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Everything posted by debraran

  1. I found on another LHOP board some stunts that went bad and who did what. A bad one was Harriet in the very funny "Here Comes the Brides" Here Come the Brides: Trivia note: Harriet Oleson on a horse is a rare occasion indeed, and it turned out badly! When she fell off the horse at the end of this episode, it was no classic Hollywood stunt. "Katherine MacGregor fell very badly!", remembers Charlotte Stewart, "and she had to be taken to the hospital." Although she injured her back and kidneys, "during it all, her sense of humor never faltered." On screen, Charlotte says, "the beginning of the fall was Katherine, but by the time Mrs. Oleson hit the ground it was the stunt double." As usual, in such circumstances, it was Ruth Foster who was called to the rescue. "It was later in the afternoon", remembers Ruth, "and the last day to shoot the complete show. So they got me dressed as Mrs. Oleson as fast as they could and they shot all from the back of me and Nels. And saved the episode because the actor in the scene was leaving in a few hours to go back to New York and they would have lost the actor and couldn't have had finish of the episode."
  2. Thanks for that info, I saw the big youtube video with all the cast, but that was during Covid ( I liked ER's the most ) Dean's book is on preorder. I don't know how I'll feel about it, he wasn't my favorite character and the "men" have been mostly quiet, it will be interesting. Probably more about Melissa G and him and will he talk about Jon or other "off the table" subjects. We will see. I might bring it to the 50th Aniv get-to-gather in CT. I'm sure the money will be nice when things like fan events are more time and trouble at times. I would have loved Katherine's or Richard Bull's since they said so much just in a magazine. https://www.amazon.com/Prairie-Man-Little-House-Beyond/dp/0806543299
  3. Sounds like a jerk now but I never liked the pairing at all. Many did though. Such a waste of a storyline.They also seem to be making Trixie beyond superficial with money etc. We know how she is, we don't need to hear about it all the time. I look forward to seeing episode 4 when I can. One of many articles if you don't care about knowing ahead of time. https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/drama/call-midwife-matthew-tragedy-olly-rix-exit-newsupdate/
  4. I happened to catch that one with Janet on Cozi I think. I liked the ending. I also thought the one with Johnny Cash was fun to watch. That song was only done on the dhow and you can download it but never on his albums. Another singer did it. It was catchy back in the day. ; ) He did that show and LHOP and both were good considering he wasn't an actor.
  5. Good point about the editing for US. I was surprised when someone on FB put all the deleted scenes in (and a couple of pics) one year and some meant something and helped explain the reaction of the character. Sometimes it doesn't but with a show like CTM I wish we could get it all.
  6. Yes, that one left me cold and having her be so into how something looks, that the device meant more than the child walking. I do understand her life was more how things look and it was "real" because it could have happened for sure. The modeling part, I agree was silly. I thought Fred's illness was well done, that was and is a scary disease. I always say if in doubt of when you had shot last, get it. Maybe it's me but it still seems Trixie is not really engaged as a character yet. Maybe they are waiting or were writing episodes for her when the contract issues were straightened out.
  7. I just watched the first one. I liked it a lot, very real, but Trixie seemed "off" and maybe because of all the gossip, I thought the little communication with Matthew seemed stilted. I am deciding if I should savor them and watch episode 2 tomorrow or binge it. ; ) I like Fred too and also thought the story with Doreen was very well done. This article on her told me a little more about her. https://www.womanandhome.com/life/news-entertainment/who-is-doreen-in-call-the-midwife-who-plays-her-and-how-many-episodes-is-she-in/
  8. Oh, is it on passport, I must check it out. It's been so hard to find good things to watch.
  9. Yes, It would be funny and the adoration, when the only info you ever got was from their agent, who wanted you think they were kind or generous or loyal. Then decades later, you are, "what??"although thinking most people are saintly is silly. Okay Tom Hanks is human but he hides any faults well ;) I remember watching I love Lucy rerun with my Mom and she grew up with it. She was telling me about Desi and the divorce and how "Ethel and Fred" hated each other and I was like "did that effect the show? " and she was like, No, you didn't know, they were professionals and it was entertainment. Wise words but I wish the sexual harassment was less
  10. I think like with the harassment many women suffered through, whether on set or other TV shows, it was just what went on. I feel it wasn't news worthy because Hollywood was never "religious" if a man wanted a bourbon at 10am, that's fine. He never said he was religious and that was against his rules, it just was. Many years later comedians and singers were failing, sick, but no one said anything until they did fall. Slowly it changed. People put up with a lot to keep jobs and if they had the same failing, they didn't want to see it in others. I do remember seeing rags that said things that weren't "holy" about ML but they were the Enquirer or The Star...was it true, was it half true, made up? It's easier to see addictions with singers etc but actors can take extra takes and have other "help" and many have a pact of silence again, unless they hate each other, it's touchy what will keep them from jobs. I agree, though, without social media and instant posts on various sites, would some of this be instant fodder now? Maybe. Too tempting. Then you'd need an interview. Mike admitted his drug abuse, drinking and smoking but again, that wasn't a big deal. Infidelity, rampant. Kids were young and didn't realize things until it was too obvious, you smell the liquor, you see the flirting, you hear conversations. I learned more than I needed to know about family shows in the 60's and 70's and how dysfunctional some were, but glad at the time, FB, Twitter and Instagram weren't around. ; ) Leave me my bubble. Can you imagine Kennedy or other presidents with Twitter and Facebook etc. I'm glad a little bit, that we had less at that point.
  11. Mike was mad at the papers and they never let up even when he was sick. That was sad, helicopters flying over his home etc. I understand if you stray, you are an open book but sickness should be off limits, but it's rarely. This explored it a bit, I remember the Carson show. I don't remember his wife suing but that was common then. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/little-house-on-the-prairie-star-michael-landon-once-said-reading-tabloid-reports-about-himself-was-worse-than-getting-cancer.html/ Mike wasn't that naive to think even if he was far from Charles Ingall's, he represented himself as such. He lost endorsements and James Garner (another fav of mine) took over and did well with Kodak. I sometimes wonder if he would have ridden it out and done a lot more, sadly wont know. Many of his kids and coworkers were torn about it though, didn't speak or felt betrayed. You never, ever live in a bubble.
  12. She was getting insecure about the time Charles was away doing chores for the Widow. Mary forgot she told her dad her Ma would like the dishes and he was just trying to get them so she could sell them later. (never to be seen again) Then Ma sees Widow with Harriet and of course she has wonderful taste and picking out fabric and Harriet loves her taste. So instead of something "serviceable" Harriet suggests, Caroline buys nice fabric. Then she makes white blouse (really a bit nice for prairie living) Laura offers her lemon verbena to really wake him up. ; ) He doesn't seem to notice and later after she changes, says "that's a nice blouse you had on" Photos below
  13. Well Carrie and Mom got most of the attention...Mary was the belle of WG and the boys buzzed around, they all liked her even if she didn't like them. I imagine if he complimented her a little (probably sound sleazy now) she might have warmed up a bit.
  14. Everything and said he could tend to his own shirt...and he couldn't find anyone who would want him?? Great carpenter, probably could cook, he sews, he is good with kids. In another show, Charles wasn't being attentive either but I forgot why. She had the new white shirt and he didn't notice. Was that the widow/dishes one?
  15. debraran

    Season 8

    Maybe she didn't want to be on camera much. I get it. Not everyone wants the experience and it was for him. Other heros didn't show much of family either. I didn't think she liked the hair at all from her expression, seemed forced even if more than one take so to speak. I get the rest the hair needs, my daughter got braids for a long international trip, less work and I wondered if she could have gotten less braids, french braid, something inbetween. She did change it back. At her age, she likes what she likes. ; )
  16. Charles came home once inbetween where Mary begs him to stay and he acts like she has 3 heads. She missed him telling Ma that Mrs Oleson couldn't wait to tell him about the handsome man taking care of the family and thought he'd be jealous (Ma looked a slight bit disappointed) Caroline assumes Chris went to town.He stepped aside not wanting to interfere with their family time and some said, Mike didn't want them both in a scene. Yes Chris was always just "Chris" Hard to look him up later. Did a hunky handyman with a great tool belt pass through here? Then at the end, Charles comes home and they are happy and he finally notices Ma with hair down and says it looks pretty (like every night he didn't see her brush it) and they tell him Chris left and couldn't finish and he's like "I can do it" and Carrie excitingly tells him about toy Chris made for her etc. I liked that she had more air time in a nice way, he really gave her more attention than Pa. Off set, Karen said he really was great with the kids and they loved him, I think it showed, Mary excluded. : ) No mention of paying him to Charles or not paying him and I assume Ma kept that money for a rainy day fund : )
  17. Just watching Handyman while I had a day off. Mary, the B***ch telling her Mom "I saw you!!" Good Lord. What a drama queen. She tells an adult to leave that her mom hasn't paid yet for his work. Then "it's all a mistake" It's a mistake because your mom tells you she fell? The tears from her pretty blue eyes. I'll tell him to come back...a bad script but I guess Mike didn't know how to get rid of Chris before he got back on the show full time saving people. Chris made a great almost room, made toys for Carrie, gave her more attention than Ma and left saying she didn't have to pay him. Hopefully he found more gracious people in the future. : ) I know some were off the set but I wont go into that. lol
  18. debraran

    Season 8

    I was watching old shows with my daughter who missed a lot traveling years ago. Antoni cooked a lot more in the early shows, it was shortened more and more as time went on.Sometimes it was simple, sometimes a little too hard I thought but he had a larger role. From some "behind the scenes" messages online, it seems editing has been worse. Not sure why. What they choose to show etc. Alison (ex nun) on Reddit (said verified) told a lot about her experience and said very much was cut out and she worried until it was shown over a year later, what it would look like. Editing is an art, but sometimes it makes someone look a certain way or whole scenes are left out. Having 60 people in your home vs the 5 you see is something to adjust to also. Even the clothes they showed with her, (I didn't like most) weren't the only ones but although she liked them, they werent chosen. I don't like that. Did they want more risque because she was an 'ex nun" Ex doesn't mean she's some crazy, "I want to be 100% different" person. She's the same, just took a different path. I can link it if anyone is interested. I think to help her charities, she figured she would answer questions, especially about her being repressed etc (she's not, she chose Catholicism as an adult and still goes to church) I'm looking into her work more when I have time. Very interesting and she thought they'd highlight it more, but the "dates" were picked. I felt it didn't fit at all, she wasn't anxious for a date but that sells I guess for an episode. If they keep doing that, they'll lose what made them special.
  19. debraran

    Season 8

    My daughter's boyfriend knows a mutual friend since he is studying theology and philosophy. She did a nice interview with America magazine back when she was a nun. Not as nervous or giggly. https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2019/09/27/sr-alison-mccrary-beyond-habit
  20. debraran

    Season 8

    For me, with Doreen, it wasn't whether the Netflix crew stole things (or someone else at night) but her anger was so overwhelming and vague in her accusations online. I'm sure someone told her to take down the posts. (lawyer, family) I felt and I know I'm maybe in the minority, she hated everything. The clothes (and I agree) were not her at all, and didn't look good. Her hair, it looked fine but NOT easy to upkeep. She liked braids because they were easier. My daughter is biracial and she got braids to travel for a month because she likes the look and it's one less thing to do everyday. Why did the nominator want the candy store fixed if no desire was to open it? It takes permits and insurance and money for products and she never did that herself, her mom did. Even the pastries weren't something she seemed comfortable doing. It just felt "off" the whole show. I googled after and found out more but I feel bad that she totally dissed all of the. The Fab 5 are not mentioned in her social media and it was like they never came. She didn't say "the guys were fine but the staff was awful" I just feel bad an episode was wasted on someone who really didn't enjoy it. The publicity helps but at this point, not really needed.
  21. debraran

    Season 8

    I don't think they asked him or he said No. He was asked to be on the old show in 2004 and said he liked it but it never happened. (at least I don't remember him doing it) I'm sure $$ had a lot to do with it and they can't pay him what he would get for other things I'm sure. I thought even a video of him thanking him for being a fan would have been great. Even if not Gene, anyone in the group.
  22. debraran

    Season 8

    I skipped around and watched the one with the ex nun. Mixed bag but liked it much more than some others. The "date" thing could have been left out, bit silly at her age and she is a well rounded, smart woman. She is a lawyer, advocate, loves God, knows herself, can talk to anyone. I'm glad she got instruction on how to give to herself too and dress a little more flashy (if she wants) but I loved how she pinned some cleavage in a scene. We all don't like the same things. She will be fine and I liked her and would love her as a neighbor. I also loved how her home was so adorable, a rent I think but very nice. They fix up a lot of rentals but hers didn't need much. She was a type A for sure. lol I thought it was a little passive/aggressive that they replaced her dresser with labels on it with a wicker one that she couldn't do that with. If that is an issue, it's a small one. I saw more of her background on her linkedin page and she should be proud of her accomplishments and time in convent. https://www.linkedin.com/in/alisonmccrary
  23. debraran

    Season 8

    I found it hard to watch having googled the episode. She complained a lot about stolen things and "mess the producers left" The candy store which isn't open was a mess so I don't know what she meant but Bobbys response and hers has been removed, but only screenshots of them left. She mentions nothing of them which is a first I think, in her social media pages and nothing about the store. It seemed except to highlight her wonderful talent a waste of a show. They should have just stuck with making her a studio or maybe something else but it left a bad taste. I am underwhelmed with all but 3 of them this season which is short. It's hard to know she had a bad experience but it was sure to happen at some point.
  24. debraran

    Season 8

    KISS episode was not as overwhelming to me because I felt a level of sadness throughout the show that culminated in a mixed ending. I wont give spoilers but I was shocked reading this that Gene wasn't given a cameo this episode. I guess he wanted his own. Sad though because his "biggest fan" would have loved it. Someone on Reddit said most of his KISS stuff is in a spare room dedicated to that and although the guys didn't watch their makeover this time, they did a good job. I had criticism of the gallery thing but wont comment until more see it. What I read from 2004. https://www.today.com/popculture/queer-eye-straight-gene-simmons-1c9486036
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