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Posts posted by FineWashables

  1. I loved the first season of this show, but now I'm just giving up.  Here's the thing: the reason I was able to buy into this whole show was because the core characters were fully developed people with quirks and flaws.  The realism of the characters balanced off the silliness of a drama about fairytale characters, and it made for compelling TV.  Then they kind of dropped the core group to focus more on the Frozen storyline which I really got bored with -- I know I'm in the minority on that but really, it wasn't nearly as interesting when the show stopped focusing on the main group in favor of these other people.  Now they're back to the original group, which is good, but they're trying to redefine who the members of the core group are as people.  This leaves me absolutely nothing to engage with.  Overwrought doesn't make for credible drama just as convoluted is no substitute for spellbinding.  (See what I did there?)

    • Love 4
  2. ITA.  Great idea.  The thing where American Idol keeps all those misguided hopefuls sitting around for hours just to be made fun of is not entertaining, it's cruel.  The hopefuls on The Voice are treated with more dignity but still, if you can't cut it, why should I listen to you sing? 


    Here's a segment I'd like to see added: instead of showing us how the contestants are jackassing around together to visit Disney World or whatever, give us an interview with each one to find out what specific challenge they're facing with this week's performance and what strategy they're using -- and I don't mean the usual insightful "if I don't win this week then I'll lose."  I don't know about the process of becoming a better singer and I'd be interested if they told us things like, I've never been comfortable with my lower register and I've had to practice 10 hours a day to adjust my breathing so I can hit those notes (or whatever it is that singers have to do to be successful out of their comfort zones -- see, I don't know, and I'd like to find out.  We get a few ideas from seeing them with the vocal coaches but it's always more about how awed they are to be singing for someone famous than it is what they learned from the experience.

    • Love 1
  3. Apparently it's more important to leave a loose thread waving around for future plot twists than it is to finally just let Emily and Jack be together.  Seriously, there can't be any other reason to leave these two hanging, can there?  Other than to keep Ben around for random sex scenes?


    Love Gina Torres, love the setup of her vs Victoria.

  4. I wouldn't mind if Sadie's ex took a shot at her and fatally hit Luke instead.  He doesn't particularly appeal to me, and he's got the personality of roadkill.  There was barely a story line for him when he was with Rayna; now that they've broken up, there's no reason to keep him around.

    • Love 5

    Vince's half-assed new-agey bullshit was a whisper-thin passive-aggressive veneer covering an insecure, egotistical, paranoid, jealous, petty little man and I'm so glad we don't have to watch him forcing bodily contact on the women in this game for the next 33 days, or insisting people "acknowledge" him.

    Brilliant analysis, Gummo.  Hope it lands on the front page quote section!  And ITA agree with Lamb18 about Vince giving off a gigolo vibe.  I got that too.  I can see him with "I'm enlightened, I see past your age and into your soul, I want to make love to your inner beauty. And you can believe me because as a coconut vendor, I naturally seek the truth."


    Will's comment about water being the black man's Kryptonite was really funny.  That said, I was surprised that no one seemed to consider voting him out after his challenge performance was so weak.  And he never made any sandwiches -- or any move to get any kind food, as far as I recall.


    I hadn't cared much for Halli but after she made that comment about how Nina just wanted to be a girl, she became one of my favorites.  I love that she got it and felt bad for Nina.


    Got an enormous kick out of the guy who lost his bikini coming into camp wearing his shirt for pants and one of the girls asking "so does this mean you're going to be walking around without a shirt?"  With a look of horror on her face.


    Who the hell wears a bra and no pants?  If you need to be free enough to go without pants then ok, but why keep the bra?  It really was an exceptionally naked effect.  Plus it made no sense.  You need some kind of pants to sit on jagged rocks,  You don't need a bra for that.

    • Love 5

    If i understood correctly, the blood was a keepsake for his love for Mona.  He wasn't keeping it for anything other than as a reminder of her, so he didn't need to keep it fresh or anything.  And he was just visiting it, to be close to her.

    Yeah, but the blood was already in his room, so it was right there whenever he needed to visit it as a keepsake.  Why take it to a remote location?


    I think she knows. Near the end, Robert was holding Sybbie and asked her what Marigold should call him. And she said "Donk" her word for grandfather. And then the camera goes to Mary across the room, and her head turns around. She's figured it out.

    ITA.  While Mary has never been even a little nice to Edith, I wonder if her own recent fling with Tony and the difficulty of getting birth control might make her sympathetic.  It would be a welcome twist.

    • Love 2


    Just have Bates take care of Dickie's sons.

    Easy breezy. Problem solved.

    Why not have Thomas do it?  He's got more flair for revenge than Bates -- Bates is a one-trick pony.  All he knows how to do is murder.  And I'm so sick of Bates being under suspicion or in jail.  No more of that, please.  Plus, isn't it weird that Scotland Yard has an infinite amount of resources to throw at the murder of a servant?


    I'm in the camp of those who think Mary was incredibly rude telling an invited guest that he shouldn't be there.  If the family couldn't make room for him, they should have offered an alternative date for his visit.  It's absolutely none of Mary's business.  Only with Lady Mary could this be considered a cute meet.


    I don't understand why the Dowager Countess pretended to like the broth.  She obviously did not -- her excuse that she was too full to do it justice is patently silly.  Seems to me that both of her servants are out of control, which makes no sense given her sense of how things must be done.  Her lady's maid is awful, and I'd have thought she would have jumped at the chance to humble her.  Don't get it.


    I do completely agree with Isabelle Crowley turning Lord Merton down because his sons are awful.  I'm assuming that because they're peers (or royalty?  Sorry for my American ignorance.) it wouldn't be appropriate to disown them, since there needs to be heirs to the property and the title.  Again, I don't know much about how these inheritances go, but it would seem that cutting someone off is really a big deal for the whole family dynasty.


    Loved how Rose won Lord Sinderby over.  Loved the proposal and engagement of Carson and Mrs Hughes.  Loved that Prince Kuryagin is gone -- I couldn't help thinking that he looked like he smelled really bad, and I can't imagine the Dowager Countess being swept away by that at any age.  Love that the Dowager Countess apparently has some past flings in her life.  



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    After all I'm sure the staff of the Survivor production would not have allowed to a dangerous person to even get close to Survivor cast.

    I wish I agreed, but I can't.  Did you see the season with Brandon Hantz?  Because it was clear from his statements on Day 1 forward that the guy was batshit crazy.  And not in a good way.

    • Love 11
  10. As a coconut vendor, I obviously seek the truth.




    Looks like Joe is the new Ozzy -- man, he can do everything well, can't he?  As long as he's smart enough to sidestep a love triangle, he should go far.

    • Love 3
  11. From the lack of starpower on the Red Carpet to awards for movies that haven't really captured the public's heart, this was a boring, boring show.  I agree with all those upthread who point out that it's hard to be invested in an awards show when there's no real audience investment in the movies nominated.


    The opening musical number was dreadful and pointless and not funny and had nothing to do with the Oscars, as far as I could tell.  I mean, Billy Crystal wasn't the best presenter in the history of award shows but his opening musical skit was always funny and always related directly to the movies under consideration.  It didn't help that NPH's lyrics were completely drowned out by the orchestra, and it didn't help even more that the number dragged on and on and on.  The musical number with Anna Kendrick was pointless as well.  Adam Levine sounded terrible.  It looked like Rita Ora was lip-synching.


    I've never been a Lady Gaga fan but I will admit she sounded great last night.   Add me to the list of those who don't understand why she personally got grief for where she was slotted into the program.



    I bet a lot of Gaga fans simply stop watching Shonda's shitty TV shows now.


    I bet that very very few care at all, let alone care enough to stop watching Shonda's shows.  If Lady Gaga still had lots of fans, they would have showed their support by buying that awful last album of hers.  

    • Love 1
  12. Ok, I know I'm an idiot to quibble about reality when it comes to the details and the plotting of this show, but here are some random thoughts:


    This was Hanna's dance audition for the pageant coach.  Why in the world would Emily be dancing alongside her in that case?


    The girls donated their blood at the blood drive, and the nurses marked the vials with their first names only?  Shouldn't the vials have been labelled Montgomery, Marin, and Hastings instead of Aria, Hanna, and Spencer?


    Mike needs to hide blood, and we've seen that the blood needs to be refrigerated.  So he hides it in a tree, where it will spoil almost immediately.  Then he goes back in the middle of the night to what -- visit it?


    Spencer wears no gloves to break into the art gallery -- as others have noted before me -- but feels the need to wear a black watchcap as a disguise?  She didn't even tuck her hair into it to maybe fool someone about what she looks like.

    • Love 2
  13. Yeah, agreed, that laugh track was way too loud and played way too randomly.  If a laugh track kicks in for a punchline, it's annoying, but it's infuriating when someone walks into a room and says something like "hi" and the laugh track screams with hilarity.  I get totally distracted with "what are they laughing about?" and "did I miss something?"

    • Love 2

    I wish the show didn't eliminate any designers and had a points system instead. I'd love to see six different designs each week.

    THIS!!! Crimsongirl, you are a genius.  I can't think of too many reality competitions that wouldn't benefit from this approach: Project Runway, Top Chef, Design Star, and this Ellen Design show --  I'd love to see them give this a try for a season.  Instead of giving us a group of 12 or 16 contestants with a core group of only 5 or 6 who've got any hope of winning, get rid of the low-hanging fruit and keep 6 solid contestants in until the semi-finals.  Instead of stupid manufactured drama among the contestants, spend more time having the contestants consult with the judges or mentors to understand what it's going to take for them to produce a winning design.  I'd love to hear these creative people discuss the creative process, and how they arrive at the choices they make.  Keeping the contestants in week to week would allow for that more, whereas the current format does not.

    • Love 4
  15. I love Matthew Perry and I'm the only one in America who liked the two shows he had that were cancelled.  I really like Thomas Lennon and I can see him as Felix.  So I'm really confused as to why this show just lay there, lifeless.  The only funny lines were the ones recycled from the original show -- the FU jokes, for example.  I'll give it another try but this was just flat and there was nothing really to hook into.  The basic Odd Couple storyline and this cast deserve better.  Whatever went wrong, I hope they fix it fast.

    • Love 2
  16. When I look at Wayfair commercials I see a younger demographic all dancing around because they're so excited about their furniture.  Katie seems to fit best with the image Wayfair is trying to project -- Mark's aesthetic was too rustic, Carley's persona was too country, Leslie was too middle-aged and that Resting Bitch Face was just bad bad bad.  Gaspar and Tim could win, but if Wayfair is going to showcase the winner and what they put out so that they can position themselves as cutting-edge design for 20-somethings, then I think Katie has a real advantage.  

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    I think it's pretty neat that Steven Hawking does cameos on a sitcom; I know that he's been on BBT before. The guy must have a great sense of humor despite his extremely challenging physical situation.

    Yes!  Unlike many posters here I was shocked when Steven Hawking showed up again.  With all he's got going on, taking time to mock himself on a sitcom is so endearing.  I love that he's a fan of this show and is willing to celebrate geekdom.  I love that he makes an effort to let the world know that in addition to being a genius who's earned his place in history, he's also a regular guy who watches tv and goofs around.


    Hey, Bill Gates, why not get in on this too?

    • Love 6
  18.  I can't believe that I didn't realize until last night that the whole one-hour challenge thing is just stupid manufactured drama and it doesn't matter what the designers send out, the decision has already been made.  TPTB are really pulling out the stops to try to get us interested, aren't they?  From random little dog outfits to impossible deadlines to stupid-ass challenges that produce nothing anyone would wear even alone inside the house,  Why not just shake shiny objects at the camera to hyp-mo-tize us?  Once again I am sorely disappointed that the viewers find the design process more interesting than the producers do.

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