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Posts posted by FineWashables

  1. Chrissie Seaver needs a spanking.  Are you going to tell me that after working there for what's clearly been a while, she doesn't know a single person in the entire FBI she could talk to in confidence about her ideas over a coffee?  So she needs to share top secret info with a random guy because hey, what could go wrong?

    • Love 1
  2. Prospero is such an OTT ham that Mr Washables and I had to laugh every time he opened his mouth.  There was an episode on Frasier once where Frasier and Niles funded a production of Hamlet in order to showcase an actor they'd revered as children and who turned out now to be the world's worst.  The actor, Derek Jacobi, sounded exactly like Prospero did last night, to the point where we had to look it up on IMDB.  .

  3. Calm down, fans.  No way Tim Gunn isn't going to save Edmund.  They reminded us at the beginning of the episode that Tim hasn't used his save.  We never saw him tell Edmund to pack his knives and go. 


    It's going to come down to what kind of looks they decide to include in their collection without the parameters of specific challenges.  This might be a problem for both Candace and Kelly, who get somewhat self-indulgent when it comes to design.  They both tend to confuse editing themselves with being too safe.  Ashley doesn't need to be reined in because she's just so not out there, and Edmund excels when the clothes are more conceptually traditional. I still think Edmund's got a very good chance of winning this.

    • Love 5
  4. When I was in my 20s I slept with anybody I felt like, and no apologies.  But I didn't wake up the next morning and suggest to the guy that we go furniture shopping together.  Nor did I stake a claim and tell other women to keep their hands off him.  You got to take it for what it is, ladies.  Having fun in bed together doesn't make you a couple.  


    I am baffled by these people and their lack of process -- of course, that's what makes this a trainwreck and therefore fun to watch.  Wouldn't you think they'd sit down as a group and ask each other the kinds of questions they had to answer to be matched up for the show?  Stuff about children, religion, family, careers would certainly help them to eliminate at least a few possible pairings.  No, instead we'll get drunk and yell at each other.


    Do you think low IQs are one of the criteria used for casting?

    • Love 2
  5. Monica's auf wasn't about the clams.  It was about her feeling so comfortable and so secure that she chose to boss everybody around about those clams. Unless your name is Russell Hantz or Boston Rob, you do not tell other people what to do on Survivor.  Doesn't matter if you're right or not. Contestants are there because they actually believe that they can outwit, outlast, and outplay everybody else -- that is not the profile of someone who wants to be told what to do, how to do it, and why his/her ideas aren't good enough.


    Wigglesworth and Spencer are keeping their mouths shut and taking a back seat.  It's kept the target off them even when it seemed inevitable that they'd be voted out.


    Remembering Season 1 (so fondly), I wonder if Kelly Wigglesworth has already made a secret alliance with someone that no one suspects.  I do hope so.   

    • Love 4
  6. I guess I'm going to finally have to get a Netflix account. Happy to pay to get more Gilmores!!


    Aside from the Gilmores themselves, my must-haves are Paris, Luke, Lane, Mrs Kim, Miss Patty, Babette and, oddly enough, Gil. Paris is non-negotiable. Please please please for chrissakes no Christopher, Jess, or April.  Christopher just sucks the life out of the TV screen.


    Since Dean built Rory a car out of boxtops and paper clips, I assume Dean now has his own autobody shop in Stars Hollow, working with Gypsy no doubt. Rory will have car problems that create a need to rehash it all again and confirm that she and Dean don't belong together. And if there's a big family funeral, it would make sense to have Logan come to pay respect for the business relationship between the Gilmores and the Huntzbergers. More discussion about how they don't belong together. I have a nasty premonition though that Rory will end up with Jess in the end.


    I hope the Dragonfly is successful and not just another forgotten plot thread, and I hope Emily is working with Lorelei and Michel to make that spa idea work.  


    Finally, I hope Luke has changed his clothes.  It gets a little sad when 40-year-olds dress like they're 17. And Luke, BTW: the backwards hat is an infallible signal that you're over 35.  Just saying.



  7. Why are we required to have absolutely everything filtered through Candace's perspective?  It's like she's narrating the show.  Weird.



    And why was Nina so excited over Merline's jacket? It looked like a grey puffy potato sack.

    Merline's jacket was hideous indeed. The first thing she came up with looked like a refrigerator cozy. I give her props for listening to her model and adjusting accordingly but that doesn't explain her aesthetic or why she seems to be drawn to ugly shapes. She and Swapnil seemed to have designed exactly the same ruffly skirt and it was unflattering on both.


    Swapnil and his model: Nobody's right when everybody's wrong. (Shoutout to Buffalo Springfield. That's right, I've gotten old.) He figured that a makeover meant ditching her utilitarian wardrobe for a glam look. I would have thought the same thing. She pretty much dry heaved at the idea of looking hot, and so was determined to hate everything he produced in every iteration. It seemed pretty clear to me that a jumpsuit would have met her criteria, and I think that from what we saw this season that Swapnil could have come up with a flowy jumpsuit in a beautiful fabric. He was blocked, just as Ashley was.


    I wanted to see a double elimination but I think we didn't get one because Tim intends to use his Tim Gunn save on Ashley or Candace, whoever gets Aufed first. 


    BTW: How ridiculous was it that Tim Gunn is on the walkie talkie saying "TG here."  It would have been shorter to say "Tim." One syllable instead of two.  Just saying.


    • Love 9
  8. Bonnie D, you are SO right about how entitled these Kennish parents are.  I loathe Kathrine.  She is self-absorbed, self-righteous, and smug.  If I have to listen to her sing one more number from that craptastic musical she keeps foisting on us, I will kick in my tv screen. And John is, was, and will continue to be, an asshat. 


    Toby has to choose between living in London and living in suburban Kansas.  Hmmm, what to do, what to do?  Especially since he's got so much going on there for himself in Kansas, like... and then there's ...

  9. I was surprised at how much I liked this pilot, mostly because it's a show on CBS.  If they let us explore Brian's inner life -- how does this affect his relationships, what is he thinking about himself, how do his friends handle his new abilities, etc -- then I think this could continue to be a good show.  


    If, instead, he's just a crime-solving supergeek, I'll stop watching. I've got room on my schedule for a good show with interesting twists. Stopped watching CSI when the novelty wore off -- way too formulaic. Monk was fun because he was quirky and Tony Shaloub is a brilliant actor. Never really got into the characters on NCIS because they're all so smug, and that 43-year-old woman with the babytalk voice and pigtails offends me with her refusal to acknowledge that she's an adult. I'm not entertained by pointless rudeness so I never warmed up to Thomas Jane -- deliberately ruins a crime scene by making tea and destroying the evidence but it's okay because he's blonde and troubled. Or something. Am literally repelled by Jonnie Lee Miller so no Elementary despite the wonderful Lucy Lu. Bring it on, Limitless. .  

    • Love 1
  10. I was surprised by how much I liked it.  The plot barreled along quickly enough that I didn't have much time to notice the holes in it, but not so fast that I couldn't figure out what was going on (I'm looking at you,Twelve Monkeys).


    That said, the Navy Seal bit was so illogical that it has to be a red herring, as suggested upthread. If it isn't, then the whole plot goes from intriguing to stupid.  Your choice, writers.


    I actually found it effective that the male lead was so wooden in his interactions with Jane.  It was refreshing to see them avoid the usual cliche of I-have-amnesia-I'm-so-terrified-I-don't-even-know-if-I-have-a-family-let's-make-out.

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  11. Maybe this season will start to get more interesting now that they've gotten rid of the very low-hanging fruit.  Come on, did anyone actually think even on Day One that Hanmiao, Duncan, Gabrielle, Amanda, Jake or Joseph had any chance whatsoever of winning this competition? The one redeeming quality of PRAS is that the contestants are all pretty good.  I wish they could be more discerning in casting regular old PR.  I mean, seriously -- Hanmiao?  Joseph?  Please.


    I loved Lindsay's comment that the judging feels to her like when you first start dating somebody you don't know very well and you're trying to figure out what they like.


    And speaking of judging: Why would anyone imagine that a person who married Robin Thicke would be a good judge of anything??



    • Love 10
  12. There was a lot of talk about incest and bastards in the beginning, and for some reason I wondered if the scales on the face of Stannis's daughter could mean she has some Targaryan blood that would keep her from being burned alive.  (I know the backstory on it but hoped he misunderstood what they were.)  I also kept hoping that Stannis would change his mind and stick Melisande in the fire instead.  No such luck.  The scales must really be from that greyscale disease, and maybe the fact that she survived means there's hope for Jorah.  I keep hoping Jorah and the Khaleesi end up together.


    I loved Daenerys flying away on the dragon.  I'm glad that when the time came, the runaway dragon who wouldn't obey her came to her aid.


    Excellent acting from Peter Dinklage watching that scene.  He seemed as purely amazed as a child would have, and when I consider he was just staring at a green screen in real life, I'm very impressed.



  13. I liked it.  The main character wasn't so quirky as to be annoying, and the plot moved pretty quickly.  My only beef so far is with the actor who played Cameron.  He was awful.  I think it's his timing, but whatever it is, I'm always amazed that in a place like Hollywood, they can't find a good looking guy who can act more than a little bit.

  14. That was so much fun!  I'm so glad this show is back, even though I never have any real idea what's going on or why. There are so many questions about the story that I can't even start, but two questions not plot related stand out in my head:  Why did they decide to dress Ali like Hilary Clinton?  Not good.  And what the hell did they do to Caleb's hair?  Not at all good.


    And just like you, ElectricBoogaloo, I was totally confused about who the fourteen girls could be.

    • Love 4
  15. I enjoyed it, but not quite as much as the hype led me to believe I would.  I just am not surprised to discover that reality TV is scripted and that the cast is set up to behave in ways that will draw viewers.  The acting was excellent and I really liked the script, too.  I'll definitely keep watching, but Mr Washables found it way too soapy and tuned out almost immediately. 

    • Love 5
  16. Wow I was surprised that Carolyn didn't get more votes, based on how Final Tribal went.  It looked like she had it sewed up.  I was even more amazed that she wasn't voted in for next year's season.  I would have been okay if she won last night but I had to root for Mike, even though he's a douche, just because he did outwit, outlast, and outplay.


    Shirin smelled the marker at Final Vote, just like Johnny Fairplay.  I'm already bored with her for next season.


    I want to know how come Mike's voice keeps changing between cartoon bear and cartoon mouse.

  17. Now that it's clear that Reek got away with defying Ramsay when he didn't kill the Stark boys, and now that we've seen him present himself as Theon of the House Greyjoy at the wedding, it's just a question of time before he finally turns on Ramsay and takes back his human dignity. I wonder how and when he'll tell Sansa that her brothers are safe.  Much as Sansa hates Theon, he's really her only nearby ally at this point.  Sansa talked about being surrounded by friends there at Winterfell, but I wonder who she's talking about -- I don't see anyone rallying to her side or protecting her. 


    When Arya chooses a new face, will she be able to switch back and forth the way her mentor can?  I wish her storyline was a little less obscure.


    Also: winter is coming.

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    When Jeff asked Dan about his big advantage and if anyone had asked him about it, Dan made it sound like everyone swarmed all over him at camp begging for info.  Have we seen one instance of that to back up his claim?  The only one who really seemed to care was Tyler.  He sneaked a peek in the bag to read it then Tattle-Tylered to Carolyn.  We haven't seen anyone else begging Dan for info.  More of Dan's "I'm sooo popular!" delusions?

    He could be delusional, but I wonder if he was just playing the game by making everybody think that the other members of their alliance had had secret conversations with Dan about working with him.

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