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  1. A bit late to the party (oh noes! I'm missing all the PR fun! ;) Wow! I knew the CW's SM was bad but this is embarrassingly bad. I'm actually dying here from second hand embarassment. Ahahahaha. What? I would seriously consider volunteering to do it for them (pro bono & all) but yeah, no. I would actually be jumping ship immediately. I see what they were *trying* to do with the whole fan feast stuff. But that was one epic fail. What the hell was this crap? But yeah as someone smarter up thread said it better: the sky is blue and all that...
  2. The article is one epic LOLOLOL. I don't know if it was supposed to be some kind of promotional piece but after reading that I am even less interested in the NP stuff. I also ~love that their wine boxes contain socks and coffee beans. Lol! For $100 you better give me as much wine as possible! I wonder how much their membership success depends on the show success though (a lot I am sure ; is it affected by recent ratings, idek). It would be interested to know 'cause I am not sure I quite understand their mid-to-long term business plan.
  3. Oooooh! That is great! I have a lot of (very petty) questions to ask like: - as the show runner of Arrow, how does the show contribute to helping protect the Republic? - as a fellow Liberal, what is your stance on rampant misogyny on TV? How do you help fight that? What is your process when writing compelling and real female characters? - what is your contribution to helping showing diversity in your show? (What are the metrics - and results- to ensure/ assure that this is achieved?) - There seems to be a misunderstanding regarding relationships on TV. How do you respond to that given that humans are social creatures? - last but not least, if it's just a TV show why should I watch? (Highly competitive market - there are hundreds of TV shows to watch) I'm on a roll today. Ok, I'll stop there. /done being petty.
  4. Could you be more specific on what that would entail? I thought it was only based on CW generated creative content (though it could contain fanbased ones).
  5. Ding ding ding! MG is the epitome of a shit stirrer! Manu Bennett is such an odd individual. Charming, really. Like dude is so butt hurt over a storyline he can't let go years later. Wtf. But since his career is going so well I understand him being petty. Oh, wait. LOLOLOL ETA: I don't quite understand how SA keep following him on SM when the guy is continuously pissing on his show. Boggles my mind.
  6. This dude will never learn, will he? Somebody take his social media accounts away! Stat. ETA: also LOL @ Manu Bennett. What a lovely gentleman.
  7. Speaking of money, I am debating whether I should watch live. For the LOLZ of course. I have a great drinking game but given MG's recent statements I would like to avoid giving him my hard earned $$$. Um, decisions, decisions. On topic? Can't wait for those recycled lines. This is gonna be fun. Or not.
  8. Oh! Whew! Thankfully Curtis is there to mansplain everything to us. Eta what @catrox14 said better above!
  9. If it turns out not to be a way for Oliver to realize it's a dream/alt reality, then it will be a major FU to Olicity fans (you thought they were special?) and to Lauriver fans (here! Enjoy the recycled bread crumbs). Or those writers are just not creative at all.
  10. I love the sound of stupidity in the morning! I particularly enjoyed MG's dismissive tone regarding valid critiques about the show AND his patronizing command of "please focus on protecting the Republic" because "it's just a TV show". Let me just take a minute here to actually laugh my ass off, breathe, and laugh some more. 'Cause we all are too stupid to focus on several things at the same time, ya know. What a bunch of craptastic crap. Without going on a tangent regarding his comments, wtf? Like how is that a valid argument to critiques? This dude is a lost cause. No amount of PR crash courses can help him at this point. There is of course no surprise that a bunch of articulated people unleashed a can of whoop-ass on social media. I'm way past being infuriated with his stupid shenanigans because dumb dude is dumb, but seriously writing these statements on the eve of a milestone for your show, seems like a good idea how? LOLOLOLOL
  11. Thank heavens for the unlimited benefits of the bitterness membership card! Disclaimer: I am not quite drunk enough, unfortunately. I wrote before why I was quitting Arrow. Today I am dejected, devastated, and hopeless. As a woman, I can no longer support or watch a show that disparage (and at that in a condescending and insulting way) women. I thought hard and long about writing this post, but I needed an outlet. I think DR's response regarding Sara was the straw that broke the camel's back. I love DR but how can he be so fucking oblivious? I am at loss for words regarding everything that is so utterly misogynistic about the whole comics universe. More than that I am sad and disappointed that the one character that was not "originally comics" but was written as a strong, intelligent, competent woman, has been completely overturn to be this dependent, second -rate, manpain-propelling, character. This is is deeply insulting. More than that it is a painful realization that we, as women, do not matter. So, I would like to give the middle finger to MG and everyone involved (creative, PR, etc.) with this show. They will not have my hard earned dollars anymore. As a woman of, I think, significant intelligence, but somewhat limited coping skills, I still owe to myself to be true to what I believe in. Arrow has been my form of escapism for a long time but it failed to be that for quite a while. MG's comment cemented that feeling and his tweets regarding the political situation doesn't help matters. So, no. Thank you all members for being level-headed, intelligent individuals, I have learned a lot from you. It is a pleasure to read all your posts. I will continue to do that.
  12. Damn this conference, I am still drinking (and I am bored to death). So I have more things to say (also with my husband, we used to have a drinking game last season with darkness/light. 1 shot everytime a character said "darkness"; 2 shots everytime a character said "light" yeaaaaaaaah.... it was really baaaaad but still fun). I read all the posts which are so on the point I wanna say word to everything. Because you are all too smart! Ultimately, I was also thinking about how it's quite hard to be a woman and a female viewers these times. What I mean mean by that, and perhaps I am too sensitive about it, is that there is some kind of stigma about women having an opinions about shows and expressing their opinions. Sure, many would say that comics will be comics!!!!111!!. But that is not the point. I am bitter about the fact that people disparage the opinion of female viewers because they are" shippers". Um, what? Romantic or not romantic relationships are at the core of basic human emotions. There is a need to bond with other people because we are social creatures. Fandom is one vehicle for that. So yeah. Thanks MG and everyone for your moronic comments.
  13. In the wise words of FS "We all joined clubs we wished we hadn't". As I am starting to regret my long time investment in Arrow, I'm still planning on using my bitterness membership card. I wish this post would come from a place of apathy or rage but it really is more of a "nostalgic" (for lack of a better word) "could have been" feeling. I think I finally reached my breaking point with this show. It has everything to do with the fact that I hardly recognize the show or the characters anymore. Worst of all, I do not understand the point of Oliver's journey at this point. Is there still a point? Quite frankly, this breaking point is also due to BTS shenanigans. I consider myself as a pragmatic individual and an experienced (or let's be blunt expert) TV show consumer. I consider the others (on SM, fora, even the general audience) to be as well. Therefore, I take offense with MG and other writers comments, who basically give the middle finger to the fans and to "shippers", as if 1. it were a bad word , 2. there was a "right" way to watch the show and 3. there is a need to explain the writing process, in case we are all too stupid to understand. Newsflash: if there is a need to explain, there is something clearly lacking in the writing/storytelling department. Arrow is hardly a riddle to decipher. In light of those comments, these past few days, I asked myself, would my viewing experience be better, if say, I wasn't reading spoilers, or news items, or SM. And the answer is a clear, no. My bitterness doesn't stem from anticipation but rather from what has been told (and not shown) and what has been told and retconned. It all boils down to bad storytelling, lack of consistency, nonsensical characterization, blah blah blah, all the problem we already discussed many times. Still, we live in an age of social media, of virtual interactions (and physical ones also, e.g. Cons) amongst fans and showrunners, and the CW just misses the point of all of this. So I am sure they are happy that "shippers" spend their hard-earned $$$ on merch, cons, etc. They just acknowledge shippers when they have something to sell. Oh and for click baiting. As an aparte, the viewing experience and the creative experience have also changed these past few years. They fail to understand that, but in this economic world it means, adapt or die. But they seem to be happy about the ratings - which, good for them!- so they managed to find a core audience that will watch no matter what. I have a lot more things to say about it, but quite frankly I am tired, hangover, and just a tiny bit sad . I rage-quit shows before, which were smarter and better written (Veronica Mars, Buffy.) Better make use of my bitterness membership card next time! And btw, show, I'm breaking up with you, but it's not me, it's you. P.S. I am quite envious of all the people that are optimistic. I want that too! P.P.S: I love the snark and smartass comments of this forum so I will still follow and comment! Thank you!
  14. I, usually, hate gossip, but I'm sick and whaaaaaat? Tell me more! (I am shamefully interested!) Also, in my state of high fever, my thoughts are wandering towards SA's tweeting about the World Series and not his own show. (Hence the private setting! Re: wtf was going on with his twitter account) (I am the worst! Please forgive me and remember I am sick) /ashamed of myself (but still curious)
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