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Everything posted by RHJunkie

  1. I took me a while to realize that Lydia is really this dense. I thought perhaps she was playing up for the camera. The woman needs to start reading and getting familiar with the English language. The amount of words she mispronounces and phrases she messes up is beyond ridiculous. It makes for good TV to laugh at her but at the same time, it's really sad because Lydia thinks she's really smart. She and PF are two peas in a pod. They're both very self absorbed and when people don't fawn all over them, then like the self absorbed people that they are, they victimize themselves. They both deny the accusation when they're confronted with it but there's nothing about their words or actions that suggest that the other women have simply misunderstood them. Nope, they've actually hit the nail precisely on its head. It may not be about the money, especially if we're considering that many of these women are either well off by their own right or by marriage. I think the show for a lot of them is about public exposure (ex. Gina trying to build a brand, Janet with her tea business, etc.) or to feed one's ego (PF, Lydia, etc.).
  2. LR took exception to what LVP said about Eileen (a true fact that was said in disgusting fashion) but it's okay for her to make such vile comments to people she doesn't even know (therefore she can't even attest to it being truth). When I see and remind myself of LR's history with her temper and how she handles herself, it only makes this entire storyline with her and Eileen look like they're a bunch of hypocrites. Eileen has been extremely calm and fleeting in her commentary of LR's behavior. Making bare mention of it and then quickly putting the focus on someone else to better rationalize LR's antics. Eileen ha some really choice words about Ken's commentary on LR...wonder if she'll talk about this with LR...you know, because you need to have closure with everyone even when it doesn't involve you. LR is such a mess.
  3. LOL. Ok that makes sense and that I totally see. While they all do it, I agree, those two are the best at it.
  4. I actually wouldn't consider either of them manipulative toward the other women. In the most simplest form, they can be seen as puppeteers but I just can't get on board with allowing grown women who have had marriages, children, careers and have to navigate life and all its experiences to cry manipulation just because they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. I think that their Elitist attitude is what draw the women to them. They're seen as strong, powerful women. People want to be around them and sometimes do things they wouldn't normally do just to be 'in' with them. There are two camps and the women feel that they either have to be neutral to both or pick a clear side. By the time Eileen was done with LR, it's no wonder that LR not only threw LVP under the bus, but she actually dismissed all of her previous issues with Yolanda in an effort to make nice with her. She didn't want to be feuding with BOTH of them.
  5. I agree, and I think that's a fair stance to take. I don't think anyone should be expected to make definitive statements about something that they can't personally attest to.
  6. Yeah, the validity of the reports are a whole other issue, lol. Yolanda will deny unless there's evidence to prove the change in her stories - at which point she claims that her memory/brain is bad because of her illness. Her forgetfulness always happen at the most inconvenient times. Her sickness is not an issue for me. I don't want to doubt that and I won't. But her words and actions suggest that she's using her illness as a crutch, especially when she's called to task. Her illness doesn't excuse her from anything. Lyme Disease isn't the cause of her Elitist attitude. It's not the cause for her judgment toward others without any regard of how she treats others (in actuality, because in her own mind she's amazing).
  7. She does! She looks so much better with shorter hair - like a bob cut. It looks more refreshing and sophisticated on her. I think it's more exaggerated than it is manufactured. She was meddlesome last season too but she took a more neutral stance. This season, she became more aggressive about it. I'm not sure if she exaggerated her issue with LVP for the sake of having an actual role this season of if she's just that sensitive and can't let things go. Her 'need' for closure sometimes makes her etiquette seem questionable. She seemed perturbed at everyone being cordial with each other at Kyle's house party. For one, why does closure need to happen at all times and places? Is a party at someone else's home the place to bring up contentious matters between people in a group? Further, why is it such a bad thing that people exhibit adult behavior in being civil to one another in a public setting? Eileen wants closure so badly with this LVP thing because she wants to feel like she's finally proven her own point and has won. She didn't seem interested in encouraging LR to speak with Kim at the party when they found out she was there. I would say her issues with Kim were a lot more volatile and serious than whether or not LVP directly or indirectly told her to talk about something which, in the end, she willingly did.
  8. Yolanda had papers with her that day of LVP's birthday. She brought her flowers and then sat down and accused her of talking poorly of her children and that she had the medical papers to prove to LVP that they were sick. From what I've looked up of Lyme disease, there are so many different scenarios based on test results that include having Lyme disease, being recovered from Lyme disease or having other types of infections or diseases that have similar strains of antibodies. It's also been said that the effects can come quickly or gradually. If the kids do have it then it's possible that the effects haven't really kicked in yet - at least not with Bella. She is in the public eye way too much to get away with saying that's suffering from serious symptoms right now. Yolanda should have kept her mouth shut. Whether the women said it or not, people would have questioned the diagnosis of the kids, especially with Bella. She's in the public eye, she's showing up everywhere and is exposed to media where she would be put in the position of possibly addressing those issues and yet she looks like the picture bill of health. I think Yolanda did a disservice to her children by introducing their health issues on camera. SHE put her children under scrutiny but she thinks the problem is other people not believing her.
  9. When she relays the story, she is consistent. It's the inferences in between that aren't consistent. The inferences become greater with each day that she's seen as the Manchausen bad guy and with each day she talks to Eileen. I think LR was the most honest when she told LVP that she was directional, not manipulative. Since then, she's tried to shift goal posts to get herself out of the hot seat and in the process she's made herself look bad for a whole other reason. Either she looks horrible for the Manchausen thing or she looks horrible because she's supposed to be an adult woman who makes it known that she is easily impressionable and apparently can't think for herself. Like you said, you can't own something and then try to blame others for your part.
  10. What's interesting to me is the way they described his feelings on being asked about it. Why would you feel embarrassed about that? Does it intrude on the façade of your children being perfect in every way or something? Such an odd term to use, unless the context is that he felt embarrassed that LVP kept trying to navigate the dinner conversation with everyone back to his children and it was too personal in nature to engage. Maybe he's upset that she did want to discuss it with others around when it's something that he wouldn't share his most intimate feelings on. He has been very diplomatic in the way he addressed the matter publicly and he may be keeping a distance from LVP so fresh off this current season. Or maybe they really are no longer friends, who knows. While Mo didn't confirm or deny anything, didn't Gigi mention her siblings diagnosis in her speech at the gala that was filmed? Would she lie about it as well.
  11. Jules does look very thin. I find it ironic that Carole and Bethenny of all people are the ones making insinuations about the degree of skinny she is. Both of them are really skinny. Jules was pretty disgusting dumping her hands in the ice. I'm sure the area had a bathroom that she could have gone to. Besides, I find it odd that someone with dietary restrictions would not familiarize themselves with ingredients that they can't eat so they know to avoid it when they are at gatherings outside of their own home. I'm glad that Carole has been honest with herself when it comes to her relationship. It's hard to invest in a person only to find out your wants are too much different to build a life together. People change their mind so it's not like it can't ever happen. Bethenny and Ramona are pretty clueless. Dorinda has a quick temper and I thought given her nature, she took in Bethenny's comments as well as she could but she lost it on Ramona and I totally get it. You can't try to do what Ramona did and make it seem like it's coming from a good place. If you're so concerned with how that reflects on your friend's character, why in the world would you mention it on camera, in front of a group of women at said friend's own event? In that moment, Ramona's mouth works much faster than her brain. She saw an opportunity to add to the John bashing but didn't stop to consider that what she was going to say would be far more hurtful to Dorinda than it would be damaging to Dorinda's opinion of John.
  12. I didn't know about that incident. I can definitely see Elitist in his attitude, especially with the example you mentioned! Holy crap, I hadn't thought of it like that. I just assumed that their competitiveness was probably over their respective relationships with Mohamed but now that you put all out like that, they are very similar.
  13. I can't recall anything specific of what he's said to agree with that sentiment but I can agree that his overall reaction is wrong.
  14. Oh yeah I forgot about that. That lawsuit is so hilarious that I forget that it's actually real, haha.
  15. I thought he denied saying that. Did someone corroborate Brandi's story?
  16. I'm not defending his behavior. The words and anger used in the defense of his wife is completely unnecessary. However, no way does it justify Yolanda's accusation against him during that incident. I'm not interested in making it a gender thing. He's not targeting women to argue with - he is consistent with directing his anger toward women who have gone after his wife. That doesn't make him sexist and he doesn't really say anything that's really demeaning about women in general. He's just flat out rude and I think that anger would be similarly directed to a man under the same circumstances. At The fact that his dealings are with women is likely due to the circumstances of interacting with an all female cast. I just don't think the dealings on the show are enough to label him sexist. It's a lot more common for women to speak up when it's a man using foul language against a woman but not the other way around. This is just generally speaking because I can't recall a case specific to Ken where the women have addressed him in any manner that would make his angered words in any way understandable. But I have seen it in other shows where a woman will call a man all sorts of names and when he throws out insults, he becomes vile and disgusting. This issue shouldn't be about how Ken speaks to a woman, it should be how Ken to speaks to a person. It shouldn't be condoned or seen as acceptable regardless of the gender of the speaker or the gender of the recipient of their angry words.
  17. No, he didn't. No one accused anyone of having Manchausen. Someone did accuse someone else of assault when the reality is at the very best, there was light contact of a completely harmless nature. Your comments on the matter seem a bit disingenuous based purely on semantics. He barely touched her and it was a gentle hand on her arm, she was the one that reacted more aggressively by swatting him away. In the moment she was angry and she reacted to him touching her even though it wasn't malicious at all. Fiar enough. To say after the fact that he 'assaulted' her and refused to revoke that statement, that isn't rationale on any level and is only further evidence of her tendency to exaggerate. It's pretty deplorable to take such a small thing and say something that is degrading and damaging to someone's character. Luckily for Ken the cameras were rolling and everyone else could witness her stupidity on the matter.
  18. Oh well never mind then, lol. If that's fixed then and she continues to plump them up then it seems she feels she looks better like that then she would without them. To each their own I guess. Not sure by whose beauty standards 'rich' women follow but I often find their natural looks are far more attractive then the looks they actually pay for.
  19. I'm looking at it as though the cameras don't matter. In terms of work, I see how it's an issue not to prioritize the filming. In terms of relationships, I don't think it's an issue if you aren't prioritizing your friends based on a filming scheduling. The only thing that I could think of that could be disappointing for Erika is that it was her first time hosting the women and given her hardships with connecting with other women, it would have been nice to have a familiar face and friend to act as a buffer for Erika. For all the cries of manipulation, what Yolanda accused Ken of is probably the worst false accusation made on the show (which she hasn't been rightly called to task on) and she showed no remorse and offered no apologies for it. I think she can convince herself of anything because there's no way to look back at that video and save face if you're a reasonable person. That's the type of situation where you simply apologize and say 'I was angry that you called me stupid and I overreacted'.
  20. Unless Faye may be considered as a potential new HW, I don't see how her apologizing will realign her team. She's already on good terms with Kyle, she wouldn't need to butter up to Faye to do that. I remember one of LVP and Kyle's past fights had to do with LVP saying that Kyle didn't stick up for her when she was being accused of something. Maybe that was a moment that LVP remembered. She appreciated that Kyle stuck up for her and her way of showing appreciation to Kyle and their friendship was to do something that she knew would make Kyle feel good. If there was any strategy behind her actions, I would guess it has more to do with creating evidence that she can apologize, cop to doing something, etc. What's interesting from Kathryn's blog was she mentioned that Camille disagreed with Erika trying to push the notion that Rinna was manipulated/influenced by LVP to bring up the Manchausen subject matter though Camille and Kathryn agreed that Rinna was LVP's cheerleader. It makes sense that Rinna did something that she thought LVP would have her back on because it suited LVP's interest (it suited Rinna's as well) but when she didn't get that support, she felt betrayed and conned. Where do you draw the line between feeling 'manipulated' and voluntarily doing something because you 'think' it will please someone else?
  21. I may be mistaken but didn't Yolanda say she already had plans with Kim and Brandi as a belated birthday meet up with Kim? Whatever it was she said, I took it to mean that she plans with Kim first and while the timing didn't conflict, she simply wasn't feeling up to doing another event as well. Truthfully, I think Rinna made it a bigger deal because she was challenging details that go beyond the show and I think it was another way of piling it on Yolanda but in reality, it's such a small thing. That's not something I would be upset about as a friend. It's not like she was missing some huge moment in Erika's life. It was just a random gathering. I know LVP rarely ever says sorry or cops to much, but honest question - does Yolanda ever do this? I can recall many instances of her she's fabricated things, I can distinctly recall one where she was called out for something and denied it. If Yolanda apologizes for things, I feel that it may be similar to the way LVP apologies - fleetingly and 'let's move on from this right now' sort of way.
  22. she looks really pretty in her wedding picture though. I think she looks better with the darker shade hair. So if she fixed her lips, couldn't she just 'unfix' it? It seems like such a small thing to be unfixable.
  23. Being betrayed and feeling betrayed are not always the same thing. One is by action and the other is by perception. Yolanda's kids are old enough to know the difference. Maybe there's more to the story but based on what we know and what we've seen on the show, Yolanda's basis of betraying her children are not reasonable and her family shouldn't condone that type of behavior. Ken actually behaves very similarly when it comes to LVP. No matter what, he always takes up for his wife. He doesn't ever prod her to learn more and give her a different perspective - and truthfully, I think she would respond well because I think she genuinely cares about what he thinks. I wouldn't really compare it to the Brandi situation because Brandi publically put out information about Adrienne's family that Adrienne had yet not shared with her children. As far as I know, Brandi wasn't repeating information with the world, she was sharing it. Brandi's words had a ripple effect on Adrienne's kids. While they may too young to understand or care about what was said, what Brandi said very much involved Adrienne's children though I don't believe her intent was to do that. I think she was just focused on Adrienne that she didn't consider what kind of environment she may be creating in Adrienne's household when it comes to her kids.
  24. He may have heard it from Kathryn. She calls Lisa by her first name, last name but I can't recall specifically if she's said LVP on the show. Eileen has used LVP during conversation as well so it could be one of the names they use which he's heard of. It's possible that he does read these boards but it's also possible that he heard it from somewhere in that inner circle, including his wife.
  25. Not sure if Olivia told the whole story or not but it was a horrible plan whoever made that up. Diamond and Olivia are both horrible. Both are liars. While the girls kept Diamond at bay after the cancer incident, turns out that they were right to think that Diamond was in on something and was lying to them. They were just wrong about what it was. There are many reasons to question Diamond's intelligence but the fact that she had someone holding a secret for her cause yet didn't bother to handle her better in the house is all levels of dumb. Protein shakes don't make you fat, but they can bulk you up. For the most part, it won't have the same effect on women as men because we just aren't built that way but if you're a workout fiend, protein is great to repair muscle tears between workouts and reduce soreness. We only see a fraction of what they do in the house, but if red-head isn't exercising then she probably shouldn't be drinking so much protein shakes.
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