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Everything posted by lovemesomejoolery

  1. This is pretty amazing! What freaks me out more, though, is knowing that someone out there actually was smart enough or bored enough to come up with these!
  2. I was going to post something last night, but was sure it would show up here in our daily news feed! I am just bowled over and impressed by the young adults - many of them youngsters, really - who came out all over the world in support of the environment. No matter what side of the fence you're on, it's impressive to see so many young people who can articulate how they feel and really put thought into it. Ten year olds today are way different than when I was ten years old, I'll say that! It's upsetting to me that they have to worry about this, that as adults, we can't or won't take care of it for them. I particularly enjoyed some of the signs they were carrying, two of which were in the article @Cupid Stunt referenced: "Keep the earth clean...it's not Uranus" - Mr. Lovesmesome and I saw that one on some other news outlet yesterday and had a good time laughing abut it! "Don't fucking kill us" - that one is just heartbreaking to me.
  3. Wow......you have had quite the day/evening. I can't even image what that must have felt like, looking for Thing 2 at a house party....... glad he was smart enough - and his friend was smart enough (and able enough) - to get to the hospital when they did. Glad Thing2 is on the mend and hope you and Mr. Stunt can get some rest soon!
  4. Still no word from @AngelKitty I sure hope all is well...
  5. Oh, I have a sad face for you about your favorite piece of Fenton! I know how you felt! I grow my orchids in their plastic pots, but slip them into Nelson McCoy or McCoy pots - so it was a double whammy - I lost orchids and pots that had taken years to amass. But, those cats are more important to me than the pots or plants....I'm just glad that none of the pots, as they fell, konked them in the head - McCoy pots are HEAVY. I wasn't angry so much at them as I was myself, for not protecting everything better. Our previous cat never paid attention to the orchids in 19 years! Who knew? I have to say, that day I came home was pretty devastating, like watching my life's work go down the drain! Once I got over it, which took a good week, I found a bright side. Many of my orchids then were so old and were purchased in the late 80's and 90's and they all pretty much bloomed only once a year, but I had a lot in bloom at different times of the year. So much hybridizing has taken place that, now, you can get orchids that bloom two or three times a year! I had a list of every orchid I had and I took it to the orchid nursery I've purchased from since I got into the hobby, and replaced about 20 of them (over time) with a similar flower. They are so much better! I was fortunate in that my very first orchid I ever got was spared in the bloodbath....I still have the one my husband gave me back in 1986 that started my love affair with growing them!
  6. I'm cleaning my computer....getting ready to buy a new laptop and only want to transfer stuff over that I actually want. Came across this.....which a friend sent to me after I came home from work and found that my two cats had completely destroyed roughly 40 of the 50 orchids I owned and grew, many I'd had for 25 years. I was pretty well devastated. Bark was everywhere around my house. Plants were chewed up, flowers chewed off and hidden in the cushions of a chair (for safekeeping, later!), pots were tipped over and broken. I loved my orchids but I love my cats more, since they cuddle with me at night!
  7. If you ever meet someone who still thinks the earth is flat, hit them with this logic!
  8. I've been wondering where Cane is.............I checked out his Instagram and found he posted this on 9/16. Not sure what it means, if she's back for good or it's just another short stint. Apologies in advance for the extreme closeup of this butt-head!
  9. I do know what you mean!! It was a lengthy process to get them diagnosed. They went in for their annual checkup, shots, etc. and a couple of days later we got a call from out vet that their urinalysis came back with readings that looked like they were much older cats with much older kidneys! There was a lot of protein in their urine and he was concerned. So there was some sort of test to see what sort of protein and it turned out to be blood. After more tests, trip to a specialist, it was determined that there were "probably" crystals in their bladder causing this minute amount of blood......we tried the food for three months, went back for a test and they both got clean bills of health. They just had a 6 month checkup a couple of weeks ago and both were fine. We really need to get them to drink more, though. Our cat before these two was 19 and died of kidney failure. We did the whole giving her fluids for 6 mos., so we are hyper sensitive when someone says that two 3 year old cats have the kidneys of a 10 year old cat!
  10. No...they're siblings, a male and a female. Why do you ask? I was sort of caught off guard that my female cat had this issue - her readings were way worse than her brother's! Here they are as little ones.....they still sleep like this occasionally. And this is them about a year ago......this is the only time I've ever seen them asleep like this!
  11. That's a great idea - I'm going to try giving my cats some broth, too! For my two cats, and I'm assuming most, they develop the crystals particularly if they eat dry food and aren't taking in enough water. Mine won't touch wet food, which would help. I think broth is a great idea!
  12. My cats are on Royal Canin Feline Urinary SO dry food, which DOES help to dissolve crystals. https://www.royalcanin.com/us/cats/products/vet-products/feline-urinary-so-moderate-calorie-dry-cat-food
  13. Both of my cats were diagnosed with crystals in their urine (they are siblings) - it's very treatable. You have to feed them special food, though, that dissolves the crystals. Both have been on it for a year and haven't had any issues. Hope the training at your new job went well!
  14. I think I may skip tomorrow's episode (I'm in the US) and will just read about it here! Not only am I annoyed and bored by this whole story line with Beely, I'm also not on board with the show's handling of someone with serious emotional issues. To know they're devoting an hour to this tomorrow, when there are way more compelling story lines they could be focusing on (maybe? perhaps? I don't know anymore, the writing has gotten so poor lately), is more than I can take.
  15. Yeah, I doubt I'll find too much about Billy's revelation to be "riveting".
  16. Wow....now that you bring it up, I very vaguely remember this. Great memory you have!
  17. I don't remember that, but I do remember that Drinki was having a little romp du jour with the dreaded Arturrrro.....who happened to end up with Abby. (it made me shudder as I typed Drinki and Arturrro and thought about them together- sorry if I caused the same for you as you read it!)
  18. The aftermath of it all was so surreal, wasn't it? None of this is obviously as bad as what happened in New York, but at the time, several of my accounts were in the Crystal City area, technically part of Alexandria, VA, next to the Pentagon. Most of that Crystal City area was closed for at least two weeks because the HVAC systems in these humongous buildings had sucked in all of the burning jet fuel from the plane's impact to the Pentagon. One of my customer's, a govt. contractor, was housed in a building where the 21st floor housed an office for the Secretary of the Navy. After the building opened, when you drove into the building's underground parking garage, there were five or six robots that would roam around and check out every car that came in......including mine. It was like being sniffed by R2D2!! I never did understand what those things did! I'm in sales and my job is to prospect....I regularly roamed buildings to get new customers. After 9/11, that was a thing of the past! Everything, especially now, is super secure. It really was the end of our country's innocence to learn that people would go that far to hurt us.
  19. On a personal level, I'll never forget 9/11, either. I live in Columbia, MD, a suburb smack between Baltimore and Washington, DC . I was headed to Fairfax, VA for a meeting and was unaware of what was happening. A trainer from my company was meeting me at my house, she was late and I was pretty annoyed.....when she got to my house, she was a mess and when she told me what was happening, I was just fixated on the tv. The Pentagon hadn't been hit yet. I called my husband, who was on the road with one of his sales reps for an appointment at the Pentagon. He was at a point on the highway where you can see the Pentagon, The Washington Monument and the Capitol, one of his favorite spots. I was telling him what was happening and he interrupted me to tell his rep to get the hell out of there, to turn around because he saw this terrible flash of light and put two and two together. He saw that plane ram into the Pentagon......and didn't get home until 10 hours later, the traffic was so bad. Cell phones were jammed.....I was determined to make my appointment in Fairfax, so got in my car and quickly had to turn around and come back home. We didn't have Sirius radio then, so we were relying on local radio and everyone was reporting that bombs were going off all over Washington, DC (that turned out to be completely false). Military planes were all over the sky.....I live 20 minutes from Ft. Meade and NSA.....and between my own private hell of wondering where my husband was and watching the tv, it was a lonely time. It was a scary time. But not like what others went through. My husband came home - other people's loved ones didn't.
  20. Frankly, the vets aren't enough to keep any viewer, no matter what your ethnicity. It's the storylines, the regurgitation of stupid storylines and the insensitivity of other storylines that is becoming too off-putting for me. Yesterday's show was WTF moment for me.......
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