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  1. This has nothing to do with Alice being wise. She is a teenager and teenagers don't think and process things like adults. At that age they still think everything can be great (about others). To me, it is not surprising that she would be able to look past her own grief and open up to someone who killed her mother. Likewise, I completely understand Jimmy's reluctance to get involved. Adults and kids don't see things the same way.
  2. Jimmy’s storyline is heartbreaking but also very realistic. He will always be processing his wife’s early death and his recovery is compounded by Alice’s lack of understanding of how difficult it is for him. However, Alice is acting like most teenagers in this regard; she can’t only see things from her perspective. For her to suggest to Jimmy that he try to help Louis shows her blindness. The final scene was very emotional. For Jimmy to realize he was falling apart was really telling.
  3. If one is surprised that a teenager would say something unreasonable and selfish to a parent who just gifted them a car then you clearly never had a normal teenager. It was great seeing "Robin" and "Marshall" back together. I know people are bothered by the "my husband leaving is worse than your wife dying" line but at least she tried to explain why she felt that way. People shouldn't compare pain and loss but they do. She is clearly still hurting and will for a while. It would be fun if she had a recurring role with Jimmy.
  4. I read that after I posted. Previously I read that the writers only wanted 3 seasons. I guess in the end HBO cancelled.
  5. None of these episodes are perfect but if you weed through some of the noise (Liz and some others) there is a lot of meat on the bone. Jimmy's advice to Alice was not only spot on but also so valuable in helping her find her way in her social circle. Paul is grumpy but always tells it like it is. He has given Gaby some great direction. I haven't been that interested in the adoption storyline but I like how it played out, including Charlie supporting Brian and encouraging him.
  6. I don’t like judging other people and I certainly don’t “know” Joel, but he doesn’t seem ready to take care of a child. Granted, most of us weren’t “ready” when we had kids but he still struggles with basic life. Adding the biggest responsibility he will ever have could be too much. And, speaking for myself, having a woman (my ex-wife) be the prime caretaker made it much easier for me.
  7. It seems to me that Fred is just sneaking food to avoid scrutiny from his wife. He still wants to eat certain things but doesn't want to hear about it. Life isn't tidy so I wouldn't expect the Duplasses and writers to try to attempt that in ending the show.
  8. There are only 3 seasons because the Duplass team only wanted to do 3 seasons. HBO would have happily kept it going. I also thought Joel was crying because he really missed Sam. They used to spend all this time together and now it comes and goes. When Joel was in the car with Brad on their drive to the church function he said he wanted to spend more time with his friends. He misses Sam big time.
  9. This show has "gone" so far this season. It is all about how the characters wade their way through life. It isn't a storyline-drive show. Sam is learning that she can't just depend on those around her to make her life happy. Joel has a new b/f. Tricia's personal and professional lives are taking off. Sam needs to forge her own path. Each of them are learning how to deal with change. There is a lot of happiness and pain in their journeys. I guess we all watch these shows differently. For me, every show has had such meaning for the characters.
  10. Paul gave Liz terrible advice. There was no reason for her to tell Derek about her kiss. She felt guilty about it and she should, but by telling Derek she dragged him down with her.
  11. Right now Joel seems like Sam's only ally. He cares so much for her. The problem is that he is just a cheerleader which isn't always good. Maybe right now that's what Sam needs but at some point she will need someone to be straight with her and help her try to find happiness in her life. Tall order. But making some changes to her health would be a good place to start. It doesn't seem like she has any girlfriends which is unusual for someone her age, but maybe Joel is her "girlfriend." I hope Sam would be open to some constructive criticism since she would do that for Joel and probably will when his relationship with Brad goes south. Sam being on a positive course to happiness would be a welcomed ending to the show.
  12. Right. They were supposed to hang out there with Tricia having made them dinner. Tough day for Sam, first thinking that their gatherings at The Chef were over, then she misses out on the dog, Joel doesn’t have time for her and finally Tricia leaves her alone as she pursues her new life. That is a lot to take.
  13. What I love about this show is that the characters are complex but the storyline is simple. Everyone is trying to live their life and get by, hoping to ward off the demons and find a happy place. Sam has to find a way to create her own happiness which doesn't always depend on others. It is great how the writers have developed this scenario where the important people in her life are also finding their own way but, unfortunately for Sam, it puts her on the outside a bit.
  14. Sam is living in her deceased sister's house. The Icelandic guy is renting Sam's parents' house. Tricia lives in her own house which she previously shared with her ex-husband. I think I got that all right. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
  15. That's what I thought (about outing him) but it seems as though Oliver just found them in his pants and gifted them to his wife. I can't tell if Marianne was letting Bree knew she knew or if it was just for show for Marianne to put her hair behind her ear to show off the earring.
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