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Everything posted by lovemesomejoolery

  1. Oh, shit! Now we also have to worry about bears! “Bears all over the world are coming out of hibernation more than a month ahead of schedule after one of the hottest winters in human history.” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8083953/Bears-coming-hibernation-month-ahead-schedule-record-breaking-winter.html
  2. Thanks for that tip about white vinegar and baking soda! I am going to try it out. For the time being, I used regular Lysol foaming bathroom cleaner. You know what I realized about myself after this past weekend of self imposed terror and doomsday prepping? That I really have so much to be thankful for and that there are a lot of things I take for granted, like toilet bowl cleaner. We are all one community of caring people here. I love that!
  3. Hello from the East Coast - I'm in Maryland. Smack in the middle between Baltimore and Washington, DC. I am an account rep and travel all day long.........I'm 57 years old and in good health, but my husband is 62 and has been an insulin dependent diabetic for 35 years. He is healthy, but is a prime candidate for "social distancing", something he's done this time of year anyway, because getting the regular flu is a pain in the ass for him. I fluctuate between being extremely angry (and I don't want to say too much about why because, well, politics) and scared out of my wits. I am afraid it will be me who brings this thing into our home and harm my husband, I'm afraid people are so scared they're buying all the food and I won't have anything, I'm irrationally scared about that! I'm afraid that even though I am taking precautions, no one around me will take the same ones, so I feel doomed. I worry about people who don't have the resources to ride this thing out or have healthcare like I have or a decent place to work who will pay them if they have to quarantine. I literally had a meltdown on Saturday - and since it's rare for me to feel that way, it was a little scary. For two weekends in a row, I've been unable to purchase toilet bowl cleaner. I've been unable to buy anything to clean my bathrooms...and I don't know about you, but I like to use the kind of bathroom cleaner that kills germs! The shelves are B-A-R-E. Not being able to buy toilet bowl cleaner this past Saturday sent me into a spiral of short term depression. Do people think that hoarding eleventy billion bottles of toilet bowl cleaner is going to protect them from this thing? Could they at least leave some for you and me? My dad was a psychiatrist so I tend analyze everything I'm feeling. I finally figured it all out at midnight on Saturday evening, after I'd been in a deep bath, soaking for about, I don't know, an hour? I got out of the tub, made lists of food to eat for 2 1/2 weeks, woke up at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday and went full on doomsday prepper! I bought stuff I don't usually buy, like Rice A Roni, stuff that doesn't take anything but water to make. I bought cans of soup, I have 10 cans of tuna and lots of beans and pasta and enchilada sauce, and lots of frozen vegetables. I spent Sunday afternoon making spaghetti sauce, which I froze, putting chicken breasts in marinade and vacuum sealing them to go in the freezer. I moved up my Chewy order, so my two cats could have cat litter. I ordered toilet paper and paper towels from Amazon because I couldn't get them at Target or Wegmans, where I grocery shop. On Monday, I went to the liquor store and bought more Tito's, Liquor 43, some Bailey's for my husband (he likes it in his coffee) and Coronas. Can I just say it is damn hard work to prep for end of days? I was exhausted! I am being funny as I write this, because if I don't make light of it, my head will explode at some of the ineptness I am seeing and reading about. Thank God, literally, Maryland has a decent Governor, that's all I'm going to say. As we know more, as we are able to test more, I think we will be able to ride this thing out. We'll get through this. For me, not knowing what's really happening is worst of all. P.S. And my hands are so dry from washing them all the time and using hand sanitizer every where I go!
  4. wut? There's bread waste? You can send yours my way, if you're carb averse!
  5. I just finished watching the episode. And came right here to ask if any of you have heard constant wind like that! I live in the U.S., and yes, we get windy, we have hurricanes where I live. But Lord! That constant wind in every scene!! Do these folks have air gaps in their windows? The way that wind was whistling through, it sounded like they had 1940's windows! Uncaulked! And there WAS way too much thunder snow, too. So, yes, I was bored like you were! Amanda has terrible taste in men and in friends. The only two people who can stand the sight of her are Billy and Phyllis. With friends like them, who needs enemies to stick around in Genoa City?
  6. I guess when they find out she has harmed her children and they are no longer living, the court will let her out on her own recognizance, no bail needed there. This is infuriating.
  7. I hate that these two are hooking up, but I laughed when I saw this. Even in a love scene, Phyllis is all gangly armed and slithery. Her hand in the bottom left picture looks like a meat claw! Not a fan of this, at all.
  8. Yikes! I love how she was talking about having "balance" in your life, and then falls down on her behind! She handled it well, though. But, gosh, that was quite the fall!
  9. the time lapsed, 28" snowfall was amazing to watch!
  10. P.S. and I swear I'll stop with these angry posts..... This woman who won't reveal the whereabouts of her children is involved in some sort of doomsday cult. She's concerned about doomsday? I'm sure whatever jail she's going to end up in will be happy to show her freakin' doomsday.
  11. Right? I heard that and thought "Boo fucking hoo, lady. You're lucky they are even considering bail!" And why she should even get bail? She doesn't deserve it! She's dangerous, as far as I'm concerned! She should be locked up until she reveals the whereabouts of her flesh and blood.
  12. true, true, true...all of it. I HAVE been following this case. I think my level of "pistified" (half pissed off and half mystified) reached a new high last week.......this story has been on broadcast news in the evening, at least the one I watch (NBC). Not front and center but there have been frequent updates. Random people, all over Hawaii, were following this woman around with their I-phones, filming her getting coffee, buying plane tickets, whatever and wherever. You could hear the person filming quietly ask "Where are your children?".......when they got home from whatever trip they took, concerned citizens had placed a cardboard sign at the entrance of the neighborhood they live in saying "Where are the children?". There were other signs, too, I just don't remember where they were. Someone at the airport followed her around with their I-phone, filming her. Where were the police??? I was incensed! This woman should have been arrested the second she didn't appear in court! Ordinary citizens knew where she was! They were filming her! They knew where she was! Why couldn't the police have "found" her sooner? Why wasn't she being arrested? Why wasn't she arrested the minute she didn't appear in court? Maybe there's just a lot of stuff I don't know..... I thought my husband was going to have ME arrested, I was so angry! A day after my tirade, she was arrested. But why did it take so long? And, frankly, her arrest means nothing, since she still isn't saying where her children are! She coerced someone to say the children were with them, but now that person has confessed that she was asked to lie. I fear the worst for these poor children. I hope I'm wrong, but I fear they are gone forever. It's just been too long....and if they were somewhere safe, why wouldn't she just say where? Sorry for the rant. Please carry on......
  13. Cheers to feeling semi-human!! Hope you feel better and stronger every day!
  14. Lola's pregnant? HA! We didn't see that coming! >snerk< Guess Jack's firing of Dummer will help to explain why she's missing, as she'll be off doing her prime time thing.
  15. @jewel21 - so glad that Steve will soon be on the mend! @jpagan05 - Happy Birthday to your sweet boy
  16. Lovemesomejoolery will be googling and reading up about ashwagandha for something like hours now!
  17. Lol! I guess they do carry on traditions! Luckily, she didn't have too many bad habits. These two, on the other hand, are hellions, very sweet and loving, but have some habits that seem impossible to break (like waking us up at 4:00 a.m. to be fed......and taking turns terrorizing us until we get up and feed them!). Thanks - my avatar is for Valentine's Day........my ode to the cupid!
  18. I just love this about cats! One of my cats - not sure which one - has the habit of collecting dried up, spent blooms that fall on the floor and hoarding them in the seat cushions of just one particular chair. It makes me giggle.....like, what do they think they're going to do with dried up, spent orchid and Christmas cactus blossoms? And they always look so dejected when I pull them out and throw them away, following me to the trashcan, hollering at me, as if I'm throwing away some precious thing (which I guess it is, to them!). But a Uni-ball pen? That would be really something to find! The sad/happy thing about this in my house, is that our beloved cat of 19 years did the exact same thing, in the exact same chair. Her beloved brother and/or sister is carrying on in her absence! Life really does go on......and on and on. I'm glad your sister is making her way through her grief. No matter how long it takes, how short the steps are, she is still standing. Have fun in Hawaii!
  19. My two kitties are doing well - although yesterday, my little boy horked up the biggest hairball I've ever seen! It's that time of year....especially here on the east coast, where it is unseasonably warm for a few days, then it gets cold again. What scared me the most about that hairball is the fact that I didn't know he was having any problems. He was eating and going to the bathroom just fine. It really was sudden - he was running around like he does, enjoying life, came to a dead stop, looked around like he was dazed and confused, then let out a quiet little howl and BAM! Out came the hairball. After that, he looked at me and silently apologized then took off running after his sister! We sort of expect our babies to get rid of these things themselves, but what if he hadn't? I wouldn't have known that thing was in his tummy! I'm not kidding, it was a massive hairball. More importantly, how is your wrist/arm doing?
  20. He hasn't even picked up his "stuff" yet from the apartment he and Lola shared! In fact, Lola asked Mariah to help her get all his stuff boxed up so it would be easy for Kyle to pick it up. WTF? How about you might not get your stuff back if you did that to me? Maybe I'd consider leaving his crap down on the patio of the coffee shop or something........but I sure wouldn't make it easy for him.
  21. Yep...but I have to say, I wasn't looking at his hair the other day - LOL!!
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