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  1. Apparently he’s scared to be around kids due to risk of catching their thetans or however that works? That may be part of the ban on pregnancy/forced abortions he instilled. Tom Devocht shared this gem on Media Mayhem.
  2. Yikes is he a jerk on twitter or something? I could see that. I get what you're saying, he's a strange one bc he does seem to know everyone and have sources, and he talks a big game about journalism, yet he's a bit sloppy with the reporting part. He's a great storyteller but research/fact-checking...idk. I'm curious if he knew what B's camp is like. He claims he knew he was dropping a bomb and has the goods to back it, but there was a lot of ego in the defensiveness after not getting her and andy on the phone.
  3. Haha right!? That's what I thought but this may not be the forum for these speculations, respectfully. I need more info on the search. He made it sound like it was a result of finding her meds at Dennis' but I doubt it. B keeps her ship too tight for this big of a screw up, especially during custody war. Hmm perhaps she didn't even know it was there? AJ was aggressive about defending his sources which does mean something to me. I'm sure more to come after his rant!
  4. She ended up w it after Ramona came to her senses and backed out. It was brought up at s8 reunion, Ramona admitted it and explained that when she realized how similar the names were (LOL!!), she dropped it. Sonja, having nothing to lose, stepped in. It was literally one of those "insert housewife here" deals that get thrown at the women from sleazy entrepreneurs like this guy Peter. He pretended to start a wine and ended up with tons of press for himself and his restaurants. The housewives get storylines and pretend to be business-y lol.
  5. There seems to be an unspoken or edited piece to the faux-maven puzzle, which is the Tipsy Girl fiasco. For some reason Bravo won't give any play to the pretty juicy fact that Ramona was a signature away from debuting Tipsy, as her new biz, at B's bday party that year. She realized it was suicide, but clearly that footnote forever disqualifies her from maven-dom, atleast to Bethenny.
  6. Does anyone listen to aj benza's podcast? I think he just declared war w B and her camp. Last week he shared a "major scoop" that B's condo was searched (reason a bit murky but he claims Dennis had scripts with Bethenny's name...). So during the search a number of envelopes w white powder were found. These findings were given to the judge and AJ went so far as to say its hurting her custody fight. So I'm listening and fanning myself expecting him to retract alllll the way back, not the case. The latest episode is all about him being greeted the next morning w reps of lawyersfor B telling him to shut up. He's doubling down and defending his sources on this story. Sorry if this was discussed, I'm slacking on my lurking but thought this was tres juicy!
  7. Haha I know exactly what you’re talking about! It was her trademark, button on a punchline, where she juts her chin out and bucktooth's. Physical comedy from Trailer Tam, good times. It bugged me for seasons, wonder if Simon got it in the divorce. I just listened to new Juicy Scoop w her and Shannon and wowzer Tamra was sucha bitch. She was drunk and particularly mean/insecure/paranoid? She completely blew Shannon’s spot, naming guys she’s dating, etc. Later they’re trying to pronounce Keough (jeanna) and Tamra cuts Shannon off screaming, “how would you know?! You were a FAN!”. Just an aggressively screeching mean girl. Shannon perfectly ignored her but it made me think of the famous finale fight in the limo w Simon. According to T, when her and SB were filming S9 scene about David’s email, SB was in super-fan mode saying the limo fight got highest ratings and maybe that was part of her storming over to Heather’s for a blow-up. I forget, but this is definitely something T hits on when picking on Shannon. Anyways, also some gossip about Jeanna and Alexis for anyone interested.
  8. Major chin shaving too.. A-list work all around.
  9. Anyone else hear Scheana’s jab during her makeup meltdown about how “Jax was just in Vegas all high telling me i love you..” well played. She’s really a vindictive one. I can see why LVP plucked her from VIlla blanca and made her a pet lol.
  10. Omg I feel myself straining to fight the angel edit he's been getting. Bravo's so damn good! Infuriating that Brittany's too dumb to see that Scheana, her supposed closest friend, is using her to dig at her bf. Ugh and the passive aggressive toast. Dissapointed w TS playing into the jax job farce, showing awful improv. It makes me wonder how often he decides to staight up act. Him and nugget seem to have a lot of "pick up" scenes to build story and she can never be bothered lol.
  11. Word.. wtf? I’d love to know the actual timeline bw the date and the fire bc this scandal-to-redemption arc was sudden and clean AF! (Of a glorified extra at that) Also, Lisa’s “had my reservations but he saved the day” was interesting as she crafts all sound bytes w care. What were her reservations exactly? Did they think this would help stassi’s podcast drama and maybe test J as a new character? See if they could address/downplay his history before more involvement? Sigh
  12. Jax has been ignoring his cheater storyline and instead acting in a one man arc as a bartender in midlife crisis. I’ve always found Jax the most eager to lean into the 4th wall - show persona (ie “omg I need a shift bc I’m broke!” bs), which makes sense given his own identity is a role play. So I think this job farce is a fiction born from his real jealousy of the Toms/Lisa project AND beef w Lisa. Something happened w them and it wasn’t him being late once. Jax has always been a favorite naughty pet of hers and needy Jax is totally sulking watching her play w other toys. He’s the #1 toy!
  13. Ugh he always does this! How about him knowing for a fact that Scwartz was too drunk to possibly get a boner, hence he didnt bang the vegas girl. He gets away with so much whine-yelling at women, and especially has a rage boner for Stassi since s1.
  14. super cosign. I've kept the side-eye on Shannon after realizing she knew about the affair at the first reunion. she sat there saying their relationship was in an amazing place and the show really helped when they were really at rock bottom. ( not to mention the brawl that proceeded The Hawaii trip they had just returned from That she was gushing about) I also couldn't figure out the Trono over Tamra repeating in on Camera conversation. That literally made no sense . And of course this is taken with a grain of salt, but I can't forget Tamra's claim that after filming a scene about David's email that Shannon excitedly said that the highest rated moment of the series was Tamra's divorce limo fight with Simon. The only reason I kind of believe it is that Shannon was a super fan from what I understand. For ex, Heather McDonald said Shannon has begged her to invite people like Brandy Glanville to join them for dinner so that she could meet them . ( typing with Siri sorry for the mess!
  15. She didn't get her fired, her Tamra and Jeana banded together during negotiations A.k.a. a United Nations deal or as I understand give them all a raise or they walk. Of course Vicky and Tamra are assholes so they caved and Jeana was let go. To add insult, while promoting that season Vicki tells the press that jeana's broke and had to ask her to borrow money, which she refused. My memory's fuzzy but I'm thinking there was also bad blood with the real estate deal they did together. . This type of thing (negotiation backstabbing) has definitely happened across franchises, New York and Atlanta come to mind. I think the same thing is the root of Sonja, Ramona and Luannes issues as well .
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