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Posts posted by FineWashables

  1. I think that Kass figured she was making a big strategic move when actually she was justifying acting from wounded pride.  The thing with making a big strategic move is that you've got to time it right.  Flipping when it will put you sixth on a team of six doesn't make much sense. Flip when it's 3 vs 4 maybe, but this was way too premature.  See: Cochran's first season.

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  2. Guy With Initials had been pretty much outed as having the other immunity idol, so I think that he was smart to give it to Tony.  If he'd kept it, he would have been seen as holding something back from his alliance, and this isn't the time to be seen as an outsider.  Giving it up made him appear to be all in with his group.  No, there wasn't any sense in giving it to Tony because nobody was going to vote Tony, but then Tony had just given one to him, so this move showed him deferring to Tony.  Tony needs to be the alpha male and giving him the idol sort of cemented that role -- very smart play.  Now instead of everybody being suspicious of the secret-idol-holding Guy With Initials, he's got to be the one Tony and that alliance will trust most not to flip.

    Sarah, shut up.  Oh wait, you just did.

    Trish, I had no idea you had any brains.  Brilliant move with luring Kass away from her group.

    Kass, you couldn't see that your group needed to defer to Sarah's choice as the swing vote.  But when the others offered you exactly the same deal Sarah was asking for, you thought it was only right and reasonable.  Not much self-awareness there.

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  3. Yeah, I'm confused about the deed to the house too.  I thought Stevie gave it to Conrad.  Then, at the end, I thought I saw Pascal give it to Victoria.  I can't figure out what's going on with the deed, and I don't understand why Emily seems to be destroying herself via the Greysons.  Why did she leak that hospital report?  Does she really think Pascal is on her side and not Victoria's?  And is he double-agenting Victoria?  They could finally have some new and interesting story lines here.

    Also: Morgan Fairchild.  Same 80's hair, same 60's nose.  The rest of it, not so much.

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