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Everything posted by tobeyoungagain

  1. Such a good and important point!! I applaud that you managed to make this point without sounding offensive (because not sure I could). You are so right and I hope they take more "diverse" looking minorities of all races going forward. Having European features shouldn't be the standard of beauty. what do you mean? why because it's in texas?
  2. They do! But it's not super good ... cheap though. Worth it for a cheap lunch. I've been meaning to try that show! What is it similar to? Is it on Netflix? I'm sorry to hear! I think you're awesome and there's something better for you around the corner. If they don't value you, it's time to get moving (out). Of course they would promote guys with less tenure and experience ... seriously, if I ever hear a man whine about how they're disadvantaged! Aikes ... that kinda freaks me out! I wonder what happened?? Why did she delete her account? It wasn't like she used her real name anyways
  3. oh wow, I hope that's not the case! She's so funny and an avid poster. Sad face ... can't imagine she would be banned
  4. He's cute and I'm happy for her but honestly I am not a fan due to personal opinions on hunting. No effin' way I would ever say yes (to even a second date). But to each their own ... congrats
  5. what? you mean you don't consider Jinelle's noodle salsa, arm waving move the standard of all dances? (hehe) Is Amy T the blonde that's a bit hippy? She is gorgeous and would have been great. Curious why she's retiring ... wish the veterans all revealed why they're retiring. I'm nosy :) Boo to Jenna being point. As mean as it sounds, I would almost love it if came back w/ expectations of being the star and was humbled by not being point, VOY or Pro Bowl
  6. Anyone have any favorite snacks or food items from Trader Joes? I'm sitting here eating one of my beloved items -- the Unexpected Cheddar Cheese is what I think it's called. It's a cross btw cheddar and parm cheese. Super delicious and very affordable. Toss that in with some salami and crackers and mmmmmmmmm All TJ needs to provide is a jam or fig spread of sorts to go with it! Anyone else like jam or fig spread with cheese / crackers? Can I go home now???
  7. On point! I was confused by K's attitude towards her. She would say btchy rude things that frankly were oddly out of place (she's scared to keep talking as she might stump Kelsey? BTCH!). But then she would turn around and say how Kelsey had top ten solo or how she's so beautiful. Make up your mind Keli!
  8. Sigh ... this is bad positioning. She looks so much bigger and taller than the others and I'm sure it's just the position / pose. Unfortunate
  9. She's had a year to learn the routines though (at this point) so assuming she maintains her beauty, figure and solo skillz, she seems like she would make it back on the squad no?
  10. Oh Slate, the cheerleader Knoxy? I thought she looked so similar to Whitney Isleib! Am I crazy? She looked like a younger version!
  11. oh yeah, no clue who this girl is ... Maggie was who I was thinking about. How old is Mandy? She's got some eye wrinkles goin' on!
  12. I'm with you ... is that the blonde girl who is front and center on cover? I think blonde tall Heather is prettier; Mandy has weird sized eyes that's made even odder looking with very black eyeliner.
  13. Is she corporate job or is she fitness instructor? If corporate job, yes definitely! If fitness instructor, TBD ... it would be cool to do both of course :) Although I totally get why she wouldn't try out again ... I mean for flippin' sakes, it was kinda cruel cutting her so close to the end.
  14. Me too! I binge watched it hard! It was so good - I loved how it wasn't super over the top dramatic and how it highlighted the girls. I didn't even know that the world champion of cheer came from Canada (or at least that division). Interesting how these girls decide to cheer professionally or competitively instead of for their colleges or high schools
  15. thanks ... I think there's a chemical imbalance or some medication must be needed. Sometimes I look at them and I'm just like, mannnnnnnnn, you need help. lol. Or maybe I am the one who needs help for being friends with her???
  16. You guys ever have people in your lives who are so batsht crazy? They love to make chaos out of nothing and make everything a bigger deal than it needs to be. They love to get angry and even if it doesn't warrant it, they will stir things up or make a situation 50x worst than it needs to be just so they can be angry or just so they can make it a bigger deal than need be. It's actually borderline ridiculous. Do you guys know anyone like that? This is going to sound awful but sometime I look at her and I think .. dmn, this is why people disparagingly say women are too emotional smh
  17. what does she do there? She really is such a pretty girl. Does anyone know if Courtney (the one that Kelli said she wishes would try out again) is going to try out?
  18. I was so confused by why she looked at Judy. Also, I get Whitney trying to change their minds ... didn't Jackie manage to get them to reverse their initial "your last night" decision?
  19. aikes .. after this, I'm scared to click on the link and look!!!
  20. I much prefer that color on her! She looks cute there!
  21. Yeah ... she's a pretty girl so I'm not sure if it's the pose or angle but she definitely looks bottom heavy in that shot.
  22. ugh... dunno why but this year I'm just not into Jenna
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