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Everything posted by lovemesomejoolery

  1. YAY! Mr. AK is the best!! Can't wait to see that new kitten!
  2. Wisconsin's lakes are so beautiful. When I was a kid, my dad always had a week long conference during the summer in Lake Geneva, so that's where we summered every year for most of my childhood. Such a beautiful area! Not the same as the Great Lakes, but Wisconsin is such a beautiful state. Happiest of Anniversaries to you and Mr. Stunt, @Cupid Stunt
  3. I am so sorry to hear this. You've had a very tough week here. Please take care of yourself! Peace to sweet Nelson!
  4. So handsome! Beautiful song......so sad to listen to the words, given how he died.
  5. I'm so glad you're home and that it wasn't another stroke that got you there. Your arm! My goodness! You take it easy and rest - pneumonia is no joke!
  6. This is exactly what made me angry......sure, I expect an actor to support the storyline. I don't expect the actor rewrite history. And, since you said it better than I could - the rest of what you said about being a victim of abuse is putting a fine point on how I feel about her comment. I realize it's just a soap opera, but in these times, her comments felt a little weak. As if to say Sharon herself didn't have anything to do with "getting stronger" but instead, once again, Sharon (the character) relied on a man, like she always does, to get smarter about her choices. Ahhhhh......that could be it! Thank you for opening my eyes to something I didn't even think about. But still.....her comments irritate me.
  7. I recorded the VMA Awards just so I could see Missy Elliott get her freak on award! I watched it last night and she was awesome! *** and I agree with you @Cupid Stunt - the award should be renamed in her honor!
  8. This is my favorite - those of you who have had cats or have them now understand! Can't live with them, can't live without them!
  9. This makes me angry. We saw the show. We saw what Adam did to Sharon. And yet she says "Adam is who made Sharon strong!!!"
  10. Wait....didn't Adam have "evidence" of hitting Delia? Like a piece of clothing or something stuck to his car? I remember him finding it and putting it away in a drawer or something....maybe even burning it in the fireplace..... Wasn't his car damaged, too? I guess that doesn't mean he actually hit her, but still........
  11. sending positive thoughts for healing your way!
  12. so glad you're home! I often use this site - directions are pretty simple. http://www.shrinkpictures.com/
  13. I wish you a quick recovery and hope that you are home soon!
  14. thanks - I amaze myself that I can remember something on a soap from three or four years ago, yet can't tell you where I put my keys two hours ago! Yes to the other two questions.....I think he used that child to get Marissa away from Noah and back to him! But I don't recall how Luca's family were involved with Victor - I feel like with Victor, it was a set up of some sort, you know, the "per usual" with Victor.
  15. Yes @boes ! I think Luca also was engaged to Summer and admitted to her the he caused the oil rig explosions and Jack walked in on them arguing about it, and I think Luca either hit her or threatened to kidnap her.....maybe both? I remember Jack called the police and they came to Summer's apartment and dragged Luca away..... He was involved with Adam somehow, too, but I just don't remember how. Here's a pic of Luca & Summer, if that jogs your memory, for those of you who don't remember his year long stint! ETA: Is it just me, or has Summer had some "modifications" to her bustline since this picture was taken?
  16. Why on earth would they be bringing Luca's character back? What possible storyline would there be that connects him? Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems like one more actor from the past being dumped in for a hot minute just to make us tune in. No real new ideas or storylines, just dumping old faces/characters in ...because they can.
  17. Could be.....! One of my closest friends moved there several years ago, outside of Orlando. I've visited quite a few times and have to say that, particularly in that area, it is the one of the most transient of cities I've ever seen (next to Washington, DC, which, for obvious reasons, has people coming and going every four years or so). I think people move to Florida for a "fresh start" in the sun and it doesn't always turn out to be the "land o' plenty" they think it's going to be. And then, you have the type of doofus who decides to stick a wild animal down her pants! I'm still shaking my head on that one!
  18. Um, how stupid are you to "stash" a 12" alligator down your pants? Although, I did chuckle that they had all those turtle in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle backpack! Some people are too stupid to live!
  19. This statement cracked me up! And no kidding! "His autopsy showed his neck was broken" "His neck was broken consistent with suicide by hanging in 25% of cases" "His autopsy report looks more like a homicide, but 25% of the time that bone is broken when someone hangs themselves" and my favorite today that I heard a pundit say "that bone is broken 25% of the time when someone hangs themselves, particularly when it's someone of Jeffrey Epstein's age". Huh? I just know he is dead.....and I want his victims to have justice. And I want those who were in on it with him to pay dearly.
  20. same here! I remember finding one at the curb in front of our house and my mom and dad freaked out when I touched it and made me wash my hands for roughly half an hour. My dad picked it up with some tool he had and put it in the woods behind out house........afterwards, every day I would spend hours in those woods looking for that turtle !
  21. There's a national shortage and I know that the few avocados that are in my store are not that great. I saw something two weeks ago on the news about how restaurants are serving "mockamole" because they can't lay hands on an avocado or they've become too expensive. Here's an article about some reasons why - seems to be supply versus demand, grower's strike in Mexico, drought in California. Other articles I see online say that tensions at our border have contributed, but I'm not reading how, so maybe it was the threat of tariffs or something. https://time.com/4544631/national-avocado-shortage/
  22. I saw this and, in keeping with what was posted here earlier this morning, about being present and knowing that knowledge is power, I'm posting it here. Not just about the earth and its resources, but we can do something about EVERYTHING. Each of us, in either a big or small way, can do something.
  23. She's about an hour north of me, depending on traffic.... Glad she'll be able to spend some time with you!
  24. Yay! How long has it been since you've seen her? ** I'm in Maryland! Columbia, in Howard County!
  25. Indeed, it's grim. As I'm typing, I just got a text that Jeffrey Epstein has died - he hanged himself in his jail cell. Not good enough for that asshole scumbag, although I don't know what would be punishment enough for all the damage he did to young women. But with him goes all the information on the who, what, where and when. That part upsets me.
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