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Posts posted by FineWashables

  1. I cringed watching Mike's Ego play that challenge.  Sierra is yelling that she can do it, and he won't back off to let anyone else try.  Just dumb luck that he pulled it off.  It really says something about how unlikeable this season's cast is that I'm rooting for Mike not because I like him, but because everybody else in the game hates him.

    • Love 7


    SANDMAN, ON 04 MAY 2015 - 08:23 AM, SAID:

    his unfortunate incarceration.


    I actually LOLed there, slasherboy.  Very very funny.


    I'd like another season of this.  We could watch Monkey set herself up for her next murder.  Presumably Mom would move on to another guy and the kid would kill him rather than accept that her parents aren't getting back together.  If the new guy has a kid, that kid would make for a new target.  Or: she's 13 now and interested in boys.  Imagine what she'd do to a guy who breaks her heart.  Or a girl who tries to steal the boyfriend.  Endless dramatic possibilities with killer kids.


    If Natalie actively works to put her sister in jail, she'd better watch her back too.

    • Love 2
  3. I was so distracted by the women's eyebrows, particularly Sierra's.  What's going on there?  Why do the women have over-manicured eyebrows while the guys have full-on neck beards?


    So here's a somewhat dissenting opinion about the Shirin/Will fight.  Will went way too far but I can clearly see what set him off.  Shirin was throwing shade on Will, that he kept food for himself, he was lying.  And when he confronted her with that, she went all passive aggressive and denied she'd said anything negative.  All she had to say was "Sorry, I was obviously wrong, you did share everything you got" and that would have been the end of it.  But Shirin believes she's never wrong.  Will is right about her victim mentality and I sympathize with his aversion to passive aggression -- I totally hate passive aggressiveness too.  I see where she pulled his trigger and I see why he's infuriated when she denied doing it.  And now, that said, his tirade was way over the top.  

    • Love 4
  4. I agree that the younger daughter is a sociopath, and I'd be all in on her being the murderer, BUT... as mentioned upthread, Melissa Gilbert is a major star and so far, she hasn't been given much to do. So it kinda has to be her. I know on any show I watch, the most recognizable guest star is always the perp.  So how about this: she found her autistic son molesting the little kid and had to kill the kid to protect her son.  Now I just have to figure out how they all got the kid into the woods.

    • Love 1
  5. That last leg of the challenge where Mike threw it to Kelly reminded me so much of that South Park episode where the two opposing baseball teams kept trying to lose so they wouldn't have to play baseball all summer.  Only funnier.


    I'm not clear why they targeted Joachim instead of Rodney.  I would have wanted to boot the player who came up with the plan to throw the challenge, and that was Rodney.  Never.  Throw.  A.  Challenge.

    • Love 2
  6. So the Terminator guy couldn't go along on the mission because it was important that Katherine McPhee go instead?  Why, exactly?


    Amazing how Sylvester was able to do a fireman's carry even though the guy had a giant piece of shrapnel in the middle of his thigh.  How does that work?  Amazing too how he and the helicopter pilot waited out a firestorm and when they crawled out of the pipe, had no problem kneeling and laying on the grassy ground that had just been in flames.  Because the embers wouldn't be hot or anything.


    A show about geniuses shouldn't require viewers to be stupid to buy in to what they're doing.

    • Love 5
  7. I keep thinking that maybe Margaux has faked her whole pregnancy and has bribed the doctors to fool Victoria.  This seems less and less likely as we watch her interact with more and more hospital personnel but still, on a show that requires suspension of disbelief, it's still possible.  Confused as to why Margaux doesn't want to name the hospital wing after Daniel until she's cleared his name.  Wasn't the entire point of naming a hospital wing after him to build a positive legacy in his name and cancel out the negatives associated with it?  So...?


    In what universe is Jack in trouble when the police have lost the evidence against him?  No evidence, no case.  I don't understand why lawyer mother is all freaked out.  Breathalyzer is inaccurate and so people have the right to require a blood test.  How is this even still an issue for him?


    Don't understand the significance of Amanda's birth certificate.  It proves that someone with that name was born to two people on a specific date.  It doesn't prove who that person is.  Also: are we actually 100% sure that Emily didn't push Margaux?  She wasn't in the shot.


    Love that Louise is a little nuts after all.  Loved watching Nolan realize she's not really opposed to killing someone who needs it.  Hoping Louise decides to take our Margaux.  And soon.

  8. I agree that there are two different styles of listening, and I use them all the time.  If someone comes to me with a problem I will try to come up with some suggestion to help.  If they shoot that down, I'll try another idea.  If they shoot down three ideas then I accept that they don't want me to help, they just need to vent -- and often to demonstrate that their problem is so enormous and intellectually complex that no one can solve it.  From then on, I'll never offer that person suggestions again, just listen and be there for them.  People who do want to find a solution, we'll talk about it together.  So how I listen depends on my experiences with the individual I'm listening to.  Not once in my life has this been gender-driven. One listening style could be called active and the other passive, but I've never seen a gender pattern.  I'm guessing Dan still sees women as passive.  Jeez, dude, pick up a newspaper.

    • Love 8
  9. Yeah, Rodney, and since women must hold themselves to a higher standard you always get your blowjobs from men, right?  Tool.


    There are many women in my family who are in their 90s.  They used to tell me when I was a teen that women must hold themselves to a higher standard than men because women can get pregnant and men can't.  This must have been a compelling argument before the advent of birth control but it was already outdated by the time I heard it -- and even as a 12 year old, I knew enough to ignore it.  I give them credit for dropping this attitude even if it took them to the 80s to adjust to the change.  Rodney wasn't even born then so I wonder where he even heard this idea, let alone accepted it as gospel.  I do hate it when people refuse to think for themselves because "everybody knows" that something is true.

    • Love 6
  10. Anything that puts Blair Underwood on my screen is a good thing.  I wish he'd become part of the regular ensemble.  Also cheered seeing Adrianna again.  Kept hoping someone would offer Kyle McLaughlan a piece of cherry pie.


    The plot holes were bigger than the plot itself, and way deeper.  Writing fantasy doesn't mean it's ok to go with stupid.  And everything about the Wisconsin trip was deeply and profoundly stupid.

    • Love 2
  11. Am I the only one who can't help thinking that Scott Wolf is too young to be drinking?  He still looks like a kid.  And for some reason the actress playing Natalie looks like she's about 70 now despite the obviously extensive work she's had done.


    When experienced FBI agents leave a citizen alone with a gun to hold two murderers hostage, it's difficult to believe that they don't intend for the citizen to shoot them.  It certainly did solve all their problems, didn't it?  

  12. It's one thing to mentor someone by teaching them the techniques they need to master the dish they intend to cook.  It's another to order them to put cinnamon or ginger into food -- which neither cook had intended to use -- and then watch their mentee take a hit for using an ingredient that doesn't belong.  That isn't mentoring.  If a teacher tells a student how to edit his/her essay, it's mentoring.  If a teacher tells a student to change the direction of the essay away from what the student wanted to say, it's not mentoring.


    At the same time, the cheftestants need to remember that they are required to agree with their mentor about everything and follow orders.  If you don't follow orders you're out, even if the dish was good, because it would have been an even better dish if you did what you were told.  


    And that, in a nutshell, is what's wrong with this show.  Project Runway contestants, take note.

    • Love 3

    I also don't believe Durst keeps those photos for sentimental reasons, unless one intends 'trophies of his kills' as 'sentiment.'

    I honestly think this guy is batshit crazy enough to miss his wife even though he killed her.  I'm sure he believes he had no choice -- the way she acted, she made him do it.  Hear that all the time from domestic abusers, don't we?  And then they show up with flowers because they're sorry but it's not their fault -- the woman provoked them, but that doesn't mean they don't love her.  I think this is the same kind of thing.  Damn that Susan, she ruined everything: Look at how happy we were before she changed from the woman I married into someone else.  This photo is my proof.

    • Love 9
  14. I think little brother Dougie will do anything he can to help put Bob away.  They spent quite a lot of time -- I think it was in episode 2 -- on how the two brothers have always hated each other.  Doug has nothing good to say about Bob.  Bob has nothing good to say about Doug.  So while I'm not questioning Bob's guilt, I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of the bits Doug has contributed, perhaps including the dead dogs, were every bit as fabricated as Bob's alibis.  I don't see the Durst family closing in to protect Bob.  Will Doug benefit financially if Bob is sent to jail for life? 

    • Love 3
  15. I had such high hopes when this show premiered.  I thought they'd dive into how these survivors adapt to the new planet, what challenges they have to solve, how they take care of their basic needs.  Instead, it quickly devolved into a show about war.  I'm not entertained by war.  He killed her!  She killed him!  They killed each other!  It's random as to who gets killed, because that's the way war works, so it's hard for me to get invested in the story now.  They're creating characters just so viewers are supposed to care when the characters die.  Meh.

    • Love 5
  16. ^ Yes, she sure is.  The core idea is that Bonnie was a bad mother to Christy and Christy is still mad about it, and then Christy was a bad mother to Violet and so Violet is still mad.  At one point Violet was pregnant and I thought they'd keep going in that direction but then Violet gave the baby up for adoption because she didn't want to be a bad mother herself.  And yes, having to clean up after Christy all those years has put a big, big chip on her shoulder.  Mr Washables, who has been sober for almost 20 years, has two daughters who still won't speak to him.  My understanding is that this angry, entitled attitude is one classic response to an alcoholic parent.

    • Love 5
  17. I know I'm in the minority on this but each episode makes me like Floki  less and less.  He's mean and he's creepy and I'm not at all convinced that he's even loyal.  Between the false voice when he speaks and wearing more guyliner than David Bowie in the '70s, he's one character whose death would entertain me.  Wouldn't miss him a bit.

    • Love 7

    Also, if Sheldon wrote a letter to the editor explaining that Leonard was a collaborator and not a subordinate they would surely publish it in a future issue letter column.

    Yes!!!  You know this and I know this.  It's a magazine convention to run letters commenting on an article they've run if the writer is a key person in that article.  These guys read all kinds of scientific magazines -- it's been a running gag throughout the show that they ask Penny if she's read something from obscure magazines on scientific research.  I thought it was a huge plot hole to ignore something this obvious.  The plot would have worked just as well if it had focused on Sheldon attempting to write a letter that would give Leonard some credit -- what would he have agreed to give him credit for, and how would he have admitted it?  These people are supposed to be smart.  So why a dumb plot?


    Speaking of how smart they're supposed to be:  Not one of them considered that frozen soup and brisket and meatloaves could now be put in someone's fridge to be defrosted and eaten that week.  And as BooksRule mentioned upthread, how can they not know that the contents of the freezer would stay frozen for a couple of days if they didn't open the freezer door?


    I loved Joan's blouse with the single blue flower design!

    Me too.  Joan's blouse was easily the most interesting thing in this episode.  


    Could Joan's brother and sister-in-law have some kind of roleplaying sex thing going on where she puts on a blonde wig?

    • Love 1
  20. I understand why Shirin was so excited about seeing monkeys doing it -- who wouldn't be?! --  but she's losing sight of one of the basic principles of Survivor: don't keep demanding attention.  Between the nonstop monkey talk and waving her curlies around by the river, Shirin is losing sight of the end game.  Reminds me of the woman many seasons ago who brought a ukelele and sang songs she wrote herself about Survivor.  She never made it past the landing on the beach.

    • Love 8
  21. ^ She wasn't.  She's stalking Scott Wolf.  Scott Wolf told her it wasn't appropriate for them to continue contact after the trial.  She showed up uninvited at the rehearsal dinner anyway and Eric McCormick made her leave.  Ditto when she showed up to the wedding.  The reception wasn't planned for the church hall -- and you're right, if it had been, the big gift wouldn't have been as strange.  Given that she'd already been identified as a psycho stalker, I'd have thought Eric McCormick would have checked it for chloroform and weapons.  I was disappointed when she didn't put on that ugly wedding dress and march down the aisle instead of Kate.

    • Love 1

    No, seriously, this is a bad plan. Skye *causes earthquakes*. And can't control it. Getting her off planet earth until she figures that shit out is not being bigoted against people for being different, that is just common sense. I mean, what is their alternative here, really? Keep her in a cell and have upsetting conversations near her until that ends up causing a serious death-toll? At the very least they ought to move her someplace where an earthquake wouldn't be a disaster. Iike, oh, Antarctica. Or the moon.

    Yes.  I just don't understand why they think it's so important to keep the world's most destructive weapon not only alive, but close by.  Because she's one of "us"?  But Coulson only got her involved in the first place because he knows she isn't, so... I don't know.  If the castaways had only killed Gilligan they would have gotten off the island almost right away.  I'm seeing Skye as the Gilligan here.  

    • Love 2
  23. Speaking of big ol' red flags: Who brings a large wrapped gift into the church for the ceremony?  Nothing weird there.  


    I have to admit I did like the way they portrayed how we all see at least two opposing sides to any decision. Eric McCormack can't figure out if the right thing is to let her go or to let her know that he loves her, and that's the kind of dilemma everybody faces at some point.  For once the hallucinations really served a purpose in developing, rather than defining, his character.  


    That said, devoting half the story to how he figures out that the name was Roger Jackson was pointlessly convoluted at best.

    • Love 1
  24. The minute the diplomats started arguing I said to Mr Washables "Everything will be okay if only Katherine McPhee sings to them" and thought it was a decent snark -- right up until Katherine McPhee actually started singing.  At least, I assume that was her voice singing the lullaby because she's in the show and it's the law.

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