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Posts posted by FineWashables

  1. Penny has felt like a failure ever since she moved from Nebraska.  She was forced to acknowledge in several episodes that her acting career was not taking off, and over the past 11 seasons she's had to own up to the idea that it's never going to happen.  She's shown us that she took this to mean she's not smart enough or pretty enough to do anything but be a waitress, or else play the part of a girl who turns into a gorilla.  Now, suddenly, she's got a job that it takes some brains to succeed at, and she's doing well.  Only really attractive people get chosen to be pharmaceutical reps, and so she's feeling better about that too.  Leonard's given her so much, and Sheldon et al keep teasing her about being a mooch.  I don't think it's odd that once she got set in a new career, she'd want to repay Leonard.  It's the first time she's felt like she's a capable, successful adult, and she wanted to do what adults do: repay her debts.

    After a disappointing first time, Leonard googled what to do and impressed Penny enough for her to call him a genius.


    Yes, that was the point I came here to make.  Leonard still thinks that what he does in bed is genius and Penny doesn't want to burst his bubble.  I don't know about you guys, but that moment has come up sooner or later many times in my life -- a night when the guy is so pleased with his efforts, and I don't want to spoil it by saying Meh.  Usually the rhythm comes back around the next time or so, and I just have to wait for that to happen. Girls talk, and I know I'm not the only one who's experienced this.


    As for Bernadette: yes, she's a shrill and bossy shrew.  And that's exactly what Howard wanted in a wife.  He had the perfect relationship with his mother, and he wanted a wife who would treat him just like his mother does, only plus sex.  There's a cliche about all men want to marry their mothers, and this situation pokes fun at that little bit of truth.


    • Love 7
  2. I enjoyed the case itself and found it an intriguing setup.  The writers do a good job on that, I think.  But the dialogue is so clunky it's distracting.  Weird dichotomy: they're writing good plots but bad dialogue. Whenever Jaydn Wong delivers a line she sounds exactly like Khandi in the episosde of 2-1/2 Men, when Khandi was rehearsing to audition for a CSI-type TV show called Stiffs.  Khandi's delivery was hilarious, as intended.  Jaydn Wong sounds hilarious too, but clearly that's not intentional.  It's like the director told her, ok, you have to sound childish but tough every time you speak, regardless of what you're saying.  Other than this one actress, though, I don't think the problem lies with the cast, it's the lines themselves.  Hope they work on that because this show has a lot of promise.

  3. RealityGal, add to that the possibility that Louise might be setting up Daniel to kill her mother.  And bmadre, you're right -- the writers probably haven't even thought about how any of these story lines will play out.  We've had an awful lot of story lines disappear once they reached a dead end.  The Initiative, anyone?  Daniel's first love?  Padma?  Nolan's first partner?  Jack's mother?  Emily's mother?  The woman whom Emily invited to her party?  There must be a dozen more by now.

    • Love 1
  4. I'm hoping as hard as I can that Louise, whose unseen mother believes that she's crazy enough to lock up indefinitely, is indeed psychotic.  Victoria left her behind in the mental hospital after promising to help her, and I can't imagine that Louise has forgiven and forgotten that.  If there is anybody still awake in the writers' room, I do hope that we discover that Louise is out for -- gasp! -- revenge against Victoria, and intends to get it by ruining Daniel.  


    And I still wonder if Louise's mother will play a role in all this somehow.  Maybe there's another of the many loves of Victoria's life whose marriage was ruined by Victoria.  Or maybe someone in this show has a memory that stretches back further than two weeks ago, and the mother needs revenge because someone she loved was blown up by the Graysons on the plane, or in Conrad's office building.  


    Meanwhile, I think that Margaux is also conning Daniel and hopes to bring him down as well, maybe because she believes that they Graysons had some part in Daddy's death.  

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  5. So here's my take on it:  we have to suspend disbelief going in to this show in order to believe that fairy tale characters are real, and that they move through time and different worlds.  Ok, we all seem willing to do that.  But then the writers make the characters' actions and motivations inauthentic and unbelievable as well.  That's where it crosses the line for me.  I can't care about characters I don't believe in, and while I could believe that they were fairly three-dimensional people before this season, they've turned into two-dimensional characters by now.  Except for Rumple, who keeps reverting to one dimension.  Robert Carlyle is a terrific actor but all this "dearie" crap got old a long, long time ago.

    • Love 4
  6. So David Clark flagellates himself with a chain to make it look like Conrad has been beating him, thus backing up his story that Conrad had imprisoned him.  I agree with realitygirl that he was just doing that for the police.  Ok, but as David well knows, Conrad has been dead for six months.  David's wounds are brand new, and there are no old scars.  And the police can't tell the difference between a fresh wound and one that would have scarred over months ago?  Are we supposed to buy that?  


    I assume David Clark got himself arrested so that he could then reveal his existence to everyone in the Hamptons.  The only reason I can think of for him to do it that way would be to ensure that Emily would look shocked in front of Victoria, thereby making Victoria believe that he's not interested in reconnecting with Emily.  So I believe that bit of theater shows that he really is trying to manipulate Victoria.  


    Besides, he said something to her about sitting in prison and realizing that Victoria had set him up -- at least, that's what I interpreted him to be saying.  Wish I can remember what it was.  Anyway, I didn't get how they both walked off together after that.  It sounded to me like he'd drawn a line in the sand, but I must be wrong.  Having said that, I can't see what his game plan could be.  Hope kikaha is right.


    I'm still suspicious of the new cop.  I keep doubting that Patrick was really Victoria's long-lost son, so every time someone of the right age comes along, I wonder if that's the real spawn.


    And what the hell ever happened to that baby Jack is supposedly raising?

    • Love 5

    kudos to Project Runway for 1) not manufacturing conflict with an extra look or crappy eliminated helpers, and 2) using the mini-collection runway for helpful critique instead of eliminating one of the final four.

    This, very much.


    I'm wondering if they didn't eliminate one of the final four this time because Kini was the one on the bottom.  I think that if the designer on the bottomt had been Sean, or maybe possibly even St. Char, they would have cut someone.  I'm not saying that the ending is fixed, though I know posters have been saying that for years, only thinking that they wanted some strong collections at Fashion Week and Kini and Amanda are the two most likely to produce professional looks.


    Char seems like such a sweet person, somebody I'd love to hang out and laugh with, but she's been over her head for several weeks now.  At least.  


    The red tassel on the back of Sean's dress looked like a used tampon.  Wrecked the whole thing.  And enough with all the tassels already.


    Amanda's collection didn't move me, especially the skirt that the judges all drooled over, but I haven't understood her aesthetic all season.  Doesn't make me right, just doesn't make me a potential customer.


    Kini was great all season.  I felt the same way about the coat, though, that Zac Posen did.  The worst part was the styling.


    Although this show is intended to showcase Mary Kay Cosmetics, the awful makeup all season has certainly convinced me not to buy any.  Kini's models looked absolutely dreadful.  Nobody looked really good.  Aldo shoes didn't pair well with any of the looks and I'm pretty certain that one of the judges told a designer (Char?) how bad the shoes looked.  As for sponsor Best Western, there was nothing about those little hotel rooms that suggested Rome.  It could have been filmed in Peoria.  No way I'd choose that over a hotel with some local ambience.  Honestly, I thought better of all three sponsors before seeing their products showcased here.  


    And finally: what the hell did Rome have to do with anything we saw on the runway???



    • Love 3

    They are highly likely to hook each other, get tangled up in the fishing line, choke someone with the netting and possibly spear one another.

    Now that's entertainment!  I'll make the popcorn!

    • Love 2
  9. When I first saw that the Twiiiinnnniiieees were on this season I thought, Hell no, vote them off first.  And so I was happy to see one go.  But I have to say, despite my initial prejudice against these annoying sisters, that Nadiya's really impressing me.  She's strong, she's smart, she's good at challenges, and she's got more social game than I would ever have imagined -- probably because I thought she wouldn't have any.  And since there's only one now, we don't have to listen to anyone yell Twiiiinnnniiieee all the time, which really makes her so much more likeable.  I am amazed to say that I'm kind of rooting for her.


    I'm so glad the tribe didn't go along with Drew's decision to be Kingpin.  I thought we were in for some Hantzing, and I'm relieved that we're not.  Deciding to throw a challenge to vote some people off is an idiotic idea, but throwing a challenge when you don't know who you want to vote off is... well, something even stupider.


    Jeff called Drew out during the challenge with "Drew is singlehandedly losing this challenge for his team!", and then again during tribal when he pointed out that it was hard to believe how badly he'd screwed up the win.  Isn't it weird that not one person on that team seemed to notice?

    • Love 4

    Some character, I forget who, asked Fitz that question. His reply was " because I'm not a killer."

    You're right, missbonnie, and I heard that too, but I didn't understand Fitz's answer -- or maybe I found it to be an unsatisfying response.  I'm not talking about killing him.  I'm wondering why Fitz wouldn't withhold the oxygen just long enough not to kill, but to inflict the same permanent damage he suffered.  If Fitz had done that, it wouldn't have made him a killer.


    Why does Abby have to be pissy about every new person, especially if they are female? Ugh.

    I guess for the same reason that they haven't let her change her hairstyle or a single detail of her look for 11 years.  The character is played by a 45-year-old woman, but can only seem to function if she presents herself as an 8-year old.  Zero growth for her character arc in the entire time the show's been on the air.  Annoying, no?  And Ugh, yes.


    And the actress who's playing the new FBI agent that DiNozzo is flirting with -- her acting skills are almost right up there with Tori Spelling's.  Talk about wooden!

    • Love 5
  12. I was hoping that the little tenement boy would turn out to be Judd Hirsch.  And yeah, while they'd have to revise the story every decade or so, it's just silly that they have no ready answer about how they knew each other.  It's always a shame when a show that tries so hard to be smart leaves weird holes in the basic plot.

  13. I wanted to see Fitz withhold oxygen from Ward for exactly the same time that he  -- Fitz -- went without it.  Clearly it would leave Ward exactly as damaged as Fitz, which means he'd still be able to transmit all his secret Hydra info, just would need to write some things down.  I was disappointed that Fitz stopped before doing the damage.  Why?  There's no good reason why Ward needs to be at full brain capacity.

  14. Well, I did laugh a few times, which surprised me because sitcoms are rarely funny enough to actually laugh at, though I can't remember what it was that I found funny.  Other than a few good jokes in the script, though, this is a show with serious issues.  


    Mulaney may be funny in standup but in this show he looked and sounded like a high school kid forced to present his essay to the class.  So uncomfortable that it was uncomfortable to watch.  Martin Short is, was, and always will be a giant ham, but contrary to other posters, I found him even more over the top here than usual.  It's like he was channeling Robin Williams.  (And not in a good way.)


    This is the perfect show to watch On Demand on a rainy day when there's absolutely nothing on tv.  Otherwise, I'll pass.

  15. I know I'm late joining this thread but I had to post to say:  When CJ presented his foraged food and explained that he'd pressed it against herbs and plants that represented the "forest floor," I was wondering how that's any different from dropping the steak while flipping it on the grill.  Just saying.

  16. Louise hates her rich mother and I'm hoping her mother shows up for another interesting twist.  Victoria was her surrogate mother in the mental hospital, and she abandoned Louise just like her birth mother did, so I'm hoping that Louise is now out for revenge against Victoria.  Clearly she's playing Daniel when she pretends that she doesn't know who he is and emphasizes that she's got lots of money.  I really hope that Margaux is playing Daniel too. That whole drama at the airport with her getting her brother arrested suggests to me that she's playing a long game.


    Can someone please explain the appeal of Sean's design to me?  I

    Because people who look good in absolutely everything including a trash bag would also look good in that.  And the judges consider that to be the standard of great design.  


    I thought it was funny when Nina not only knocked the makeup (go sponsors!) but also the challenge itself.  In discussing Sean's redo outfit, Nina said something to the effect of well, we didn't give them anything to work with.  Then later, in judging Char's two looks, Nina said it would be interesting to see what Char could do if she actually had some time to do the work.  Go producers!


    It seemed to me as if every designer except Kini focused on only one look and let the other be a throwaway. That pink outfit of Sandya's -- I mean of Sean's -- was ridiculous.  Not even Barbie would wear that.  Amanda and Emily and Char just went through the motions to have something to send down the runway.  So if the judges are only focusing on one look, why have them do two?


    IMO, there seems to be a real conflict over the basic premise.  I'm confused when red carpet looks and yoga pants are competing against each other.  I understand that fashion encompasses all kinds of looks and ideas, just saying that I can't figure out how they're setting standards, because what looks great for riding the subway -- no matter how cute -- isn't what looks great for an evening event, so...?   



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  18. When people started talking about the controversy surrounding Rocker, they discussed how he'd shot off his mouth 15 years ago.  No one seemed to realize that it's still ongoing on his blog.  More importantly to this episode, no one seemed aware of the Bleacher Report article in April of 2014 in which Jeff Pearlman, the author of the original article from 1999, details how Rocker's behavior and comments now have gotten even worse.  When Julie said, Oh so they've read the article, this was no doubt what she was referring to.  I was amazed that none of the Survivors asked what article she meant.
    So Julie knows about the article.  I wonder if she read it, because, and I quote:


    As we walked down the sidewalk, his pen slipped from his hand to the ground. I picked it up and said, "Hey, you dropped this."

    He stared at me for a moment. "Nah," he said. "I did that on purpose."


    The day got weirder. We picked up John's girlfriend. When she exited the car, he called his other girlfriend. At one point, with Girlfriend I in the front passenger seat and me sitting in the back, John asked if I'd ever been to Disney World.

    "Sure," I said.

    "You know all those characters who walk around the park?" he said. "Mickey, Donald, Minnie?"

    "Yeah," I said. "I do."

    "Well, the people who dress up in the outfits are all f-----g f----ts, man. They're all f-----g f----ts."


    Later on, as we drove from there to here and here to there, John filled me in on some of his social takes, referring to Randall Simon, his black teammate, as a "fat monkey" and making it clear he was no fan of the Big Apple ("Imagine having to take the [Number] 7 train to the ballpark, looking like you're [riding through] Beirut next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with kids. It's depressing.")—even though he knew the city was my home.


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  19. I'm really impressed that this show works so well both for newbies like me who are just discovering this superhero as well as for long-time fans, who are evidently being treated to references to the story origins.  For that to happen, the exposition has to be clear but not heavy handed.  Shout out to the writers for achieving such a tricky balance with the script, and to the cast for making it work.

    • Love 5
  20. I've never read any superhero comics (I'm the kid who liked Millie the Model!) and my knowledge of the Flash is limited to Sheldon and crew all dressing up as the Flash for Halloween.  So I went into this without any idea of what was going to happen, and I really enjoyed it. I thought it would be formulaic -- guy has dark side due to great loss, guy gets powers, cops think guy is a villain, lots of chases -- but there were some refreshing surprises in how they set this all up.  I loved that Jesse L Martin caught on right away and embraces Barry's abilities.  I love that Barry wants to solve the mystery of his mother's death but isn't all dark about it.  I love that I have no idea what Tom Cavanaugh is up to and that I don't know whether he's good or evil -- though I was pretty sure he could walk, and I was right.  I never expected surprises but there were enough to hold my interest.  The cast is awesome.  This looks like fun! 

    • Love 1
  21. I'm really hoping that at least one of the last 10 missing years in David Clarke's life has been spent spying on these Hamptonites so that he knows the real truth.  I'm counting on him seeing through Victoria and playing her, on his knowing that Emily is his real daughter and secretly helping her schemes, and on his knowing how odious Daniel is.  I'd love to see him get his revenge on these people.  Could he have gotten back in contact with Nolan, sworn Nolan to secrecy, and that's why Nolan is so adamant that it's time for Emily to stop scheming?  I don't know why he wouldn't want Emily to know that he's alive but then I rarely understand why any of these people do anything -- probably because the writers dream it up as they go along.  Anyway, while my plot directions here will never come to pass, it would be a more interesting direction than spending more time with Margaux and Daniel and Gideon.  


    And for chrissake, get rid of Charlotte.  

  22. I've bought from the Peruvian Connection!  Their sweaters are gorgeous.  Going by what the judges were saying about the cape fabrics, Korina's pieces weren't made of the kind of quality materials that Peruvian Connection uses.  And while we agree that the outfit looked Peruvian, Korina kept saying that her aesthetic is Southwestern, no?

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