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Everything posted by tobeyoungagain

  1. so impressed at how healthy you are! is that filling? honestly, I can totally see myself craving something bad/sweet/fried/meaty after eating a salad. I admire you bytor! #foodgoals
  2. SO basically Judy is good at criticizing and directing but not at actually doing ... dude, that sounds like a lot of folks I know lol!
  3. I think it's probably because Kelli is kinda a btch and really just thinks it's funny to humiliate these girls when in reality, she could be a lot nicer and more constructive. I really look forward to the day that Kelli has her hail Mary moment.
  4. Anyone having anything interesting for lunch? This day is CRAWLING!!! I'm such a hoarder (of everything) that my fridge is stock full of food but all I want to eat is Thai take-out ... the one thing NOT in my fridge
  5. Thanks @ERICASHADOWS ! I definitely don't want him to know ... and you're right, I gotta get my mojo in place and Do Something about my dissatisfaction! oh wow GAGIRL! I wish you so much luck and so much good energy!!!! You go get it girl!
  6. Megan and Melissa retiring??? I really like Melissa too ... but that girl is on her way to doing big things so I totally get the retirement.
  7. yeah I really like Holly but I'm a bit over her oversexualized slinky moves. It's like she has to make every about sex. It reaches a point where I'm like oh for fk sakes, just get on the floor and grind for coins. I feel like she treats dance as a way for people to want her or to think she's sexy and not as a fun form of art
  8. yes!! please talk Shelly into suggesting this and making it happen! Although I think most would be married to some hot guy, be stay at home moms to 2.5 perfect kids.
  9. Love that movie .. whatever happen to the actress who played Vickie? "You, your twin, do you share everything?" "Everything" "Everything" "Well you give your sister her half of this!" (SLAP!). Love it
  10. Thanks for the well wishes and vibes!! I spoke with him and he sympathized (or at least pretended to). He said he would wait on changing my job and consider giving me an intern so I can keep doing what I do. Let's hope he means it!!!
  11. Thank you ... gulp. Not looking forward to this conversation. I always have to fight tears or shaky voice when I get worked up.
  12. guys - wish me luck and send me good vibes. having heart to heart w/ my boss man this afternoon. He's planning on changing my role in a way that won't be perceived positively and frankly will set me up in not a great way. Not sure if he means to or if he just thinks I will suck it up and take it (or if he simply doesn't give a sht). Either way, I'm going to let him know and ask him to do xyz to help me feel less negative about this. It's possible he will say "let me think about it" which will depress me because it means he won't and it means that he doesn't even care enough to simply say yes. Either way, it's evident to me that I'm not valued and it's important I get my arse in gear and start looking for something else. Really really bummed :( Resume updating is on the menu for this weekend!! That's for sure!
  13. I don't remember her ... I always picture Brittany Evans instead
  14. she still just looks like a dark haired Cassie to me!
  15. The girl in the first shot? She's super pretty indeed! It's so crazy ... Brittany is still so so young but she must look out in the sea of DCC hopefuls and think "wow, was I ever that young"
  16. yeah ... except to be honest, I thought the whole Chelsea being toxic was over the top and dramatic
  17. what an unfortunate last name she has ...
  18. I hope so!! He's a really hard worker and I think would be perfect for this company and it's in Jersey which is perfect! Toss a prayer our way! We could definitely use the extra $$
  19. oh wow .. they're really good! I couldn't tell at first if Cassie was really singing because it almost looked like she was mouthing the words. But I think she just has a deeper tone? So maybe she was holding back until the big booming parts? Anyone ever hear her sing solo?
  20. I know!!!! I told him that and he still doesn't get it. He's like oh they liked me. I really need him to get this job so send good thoughts that they don't punish him for his stupid stupid answer. I mean really!
  21. I have no effin' clue!!!! I was so so mad! He was like well I do like it better! I'm like are you effin crazy? Who cares what you like! Get the damn job! And no one wants to hear that someone who may work there likes another company's product better. But he sees it as telling the truth and not lying. So basically yes, he did a very dumb thing (while he is not dumb).
  22. It's gross and raining here ... blech! So over it. And can I just complain for a bit? My bf who I am sort of wishing I could get rid of except he's totally dependent on me. He interviewed for a job and they asked if he's ever experienced any product from their competitor. He said yes and listed them. They then asked him if he liked theirs better. And he's like oh sort of, I like the X of this other company better but overall your product is good. I get that he's trying to be honest but wtf! I cannot deal anymore. It's like - do you want the job or not?? And I snapped at him so now we're not talking anymore. LOL. #relationshipgoals To the young ladies here - never date a guy who has "potential". They are who they are and potential don't pay the rent.
  23. muscles are exhausted ... did a hard workout this AM and sweated like a beast. Too bad I just stuffed myself with a breakfast sandwich, a couple chocolate choco chip cookies and some chips. Gross? Yes. Delicious? Hell yes
  24. good to know ... I was just thinking that it looked easy but I'm no dancer so will take your word for it! I'm not in love with her but I do get super amazed when comparing her to the Maddie of 2 years ago (or whenever it was that she tried out). She looks so different! Wow what a difference a year makes!
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