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Sighed I

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Everything posted by Sighed I

  1. I was expecting more buzz tonight, but it appears blowback from the cliffhanger has made its mark. I avoided all things Walking Dead during the break myself, partially to remain spoiler free, but also because the showrunners' little stunt left a bitter taste in my mouth. I'm sure I'll get into it once the show starts, but I'm surprised by how meh I'm feeling at the moment, considering this is my favorite show.
  2. So because I apparently like to play with fire, I decided to peek behind the spoiler tags. As for the first, I see that as a very real possibility for the reason you noted. To the second point, As far as other season 7 predictions, I think Sasha's card may end up getting punched, particularly if Negan kills Abe. Given how close to the edge she was after losing Tyreese and Bob, if Abe dies that may break the camel's back. To be honest, I'm not too sure about Rosita or Tara's longevity either unless they come up with something substantially different for them to do. Now that Negan's introduced it does open up some possibilities, but my prediction is of Sasha, Rosita and Tara, only one will make it out of season 7 alive. I would like to see if they'll do anything interesting with Eugene and Gabriel. I see a lot of potential for both, but then I'm a sucker for redemption stories.
  3. $9?!!! Damn! I was very surprised when I heard he died too. I read today he had been in poor health for a while, but I hadn't been keeping tabs on his career for years and had no idea. I like Mexican Coke and Coca-Cola Life. Please pass the puh-kahns, and the si-rup too, please. Has anyone done "coupon" yet? Coo-pon or cue-pon?
  4. Ah, the naivete of youth... I once read on a gossip board (for what that's worth) that MJ felt threatened by Prince's talent and disliked him intensely (which seems very silly considering). I don't know where Prince stood on the matter, or if it's even true. Now that both are dead, we may never know for sure, but I'm not sure it really matters in the end.
  5. So sad to hear about Prince's passing. :`( Although I haven't kept up with his material since the '90s, I'll always have a special place in my heart for Prince and the great memories of my youth his music brings. RIP Edited: changed my mind about TMI
  6. I don't want it to be Abraham either. I don't know who I'd put in his place, when I think about the likeliest candidates, because I don't want it to be any of them either! I've really come to appreciate Abraham. Of the A/R/E trio, he's gotten the most development by far, but season 6 is when I started to see true depth and realness to his character. As I've said before, prior to this Abe was more caricature than character to me. Now that he's at or near the top of the most likely to be killed list, it's like, we're finally getting to know the core of who he is and now you're (potentially) going to kill him off? Michael Cudlitz is a fine actor, and it feels like such a waste of his talent to have waited this long to really do something with his character. If it is him, I'm guessing they're planning to use it to further Sasha's character development, or try to anyway. I'm kind of concerned they've written her into a corner, especially if they go this route; if it comes to this I hope they'll prove me wrong. I can definitely see Negan finding Michonne and Rosita attractive, as well as Sasha, and Maggie if she were well (looking like death warmed over is the one thing putting her at risk, but like you said, I can't see AMC greenlighting a woman getting this particular death). You don't make it this far into the ZA unless you're a survivor--or incredibly, improbably lucky, but as we've seen time and again, if you don't have skills your luck eventually runs out--so that alone greatly increases one's attractiveness in this world. Add physical beauty to the mix? No way in hell will Negan deny himself the opportunity to "win over" as many of them as possible.
  7. Thanks! I appreciate you checking that out. Interesting theory. I felt there was something significant to that moment myself, given all the talk about the future during that (and later) episodes. The passing of the photo was a somewhat "slow", deliberate scene. I don't think it's a stretch. Hadn't thought about who was in the truck tying those two scenes together. Now, this is a stretch, but one could surmise that since Rosita was in the truck with the other three, and she was significant to Abraham, maybe she was a proxy for him. All right, I really better get back to work. Sigh. But at least now I have something else to roll around in my head to help pass the time! Thanks again.
  8. Hi slade3, I'm at work and can't look it up right now (I know, I know, why am I posting of PTV then... har har), but just a quick question. Are you saying the order in the RV during the ultrasound pic passing scene is the same as the order they are positioned in Negan's lineup?
  9. I'll try, but I don't have a Tumblr account (and don't want one) so I can never find anything. Best I can usually get is a cached version of the page off Google or a direct link.
  10. I know Chandler gets criticism for his acting by some, but I think he has developed into a fine young actor. He certainly has a lot of great mentors. The subtlety of that moment between them was so true to life. It's one of the great things about this show, how much they convey with a glance or a movement. The cast is all in, all the time. <3
  11. That was hilarious, and so awkward. Okay, you can do this. After all we've been through, Carl's a man now. You owe it to him to be up front and honest. He needs to understand this wasn't just a booty call. "Michonne and I...I was...this is different...I was going to tell you..." Dad's freaked out. Heh, this is kinda funny. I better let him talk... "...but it just happened...I mean, it just happened, last night..." Whoa, I think he's actually going to give me details. TMI, Dad, TMI. "It's cool."
  12. There was also the suggestive Tweet by Michael Cudlitz which he deleted shortly after it blew up on Twitter. One thing I read in a Scott Gimple interview (Vanity Fair, maybe?) was that they were going to do what they could to keep the truth from getting out. Who knows, maybe all this contradiction is part of the subterfuge. My feeling is Andrew Lincoln is telling the truth in the sense that they agreed not to discuss/hint at who it actually was once they knew for sure, in respect for that person and to stem some of the constant questions of who is it. They also know people will pester them anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if this pact has an addendum: say nothing of the truth, but if all else fails throw them off the trail.
  13. That whole opening sequence up to and including the tableside chat is one of my favorites in Season 6B. It made me laugh and giggle multiple times and I've watched that part more times than I'd care to admit. ;) Aw, I didn't read Carl's side eye as a glare. For me it was more of a smirk, like, "Sooo, you and my dad, huh? Heh heh, right on." I think he approved. He just found out in a most inopportune way. LOL
  14. Oh, I missed the Young Guns discussion. Can't say I'd disagree with his assessment. I'll have to go through the episode and re-watch the parts where he's talking. ;) I do hope they give him a turn on the regular edition of TTD. The only celebrities not associated with the show they should be having on are actual fans capable of having a balanced, show-centric discussion. I'm looking at you, Marilyn Manson and JB Smoove.
  15. True. The guests from the cast lack enthusiasm and charisma, too, which doesn't help. You're right; he was good. I wasn't paying very close attention but he was very knowledgeable of both shows and a true fan. Has he been on TWD's Talking Dead?
  16. I liked this episode and I still can't pay anything other than cursory attention to TTD, Fear Edition. The lack of energy and excitement is palatable.
  17. Well, I for one liked this episode much more than last week's; actually, I enjoyed it a lot. None of the Manawa-Clark clan annoyed me, and I liked Daniel's little reconnaissance mission--though Strand leaving him alone in the control center, especially after their conversation, stretched credulity--and Strand's mysterious phone call. Strand looked concerned to me, worried even. Maybe the person on the phone is holding someone he loves (Abigail, anyone?) and Strand has to trade something he acquired/stole in order to get her back. Whatever he's up to, though, it's no good. I liked that they didn't go with what to me would've been the obvious route of making the family a bunch of psychos, and I thought the pacing as the mystery unfolded was pretty good. Am I evil for being downright relieved they weren't saddled with the kids? I wish they would've shown Nick's suspicions growing rather than having him tell Alicia/the audience that "something doesn't feel right". He could've gone looking for drugs twice, the first time being interrupted much earlier in his search, just as he sees something which piques his curiosity enough to go back a second time. They seem to be moving Chris in the direction of making him the fearless/ruthless Walker killer of the group. This gives him a purpose and something to channel his anger. I'm in favor of anything to stem his petulance. LOL. Anyway, he's my pick for being the first of the Manawa-Clarks to kill a living person. Travis and Maddie seemed more well-rounded this episode, and much more likeable. It was good to see them getting some character development independent of each other and their family drama. Well, in the preview we finally see the identity of our plane crash survivor. Not much of a surprise, but I'm glad they chose who they did.
  18. I agree. I interpreted it the same way (but failed to mention it; sometimes I forget people can't read my mind ;). I also suspect if he had known the comparative size of the two groups, he might not have concluded Rick's was scarier quite so readily. This is priceless. LOL!
  19. Exactly. He took her off guard and she shot back like, nuh-uh! I loved the look on both their faces during that exchange. She knew that he knew, and he knew that she knew that he knew. It was pretty funny. Actually, that entire scene at the table was really entertaining between that, Daryl's butt hurt snarking and Carl's side-eye making Michonne squirm. But I digress. Ahem.
  20. I'm sorry this board isn't more active. While I can't say I'm 100% convinced of the show's authenticity (please don't throw tomatoes at me), it is both suspenseful and engaging nonetheless. I only just started watching it myself, but I'm surprised it isn't more popular. If they are telling the truth about not sharing info until the end, then Amy's read of the places they investigate are pretty dead on, pun intended. ;) First, gotta give props to a fellow cat lover; that's really cool she donated the proceeds to four-legged friends in need. I'm curious, did Amy explain how she shuts out spirits in day-to-day life? It sounds like they're always lurking around the corner; is it like she always knows they're there but sometimes ignores or otherwise refuses to engage them? Sounds exhausting. I've found a lot of the sketches pretty amateurish and one of the more disappointing aspects of the show. Amy's verbal descriptions are usually much creepier. But tonight there was an episode in Leslie, MI and the sketch artist was really good. His sketch of this faceless shadow creature was the stuff of nightmares. Too bad they couldn't keep that guy, or someone of similar ability (the guy who sketched Al Capone in the Alcatraz episode was really talented as well), on retainer. It would add to their credibility. Sometimes when they compare a sketch to a photo Steve's unearthed, Steve or the homeowners will stare at it a while before saying something tentative like, "That certainly looks like his...mouth." LOL. If the sketches were consistently better, everyone, including the viewer, could tell more readily if what Amy saw matches up with the evidence Steve presents. But then the skeptic in me wonders if the show chooses sub-par artists to make it more vague on purpose... Nevertheless, she and Steve do seem sincere, and their clients appreciative for their help.
  21. I totally agree. That smarmy weasel would throw his own mother under the bus. Gregory styles himself as superior-than-thou, but in this case I wouldn't be surprised if he offered up CDB before the first threat was even issued. Not that I can really blame the guy--it's not like Rick's group were long-standing allies. Still, he's so much fun to hate; Xander Berkeley really does play him to perfection.
  22. I'm pretty sure Maggie said, "More than that" when Jesus said 53. I suspect his count, along with all the other intel he'd gathered, was uncomfortably accurate but no way was she going to confirm it. I don't think he was convinced, but if you count Maggie's baby (jellybean size though he or she may be), technically she wasn't lying!
  23. I talked about this a bit in the episode thread, but my feeling is they probably were ignorant about the Saviors' size and strength. From what we've seen so far, the Hilltop was pretty easy to subdue and keep in line. Even with all the resources the Saviors have amassed, supplies are still hard to come by. Why pull out the big guns when you don't have to? Better to save the ace in their pocket for a group who gets too uppity, like Rick's. Remember that guy who helped Rick draw up the layout of the outpost? He said (paraphrasing), "The Saviors are scary, but they have nothing on you (Rick)." Someone who says that couldn't have known how massive Negan's group was, IMO. That being said, I'm sure they crumpled like aluminum foil the second the Saviors came looking for the group responsible for the carnage. Seeing as they had a hand in it, I wouldn't be surprised if one or more of the Hilltoppers also got the bat for their betrayal.
  24. Like many of you, I am not interested in actually seeing the death up close and personal. I don't watch this show for the gore, and neither want nor need to see a beloved character's head turned into hamburger. I know there are fans out there whose outrage stemmed primarily from being denied the ultraviolence in all its gruesome glory. I admit I find that line of thinking pretty disturbing, and like slade3, it troubles me what Gimple said about the scene. But let's face it, when you're watching a drama set in the ZA, violence comes with the territory, and people watch for a lot of different reasons. I would have been fine with hearing the other characters reacting to it and someone screaming a name after it faded to black. There are so many different ways they could've handled it and made it an actual cliffhanger instead of a bait and switch.
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