17 -
18 Good-
Most years in my elementary school class, I have at least one child who has a legal last name that differs from the name the parent requests the child go by. So we call the child by the 'goes by" name, but anything official like report cards, testing, etc. the legal name is used. Agree that Breanna seems a bit different than a typical peer. Wouldn't someone somewhere on the web have posted a picture of prego Robyn by now? I am praying TLC pulls the plug, I, too am done. I ff'ed thru this most of this season, but have loved the PTV comments.
Agree with you Chicken Wing. I teach 4 year olds and they understand silly. I believe Jo was just trying to get Issac to think that it would be silly to knock mom out and put in her the trunk. He ws trying to use humor to snap Issac out of his sad mood. I wonder how much of the "I don't want to go with you" comes back to the long drive- my kids dreaded 2 hour plus car rides at that age. I'd be willing to bet that when having fun at Jo and Vee's, Isaac doesn't want to leave there and complains too. Jo and Kail actually did a good job- they were pleasant to each other during the exchange. My feelings for Javi have actually ... dropped- he acted like a total ass.
Just half-watched, I read the posts here and then decide if I want to watch, if I do, I try to pay attention to what has been commented on here. Color me confused. When Christine was talking with the Richards rooster girl, the child stated something about not knowing how to refer to her half-siblings. Then I heard that all 9 of their children are biologically the first wife's. So all of her siblings are her siblings. What did I misunderstand? Asshat Kody embarassed the little ginger boy- what a jerk. I do think Christine is the only one drinking Kody's kool-aid now.
Finally got to watch! I think Madi wanted to try the steak challenge just because she likes a challenge, her weight is fine. Did anyone else notice that Kody's gold convertible had a noticable dent in it? It was shown in a garage and there was definately a big ding on the bumper. Sure looked like Robyn was going to swear getting out of the RV in the snow. Kody and the sewage- pure gold. I am not a RV'er, but am sure this happens at times, does someone clean up the waste after an accident like this? Please tell him the waste is somehow cleaned up, if not that's horrible for the next RV to pull up at.
I started watching P and R in season 2 and have gone back and watched season1, and rewatched the whole thing several times. Love how they have stayed true to the characters for the most part. Never really liked Chris Trager's descent into needing therapy and being so unsure of himself. Used to not like Andy at all, but as I rewatch episodes, he grows on me. Hated how Leslie's house made it look like she was a hoarder- no way that fits her personality. Parks and Rec has quietly snuck up to be my fave sitcom ever.
I have a fantasy that TLC cuts whatever they pay these people by 2/3, due to low ratings. However, the famewhores want to continue with the show, so we watch them slowly lose the houses one by one and have to start sharing homes- that would be a hoot. In my fantasy, all of the kids get college/trade school scholarships, I am not totally mean. This epi was so staged, but I still love the older kids.
Toaster Strudel- I shop online all of the time and if I am on website dress shopping, I may be on it for 30 minutes- I bet I have well over a hundred hits during that time. Thank you for clarifying that- I thought 50,000,000 hits was huge, but when you explained it- that makes much more sense. For fun a year ago, I checked out My Sister's Wives Closet website. I would have spent $15. on a gag gift for a good friend who loves the show- well nothing came close to my low budget. So excited for next week, I pray they get declined.
Yes! You have lots of hits Brown family, because people like me want to look at your crappy joory and laugh. Kody is like a tired toddler with his rant about never being in charge of anything, he made the decision to court and marry Robyn, to move and to buy 4 McMansions. If the family gets one nickel from these investors that is a huge red flag that these investors are not good business people.
Just over from TWoP and feeling comfortable enough to post- lurked for a long time at TWoP, wanting to jump in here. Great seeing the Sister Wives Love here. I love this show- I love the older kids- Aspyen, Logan, Hunter and Mykelti are super, not a huge Meriah fan, but I think it's more that I dislike her mom so much. The Browns are doing something right to raise good kids.
Yes, I agree. From previous seasons, we know that Robyn's first husband has some visitation with the kids, so he is "dad". Usually kids come up with some sort of nickname- "dad" for bio-dad and "pops" or "Dad Kody" or something for step-dad. I agree, Robyn pushed the name. Kudos for Robyn too acknowledging Dayton's Aspergers diagnosis. Yes, he is quirky and has some social-ineptitude qualities, he still may do very well in school, be successful in a career, etc. Hope I quoted right, this is my first try at PTV. :)
My DVR caught this one. I wanted to see what a fool Chelsea's Adam was/is. Yeah, Ryan looked like he really needed to wash his hair- and he is getting gray. Jo is honest with Vee, I think it's going to be years for him to be ready to marry. I think Miranda is the smartest of the bunch- she is good to the girlses and Cory, she seems a lot more aware of the cameras than some of the others. Bintley is so tall!
I call double shenanigans. My goodness Parents- you have a hard-working, non- addicted, involved young man whom your daughter is tied to forever, and you are making it hard for him to see his daughter. I noticed that Jazmin had a step-dad, would love to know mom's back story- where's Jazmin bio dad? Maybe he died, or maybe mom has not lead a perfect life herself. Teens are dumb and make mistakes- these two are trying to do the right thing by their child. I hope Dell makes a lot of money and he and Jazmin move away with their daughter.
Watched 2 epis last night- show goes by too fast. Am also liking ths shorter season, things seems to get resolved faster. Loved the Jack/Audrey moment. Hope Simone and Margot get what's coming to them from Jack. President Heller is such a fool- why, after knowing all Jack has done in the past, would anyone doubt him?
As a Hoosier, I loved the "Bobby Knight Ranger" band- and when they threw the chairs at the end- classic! I have faith in this writing staff, I'm ready for another season in Pawnee.
I love this trainwreck of a show. Lindsay is such a mess. Really wish her life coach, or whatever that AJ person is would give her some real home truths about her career and her life.