions...oh poor Upton, she commits felonies, facilitates murder, physically pushes/abuses work colleagues (she did push Ruzek back in season 5 which had a male done that it would've been made a huge issue) etc because of her ever escalating traumatic past. Oh and now Jay is going to 'save' her....give me a break.
  18. Sad isn't it? His PTSD was a goldmine & it's been dropped completely. He doesn't actually even seem to have a personality anymore. Last week we had a glimpse of it when they were teasing Ruzek at the start, then I realised why. As soon as Upton is around she sucks the life out of him. Yep, time for him to cut & run. Which is a pity, Halstead has devolved as a character not evolved.
  19. Jesse Lee can really just start phoning his lines in, he's been here before. He's nothing more than a prop these days to the same old sad story, saving his damsel in distress with earnest grimaces and teenage romance novel writing. Is he actually going to get any character growth of his own, a story of his own? Anything? Eid obviously loves Upton, everyone has to pander to her, check on her, support her....when has she once shown any concern for anyone else? When Burgess lost her baby? When the guy she dated for a year lost his CI or his Dad blew up his life? When Atwater was being racially targeted by other cops? Little miss sanctimonious is nowhere to be seen. So we've ticked the parenting issue box, the miserable childhood box, the trust issue box, the FBI job offer box, sleeping with her partner box... At least Erin cared about her colleagues and had friends. I know I was in the minority, but I loved Bunny (in a awful character type of way) it gave Erin something else to bounce around with. Upton is Jay 24/7 and this had red flags all over it. No way she is capable of keeping both things seperate. We already saw her inability to be unbiased and not let emotionally issues affect her work when she was with Ruzek. What's next? And I guess Cooper is gone now? In his blink and you'll miss it arc... that was apparently amazing & bought so much to the show. I sometimes wonder if anyone linked to this show looks outside their own little bubble because what they think we see on the scene is nothing like what actually is shown.
  20. She should be getting used to it by now. 😂
  21. https://www.givememyremote.com/remote/2021/03/31/chicago-p-d-jason-beghe-praises-the-brief-addition-of-cleveland-berto/#more-153907 Then there is this...so I have no idea if he's still there or not.
  22. Well they didn't kill off Bob, but of course they made him an awful human being. Is it a pre-requisite of becoming and IU member that your family life must be a clusterfuck. Adam finally giving Kim what for...about freaking time. I may have cheered a little when he shut the door on her (despite it breaking my Burzek loving heart). She has always doubted him and he's always let her and never said anything. Probably why she looked so shocked he didn't welcome her with open arms. Her tone at the scene was accusatory & then she doubled down back at the station still questioning him & when it was proved a good shoot she said nothing. Turning up at his door to apologise with the caveat that he had to see where she was coming from was pretty shitty form. Adam's been betrayed by his father, questioned about his integrity by Atwater & Burgess in the space of a few weeks, no wonder he feels alone. Yes he's a hot head, yes he pushes it but Adam has never shown any sign of being capable of murdering someone & that's what Burgess accused him of. As was mentioned above by Funky Chicken....the audience was meant to question him, Burgess never should have. I had to laugh when Voight made the comment about them not signing execution orders.....um did we forget that felony barbie did just that & you let her get away with it. If anyone in this unit is capable of murder it's her (Voight already is a murderer). As for the promo for next week, do they actually think this will make people want to watch? The squealing tweenagers that promo catered to are already going to watch. A random watcher isn't going to look at that and see 'oh, this looks like an interesting case, lets' check it out'
  23. Always said the relationship stuff should be the cherry on top not the whole damn cake. Remember when they used to just catch bad guys because they were bad, not because they were somehow related to some forced personal trauma of one of our intrepid fuck-ups? One personal based storyline per character/per season would be more than enough.
  24. Part Man Part Couch....so Mouch, because he's always on the Couch.
  25. So Maggie has succumbed to the shitty character curse that has infected everyone on this show? She was my last hope. (not really but she wasn't AS bad as the other feckless dolts.) As already mentioned above.....SO giving up a child to adoption is a sign that you don't love your child and you will regret it forever and live a miserable life from here on in? Yuck. And the way she swooped down on that poor mother and demanded she take a used blanket was all kinds of weird. It still annoys me, perhaps irrationally, that pregnant women come into the ER and nobody ever mentions getting someone from OB down. OB should be called the moment the mother arrived on through the doors bleeding like that. And they way they tell people about their conditions is ridiculous. It's like they are given a twenty word limit. "You have placenta previa & need an operation to save your baby." Did that woman look like she knew what you were talking about Natalie? Is lack of bedside manner a pre-requisite to getting a job at this hell hole with fluoro lighting? The Paediatrician was awful the way she told the mother her baby had a birth defect. If they can't do the five different storylines justice in one episode perhaps they should stop trying to cram so much into each episode.
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