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Posts posted by FineWashables

  1. Reed is an actor; of course he wrote and rehearsed his final speech to Missy.  I have no problem with anything he said and I thought he made some good points about how manipulative and entitled she was during the game.  That said, he's an articulate man who knows how to choose words carefully.  He chose words that he knew would hurt her and rehearsed them so he could deliver them to maximum effect.  He'd been at the Ponderosa for a while, no doubt rehearsing his speech, so Jeff isn't right in saying that Reed was tired and disoriented and didn't mean to sound the way he did.  I have a problem when people hold themselves up as role models for their religion, whatever that may be, and then say or do something for no other reason than to hurt somebody else to the point where they cry.  I'm so disappointed that he didn't own it.  Just say, I'm a Christian but I'm not perfect and I get mad like everybody else and just like everybody else, there are some people I just don't like. I have some work to do on the "forgive and forget" thing, but I'm trying.  

    • Love 4

    Did I blink and miss an explanation as to how the kid survived 6+ minutes without oxygen? Also, since he fell unconscious, why didn't his primitive brain kick in & make him start using his lungs to breathe?

    Because it's a Christmas miracle!!

  3. So here's my shameful secret: I was a little wasted the very first time I ever heard Elton John sing "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" and I swear that I thought he was singing, "Don't Let Your Son Go Down on Me."  So every single time I hear that song, I giggle.  Great song but that thing with the lyrics always distracts me.

    • Love 5
  4. The minute the boy got trapped in the cave, I said to Mr Washables "oh no, it's a Christmas miracle."  (I'm sure the Bradys didn't say it first, but they may have said it loudest.)  Then we kept yellling "it's a Christmas miracle!" at the screen throughout the episode.  Sure enough, somebody finally said it.  Way to go with a formula, show.

    • Love 4
  5. I realize that I'm in the minority on this, but I hated the way the lead characters disappeared from the screen this season in favor of some Heidi-looking girl with freckles and braids and her sister, who never changed her clothes or restyled her hair. I stopped watching this season about 3 episodes in -- although Mr Washables had it on every week, so I did catch bits here and there -- and tuned in last night to see the finale. I'm thrilled to see these Frozen people go.  


    Not so sure about the 3 witches -- will they riff on Macbeth, I wonder? -- but anything's better than watching every plotline hinge on things turning into ice.


    I assume that the author is Mother Goose, and I'm hoping they cast Joan Collins.  

    • Love 2
  6. I'm not so certain I'm on board with letting a contestant stay in the game if they can't compete.  Yes, I do get that all an injured person has to do is step down in a challenge to still be considered a participant, but Jeff made a point to Missy about how she couldn't have gotten into position on a platform in the first place with her broken ankle.  She didn't start and then step down; she just sat and watched.  And I do get that anyone who doesn't compete can neither win nor lose the challenge.  But -- and this is a big one, in my mind -- that person can still vote.  That's an issue for me.  Doesn't seem right.  As long as Missy's in it, and now that John's gone, she's going to vote with Baylor.  

    • Love 9
  7. Thank you, ennui, for supplying Wentworth Miller's name. You're absolutely right and I've been reaching for that all season.

    Surprised that Damien made it through, but not displeased. He's a teriffic singer. His problem is that he oversings his songs and overacts as he sings them. Yes, the singer needs to connect with the song, but this is just wannabe Broadway, which I don't think of when I think of The Voice. Danica has the same problem.

    • Love 2

    Or, maybe, try not to send Jon to the HII-storage-room Exile Island.

    Tee hee!


    Missy, you are a brat and your daughter is a brat.  And when I call you a brat, Missy, I am not referring to your unknown mother's unknown parenting style.  I mean that you are an annoying, spoiled, and self-absorbed person.


    Yes, Missy did flip Reed off at tribal.


    It was hilarious watching Baylor making eyes at Alec even though she knew he was trying to play her.  Like mother, like daughter.


    Reed has never had such a scary and exciting experience as being on Survivor.  Huh.  Because I would think that being Spiderman in a production plagued by horrific accidents might have been as scary, and starring on Broadway might have been as exciting.  But what do I know.



  9. If they're going to muddy the waters by introducing Malcom Black as a new Canadian character at this late date, then I think they should cast a Canadian in the role.  I vote for Dean McDermott, primarily because I'd love to see him killed on screen.

    • Love 2
  10. I thought this was the best episode in a while, probably because it focused primarily on the main cast. 


    When the core group was trying to get the necklace from Elsa, who needed it to locate Anna, someone -- Regina? -- muttered something to the effect of "Her sister again.  I am so tired of this thing with her sister."  And I agreed with all my heart.  The Frozen story has outstayed its welcome.  It was satisfying to see some of this story resolved.


    As various couples kissed before the curse arrived, I couldn't help but wonder how come True Love's Kiss doesn't seem to do diddly any more.  Yet it was the ultimate magic in Season One.


    Am I the only one who's distracted by how much the actor playing Blackbeard looks like Wil Wheaton?

    • Love 1
  11. The cupcake business is going nowhere for these two, and neither is this show.


    I was amazed when they showed Caroline in the shop and we saw the cupcakes on a rack behind her.  The icing was all hideous primary colors like a kid's birthday party.  Nothing decorated with taste or skill.  They look like they were made at home by an amateur homemaker.  If we're supposed to feel the girls' frustration at not getting ahead, maybe we could be given to understand that they give a damn about this business.  Branding is not the problem.  They have eyes, they see what the other bakeries are offering, and their stuff looks like crap.  Brand that!

    • Love 1
  12. Yeah, whether it's Chopped or Project Runway or whatever competition show, they always think the audience wants to know what the players' problems are.  I cannot explain how little I care.  Just for once, I'd love it if a contestant who's been asked why they need to win say, "I need to win because I cooked the best dish. That's only fair."  As for what they'd do with the money, why not give a human answer by saying "I'm going to pay down some of my bills so I can sleep at night."  Anything else is just irrelevant horseshit.

    • Love 2
  13. Whenever Mr Washables and I have an issue where one of us wants to put an ultimatum out there such as "please do this or else", the "or else" we threaten is to make the other one watch this show.


    So this has been renewed for another season?!  I remember when NBC was a great network with a whole slate of what they correctly advertised as "appointment TV."  Now I watch exactly two NBC shows -- Parenthood and the Voice.  And I watch both on On Demand because they're not the even best things in their time slots.  

  14. These people are all acting like they're scrambling for someone to go home with at last call, and not at all like they understand that this is a match game.  Where is Charles Nelson Reilly when we need him?

    • Love 1
  15. Thank you, peachmangosteen and missalanny for setting me straight.  I'm not sure why Christina is supposed to be so irresistable either.  She's adorable and she's fun, but there are a lot of other girls in the house who are at least as cute and a few who are a lot of fun too.  (No, not you, Jessica.)  I'd have expected all the guys to gravitate to Paris and Shelby, but apparently Christina and Jenni were the alphas.


    I feel so sorry for Shelby.  While I totally appreciate Curtis's point that having connected with Briana in the house he doesn't want to be a ho bag and jump on Shelby, he could at least talk to her.  They're in paradise there, and could some fun together, laugh a little, without crossing over into sexy times.  Every time we see Curtis and Shelby at their honeymoon palace, they both seem to bored and miserable.

    • Love 1
  16. Treehugger, there were 6 matches at the end.


    Add me to the list of posters here who are embarrassed to admit how deeply invested I've become in this silly show.  And no, I'm definitely not the target deomographic either.


    I loved Ellie saying that she wasn't interested in Layton because he'd just want to be her father, but I suspect they're supposed to be a perfect match.  It would seem so based on the number of unattached players remaining, but I really don't see how judgmental, intense Layton could even theoretically be a perfect match for open-minded, fun-loving Ellie.


    Do we know that Jessica has found her match?  Because I keep thinking that she and Brandon should be paired up based on the fact that they're both so awful.

  17. So here's my scenario:  After seeing Sarah again, Mr Cyr reconnects with his feelings for her and decides that he has to leave his wife to be with Sarah, just as Sandy realizes that Hank has become so much more self-aware that she now wants him back.  Tough deal for Mrs Cyr but then again, this show hasn't had too much trouble with parents breaking up so far -- Zeek and Camille at one point, Sarah and John Corbett, Amber and the army dude, Crosby and Jasmine for while, and Joel and Julia.  


    Yes, this would be a trite solution to a complex situation.  In other words, a perfect ending for this show.

    • Love 2
  18. I really have never been able to stomach the Peter character, nor have I been able to buy that he and Neal are friends, but I watch because I love the Neal / Mozzie friendship.  Please, Show, don't separate these two, or I won't have anything left to enjoy.

  19. So Adam and Kristina get to tell someone else that they're not good parents, when their own child is increasingly out of control and hasn't been taught how to treat other people?  He's not harassing a girl when she's been crying about how he won't leave her alone?  Yeah, I want to send all my kids to their school.


    I think they're trying to turn Sarah and Ruby into Lorelai and Rory.  Except Lorelai and Rory were both intensely likeable and Sarah and Ruby... not at all likeable.


    Ray Romano's character is boring, boring, boring.  Mr Cyr was never boring.  So even aside from looks and personality -- which one completely lacks and the other has in spades -- it's pretty clear that Sarah made the wrong choice.  She clearly likes Hank, but I've never gotten any sense of fun or excitement, let alone passion, out of that relationship.  I do hope the Braverman lesson turns out to be that in a successful and healthy relationship, it's not enough just to like someone.  It won't, though.  I believe the lesson is going to turn out to be that you should seek out a special snowflake partner who appreciates your nephew's special snowflakeness.


    And yeah, Sarah, your own kids really need you.  Where are you?  Better let Adam tell you how to be a good mom.

    • Love 2
  20. Helen won.  Well, that's weird.  That dress had the most unflattering, boob-flattening neckline ever, and the pool floaties on the arms didn't help.  What woman wants to look like she's that flat?  As far as the neckline being something they've never seen, haven't they ever seen aprons from the 50s?  Because my mom had quite a few with that neckline, minus the floaties.  

    • Love 8
  21. I loved Jionni and Roger at childbirth class.  Especially enjoyed watching the other couples laugh at their antics.  It's good to see that they can have fun without hijacking the class to the extent that the other people get annoyed.  Even the instructors were giggling.  More episodes like this, please!

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