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Posts posted by FineWashables

  1. I just don't understand the judging criteria on this show. Both the tire swing and the concrete lounge were whimsical but completely impractical.  I'm confused as to how either of these is innovative.  Tire swings have been around as long as tires have, although the interior isn't usually padded -- big whoop, it still doesn't accommodate an adult.  And as others here have pointed out, those concrete lounges aren't new -- I remember trying to get out of one without scraping my sunburn in Mexico sometime in the 80s.  Most resort hotels have those structures in the pool.  


    Sorry to see Bradley go home, especially since it means the tire swing designer stays.  Time management really is the critical factor on these competition shows, isn't it?

    • Love 3
  2. Since they keep insisting on returning to this brain-deadening hospital subplot, I conclude that Downton is going to become a hospital.


    I really do think they're setting Thomas Barrow up for suicide. He's horrid, and so he hasn't got a friend in the world, and he's clearly not going to be able to get a boyfriend, so what does he have to live for?  When he kills himself, it will be a metaphor for the decline of the butler system or something.

  3. I was fascinated to discover that excellent chefs who are reliving negative experiences produced bad, depressing food. I never realized how strong the connection is between what you feel and what your food tastes like. Perhaps in the future I will not roll my eyes when people say the secret ingredient is love.


    All the chefs say what a learning experience it is to compete on Top Chef. Snot on a Rock clearly hasn't figured out what it is he's supposed to learn from the judges' critiques, and --  much as I hate his arrogance --  just maybe that isn't all completely his fault. It doesn't seem like he has a clue what he's doing wrong. I wish all judges were as constructive and instructive as last night's Nancy Silverton, who really took the time to suggest improvements to many of the dishes she tasted.

    • Love 6
  4. The designer who went home really, really needs to lay off the crystal meth.  I'm not kidding, she was tweaked out.


    I'm glad this show is back. I enjoy any show that shows the creative process involved in meeting a challenge. These people are producing absolutely beautiful furniture, and I can't wait to see what they design next.

    • Love 2

    If ManBun was allowed to serve his Quickfire on a dirty rock, why wasn't Angelina allowed to serve hers on a chopping board? I know which one I'd prefer to eat from.

    Right?  Why is snot on a rock acceptable, but taco on a cutting board is inedible?


    And listen up, people: Mr Snot On A Rock isn't trying to make tasty food, he wants to make yummy food. Rhymes with gummy.


    He seems to believe that the judges and the diners in his restaurant need him to educate their palates about what is yummy. I think this is his way of branding himself, like when Paris Hilton tried to trademark "that's hot."

    • Love 3
  6. At least Giselle didn't complain that the judges' palates are too unrefined to understand or appreciate her food. She did keep whining that the other chefs didn't like her, but she didn't try to at tell us that this is because they're all threatened by her obviously superior skills.  I'm so tired of hearing those messages in exit interviews that I could puke, so I'll give her props for that. But yeah, how did she get on this show in the first place?

    I predict that when ManBun goes, he'll tell the camera that the judges aren't sophisticated enough to "get" his food.  

    • Love 5
  7. Wesley tried to incorporate the judge's critique to improve his performance.  He went out of his way to keep his station cleaned up and then, when the first group of judges objected to Wesley's warm grapes (that does sound dirty, doesn't it?) he changed the dish, using cold grapes instead.  He wasn't sure that would work well, but he took the critique on board.  And won.


    Grayson, on the other hand, knows better than the judges about absolutely everything, even when she's cooking food she's not familiar with.  (Like anything that's not meatballs, apparently.)  She refused to change her dish and then blamed the judge's palates and Angelina for her bad dish.  And that's why she lost.


    As for Snot On A Rock, well, there you are.  You are what you cook.  I'm amazed that judges will refuse to eat anything that fell on the kitchen floor but are willing to eat from a rinsed rock. 

    • Love 10
  8. Probst's hair is really doing that Ruben Kinkaid thing these days.  I'd think by now he could afford a decent wig.


    I really wish they'd cut back on the miracle of Terry's son and focused instead on the gameplay questions.  I want to know: if Jeremy had taken Kelly instead of Spencer, how would the final voting have gone?

    • Love 2
  9. Enjoyed the episode, actually impressed by the acting.  Here are my embarrassingly superficial observations:


    Calista Flockhart's hair was so gorgeous this episode that it actually distracted me from what was going on. Well done, stylists. 


    I don't understand the suit the evil aunt is wearing.  The butt looks like she's wearing it over jeans.  Not good.


    That giant pink panther -- so bad there are no words.

  10. Regarding the beard net controversy:  Put on the beard nets, please, and put on hair nets while you're at it.  Am I the only viewer who gets totally grossed out watching Guy Fieri's big rings and sausage fingers and Giada's fingernails squeezing the food they're preparing? Personally, I wear latex gloves at home because it's raw food.


    I think Philip is a tool (I don't need a plan! I'm just going to make yummy food!) but having said that, I thought that it made senses for him to make contact with the seafood suppliers in his area, especially since these suppliers are good enough to be showcased on Top Chef. 


    Frances seems like she'd be fun to hang out with but she's disorganized, and I'm not all that surprised she was eliminated early. 


    I have to confess: I've never hated Richard Blais, and I don't really hate Mike Isabella either. I mean, I wouldn't want to date either of them, but otherwise, their chef egos just don't bother me for some reason.

    • Love 4
  11. I understand that they all wanted Joe gone because he is a challenge monster.  I don't understand why both Kelly and Abi were rejoicing that they didn't have to have him around any more, as if he was someone they really didn't like.  I wonder what all that's about.  We've never seen him arguing or being snarky to the rest of the tribe.

    • Love 3
  12. That whole plot line with Deacon stomping his little cowboy boots like a 14-year-old girl does not draw me to him in any way.  Hard to root for someone who's throwing hissy fits because his wife has a business relationship with another man. I was convinced Deacon was going to drink out of spite when Rayna didn't show up on time to the Church of Beverly.  If they try to take us down that rabbit hole again, I am out.


    Marcus is under contract and he's already an "international star" or some such nonsense, so Rayna sues and gets repaid, no?  How did she jump to the conclusion that she's ruined, I wonder.  But hey, luckily, it's country music and all you need is true love (check), and someone to make music with (check), and a truck (check).  She'll be back on top in no time because the whole damn family can go on stage together like the Partridge Family.


    Love the dynamic between the three guys and Scarlett.  Those four together are pretty much the reason I've stuck with this so far.

    • Love 2
  13. avecsans, you are not alone in giggling over Chad and Jeremy.Not only do I remember "Yesterday's Gone", I remember watching their guest appearance on the Dick Van Dyke show!


    Thank you, RemoteControlFreak, for pointing out that Phillip looks just like a discount Derek Hough.  It's been driving me crazy for two days to figure out who he reminds me of.


    I really enjoyed the vegan chef/restaurant owner's reaction to Phillip's announcement that he too has a vegan restaurant.  Hilarious.  I was also amused to hear Phillip's TH about how great "his" team's food is and how he tasted every dish on "his" team before it went out.  That billboard was the cherry on the Douchenozzle Sundae.  What a tool.  He is really, really satisfied with himself, isn't he?


    Grayson, when you're on a cooking competition, you can't get upset when you're asked to, you know, cook. If all you want to do is make what you feel like making, go home and invite people over to eat it.  Why is this woman expecting Top Chef to change all the rules for her?  I have zero tolerance for special snowflakes.  


    She's lucky Scott Conant wasn't on the judging panel.  He'd have bounced her right away for attitude alone.

    • Love 7
  14. "'The Beverly" sounds like the name of a seedy motel near the airport.  Any airport. Hate this storyline.


    What I am loving right now on this show is the friendship between Will, Avery, and Gunnar.  I love that the three guys are so supportive of each other.  It's especially impressive that with all the overwrought drama and angst that is shoved into the plot, Will's sexual orientation is never an issue for his friends.  At the same time, they don't discount the difficulties he's having accepting himself.  Well done, show.


    Hate Maddie.  Hate her storyline too.  

    • Love 2
  15. I really don't think that this was the week to get rid of Kelly Wigglesworth.  Even if she did, in fact, have a bond with everyone there -- which we've never seen, so I'm not 100% sure that this is more than Fish paranoia -- it's impossible to imagine that she'd be a shoo-in for the win, and I say this because she hasn't made any moves or even played aggressively enough for the jury to think she's outwitted and outplayed.



    I would be happy with any number of survivors winning, but I would be extra happy if Stephen was vote out before he could deploy his super special advantage...shouldn't that put a major target on his back??

    Isn't' it weird that we never heard a single person ask him what the advantage was?  The players have watched Survivor before, they know that the last advantage given out was solid, so why no curiosity about what he won?


    And I have to jump on the bandwagon of how tragically wannabe it is for anyone -- but especially someone over 20 -- to wear a woolen hat in the tropics.  Idiot. 

    • Love 1
  16. I wonder how Kelley knew she was the target vote, and judging by how Joe was all smiles during the blindside, I'm thinking he tipped her off.  He'd promised never to write down Savage's name but I don't think that means he wouldn't agree to help the others get him out.

    • Love 1
  17. I'm going to disagree with most posters here:  I don't think Sheldon needs to move on. He tells us flat out that he's spent his life trying to live without feelings. It took him years to trust Amy enough to let her into his heart and now that he has, it's time for him to grow up enough to risk rejection in pursuit of what he loves. So no, I don't think he needs to find another girl.  I think he needs to find the courage to cope with a situation that is all about feelings and nothing else, and to tell Amy how deeply he does feel for her.

    • Love 14
  18. Before everyone jumps on the I'm-so-over-Tim-Gunn-I-and-I'm-never-watching-Project-Runway-again bandwagon, here's an excerpt from his latest interview with the Huffington Post:


    “There are large issues [with the Kardashians] for me, such as why? Why? But when it comes to fashion, I say to people all the time ‘If you want guidance in fashion, just consider this: If a Kardashian is wearing it, don’t.’ I think it’s vulgar."


    Come on.  Who doesn't love him for that?

    • Love 7
  19. Then after the show, all Candace's models went out for cheeseburgers.


    Interesting that the kids showing their collections to audition for the junior show had some better looks than what was walking down the runway for this season's finale.


    I would rather sew my eyelids shut than watch the junior season starring Kelly Osbourne.  

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