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Posts posted by FineWashables

  1. I don't happen to care for Sandhya's Punky Brewster aesthetic, but that isn't what gets under my skin about her.  It's her arrogance.  Here's where I'm coming from: The minute Tim Gunn began offering his critique, she shuts him down.  Facial expression, body language, tone of voice, all made it clear that she had no intention of listening to a single thing he had to say. She was so condescending as she dismissed his concern that the propellers might not turn in the rain.  Then later, when they did not, in fact, turn, she was surprised.  Gee, girl, shame nobody tried to help you think that through.  That getup looked perfect for a cross-dressing Ronald McDonald.


    Here's my rant: Whenever someone who's really respected in their field offers advice, you should at least be willing to take it on board and consider it.  You don't have to end up incorporating any of it into your work, but show some respect for their perspective.  I am so over the attitude of "I am an artist, therefore anything I produce must necessarily be art.  And if you don't like it, it's only because you're too unevolved to appreciate my staggering genius."  Yeah, not so much.  Bad art, bad music, bad fashion -- they're everywhere.  I wonder if these people were praised lavishly as toddlers for their every bowel movement.  It seems like the only explanation.  Rant over.


    No artist or designer wants to be called derivative.  So when Sandhya announced that unlike the others, she wants to create pieces that aren't like other designers, she was saying, in effect, that the rest of the designers are creating derivative work and that they're fine with that.  It's insulting.


    I was glad that Kini finally got a win, and agreed that both he and Sean produced the best looks.  I also loved Alexander's raincoat, it was fun and colorful and surprisingly practical.  Everything else left me cold.

    • Love 18
  2. I really don't understand the lousy ratings for this show, because while it's not the best thing I've ever seen on TV, it's still better than most of the crap I watch.  


    I assume Alien Katy is now pregnant by Sean.  Also assuming Moustache Daddy sent Katy into space for just that purpose, and I'd love to know why.  Did he figure they were benign and if so, why the hell would he?


    I wonder if the French guy is a real guy or another alien inhabiting a corpse?  When he talked about returning Katy to the ship, he certainly never mentioned that she was two years dead.


    So I'm guessing Alien Kid and Ethan are going to meld so the aliens can inhabit technobodies instead of killing humans?  Or so a new superspecies can be created that's part human, part alien, half robot?


    Good acting job from Goran Visnijic last night.

    • Love 2
  3. kikismom, I agree with every point you made.  And it occurs to me that your description of how to make it more interesting pretty much describes last year's weird Siberia.  It was a scripted show made to look like a reality show -- not quite like the Khardashians because the cast was actually made up of actors.  Mr Washables and I sat through an entire season of that trainwreck and then it was cancelled while still on the air.  NBC decided not to air the last episode, which supposedly solved all the mysteries of the season, to show more pre-Olympic coverage.  (Wouldn't even put it online or OnDemand.)  Your ideas, in your hands, would make for a good show -- in NBC's hands, however, it was so very, very stupid.


    I don't want Red or Dave anywhere near me.  That said, they are right about poor people knowing how to get more food for the money.  I don't think that's what they actually did -- Doritos and Oreos?!? -- but they do seem to understand more than the others about how to actually economize.  The white vs brown rice is a good example and, as I hang my head in shame for agreeing with Red, radishes make no sense.  Ramen, yes.  Radishes, no.  


    Why did they have that giant discussion about how many bows and arrows to put in the crate and all agree they needed two, yet neither Katniss nor the other hunter guy have made any effort to kill some food?  We've seen rabbits and deer.  So... not even any talk about hunting their dinner?  They think it makes more sense to kill a cow??


    I really hope it's time for someone to go and someone else to come in, because this dynamic isn't as interesting as it could be.

    • Love 2
  4. Emma's father is the Fonz.  And that's fine with me, because I love it when he shows up.  I'd like to see more of him.  Whenever he's on screen it doesn't matter what anybody else is doing, he somehow commands attention.  Steals the scene.  


    Love Divya and Jeremiah and the hula hoop conversation -- great post, Tara! -- and pretty much everything with the two of them.


    The weakest points in the show as far as I'm concerned are Hank and Evan.  Just how much surgery is Mark Feuerstein going to get, anyway?  Looks like he's following in Bruce Jenner's footsteps.  The inability to show facial expressions doesn't make him a better actor, that's for sure.  Can't decide if I don't like Evan R Lawson the character or Paul Costanza the actor.  Boring, whiny, never really comes across with any personality.



    I hate that so many little girls are portrayed as being princess-fixated when it's not reality.

    Did you ever notice that princess-fixated little girls never want to become queen?  I can't fathom that: this is when they'd finally be in charge!

    Mr Washables and I were sitting in a park where there was a tall sculpture that kids could play on.  A little girl, maybe 7 or 8, climbed to the top and started yelling "I'm king of the mountain!"  Then she frowned, and thought about it, and yelled "I'm princess of the mountain!"  She had a problem with that too.  Then she figured it out, got excited and yelled "I'm ballerina of the mountain!"  So yeah, queen doesn't seem to come up.

    • Love 8
  6. I've been the victim of prolonged bad behavior by children many many times, and here's what always does the trick: smile sweetly and curse at the child.  Use some really unacceptable words.  The parents will immediately spring into outraged action.  I then tell them that they can't do a fucking thing to change my behavior, but there's a lot they can start doing to control their child's behavior instead if they don't want somebody treating the kid like this again.  I had a psychologist mom tell me that her child is "just exploring her own boundaries" so she can discover for herself how to get along with people.  I then pointed out that this is exactly what I just taught her.

    • Love 21
  7. I'm so glad I get to vent now.


    First, and above all, I loathe Flo.  Why would you choose to have your product represented by someone who's strikingly unattractive, wears makeup that went out in the 80s and a hairstyle that went out in the 60s, and is dressed like a dental hygenist???  For a company that's named Progressive????  I don't get it and I hate it.


    Why are couples sitting outside in the bathtub all the time?  What the hell is that about?  What does a bathtub have to do with your product?  What does a bathtub have to do with the lifestyle of the people you're marketing your product to?  Every time I see one of these I wonder how they keep a bathtub clean enough to sit in when it's outside.  Do they have to scoop sand out of it when it's on the shoreline?  Pull dead leaves out of it when it's in the woods?  I'm so distracted by this I've never stopped to remember the product name, let alone figure out what it does.


    I have no idea what product they're advertising with that Sara Bareilles song but I want to know why I would be drawn to a product that requires me to be brave to use it.  Is it unsafe?  Am I likely to be gambling on it working at all, and need to be brave because I may be throwing away my money?  Stupid.


    It's gotten to the point where I can't see Jamie Lee Curtis without thinking about her excretory system.  That's as politely as I can put it.  And with all the things going on in my life, I really don't need to think about Jamie Lee Curtis' toilet habits.  Or lack thereof.


    Finally -- for now at least -- there's that woman who encourages us to call an incontinence specialist to discuss what kind of pee pee pads would suit us best.  I thought my job was nasty, but being the person who discusses pee pee pads with adults who wet their pants would be worse.  And I can't stop thinking about that whenever those ads are on.


    I feel better now.  Thank you.

    • Love 4
  8. Ok, I just have to jump in here even though it means admitting I've been watching this.


    Tori is "wildly attracted" to Dean.  Has she seen this guy?  Because seriously, eww.  I've said it before and I'll say it again: Dean looks like a big bag of onions.


    Dean figures he can solve their marital problems by getting another tattoo?  I asked a classroom full of 15-year-olds if they thought that getting a tattoo about the person you're dating would be a good way to get back with them if they're mad at you.  Not one kid thought it was a good idea.  (And this is how your tax dollars are being spent.  You're welcome.)


    Finally: while clearly the whole setup and conversations and therapy on this show are fake fake fake, consider that in order to contrive the cheating scandal and sell the media on promoting it, Tori and Dean would have to be able to act, at least a little.  We know they can't.  Ergo, there is some truth beneath the rumor.  Anyone who's seen Tori in Mother May I Sleep With Danger knows she can't do a convincing job of acting like she's in pain.  I'm buying that part of the premise.

    • Love 2
  9. God, I loved this episode.  So satisfying in so many ways.  


    I loved that Molly and Gus and his daughter all ended up so happy together.  Only Fargo could do this and not have it come off like a romcom cliche.  Loved that Gus stopped being a cop and fulfilled his dream of delivering mail.  Loved the realism of it being a year later and the case still being unsolved -- thank you, show, for not wrapping everything up tidily by the end of the episode.  


    I, for one, have no desire to see Lester get caught.  Loved, loved, loved his metamorphosis from cringing milquetoast who always went unnoticed into a confident guy whose stories have everyone in stitches and who got the woman everyone wanted.  I was completely entertained by this and I gotta say, he's done some job acting this part.  From victim to sociopath, he's played this so convincingly.  Loved him attacking the Hess kids with a stapler.


    Thanks too for not making me look at Billy Bob's bangs any more.  Just -- no.  Why Lester decided to poke the bear by going up to Billy Bob in the bar I do not know, unless he's ready to add someone else to his hit list.


    "12 hours ago I was picking your pubes out of my teeth."  Best line on TV maybe ever.


    Finally I want to say how impressed I am by the way they made this show from the movie.  They didn't duplicate plots or characters but the whole feel of the show is so very true to the original movie.  People are quirky in believable and interesting ways without getting all "Firewalk with me."

    • Love 4
  10. Ok, the analyses on here about birth control for this group of kids are far, far more intelligent than the actual plotlines of this show.  If the writers want to write in a baby on the show, then they will, and they'll ignore the holes this creates in the plot -- may not even throw in a gratuitious line or two about how it could happen.  If they don't want a baby, then they won't put one in.  Again: they might have some dialog about it, or they may not.  Either way, they don't seem that hung up on credibility.  My guess is that if they want to go that route then an Ark girl, probably Olivia, will get pregnant by a Grounder so there can be controversy.  IMHO, adding a baby to a show is always the hallmark of jumping the shark.



    While watching via broadcast in the Chicago area, a blue band crawled across the bottom. I only caught a bit of the text, but I think it said something about a special broadcast of the show June 7, a Saturday.

    Anyone else anywhere see that?

    The penultimate episode is next Wednesday, the 4th.


    shapeshifter, there's another new episode on Saturday June 7th at 8pm our time.  I think the Hawks games have changed WGN's priorities for the next week.  (Go Blackhawks!)

    • Love 1
  12. I don't get any sense of chemistry between Rayna and Luke.  Maybe it's just that I don't find the actor sexy in any way.  He's good looking, but he's just not at all sexy.  Sorta like Ryan Seacrest, you know?  Decent looking guy but not someone I want to jump.  Anyway, Luke seems completely superfluous to the plot of the series.  


    On the other hand, love the chemistry between Juliette and Avery.  Hope they don't break that relationship up.  


    Don't know why, but I haven't really bought into the pairing of Gunnar and Zoey.  Maybe I just keep thinking that Gunnar and Scarlett should be together.

  13. I enjoyed this too, but didn't we already see this plot already on this show a few years ago?  Throughout most of it, Mr Washables and I weren't clear as to whether we were watching a rerun or not.  (Didn't see Skyfall, so it couldn't be that.)

  14. I'm suspicious of the Tate Donovan character.  (But then, I'm always suspicious of Tate Donovan.  And not just because I can't forgive him for that godawful Deception.)  Whatever that CIA blonde's husband is supposed to have done, I bet Tate Donovan did it and set him up.  

  15. I love this show, but the last thing they need is another kid.  Babies are almost always the signal of jumping the shark.  Hoping this doesn't happen here.


    Statutory rape is wrong, m'kay?  

  16. So no Fan Favorite???  I didn't hear them announce this, and I was really curious to see who'd win, because Spencer played a really good game and Tasha is awesome.


    I'm not all that psyched about another Blood and Water.  Maybe I'm just afraid they'll recycle the Hantzes again.  But beside that, half the cast of the last B&W had no idea how to do anything at all.  Lots of useless daughters.  Didn't make for exciting play.  And now they're bringing back Redemption Island???  Guess TPTB don't bother to read fan feedback.


    J'Tia looked amazing.  If I didn't know she was barking mad, I'd think she was worth watching again.  But she isn't, no matter what Probst says.


    JT's rug or weave or whatever that was on his head looked pretty good.  Glad to see at least one older guy spend the bucks for a toupee that doesn't look like roadkill.


    Can't believe how good Trish looked.  Nothing like a few burgers.


    I'm no good at math.  I'm sure it all works out correctly, but I'm trying to follow Tony's wife being 9 months pregnant 6 months after the show was filmed.  All his endless talk about his baby daughter being just 4 months old, I'd have thought he'd have at least mentioned that his wife was pregnant again.  His friend showed up, and we heard no discussion of the second baby.  I don't know.  Something seems fishy here.  That said, don't bring this guy back again, ok?  I've had enough of him.

    • Love 1
  17. I'm assuming that the next Blood vs Water will include used contestants, just like the last one did.  So which one of this cast will be included in the next season, I wonder.  Hope it's Tasha, or even Trish -- and BTW, didn't Trish look great now that she's had a few burgers?  Spencer might be a good choice too.  Just as long as it's not the Hantzes.


    Liked Kass better tonight than I have all season.  Seeing a softer side of her helped make her more 3D.  But she really needs to be right all the time, doesn't she?  I was very amused when, at the reunion, Jeff asked who would have chosen Woo over Kass.  Everyone raised their hands and there she was, nodding maniacally, saying See, Woo, I told you.  Yeah, Kass.  You told us you would have won.  You told us that over and over again every day.  Your strategy was to get to the end with one of the Brawns because you would beat him.  You wouldn't have beaten anyone.  So please, shut up now.

    • Love 4
  18. Rhondinella, I once saw a made-for-TV-movie about how Diana and Charles were swept away with love for each other after she taught him to tapdance, and then got married in the love match of the ages.  Now that we've established the credibility level of that movie, there was a point where Charles is called "Wales" several times by his friends while sailing, and another point where his last name was given just as Windsor.  If it stars Catherine Oxenberg, it must be true.


    So I remember a 32-year-old movie in perfect detail, yet still am unable to convert farenheit to celsius.  If I had a brain, I'd be dangerous.

    • Love 3
  19. Gary Busey.  The ultimate commercial.  Perfect match of spokesperson and product.  Wanted to comment on the post Sarah and Tara put up today but my computer at work won't allow me to create the account needed for me to post.  I too had no idea he was saying Amazon Fire but from now on, whenever I hear him say that, I'll be thinking Amazon Fart.  Thank you so very, very much.


    Usually I hit mute the minute a commercial comes on and no matter how amusing it might seem at first, by the third time I watch it, the charm is gone.  Hate all the shouting and the horrible, horrible jingle music.  Hate all the precocious kids.  But this commercial I always watch full volume, and I always laugh.  A man, a lamp, and a pair of pants.  Apparently that's all it takes.


    In my opinion, TV needs more Gary Busey.  Who wouldn't watch a late-night talk show hosted by Gary Busey?  How about a building him a show where a dozen women compete to be his girlfriend?  No way that wouldn't be more interesting than The Bachelor.  

    • Love 3
  20. I am a viewer who always interacts with the people on my TV, telling them not to go investigate that strange noise is in the basement in the middle of the night, etc.  The phrase I have shouted at my TV most often in my lifetime is "Shut up, Probst!"  


    I don't know why we're not calling him Anal Probst any longer but damn, that really was the best name of all.  Who dreamed that one up -- was it The Snarker Previously Known as Glark?

  21. I keep being distracted by the fact that Navid used to be on a short-lived sitcom called Outsourced, which was culturally insensitive regarding the people of India, and where he played a guy named Manmeet.  Mr Washables and I kept giggling and muttering things like "Watch out, Manmeet! Don't mess with Catelyn Stark!" 


    Also distracted because I kept wondering if the actor who plays the evil Adrian Cross was the same guy who was in all those Folgers commercials where we were supposed to give a damn about him hooking up with his neighbor lady.


    One of my favorite things about these recaps is that they sum up very clearly what went on that I had trouble following, no doubt because I keep getting distracted by stupid stuff.  


    One question though:  how does Simone live with a guy for an extended period and keep it a secret that she's wearing a wig?

  22. This is two shows in one: it's a reality show where women are actually stupid enough to believe that world's most eligible prince needs to go on a TV show to find himself a wife.  And at the same time, it's a show that gives us the scoop on how some people willfullly twist themselves into pretzels to distort reality until it fits their fantasies.  We're all in agreement that these women can't possibly believe underneath it all that this is Prince Harry on a reality dating show, but damn, they really really want to believe it.  They ignore common sense and gut instinct in order to believe that they too can be a real live princess.  Sarah D. Bunting, you are so right: this is how people make themselves into people who get catfished.


    And on a less pedantic note: I loved Not Prince Harry learning to ride a horse and going straight into a tree.

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    Is that really normal for grown-up men?

    Yeah, I think so, sometimes.  Most men are sexually active years before Raj finally found someone who wants him, so his response is appropriate to a much younger guy, someone who's just started sleeping with women.  I think he's been watching Leonard and Howard have sex for years and thinks that now he's finally become a man too, so he wants to throw that into every conversation he has.  I hear it all the time from teenage boys.  I think it's the same principle by which a newly-divorced man in his 40's starts looking for women by doing what he did and going where he went when he was last single, back in his 20's.  It's situationally normal but hopefully short-lived.

    • Love 1
  24. I think Kass is a very emotional player.  I see her as a very intelligent person who's accustomed to filtering every experience through her intellect.  When you're sure you can outthink everybody but you really aren't sure how to handle your feelings, that's a common way to deal.  Because everything gets filtered through her mind while she shuts out her emotions, she really believes that whatever she does is motivated by pure logic rather than by feeling.  But in watching her play and interact with others and interview with the camera, I think she's mistaken about what's really driving her.  She doesn't see it, but that doesn't mean it's not the elephant in the room.  This is why I'm continuing to believe that she's not really very self-aware.  YMMV.


    Also: the set of skills required to win in a courtroom doesn't intersect much with the skills required to make yourself likeable.  Kass doesn't seem to see the difference.  I do, and I think that will keep her from the million.  And again, YMMV.

    • Love 5
  25. I'm assuming that Sheldon being out of work and telling Stuart how lucky he is to own a comic book store paves the way for Sheldon and Stuart to reopen the store together, with Sheldon doing the science he wants to do in his spare time.  And there would be a lot of spare time at that comic book store.  We already know from past seasons that Sheldon has a truckload of money -- he never even cashed his paychecks until Leonard stepped in and made him open a bank account.


    With any luck, Stuart will live with Howard's mother and Mrs Wolowitz won't be heard from every time we see Howard and Bernadetts, and so the show can stop including her and her size in every single episode ever.  Because hey, the horse died 7 years ago, let's beat it some more.


    About Amy:  I couldn't agree more that it's criminal for such a talented person to be trapped in a non-relationship, never understanding that she deserves more.  But I'm also thinking about how many very, very smart women end up putting themselves in exactly the same predicament, and so I think it's fair for the show to use that as comic fodder.  Doesn't make the relationship healthy and it doesn't mean Amy is as smart as she thinks she is, but it's common and we've all seen it.  I don't think it means the show is anti-feminist.  When Leonard does something stupid, we don't interpret that as antisemitic, do we?  If Sheldon was hitting her or undermining her self-esteem that would be one thing, but that's not what's going on here.  Poking fun at the way people behave is ok for a comedy as long as it's funny.  And Amy's character is pretty damn funny.  YMMV.

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