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Posts posted by FineWashables


    David Copperfield looked like he had a large wig on his head.

    Because he did.

    That whole chef-as-entertainer spiel from Padma bummed me out greatly. This is the emphasis that generates Guy Fieri and Jeff Mauro.  Not the direction chefs should need to take.


    I wish I'd paid closer attention to those grapes because it was those grapes that got Jeremy into the finale. Sweet and spicy pickled grapes -- wish I knew how he made that, because I'd love to try to make it and taste it for myself.  Anybody catch what he did to create those grapes?

    • Love 4
  2. For my part, I have trouble believing that Rachel can sit for the day in those sausage-tight skirts she wears.  


    I worked in NY for many years and no, nobody wears out-of-season fashion.  Ever.  If it's a 50-degree day in July, they're still in summer dresses, and even if it goes up to 60 midwinter, they're still wearing wool and cashmere.  Because New Yorkers care about fashion, especially if they earn enough money to dress the way they'd like to.

    • Love 1

    HGTV s***s with not putting any episodes on the website, on TV On-Demand, or on YouTube

    Amen to that.  If a network is looking to add viewers to new shows, why not give viewers access to the show?  My On-Demand thinks I only want to watch Love It or List It (I HATE both Hilary and David, so an emphatic no thanks there), Fixer Upper (I have to switch channels whenever Chip Gaines starts mugging and showing off), or Property Brothers (which I will indeed watch any time, any where, over and over).  And that's it for the lineup.


    Amazed but delighted that Vivian won -- I was certain the fix was in for Sef.  I never imagined that Vivian was straight but I, too, thought that Sef was gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) I assumed at first that his fiancee was his sister because they do resemble each other at least superficially.


    Sef is really, really committed to shelving in his furniture, isn't he?  Not necessarily a bad thing, but also not necessarily necessary.

  4. Carl is so right about his ego getting in the way, and it was amazing to see that happen not just once, but twice in the same episode.  


    How many times have we heard a cheftestant announce that it's considered sacrilege to pair X with Y, but that's only because people haven't tasted it the way I make it?  Didn't Philip pull that too this season?  If the general consensus is that two tastes don't pair well, then don't make it in a competition. Fish and cheese do show up on plates here and there but it's usually considered gauche -- lobster mac and cheese and McD's filet of fish sandwich come to mind. I like both of those things once or twice a year but I wouldn't present them to Tom Collichio.


    Then Carl smiles while the judges tell him not to make a torchon and the torchon fails. Wonder how that happened?


    Can't warm up to Jeremy for some reason. Glad I don't have to interact with Marjorie. I like Issac and I think his stuff is probably delicious but w a y too rustic for this fine dining competition.  So I guess I don't have a dog in this race.

    • Love 3

    Why couldn't they just get a mistrial based on Gibbs' breaking the restraining order which forbid her from contacting Louis?

    Right???????  I love the characters in this show but I just don't understand how they can spin whole plotlines about points of legality and then mix in stuff that's clearly complete nonsense.


    That headhunter was promised that she could raid anybody on staff --- and nobody approached Donna?  Ridiculous. 


    I guess I'm the only one who thought we'd already seen Rachel tell Mike she's pregnant. Obviously I was wrong. But I bet that love scene we just saw hits the mark. She's got to be delivering the baby while Mike is in prison because drama.

    • Love 2
  6. Aleicia seems to have woken up and realized she's in the middle of playing Survivor, but she still doesn't seem to know what to do about that.  Like most people here, I really don't like the two guys on that tribe. That said, I don't see Aleicia winning and I just can't root for her. She's the Tito of the Jackson family and sometimes, not being LaToya just isn't enough.


    Cydney, on the other hand, was playing an amazing game right up until she led the two guys to find the idol. WTF?? I get that she didn't want it to go to Aleicia but why give power away to these douchenozzles?  How does she figure that helps her?  Hope she's got a secret plan.


    So you're too good-looking to have genuine feelings, Phil Dunphy?  And you're so self-absorbed that you think this is a good thing?  It's possible that I dislike this guy almost as much as Russell Hantz.  Good thing they give him almost no camera time or Hantz would have some real competition.



    • Love 7
  7. So let me make sure I understand this correctly: Sef's piece is a desk. It converts into a lower-height surface so it can be used as a child's desk. So... where's the chair one would use at this desk? Is it sized for an adult, or for a child? Because the two heights of table couldn't work with the same chair. So it's one desk that you'd need two chairs to use? How, exactly, is that helpful or functional for anyone? I just don't get the concept. That mechanism looked like it could snap a child's fingers off, but ok, I guess that doesn't count for some reason. 


    Miles's piece was so badly constructed, but at least the concept was really a clever solution to apartment dinner seating.


    I wish Vivian would win because her designs are both beautiful and beautifully constructed, but I think the fix is in for Sef.



    • Love 5

    It's very hard to talk about this and coming off well, and I can only hope SP doesn't know of the existence of this board let alone checks it out, but Alison's look from head to toe this season has been problem for me. I'm sure if the story was better I wouldn't be so hyper aware of that but since I have nothing to distract me it's become an issue. The hair...the long, stringy, terrible fake hair. Why? Why so much hair? Why so long? Why so fake looking?

    I would copy your whole post because it's so on-point, but this needs to be said, and you've said it so well.


    The stylists seem to try to be distracting us from SP's weight gain, which is fair enough, but giving her an enormous mound of fake-looking hair isn't helping as much as they seem to think it does. Yes, when you're heavier, you want to make sure that you don't look like you have a pinhead on a big body, but this is just drawing negative attention. And dressing her in layers of ruffles is just making her look like one of those crocheted things my grandma put over her spare toilet paper roll. All those giant skirts!  She's just a bonnet and a crook away from Little Bo Peep.  Look around, stylists. The world is full of plus-size women who dress well. Give poor Ali a break! She's been through enough!  

    • Love 3
  9. Here's something that's never ever going to happen, but I love it as a new plotline: We all wonder what they could be doing with Sutton Foster in the cast.  I know I am because her character in Bunheads was as close to Lorelei Gilmore as it's possible to get.  So how about if Rory comes back to Stars Hollow with Sutton Foster as her new lover.  Her own personal Lorelei.  Take that, Dean and Jess and Logan.


    Since that will never happen, I wonder if Sutton Foster could be a new wife for Christopher?  

  10. Yeah, I'm so glad the hidden immunity idols are actually hidden this season and not just placed where they can easily be discovered without even a clue.


    Very curious as to why we never hear anything from or about Cydney.  There were 3 women on that tribe -- nobody at tribal asked her anything about whose version of the all-woman alliance scheme was correct. Why not?? Interesting that she made no move to back up either one of the women.  Weird that Jeff didn't probst (see what I did there?) to find out her take on it.


    Neal?  Who the hell is Neal?  Gotta go to the Survivor cast page and check him out.

    • Love 2
  11. "The Basketball Player and the Hitman" -- Joey Tribbiani's new TV pilot, now that "Mac and Cheese" didn't make it.


    I was a 20-year-old girl when I started working on Wall St in a male-dominated industry, and picked up a few strategies that Joe sure could use. When you're in the minority (as he is age-wise), don't go ordering people around.  If you have a good idea, don't declare that this is what we're all going to do. You wait until the others have spoken, then ASK the ringleaders if they think your idea might work. You have no power if you're not in the majority in a group, and it's very important to respect the social pecking order, if not the people themselves. Joe thinks everyone is going to do things his way just because they SHOULD. But people don't usually do the things they should.


    Debbie, however -- I have no words. Delusional people make me nervous because there's no reasoning with them, and it's almost impossible to predict how they will behave.  I'd vote her out next, if it were up to me, for that reason alone.


    I'm now all pro-Tai because first of all, he managed somehow to get the target off his back -- how did he do that? -- and second, I loved how he climbed the tree and wondered how Ozzie managed to make it look so easy


    Finally: tats can be so beautiful and artistic. Why are these Brawn people sporting ugly ink? Looks like somebody drew on the walls of a bathroom stall.

    • Love 11

    I wonder if Bertie's mother will play a role in the Christmas Special. Maybe she'll go head to head with Violet.

    Yes.  I want this!  Wouldn't it be wonderful if they cast Joan Collins for the role?  I'd love to see Violet smack her down.

    • Love 3
  13. I thought Jeremy's drumming was as excruciating as Craig's rapping.  Why are they choosing guest judges who have no connection at all to food?  It's not like he's a hot current celebrity who would bring in viewers.  Weird choices.


    Speaking of weird choices: they like Karen's dish but it's not authentic to the challenge.  They dislike Jeremy's dish and it's not authentic to the challenge.  So the loser is... Jeremy????

    • Love 2
  14. And why are they pooping in the ocean anyway?  Dig a hole, people!  There's plenty of sandy ground for them to use away from the camp.  Who wants to see brown trout swimming back up onto the beach?  Who wants to eat shellfish from that part of the shore now?  If you need to dunk into the ocean to clean yourself off, that's one thing, but haven't they ever heard that you don't poop where you eat?

    • Love 14
  15. Hey Nick, if you look exactly like the actor who plays Phil Dunphy on "Modern Family," you are NOT irresistibly handsome.



    Is Debbie an actual person or an Andrea Martin character?

    Yes!  This!  She reminded Mr Washables and I of that woman from many seasons back who brought a ukelele as her Luxury Item (remember those?) and sang songs she composed herself about "Survivor."  She never made it past first team's tribal and if Debbie doesn't stop talking, neither will she.


    I don't know Bug Girl's name, probably because I was screaming "ewww" at the screen whenever she was on. I had something similar happen to me in 3rd grade -- the bug died and had to be flushed out, I was laying down on a New York City street screaming, not just because of the pain, but because hearing something walk around in your ear canal is really, really off-putting. When she jumped to her feet after the bug came out, I was truly impressed.  Go Bug Girl FTW!


    Finally: Blondie gives an impassioned speech at tribal about how she never, ever quits. But Blondie, you never even STARTED to work on the puzzle, so of course you couldn't quit.  Darnell probably wouldn't have made another mistake in the second challenge.  Blondie, on the other hand, won't be any smarter next week.

    • Love 5
  16. The judges sent a really talented guy home early in this season's competition because he had only created one of what was supposed to be four (?) pieces that would flank a firepit.  Lots of judgement about how the goal of the competition is to design something that can be finished by deadline.  So, WTF with Sef?  And while maybe it's okay to raid the workshop for existing drawers, is it okay never to mention it during the judging process?  Again, firepit furniture guy got sent home for the same thing.


    I'd be super pissed if I were Vivian or Kyle.  They were on top, and had every right to expect to knock someone off from the bottom.  What an empty victory for Vivian, whose table was absolutely beautiful.

    • Love 6
  17. For those who wonder why Philip even went on Top Chef if he wasn't prepared to take criticism, consider that 1) he assumes he's the best and so no one will be able to criticize him and 2) he's on there to promote his brand. Which has something to do with microgreens and tattoos and buns. 


    Even if he went on Next Food Network Star, I can't believe anyone would want to see more of his personality.  Also, if he won, he wouldn't get a cooking show.  The Food Network doesn't do cooking shows any more.  Philip would have to go somewhere and eat something and then comment on how good it is.  

    • Love 7

    Also, Wayfair lady was there when they were designing the pieces.  Why the heck did she not make comments about how brutalism is not the best choice for Italian design then?

    Good point.  I'm guessing they expect the designers to be already familiar with the kind of furniture carried on the Wayfair site. When the commercials feature nothing but well-dressed people singing and dancing ecstatically about their furniture, it's probably wise to avoid concepts like "brutalism," "goth," or, say, "fascist era design."  Once again, the sponsor angle suggests that commercial viability plays a much bigger role than I think it should in a design competition.

    • Love 1
  19. My interpretation of the "style" vs "design" critique is that when you decorate something that already exists, you're styling it, whereas designing involves producing something that hasn't exactly been seen yet.  Melissa's dressing table set is classic in shape and style to the point where there was nothing new there, however nicely it was decorated.  Kyle's Moroccan table looked like it could be in a stage production of "Aladdin" because again, more decoration than design.  Sef's giant chair looked exactly like every other quality office chair -- I didn't really get "armchair" out of it so much as "conference table chair."  Vivian's piece would have looked more like the style she was emulating if she had exaggerated the shape more, but if she did, it would have been ugly.  I'm so glad she wasn't aufed.  Miles's room divider was practical, therefore saleable.  


    I had no idea that commercial viability was the chief  judging criteria.  I wonder if that's really what Ellen intends.



    • Love 5

    Again, if GIbbs had an ounce of smarts, she would have subpoenaed any Harvard records pertaining to Mike Ross, and it would become clear that there's not any beyond the ones that were hacked into existence, and that those only came into being after.



    They can't find a way out of this situation because the premise is, and always has been, ridiculous.  I really enjoy the show, don't get me wrong, it's a lot of fun, but I don't try to figure out how they're going to solve their legal issues because the whole idea is batshit in the first place, leading to improbable solutions. 


    Mike's appeal was always that he's a "real" guy in a shark tank.  Now, not so much.  Been a while since we saw him ride his bike to work, no?  He's going douchebag.

    • Love 3

    You know, I assumed a female superhero show might defy classic tropes regarding females in superhero shows/films. And...nope, Kara's pretty much stuck in love triangles, love squares and thrown into these subplots just for the sake of it. It's why I find Kara/Cat and Kara/Alex scenes more interesting. Why can't Kara just spend the season figuring out her superhero stuff before being forced into multiple romances?

    Lady Calypso, I couldn't agree more.  I thought this show would take on 2016 sensibilities and issues but no, it's just a tepid return to the 50's. Who will take me to the prom? 


    Really, Bizarro?  We've got to stick to Superman retreads? Because I can tell you right now, the old evil twin schtick was dead and buried long before MiniMe. 

    • Love 2
  22. Both Lord Grantham and Carson have had trouble stomaching change, and now the metaphor is right out there. The stress of all these new ways and ideas has got Lord Grantham spitting out the very blood that makes him an entitled aristocrat, and Carson can't stomach his new wife's attempt to nurture him. 

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