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Everything posted by tobeyoungagain

  1. sorry but the lack of addressing the disappearance of 2 well-known vets is a bit lame... yawn. I think i'll skip the rest of the season. I'm curious is ratings took a hit ....
  2. Bored by the dancing without Holly ... she really was a great performer... Haven't caught up in episodes so still no clue why she and Erica are no longer on the squad ... what a disappointment though
  3. argh I have no clue what's going on ... I went to sleep, didn't check boards and BOOM Erica is now gone. Whaaaaaaa? I guess it makes sense given all her injuries but does Kelli address it? No clue what is up w/ Holly ...still holding out hope that she had to resign for a great opportunity that suddenly came up and that's why she's not on social media (busy filming or touring or having to wait for official release). Who knows ... but this year is a bit crazy w/ these cuts!
  4. So here is my guess ... Holly isn't on the team anymore but it wasn't a bad thing. My guess is she maybe left the team early because of a dance opportunity on some show or because she was hired for xyz. My guess is she had a great opportunity and she and K+J departed on decent terms.
  5. I wonder how much of this is misinterpretation ... like is it possible this is all actually a positive thing for Holly?
  6. That's seems drastic ... dunno. I assumed that she was chastised and penalized rather than she actively quit because she's been awfully quiet on Social Media. if you weren't ousted then why would you go radio silent? It's just odd .. but either way, she's a kid and she has her whole future ahead of her....and DCC is really barely anything in the grand scheme of life and all the opportunities that are in front of her.
  7. OK Kelli needs a reality check. She's a beautiful woman but for goodness sakes, just size up in clothing! She looked like she was holding her breath and tightening everything up to make it down the field in that dress. Seriously! Was she even breathing?? It's ridiculous and the dress being that tight only highlighted what she's trying to hide -- that age and metabolism aren't always nice. It's like when I try to fit into my dresses and end up w/ a hernia trying to zip up. Sometimes it's best to just suck it up and get the next size up.
  8. Well whatever is happening I hope Holly bounces back from it. I thought she had just been chastised and warned to take a break from Social Media to reflect on her actions and grow (I'm imaging K's disapproving tone in saying this). I didn't think she had been kicked off ... that seems so aggressive. Chica loves her instastories so something definitely happened for her to be off of social media!
  9. yeah I agree ... I feel like insiders are a bit more cautious now in making sure they don't give anything away or be too negative. It's like when employers ask employees for direct feedback ... um, yeah like that's a fair question! Bit of a yawner this year so far ... sadly I will probably just watch the first couple episodes to see what happened w/ the cut vets and then keep it moving. :(
  10. Different standards for different people I guess ... I still don't get how Tasha made Show Group, even if she did know who Spicy is! I guess because Spicy is such a "popular" cultural reference and name nowadays (thank you Melissa and thank you to Press!) that I would assume most people know his name.
  11. I just can't get into this new crop of girls / faces ... hopefully the TV season will reel me back in! Cause I'm ready to go start netflixing instead... (blasphemy!!!)
  12. I'm still not into Victoria ... not sure what it is but I just think she looks a bit spastic and the moves don't click. I'm also concerned she's going to give herself a concussion if she keeps swinging her head around that hard. I appreciate her hard work in dance classes and am hopeful she will improve before next year!
  13. It's so sad but I still have no clue who Selina is! And she got the Weight Warning? I thought people were saying it was Tasha and Stephanie? Although how those 2 could get it, I will never get.
  14. Not a fan of Tasha as a performer ... seriously, she made SG?? Must've lost too much talent with the last group of folks retiring!
  15. I was always confused by that entire scene. Did she make the decision to seek help for her situation and just decided to up and do it? Was that why it was a big "surprise" on the show? I saw a couple pics of her in more recent times and she seems very happy and healthy! I think she's also back home and away from Dallas
  16. which one is Erin? Why are they all blending at this point
  17. I think you may be right :( She's such a pretty girl so I hope she doesn't get discouraged
  18. Move over please ... I need to hide w/ you cause I do not get the jinelle love at all either. I still don't get how she's on show group.
  19. she was gorgeous! seriously like a real life Barbie but cooler and more fun! so sad she's no longer on instagram. wonder why
  20. For some reason, I just can't get excited about Jenna this year. A bit ovah her!
  21. Yep - I was expressing my opinion and why I think that unfortunately I wouldn't naturally peg her as a leader this year.
  22. I'm with you. Love the girl but at least from her instagram postings, she seems to lack the maturity needed to be a leader -- at least as of now. She is still so young after all!
  23. hmmmm unsure of how I feel about this. I mean, do any of them actually work out with Jay? Cause Holly has her own trainer no? Plus I'd rather see what these girls eat on a daily basis than how they work out. They must burn a gazillion calories during dance class and practices
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