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Everything posted by lovemesomejoolery

  1. I don't mind either Chip or Joanna. But I do dislike seeing the same design show after show after show. The first couple of times you see what Joanna does, it was interesting. But it never evolved beyond her signature style, in my opinion. Many of you have said "enough with the shiplap!"....I agree. The watered down, grayed color color scheme, same old same/old designs (with the same exact accessories in each episode) got to be a little much for me and boring. While her style is not my style, I enjoy seeing it, but not every episode! Alot of HGTV's shows are so formulaic, I can barely watch them anymore.
  2. Yes....I liked that show, too! Sigh.......miss these shows.
  3. Yeah, the only House Hunters I'll watch are the ones that are not in the states - except the beach home one - House Hunters International. But I do get a little ticked off when the Ugly American starts complaining about the size of the kitchen or the lack of a large bathroom.....it's more fun when the person is excited about embracing the culture of the country they are moving to.
  4. Yes! Loved it....there were two others I really enjoyed - A Gardeners Diary and A Gardeners Journal. I miss all of these so much.
  5. HGTV lost me when they stopped doing any type of gardening shows. I like only a couple of the shows now - the one with Hillary the designer and I cannot think of the show, sorry, and I occasionally, on Sunday nights, watch people try to buy a beach home or a Caribbean home, just because it makes me forget I have to go to work the next day!
  6. I have used a magic erasure sponge. It can work, but can take some elbow grease and doesn't always work well. I use Weimans Glass Cooktop cleaner or Cerambryte with a small piece of non-scratch scrubbie sponge. usually, though, the rings will come off when I use Weimans cleaner - it has small little particles in it that work to lift the rings off, usually by just using a paper towel. You can leave the cleanser on for a few minutes then start cleaning it with a paper towel. What are you using to make it shine? Usually those products clean and shine......unless you're using a spray. I've never used one of those. Weiman's does both, at the same time. Here's a kit with scrubbing pads and the cleanser...... https://www.amazon.com/Cooktop-Cleaning-Kit-Cleaner-Scrubbing/dp/B073BLLLLQ/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1505986789&sr=8-3&keywords=weimans+glass+cooktop+cleaner
  7. My favorite movie - the 1939 version! I have it recorded and I watch it every now and again. It's the only movie I watch over and over!
  8. I try..... I am a big believer in positive affirmation, although I am not always able to practice it, especially with something like you are going through. All you really can do is what I said, take it one day at a time. If you stumble, it's o.k. What's important is that you pick yourself up again. And I see you do that time after time, when many of us would retreat. Hang in there!
  9. This is for you, Cricket - one foot in front of the other, one day at a time. It's all we can do! You are stronger than you think you are, I promise you!
  10. You take good care. Was so sorry to read that your mom has passed. My sincere condolences for you and your family's loss. Hugs to you!
  11. @Cricket - I hope that both you and Joe had a peaceful and labor-less Labor Day. @PearlClutcher - I hope to hear from you soon about your missing family member in Galveston. My thoughts are with both of you and your families.
  12. Oh, thank you for sharing this! They are getting big! So stinking cute, the both of them! It is good stuff - a little tip though......I use Excedrin Extra Strength. Exact same thing as Excedrin Migraine, but everywhere I go, that Migraine version is $1.50 more. It's the exact same pill as Extra Strength! Marketeers are geniuses!
  13. I called my friend that has hers hooked up to her a/c vent to see where she got hers - I found out today that she is out of the country until a couple of days before Labor Day. When are you traveling? Whoa! I don't even know what that thing is that you linked to!! It looks like a wall mount for a tv! All I did is google and came to this site - then went to products - mounting bases - dashboard. There are different types. From there, they'll ask what model and year car you have and then when you get the device holder, you have to put in the manufacturer of your device. I'm just assuming you need a device holder, because how else can you attach to the mounting base? I believe there was a video that showed how these things work, too. They also have a phone number you can call to get assistance - I would definitely do that if purchasing. This was about the only site I could find without suction cup mounts. Some sites, like Walmart had them for the a/c vent, but were sold out.
  14. Sorry about that! I didn't even check the price! But I'm pretty stunned that it's upwards of $200 for you.........I just checked and if I were to do my own tablet - a mounting base and a holder is $80.
  15. A friend of mine had some sort of clip that attached to her a/c vents in her car. Don't know if this is the exact brand, but check this out: http://www.proclipusa.com/category/car-dashboard-mounts
  16. Yes! I frequently buy the lime ones or the pineapple.
  17. I am no doctor, but the kidney stone issue that your daughter mentioned is totally plausible here. I don't know why I didn't think of that - a friend of mine just went through a bout of kidney stones and it was brutal. PLease keep us informed!
  18. I'm familiar with this one - we call it ground ivy around here where I live. I am happy to say I have not seen that one in my yard! The most problems with weeds that I've had are with this thistle, crown vetch, chickweed and something called hairy bittercress. The rest I can live with....but these are definitely ones I battle!
  19. This is a tough one to get rid of..........here's an article. It also has projectile seeds!! Best way to deal with it - hand pulling before seed sets and mulch. I use about 2-3" of mulch in all my garden beds, so don't have a ton of weeds, except this nasty thistle, to contend with. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/weeds/purslane-control.htm I think I'm going to try three methods next weekend - vinegar, cutting to the ground and my stuff from Garden's Alive. I should have known better and not pulled these buggers up. I should have known.
  20. Thanks for this reminder - I went to a garden center today and bought a sprayer and they reminded me about getting my surfactant, so I purchased it there. I used to have all of this stuff and got rid of it a couple of years ago because I haven't had any problems like this for years. Just been lucky, I guess!! Now all I have to do is wait for my order to arrive! I'm thinking next weekend I'll be a spraying fool!! Good tips! If I had less than 10 thistles, I would definitely go this route. I counted in one area of my yard - just one tiny area, and counted 27! I think when I hand-pulled them in early summer, it forced them to multiply!!
  21. I tried vinegar many, many years ago with mixed results. Other people swear by it. I was willing to try it again (until I was reminded here about Gardens Alive website). Vinegar can and will kill desirable plants. Organic solutions, commercial or home-made, can be just as toxic as non-organic solutions. This isn't meant to say that they are bad....they are generally better for people and animals and the environment. I use an organic solution for aphids that I make myself with tobacco, soap and Listerine. It works great, but it also kills good bugs, just like a non-organic method would, so I use it only when a good strong spray of water from the hose won't do the trick. Here's a good article I just found on the web about vinegar.................. http://www.garden-counselor-lawn-care.com/vinegar-weed-killer.html A side note - I just read an article last week about how in Europe (Germany, I think), they use this higher % vinegar mentioned all the time for cleaning. The high acid content not only can burn your skin, but it kills germs, too. You can find it on Amazon. I had never heard of it before.
  22. The viola seed capsule can eject seed several hundred feet when it open up! It's like a projectile weapon! They are also one of the few seeds that ants like to carry around.....maybe they think it looks like a grain of sand or something, or food?
  23. Thanks for this info! I didn't know Garden's Alive was still around! I am definitely going to purchase this. Thanks again!
  24. They are cute - love the little "whisker face" on the yellow ones!
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